The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 371: Phantom (middle)

Chapter 371 The Phantom (Part 2)

Chapter 371 The Phantom (Part 2)

"Recognize, recognize, of course." Song Zhaojun nodded hurriedly. At this moment, Song Zhaojun looked like a gangster, but no one laughed at Song Zhaojun at this moment. Anyone who came across this look may be similar to Song Zhaojun. "Well, two gentlemen, if there is anything that offends the two gentlemen, I apologize first, but... Can the two gentlemen let me know? What the **** is the offense?" Song Zhaojun is also a personal spirit.

Zhang Yang and Zhao Fei are standing here talking to him, then it proves that today’s affairs have not reached an irreparable point. If they really have reached that point, these soldiers will not stand here, but directly in his golden glory There was a seal on it, and he had already eaten peanuts.

Since there are talks, Song Zhaojun naturally does not want to ruin his current life. At this stage, Song Zhaojun has long wanted to understand that some people must not offend, and you have to do some things, don’t look at him. Song Zhaojun is on the road Even the entire H city seems to be very bullish, but some people are still not able to move him.

Before the liberation, the incomparable youth gang in the city of H did not end up avoiding overseas? At that time, the youth leader of the gang did not know how many times Niucha was compared with Song Zhaojun. But in the end it didn't end up like that? Song Zhaojun understood clearly, so he lived long.

"Now that I know it, then I want to ask the person who is Cobra, maybe Mr. Song should be no stranger?" Zhang Yang squinted at Song Zhaojun and asked. Song Zhaojun was stunned for a moment, but he immediately reacted. Since Zhang Yang asked, then it was clearly confirmed that he must know the cobra. Song Zhaojun naturally thought of some news circulating on the Tao recently. The source of these messages was Song Zhaojun. I know.

But although Song Zhaojun said that he was the emperor of this film, but he made money himself and could not block the following brothers, right? Some things, he closed his eyes and passed. Obviously, this situation was caused by Cobra today. Regarding what he has done recently, if Song Zhaojun does not know the news at all, it is impossible, but he does not know the situation.

"Two gentlemen, does this matter have anything to do with Cobra? Then I must explain to both of you." Song Zhaojun expressed his position without thinking, if not, it is estimated that he can see tomorrow's sun. Is an unknown number. Compared with other people's lives, of course, their own lives are more important.

"No, he and his people have been taken away by Guoan, and what he did I advise Mr. Song that you still investigate and investigate, lest you don’t know how you died when you got it. This situation is a bit big today. But, I just want to tell you that the person whom the Cobra caused is very unfortunately a general and granddaughter, so I don’t want to see a similar situation in the future? Do you understand?” Zhang Yang said with a smirk.

In the present situation, Zhang Yang can naturally make his words more threatening, but for people like Song Zhaojun, the point is enough. "Understand, understand, I will investigate this matter." Some news, spread even faster on the Tao than the officialdom, so Zhang Yang is not worried that Song Zhaojun can not understand the cause and effect of the matter, even if he cannot understand, someone will let He understands.

"This is my contact information. I'll give you three days. I need to know all the results. Do you understand?" Zhang Yang thought about it and asked Huang Kexin next to him to ask for a note, leaving his contact information to Song Zhaojun This is not only the case of Song Zhaojun alone, but also of other people, especially Lin Xiaohu’s identity. Although Song Zhaojun may not be able to investigate, but this kind of thing happened on his site, he should be able to Know some insider.

More importantly, who wants to deal with Lin Xiaohu, or Lin Xiaohu's parents? Zhang Yang inadvertently ruined their good deeds, Zhang Yang had to guard against the other party's revenge. Seeing the contact information Zhang Yang handed over, Song Zhaojun hurriedly took two quick steps, and then reached out to take the ordinary note.

"Three days, remember that you only have three days. After three days, the result is not what it is today. Do you understand?" Zhang Yang looked at Song Zhaojun seriously and asked, if he really can't solve this matter, I'm afraid I don't need it. Zhang Yang started to work, when Song Zhaojun had to be unlucky. The reverse caused by such a big thing in the H city must be huge.

Although it is impossible for the media to report this military vehicle’s dispatch today, it still affects some people, especially Lao Tan can’t sit back and watch such a serious evil in his jurisdiction. It is estimated that Song Zhaojun will definitely be beaten by then. Fan, if Song Zhaojun is not qualified for this position, it is estimated that the above does not mind changing another person.

