The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 375: Cut the Hu (below)

Chapter 375 Cut the Hu (Part 2)

Chapter 375 Cut the Hu (Part 2)

But this is not the time to say this. Zhang Yang hurriedly tried to say in Chinese on the phone: "Hello, hello." "Are you just that person?" The tone of the other party was full of surprises, because Zhang Yang could not hear his biography What is the language in the ear of the other party, but from the reaction of the other party, Zhang Yang has understood, I am afraid that the other party also hears the German in a straightforward manner, otherwise the other party will not hear Zhang Yang just the person.

"Uh, it's me, Mr. Byrne. I want to ask you, is your company willing to sell?" Zhang Yang asked quickly.

"Is this the question you just asked? I'm sorry, my company won't sell it." After the other party froze for a while, they refused in a very simple tone.

"But your company's efficiency is not good, and I am willing to pay a high price." Zhang Yang just looked at it, this Swiss company is not as big as the US company, and the value is naturally not high. "I understand, but this is the only property my father left me. I'm sorry, I won't sell my company. Sorry." Byrne's tone still refused.

"Two times the price." Zhang Yang also said readily. He is mainly for that person. As for this company, Zhang Yang really does not care, but it is also useful to buy it. At least when applying for a patent, if there is no such one The company is really not easy to apply.

"I said, my company won't sell it. No matter how much you pay, I'm sorry, I'll hang up first." After that, the man named Byrne hung up the phone directly. Listening to the blind tone on the phone, Zhang Yang was speechless. I went there, and I met such a person at twice the price? by!

nnd, you don't sell it, I don't buy it yet. Zhang Yang immediately made up his mind, which one won't the company buy? So many companies don't believe that no company is willing to sell, but your employees can't be as reluctant to change jobs as your company, right?

After scolding for two sentences, Zhang Yang immediately began to look up the contact information of the person named Dels. Mueller on the other party's company server, but the result of the query made Zhang Yang speechless and did not have detailed contact information in the files of their personnel Zhang Yang thought for a while, and hacked the telecommunications server in the city where the company is located.

The name was retrieved in the telecommunications server. This name is somewhat common. In the city's telecommunications server filing, Zhang Yang searched a total of more than a dozen people with this name. Turning aside, Zhang Yang simply started to call one by one to ask, just ask if the other party is working in this company.

It took more than twenty minutes and when 11 calls were made, Zhang Yang was the right person. "It's me, may I ask you?" The man's voice is a little hoarse, it sounds like he should not be old, at most it is about 40 years old. "Hello, my name is Zhang Yang. I am a Chinese. Mr. Mueller. I don't know if I can hire you to become an employee of my company. I am willing to pay you double the salary." Zhang Yang opened the door.

The salary of this person is not high. If it is converted to RMB in a month, it will be more than 5,000 yuan, which will be doubled to about 10,000. "Uh? Chinese? I'm sorry, I don't seem to know you. Also, about going to your company, is your company in Switzerland? I still have family here, if you are not in Switzerland, forgive me, I It is impossible to leave Switzerland." Dels Muller choked for a moment before speaking.

"I can provide you with housing and all welfare measures. I can let your family find a job in China. I don’t know if you want to come to China? Of course, I also have multi-touch on your research. The touch screen technology is quite interested. If you come to my company, I can even provide you with a special research team and enough funds for your research." Zhang Yang quickly said his chips.

He didn't believe that a small company with total assets of only a few million RMB could provide him with sufficient research funds. "Ah? Are you saying that you are optimistic about the useless multi-touch technology I researched?" Dels Mueller immediately asked with some euphoria, but other things seemed not too important.

"Of course, I believe it will be an epoch-making invention, and I only get this news occasionally, so I am willing to provide you with rich research funds and equipment." Zhang Yang immediately said, these technicians often study their own Things are quite optimistic, and it's true to be flattering in this regard.

"Really? Do you really think so? If you are willing to provide sufficient research funding for my research, as long as you control me to live and eat, I will even be willing to work for you for free." Dells Mueller was immediately excited Said. Zhang Yang shrugged some words silently. Although the other party couldn't see it, Zhang Yang didn't expect this Dels Mueller to be so real!

