The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 366: this is the truth

Chapter 366 This is Reality

Chapter 366 This is Reality

"Stop talking? Then it proves that I still read the wrong person. After so many years, you are the first young man who satisfied me, so I think I let Yudie go to school in Beijing. You should understand? Tan Zhenglin saw Zhang Yang stopped talking, and he continued to ask again.

"Okay...I know what to do." Zhang Yang nodded in agreement, and then said a bit sadly. Can Zhang Yang not understand? The meaning of Tan Zhenglin's words is that Tan Yudie's stay with Zhang Yang will only get deeper and deeper. In the end, when Zhang Yang and Li Keqing finally get married, what kind of situation will Tan Yudie be? Tan Zhenglin's doing this is really considering Tan Yudie.

Zhang Yang couldn't refute, and Zhang Yang also understood that he had thought about this matter too selfishly. He was avoiding Tan Yudie, but he never thought of standing close to him from Tan Yudie's perspective. With him, such avoidance could not make Tan Yudie give up, it would only make her sink deeper and deeper, and eventually she could not extricate herself, and then suffered for a long time, everyone’s youth was limited, especially girls, when this was the most cherished After the splendid years of her life disappeared in this way, she may recall the pain in the future.

"It's good to understand, yes, I forgot to tell you, you sent my daughter so far away, there is no other person to take care of us, you come to our house as a son when you are okay, do you hear? Or you call I'm a godfather?" Tan Zhenglin said.

"..." Zhang Yang was speechless, and if it was replaced by someone else, it might have been posted on it, but Zhang Yang didn't know what, so the godfather couldn't call it out. Of course, Zhang Yang knows what the old fox Tan Zhenglin is doing. When Zhang Yang is adopted as his son, he has a good impression of Zhang Yang and appreciates Zhang Yang.

Secondly, Tan Zhenglin is nothing more than Tan Yudie's thoughts. As long as he accepts Zhang Yang as his son, Tan Yudie and Zhang Yang are brothers and sisters, and his son is also a son. Tan Yudie will naturally know what this means. What, then she can only give up.

"Don't call it!" For a long time, Zhang Yang returned two words directly.

"Boy, you are kind. You refused! You know how many people in the whole city of H want to recognize me as a godfather?" Tan Zhenglin said very depressed. Of course Zhang Yang knew, but he couldn’t tell why he didn’t want to call Tan Zhenglin the godfather. He didn’t die for Tan Yudie, but Zhang Yang felt that if Tan Zhenglin recognized him as his son, Tan Yudie would be afraid to make it. What can't be packed.

It’s too late to regret it, and it’s better to get the insurance point. Zhang Yang doesn’t want to have any regrets in his life. This opportunity to make a comeback is not always possible. "Of course I know, but you said that it was a year-old relationship with me, let me call you Lao Tan, remember? I called you a godfather, not a white dwarf?" Zhang Yang said immediately.

"You bull! Okay, as long as you dare, what am I afraid of, or will you worship with me?" Tan Zhenglin's mouth made a slang word and a bad idea. Zhang Yang was completely speechless this time. Although he said that it was a year-end friendship, but this year-end friendship was often separate, and the relationship was limited to him and Tan Zhenglin, but if he really and Tan Zhenglin worshipped, he would meet Tan Yudie's mother had to change her name to call her sister-in-law.

Moreover, this trick is even more ruthless. It doesn’t matter what happens to the son and his own daughter. After all, it’s not a pro son. Although everyone may say something, it is understandable. If what happened to this brother and his daughter... Zhang Yang didn’t know what to say in his heart, Tan Zhenglin was really extreme. In the past, Tan Yudie was not considered at all, and he was engaged in political marriage. Now it’s better for his daughter. Unscrupulous, even the idea of ​​worshiping a boy with a hairy boy in his early twenties came up.

"...Don't you scare me, okay? I worshipped you. If I get into any trouble in the H city, wouldn't your position be guaranteed?" Zhang Yang immediately began to scare Tan Zhenglin. "Random, I don't care." Tan Zhenglin said quite casually. Zhang Yang almost passed out with a blindfold. He had seen shameless and never seen such a shameless. Are you a mayor of the mayor level?

"...This, forget it, I'm not interested in having an older brother like you. If you recognize me as an older brother, I will worship." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Get off!" Tan Zhenglin was estimated to be angry this time, and he roared directly on the phone. The loud voice frightened Zhang Yang's hand, and pressed the button that ended the call directly. Hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat on his head, this old Tan was crazy enough.