"Mr. Zhang, I understand, I understand." Zhang Yang wrote his name and phone number on the note to Song Zhaojun, so Song Zhaojun also knew what Zhang Yang's name was. Zhang Yang's words immediately made Song Zhaojun's forehead ooze again. The fine sweat beads did not dare to wipe the sweat on his head, Song Zhaojun nodded quickly.

"Well, Major Huang, close the team. After all, this matter has a bad influence. Although the media will be informed, it will still spread in a small area." Fortunately, the current network development is not as rapid as a few years later. Otherwise, it is estimated that there are already videos about this on the Internet.

"Yes!" Huang Kexin paid a military salute, and then turned directly to the colonel. Soon, all the soldiers re-entered the military vehicle directly, and then quickly left here. After these soldiers left, Zhang Yang and Zhao Fei returned to Huang Kexin's off-road vehicle. After waiting for the vehicle, Zhang Yang took out a bank card directly from his pocket. Zhang Yang now spends so little money.

"Major Huang, there are probably over one million people here. Although this time it was said that the old head came out, but in any case, the army is raised by the majority of taxpayers. If you come out this way, these gasolines and the like should also be It cost a lot, and I donated the money to the military division." Zhang Yang said while passing the bank card in his hand.

Everyone has every person's principle, this kind of thing is put on other people, maybe it is just like that. But anyway, it is a waste to dispatch so many soldiers. After all, this matter still has a direct relationship with Zhang Yang. It is two different things for the old head to come back to the old head.

Huang Kexin froze for a moment. When he saw that Huang Kexin was ready to refuse, Zhang Yang directly blocked his words: "You don't need to say more. Everyone has everyone's principles. You should return the money to the old chief. Just tell the old headman the truth, he will agree."

"Okay." Seeing Zhang Yang's firm attitude, Huang Kexin was not easy to refute, and immediately nodded and agreed. Huang Kexin sent Zhang Yang back to where he lived, and it was already past noon. Zhang Yang hadn't even eaten his meal yet. Just after going downstairs to eat with Zhao Fei, Zhao Fei received a phone call, and after a few words, Zhao Fei handed the phone to Zhang Yang and said: "Zhang Yang is Chen Xiaowei's phone, saying there is something to find you, you Has no battery."

"Oh." Zhang Yang did not pay attention to this matter, but it seems that when he went to the Netherlands, Zhang Yang did not bring a charger, and now it is normal that there is no electricity. After taking Zhao Fei's mobile phone, Zhang Yang immediately picked it up and said, "Hello?" "Zhang Yang? Just now a person came from the company and said he wanted to do the mobile phone market with us." Chen Xiaowei said quickly.

"Well? The mobile phone market?" Zhang Yang was amazed. In 2005, there were very few people who could think of the mobile phone market. Jobs was one, so Apple became the world's first company in the future, but others, just Just follow the trend. But looking for the Star Group, who wants to be the mobile phone market? And still domestic? Zhang Yang was a little curious and immediately asked, "What is his name? Did you say what company?"

"His surname is Huang and his name is Huang Yi. The company's name is Phantom Technology Co., Ltd." Chen Xiaowei immediately said the other party's name. Chen Xiaowei's words made Zhang Yang stunned. Phantom (everyone knows it better, let's use this name). Mobile phone Zhang Yang is naturally not strange. As a famous brand in domestic mobile phone brands, Phantom Technology is quite famous in his previous life, and Phantom's mobile phone also has many fans.

As a company that produces mp3 products, Phantom is able to enter the mobile phone market, which is already quite remarkable. "Does he have any specific ideas?" Zhang Yang doesn't know that Phantom Technology has already started preparing But think about it too, the Phantom started to enter the mobile phone market in 2006 in memory. It is also possible to mention this year for this preparation.

But what Zhang Yang could not think of is, what can Starry Sky Group do now as a mobile phone? Nothing can be done. The Star Group does not make hardware. The software is only photon defense and Nebula software. There are no other famous products. How could Phantom think of Star Group?

"They took a fancy to our photon defense software and wanted us to develop a software that can greatly optimize the performance of mobile phones, and he said that the future market of mobile phones should not be ignored, and mobile phones will certainly be like computers, with increasing performance The higher the end." Chen Xiaowei roughly explained the other party's point of view to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang was slightly amazed. It seems that all successful people have some unique eyes. The founder of Phantom Technology can also think of these. The difference is that he does not have the resources of Jobs, so he can not compare with Apple. "Well, you leave him in the company, I will talk to him." Zhang Yang wanted to meet this person.

If Microsoft is the kingdom in the computer operating system, then the king of mobile phone operating systems is still in chaos and not born. If one day the Star Group can get to that point, then the Star Group will be a super business no less than Microsoft empire.

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