The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 389: Iron pants (Part 1)

Chapter 389 Iron Pants (Part 1)

Chapter 389 Iron Pants (Part 1)

Zhang Yang does not know whether the black server is a nubi person, but from the point of view of the other party's attacking methods, the strength of this group of people is extremely low, but fortunately, the other party has no signs of cooperation for the time being, it looks like Fight each other. But even so, the efficiency of the other party's invasion is very high. Even if the infected insects are helping to defend and greatly improve the firewall, the reaction speed and efficiency of the system can still not prevent the other party from advancing.

Looking around, Zhang Yang saw an internet cafe in the distance, and Zhang Yang immediately ran to the internet cafe. By the time Zhang Yang ran to the Internet cafe, the server's peripheral system had been compromised by the other party. Zhang Yang quickly opened a computer. After the Chapter 389 Iron Pants (Part 1) was turned on, Zhang Yang directly used the mobile phone to give instructions for the infected insect, first found his i, and let the infected insect log in directly to connect to this computer.

Although the system of an Internet cafe is also a whole system of virtual hard disks, the firewall of this Internet cafe is simply a garbage. Infected insects easily enter the internal system of the Internet cafe. With the broiler chickens controlled by the infestation, Zhang Yang province re-registered himself. Quickly logged into the server background of the Star Group through his backdoor account, Zhang Yang directly began to search the hidden space of the server hard disk.

Although Zhang Yang did not set up a very formidable firewall and defense system in the system of this server, the server of Star Group still has a mother nest prepared by Zhang Yang in advance. The mother nest is embedded in the system by Zhang Yang. Usually hidden in the server hard disk, Zhang Yang deliberately separates it from a hidden partition and is in a dormant state.

However, although it is in a dormant state, it will automatically record all the legal operations of the entire system and the changes of each file in the system, which is equivalent to a system backup. However, it is not the same as the system backup. The mother nest is not completely Restore the system sexually, but record all normal operations of the system, and at the same time, Chapter 389 Iron Pants (Part 1) closes all illegal operations and access.

Quickly find the hidden mother nest, Zhang Yang directly activates the mother nest. When Zhang Yang activates the mother nest, the entire server system is at a standstill. At the same time, the operating rights of the entire system are all changed to the master immediately. When restoring the system, all works, including the highest authority, will be rejected, which means that Zhang Yang can't stop as a mother nest now.

The data in the entire server immediately began to change rapidly. The mother nest recovery system is different from other one-click restore systems. The mother nest recovers only those changes made by the system through commands issued illegally. It will still be in a normal state, because the mother nest has been recording everything the system is running, and it is at the bottom of the command. All other people have no way to prevent the operation of the mother nest.

Soon the Star Group's server returned to normal, all the accounts logged in to the system were kicked out by the mother nest, leaving Zhang Yang's own account still able to remain logged in. After the mother nest completed the recovery system, Zhang Yang immediately copied his scanner to the Star Group server.

Zhang Yang immediately began to patch the system, and opened the protection function of the mother nest to the highest level. At this time, any access is almost impossible to illegally enter the Star Group server. There were many people who were concerned about the Star Group and Microsoft press conference today. When the Star Group server was attacked, most of the hackers who watched the webcast were immediately discovered.

Because Chen Xiaowei held a press conference and they used a part of the data to play a part of the system of the Starry Sky Group. Someone logged into the server at the venue. When the server is attacked, as long as it is not a computer rookie, it can almost be seen. come out.

So it seems that the hackers are about to invade the Star Group's servers. Who knows that the peak is going back and forth, almost in a blink of an eye, this situation has a big change of 180 degrees. Although I don’t know who shot it, all hackers now understand that there is definitely a senior person in the Star Group’s technical department. Even if this expert is not an employee of the Star Group, then the Star Group definitely knows it.

Otherwise, when the hacker is about to get the highest authority, the other party can easily drive everyone out at once, but how does this style feel so familiar? All hackers have a familiar feeling, especially this kind of neatly drove people away like dumplings, how do you feel like you have seen them somewhere.

All hackers have almost this feeling, but everyone can't communicate, so I don't know what other people think. If there is such a feeling, no one can say it. After driving these people out, Zhang Yang wandered around quickly in his head. The exposure of the mother's nest was inevitable.

