The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 356: Wonder Girl (middle)

Chapter 356 The Amazing Girl (Part 2)

Chapter 356 The Amazing Girl (Part 2)

"You! You want me another drink." The little girl immediately stared at some bluish eyes and looked at Zhang Yang inexplicably. "I have no money." Zhang Yang responded angrily before continuing to ask: "You honestly tell me your identity, if you don't say it, I will send you to the police station in a moment."

"No! I will cry if you want to send me to the police station! I will call your father! I will tell the police that you don't want me!" the little girl threatened immediately.

"It doesn't work. I brought my ID card. The police went back to check and knew my age. Also, my account showed that I was unmarried." Zhang Yang didn't eat this set.

"... This **** ID card system in China!" the little girl could not help whispering. Although her voice was very low, Zhang Yang heard it. This sentence moved Zhang Yang's heart, this little guy is not Chinese? His thoughts had not fallen, the little girl had continued to speak, but this time he looked at Zhang Yang with a pitiful expression and whispered, "Don't you give me to the police, OK? I was trafficked by bad guys Yes, I don’t have a passport, no hukou, and no ID sent me in, I can only stay in the orphanage. Do you have the heart to see my lovely girl being sent to the orphanage? "

"..." To tell the truth, Zhang Yang really made no mistake with this little girl. At the end of this pleading, she didn't forget to praise herself, but if this little girl said it was true, Zhang Yang couldn't bear to send her to the police. If she arrives at the police and has no passport or ID card, it is estimated that if she is sent back to Zhang Yang, or sent to an orphanage or an orphanage, there is no third possibility unless her parents find it.

But this little guy didn't mention her parents, it is estimated that he wouldn't say it when he went to the game. "Okay, let's change a topic. So many people just watched. Why did you have to catch me called Dad?" Zhang Yang was curious. The people who just watched were not just one or two, at least a dozen or twenty people. Why did this little girl catch Zhang Yang and call her father? There are so many people next to it.

"This...Can I say no?" the little girl asked Zhang Yang carefully.

"No!" Zhang Yang died curiously. There is such a coincidence in the world, so many people are there, she doesn't call anyone, she has to catch herself to call her father?

"Okay... there were so many people there, but they didn't have money, so you have money. I certainly recognize my father as a rich father." The little girl said for granted.

Zhang Yang was stunned. He looked at the little girl inexplicably and said, "Do you have special functions? How do you know that I have money?"

"Nonsense! You are wearing more than a hundred thousand sets of Armani custom-made clothes, you say you have no money, you don't believe in coaxing." The little girl rolled her eyes directly, shaking her little feet is your idiot Look.

Zhang Yang looked down at his casual clothes... He was completely speechless. To be honest, if an uninformed person saw Zhang Yang's casual clothes, at most they thought it was just a better-looking dress, not at all. I think it is worth more than 100,000 sets.

This dress was held by the Star Group for a press conference. Just in case, Tan Yudie made a suit for Zhang Yang. After all, Zhang Yang is the biggest chairman of the Star Group, and he is wearing dozens of pieces of clothes. It's too unreliable. Is there anyway to take out the clothes? Originally prepared to customize a suit, but Zhang Yang did not like to wear a suit, he felt a little tired wearing a suit, and finally decided to wear casual clothes.

To be honest, Zhang Yang didn't think it was different except that it was really comfortable to wear, and like this high-end brand of clothing, their brand logos are quite restrained, and they don't look like Some big-name goods can't wait for a brand to be marked on their clothes to show what brand it is.

If you don't pay attention, you won't notice that the clothes are of the Shenma brand. But the little girl in front of you not only recognized it, but also directly broke it. It was specially customized, not the finished product bought in the specialty store. "Who are you." Zhang Yang asked seriously looking at the little girl. At this moment, Zhang Yang didn't dare to think of the little girl as a child.

Are there such smart kids? And thinking is so complicated, it is estimated that many adults do not think much of this little guy. Although Zhang Yang asked about it, Zhang Yang's heart could already be determined. The identity of this little girl is not simple. The children of five or six years old have such knowledge, which is inseparable from her growing environment.

Even a child of ordinary people, even if he is smart, even with an IQ of up to 250, it is impossible to know what is the authentic Blue Mountain coffee, what is the customized version of Armani service, and can say the truth, more importantly, her thinking It's so smooth, as organized and clear as an adult.

"This... Can I not say it? I promise I won’t make trouble, I just don’t want to be taken away by the bad guys. I don’t have any relatives in the country... I can’t reach my parents, I promise, if there is a chance in the future, this I'm thankful for my favor." The little girl looked at Zhang Yang pitifully.