Not even mentioning the salary, no wonder everyone is willing to negotiate with such people who are engaged in technology. These people don't have so many intestines in their heads. For is the best object of exploitation. However, Zhang Yang is naturally impossible to do the kind of thing that kills chickens and retrieves eggs. Zhang Yang immediately smiled and said: "Mr. Dels, you can rest assured that if your research is successful, I will give you a reward of about 100,000 US dollars. Your salary will be maintained at Two thousand dollars a month. Of course, I will arrange for your wife and your children."

"No problem, no problem, where are you right now? I will clean up my research materials, and I will go to work in your company tomorrow. But you have to honor all your words and write them in the contract." Zhang Yang The words immediately made Dells decide.

"This is of course." Zhang Yang said with a smile immediately. After telling Dels the specific contact information and so on, Zhang Yang hung up the phone. Hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang couldn't help but waved his fist in excitement. He didn't expect things to go so smoothly. If this person is willing to come, it doesn’t matter whether they buy the American company. Zhang Yang can directly buy these domestic companies. In this case, the factory does not have to buy it.

And in the United States, the wages of workers are quite high, and the costs are much higher than those in the country. At that time, even the cost of producing a mobile phone will increase greatly. It is better to set up the factory in the country. As for the problem of equipment, as long as the money is thrown, the technical equipment of the touch screen is not a technical embargo.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered another thing. Zhang Yang immediately said to the infestation: "Yes, infestation, how does your instant translation work?" Consumes a small data center. Seventy-six system resources do this instant translation, and Zhang Yang does not know much about this.

"Build a sound analysis software to convert the sound into data codes, and record the characteristic frequency and timbre of the sound at the same time. After translation, the newly generated speech is reorganized to achieve the effect of instant translation. Because of the impact of computing performance, delay About a second or so." The voice of the infected machine gives a standard answer.

With the explanation of the infection, Zhang Yang immediately understood that the sound can also be converted into computer code. Each person's voice characteristics are different, and the converted code is naturally different. After the translation, the voice characteristics of the other party must be followed. To restore, it is no wonder that such a huge system consumption is required. To ensure instant system translation, this performance loss is certain.

But this function is still very powerful! This is simply an artifact, Zhang Yang did not expect that the infected insects can actually do such a bullshit. It seems that there are still many functions of the super system infected with insects that have not been tapped by Zhang Yang. "If you monitor two people at the same time, or multiple people, how much will the system performance requirements increase?" Zhang Yang's head suddenly came up with another idea. If this function is attached to the mobile phone system, this phone will How many business people are sought after? !

Talking to foreigners is no longer a dream! "At the same time, monitoring another object increases the system performance is not much, mainly to start the analysis of the sound line to restore the system requires huge system resources ~ ~ Infected insects answers Zhang Yang's eyes began to shine .

"If simultaneous translation of online calls for 100 million people is required, how much resources are needed? Calculated according to the standard of No. 1 satellite." Zhang Yang immediately gave an example. After a few tens of seconds, the infected insects gave the answer: "If simultaneous simultaneous online calls for 100 million people are translated at the same time, regardless of the network connection speed, according to the standard of No. 1 satellite, it will take about 1,760 50,000 No. 1 satellites can meet this demand."

day! Zhang Yang's eyes were almost black, and he nearly planted it. Seventeen million satellite No. 1 satellites. If the server performance of satellite No. 1 is converted into a blade server in the server of Zhang Yang School, the satellite 1 is equivalent to more than 100 groups of Zhang Yang. Blade server.

It's impossible to buy Zhang Yang! Suddenly Zhang Yang thought of a key issue. As the infection just said, the system that mainly consumes system resources is the kind of sound line restoration system. If the sound line restoration system is turned off, only fixed sound lines are used to separate men and women. How much will the system performance decrease?

Zhang Yang immediately threw the problem to the infected insect again and let the infected insect calculate. After all, 100 million people have 100 million different voices. These voices are subject to special analog calculations, and the resources consumed are naturally huge.

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