As long as it is a master, it can be felt from the situation of firewall rejection. It is exactly the same as the system when Zhang Yang used l to help defend more than 20 websites last time. It is estimated that hackers will contact l soon. . Thinking of this, Zhang Yang quickly made a decision in his heart. Anyway, when he used the ID, Zhang Yang was not prepared to hide at all. It is enough to do gd for bad things. As for l, hey.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and immediately wrote a new announcement and posted it on the homepage of the Star Group official website, and bolded it with red letters. "Just the Star Group server has been hacked, and the losses caused to our customers are all deeply sorry here. Now that the server has returned to normal, we are confident to protect the safety of all Star Group users." In this announcement The signature in the lower right corner is: Chief Technical Advisor of Star Group: l!

There are many hackers concerned at this moment. When everyone saw the latest announcement issued by Starry Sky Group, everyone was stunned for a while, then they couldn't help but uttered in front of the computer: I rely on! l? ! Everyone rubbed their eyes hard and confirmed that they were not mistaken, and everyone was in an uproar again. If one said that the ID of this l was not known a month or two ago.

But now I dare not say that l is very famous in the world of hacker circles, but in China's hacker world it is definitely quite a bullish fork, almost the same as gd. No one can forget that in the recent Sino-US hacking war, when dozens of government departments were simultaneously invaded by hackers, and when it was about to be succeeded by the other party, a hacker who used lid was born out of thin air. He has defended the defense tasks of more than 20 websites by himself, stupidly rejecting many hackers from the firewall.

And the same crazy GD also hacked off the official website servers of the four major US intelligence agencies. This spearhead was used by countless Chinese hackers on the Internet as the second general of the Chinese hacker community. That is quite tacit. Just now everyone saw that the server of the Star Group suddenly became extremely powerful defense. When they kicked out all the hackers at once, they felt unusually familiar. When they saw the id of l, everyone realized it suddenly. No wonder they are so familiar. Well, isn't this the style of last time?

It's totally an iron pant, want to enter? Then you come, no matter what method you use, anyway, you can’t invade, just like the mantra in the book of the old man, he is stronger by him, the breeze is Foshan, he is in charge, and the moonlight Dajiang, he came from his own ruthlessness, he was evil, and I was full of relief.

This is completely the true portrayal of l, but no one thought that l was actually an employee of Star Group. Now that l has issued this announcement on behalf of the Starry Sky Group, and his identity has been specifically named in the lower right corner of the announcement, chief technical advisor! It's no wonder that the previous events of the Star Group have shown strong technical strength, and now the Star Group has held various press conferences with these very powerful companies around the world.

The original reason is here. Originally, everyone felt a little weird about the cooperation between Microsoft and Star Group. Now the announcement of Zhang Yang comes out and explains this matter. There is no other reason, just because there is a master inside the Starry Sky Group! If you look at l's defense against this system, you can see that l is definitely an expert in the system. No wonder that Microsoft will rush to cooperate with an unknown small company.

Paramount will buy the accounts of the Starry Sky Group. That’s how people are. When everyone hasn’t explained it, it feels weird, weird, and unacceptable. When something that everyone can accept appears, everyone will immediately be sure that it must be like this. of.

If someone can fully understand all the things about Zhang Seeing Zhang Yang's announcement, it is estimated that they will definitely be choked by their own saliva. Cheap, too cheap! Look at the announcement, the sound is magnificent, the whole disguised as a good person, honest person, is a justice hacker, justice incarnation. And his other id, gd, is completely a rogue villain.

With this extreme personality, who will link them together? If you go to the Internet to post a post now, it’s gd. It’s estimated that you will be the leader of the dog blood. Now both of Zhang Yang’s accounts have a lot of fans. Fans will scold L for being a hypocrite and will shrink, not real men, not real men.

Fans of L will scold gd as a disaster star, a broom star, who is in a bad luck, and is a super troublemaker. Wherever gd goes, there will be countless troubles. In just a few months of gd's debut, how many major events have happened in the internet industry?

Inquiries from the bottom of the roots are inseparable from gd. RO! ! ! ;




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