Seeing her like that, Zhang Yang sighed helplessly. When he met this kind of person, he was really right. She didn't want to say that there was no way for anyone to send it to the police station. Zhang Yang couldn't bear it. Although less than an hour of getting along, Zhang Yang can feel that this little guy is quite opinionated. It is estimated that you can send her to the police station. Even if it is not sent back to the orphanage, this little guy will eventually find a way to run away.

Even if she is clever, she is only a child of five or six years old. If such a small guy goes to the street, it doesn't matter if he hasn't encountered it. Since he has encountered it, Zhang Yang is really not at ease.

"Okay, but let's talk about it first, you are not allowed to make trouble for me." Zhang Yang warned, otherwise, God knows what this little guy can endure.

"Ah! Good! Thank you Dad!" said the little girl immediately with a cheer.

"Also, don't call me dad! What's your name?" Zhang Yang was a little depressed. "I know, Dad, I won't call you Dad anymore. My name is Lin Xiaohu." The little girl said with a grin.

"Lin Xiaohu? This is the boy's name." Zhang Yang read it strangely. "The tiger is not a tiger, but a fox, you are illiterate!" Lin Xiaohu quickly spit out his tongue and made a grimace to Zhang Yang. "Lin Xiaohu?" The name is even more weird. Zhang Yang couldn't help crying and laughing. The little girl's parents are also superb. Isn't it enough to be tossed by this little guy? Then gave her such a name?

"Huh! Don't think about it, my name is my own! My dad's too old-fashioned." Lin Xiaohu seemed to guess what Zhang Yang was thinking and hummed quickly.

"How do you know what I'm thinking?" With Lin Xiaohu, Zhang Yang felt that his IQ had plummeted to a negative number. "Of course I know, because the first reaction of everyone who heard my name for the first time is this." Lin Xiaohu said proudly.

"Okay, you are powerful. Now I will take you to my work place, but I will say it first. You are not allowed to call my dad! I heard you." Zhang Yang looked at Lin Xiaohu fiercely.

"Got it, Dad." Lin Xiaohu nodded abnormally, and then jumped off his chair. "..." You ruthless! Zhang Yang recognized! He didn’t want to argue anymore, and he couldn’t argue, would it be impossible to hold her down? But if she dared to beat her here, she would dare to cry and call my father that I was wrong. Then the people in this cafe could kill themselves with their eyes.

"Dad hugs." Lin Xiaohu stretched out his hand and said to Zhang Yang just two steps away.

"How do I think I just picked up an ancestor?" Zhang Yang said as he reached out to hug Lin Xiaohu and looked at her with a smile.

"Wow, Dad, if you think so, then I'm so happy." Lin Xiaohu wowed excitedly, patting Bai Nen's little hand, and said happily.

With a soft hand, Zhang Yang really wanted to throw her directly, this is a **** horse! It seems that my future son is still a bit stupid, um, um, discuss with Ke Qing, don't be too smart to have a son. This is too smart to stand. Zhang Yang wanted to cry without tears.

In the end, Zhang Yang still went to the cafe to pay for This little ancestor said that he was rich, and he was embarrassed to invite the waiter to treat him. Although the coffee here said that there is no authentic Blue Mountain coffee, but It's also very expensive. There is not much money for being a waiter here for a month.

Coming out of the cafe, Zhang Yang took Lin Xiaohu directly and took the elevator to the Starry Sky Group. He decided to give this little guy to Chen Xiaowei's gang. Anyway, a group of women had nothing to do, and gave them this little girl. Well, Zhang Yang can't take her. The elevator quickly stopped on the floor where the Starry Sky Group was. Holding Lin Xiaohu just out of the elevator, he met a Starry Sky Group employee head-on.

Seeing Zhang Yang holding a little girl, the employee was stunned for a while, but still reacted quickly. While looking at Lin Xiaohu in Zhang Yang's arms curiously, he said quickly, "Director Zhang is good." Once In the press conference, Zhang Yang is also well-known in the Star Group. This honorary director is now an object of worship in the Star Group. I have seen many press conferences and never seen such a powerful spokesperson.

"The president and they all have a meeting in the chairman's office." After a pause, the employee kindly reminded Zhang Yang, presumably because Zhang Yang inadvertently interfered with the meeting and offended those who should not offend.

"Thank you." Zhang Yang smiled at her before turning directly to Li Keqing's office.

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