Facing the morning sun, when the familiar buildings and cities below appeared in Zhang Yang's sight, the heart in Zhang Yang's heart was completely put down. This matter was resolved satisfactorily anyway. Although it only represented a more difficult beginning, it was no longer aimless.

It is not completely without good news for Zhang Yang, at least relatively speaking, f is bright, he is dark. As long as Zhang Yang is careful, f cannot find his head, f is not a god, and no matter how large the organization is, it is useless. Looking for a hidden toilet outside, the three of Zhang Yang and Zhao Fei cleared all the makeup on their faces, and then dealt with everything before heading home.

When walking to the company, Li Yingjie and Zhao Fei went to the company. Zhang Yang hesitated not to go to the company, but went straight home. It must be embarrassing to see Tan Yudie now, but it’s better not to see it. Back home, open the door, Zhang Yang froze for a moment, a familiar figure on the sofa in the living room.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, the figure with tears on his face immediately stood up and turned around. When he saw Zhang Yang opening the door, the figure immediately ran towards Zhang Yang, and Zhang Yang hurriedly opened his double With his arms, Li Keqing flew into his arms.

"What's wrong?" asked tightly holding Li Keqing, Zhang Yang lowered his head, and stretched out a hand to carefully wipe the tears off her eyes.

"Sister Yudie is gone." Li Keqing whispered, Zhang Yang stiffened a little, then nodded and said, "I know, it's okay she just went to school, if you miss her, go to Beijing to see her chant, Not too far away." Li Keqing and Tan Yudie have a good relationship with each other. When Tan Yudie's inexplicable walk, Li Keqing is not sad but sad.

"You don’t have to coax me, I know why, is it because of the relationship between you? I know she likes you. I also know that you love me, but publicity, I... I don’t think I deserve you, except Outside of this look and body, I feel that I am useless. Or...or you marry Yudie...I...I will follow you, rest assured...I...I will always be you "" Li Keqing buried his head in Zhang Yang's arms and said softly, his tone full of inferiority.

Zhang Yang was distressed when he heard it, and Li Keqing's words fell, and Zhang Yang couldn't help raising his hand directly to slap on her little buttocks. After the shooting, Zhang Yang took her into his arms tightly and tightly Hugged her and said, "Ke Qing, I don't want to hear it again from you in the future. Do you understand? If you say something similar, I'm really angry. I don't deny that Tan Yudie looks like It’s very beautiful, and it doesn’t have the temper of those rich girls. It’s also very cute. But you’re not bad, you know? You are my bride in your life, can’t you run?

Li Keqing didn't speak, but his arms around Zhang Yang's back became tighter, and he wanted to rub himself into Zhang Yang's arms. After hesitating, Zhang Yang let go and lowered his head to kiss Li Keqing's lips directly. When the familiar smell came to the nose, a wicked fire in Zhang Yang's body did not know where it came from.

Zhang Yang lowered his head, leaned over and hugged Li Keqing, and lowered her voice in her ear and said, "You are not good at all, do you think I didn't want you? I'll take it today." Holding Li Keqing rushed into the bedroom. "Ah..." Li Keqing's tear-stained face immediately showed a moving red glow, but she seemed to think of something instantly, struggling quickly said: "Zhang Yang... wait."

"Wait? I can't wait, don't you want to run anywhere Zhang Yang immediately said fiercely, and said, while pushing the door of the bedroom. Just opened the door, a crisp The voice rang: "Dad, you are bad! "

The sudden sound scared Zhang Yang directly, almost throwing away Li Keqing who was holding him, quickly stabilizing his body and mind, feeling the flames inside the body, Zhang Yang's eyes*, gritted his teeth and said: "Who can Tell me... why is she here?" Needless to say, the people in the room were naturally Lin Xiaohu.

"Why can't I be here! Dad, you're too bad, bully your mom in the daytime." Lin Xiaohu is a big devil, Zhang Yang is not sure she doesn't know what she wants to do, you know, what the perverted kid knows, but so many.

"Let me come down, is it good at night?" Li Keqing's face almost bleeds with red blood, and said to Zhang Yang in a low voice.

"I don't care anymore. You can go outside to play by yourself. Don't disturb us. Did you hear? Child, you know a fart." Zhang Yang put Li Keqing down, then reached out and grabbed Lin Xiaohu, who was about to escape, and turned and put her there Outside the door, ignoring Lin Xiaohu's protest, he directly locked the door.

When Zhang Yang turned around, Li Keqing, flushed, almost softened.

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