The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 467: Mountain rain is coming (middle)

Chapter 467: Mountain Rain Is Coming (Part 2)

Chapter 467: Mountain Rain Is Coming (Part 2)

Zhang Yang did not stop in Manzhouli. He returned directly to the city on a continuous flight that night. It was said that he should defy the enemy tactically and attach importance to the enemy strategically. It’s okay not to be afraid of Lu Haitao, not to be afraid of his identity and backstage, but if he doesn’t pay attention to Lu Haitao’s counterattack, then it’s not a cow, it’s a brain injury.

Rabbits are biting when they are anxious, not to mention the insidious villains like Lu Haitao, who are not afraid of publicity on the surface, but who knows what he is going to secretly prepare for? In Manchuria, Zhang Yang does not have his own power. If Lu Haitao mobilizes the horses to get himself in, then Zhang Yang can’t show his skills.

First make sure you are okay. Everyone thinks about Chapter 467: Mountain Rain Is Coming (Part 2), how to play, how to play, take your time. It was almost dawn when Zhang Yang returned to the city. Just when he landed, he just opened his mobile phone and Li Keqing's phone came over. Zhang Yang answered the phone immediately: "Hey? Why does Ke Qing not sleep? Woke up so early?"

"Zhang Yang, are you okay? Did something happen?" Li Keqing sounded in a crying voice. "Ke Qing, don't cry, why don't you cry? I'm fine. What can I do?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and quickly started to coax Li Keqing. How did Li Keqing know? It is impossible to call Zhang Yang without knowing.

"Where are you now? I'll go find you." Hearing Zhang Yang said it was okay, Li Keqing's mood calmed down a little bit. "I just got off the plane, I'm back, I'm going home. Are you hearing something?" Zhang Yang tentatively asked.

" told me what happened? Just now... Grandpa called me and said something was going to ask you to come back and call him." Li Keqing said quickly. "Uh..." Zhang Yang choked for a moment. Zhang Yang had no plans to disturb General Li, but Zhang Yang didn't want to look at the faces of the Li family.

Chapter 467: Mountain Rain Is Coming (Part 2) As for General Li, Zhang Yang is quite admired, and the character of the old General is beyond doubt. "What the **** happened?" Li Keqing asked.

"It's like this..." After thinking about it, Zhang Yang still told Li Keqing, he didn't want to hide Li Keqing, Li Keqing is no longer a child, she is now the chairman of a group, this kind of thing Zhang Yang has the right Let her know, and Zhang Yang also believes that Li Keqing can accept this matter calmly.

"Why is this man so bad! It deserves it! Even if his father is the leader of the country, is there no law in the country? Even if there is no law... we can go abroad! The big deal is not staying in the country, what are you going to? Wherever I go!" Li Keqing said angrily immediately after listening.

Although her words are still naive, it can be seen that Li Keqing has matured a lot. If this kind of thing has happened before, Li Keqing may have been six gods and no master, but now he can help Zhang Yang find a way. "It's okay, please don't worry, Qingqing. I've got a way. I'll go back and tell you later. We should change with the same. I want to see what he wants to refute, or I want to spread this matter directly. To be clear, if he wants to spread it out, then I would like to see who is on the side of this public opinion." Zhang Yang comforted.

"Um... then you go home quickly, be careful on the road." Li Keqing said quickly.

"Okay, let's go home and talk." Zhang Yang nodded and comforted Li Keqing, before hanging up the phone. Don’t think, Zhang Yang knows that Lu Haitao must not dare to spread the matter, and if this incident alarms his family, maybe Lu Haitao will have to tamper with the situation at that time. Zhang Yang is not afraid of finding trouble. If the other party found trouble, and splashed dirty water, it would be disgusting.

So Zhang Yang had to get the surveillance video. Since gd had agreed, then there must be no problem with surveillance video. Less than five minutes after Li Keqing's phone was hung, Zhang Yang's cell phone rang again, and when he looked at the phone display, it was a bunch of numbers, and there was no display at all. It was a confidential phone.

Zhang Yang reacted immediately. Only the secret telephones that passed through special channels would not display the phone number, only a bunch of numbers, and some simply did not have any number, but only displayed the unknown. After hesitating, Zhang Yang answered the phone: "Hello, hello."

"What a fart, stupid boy, where are you?" There was a voice of a full-hearted old man on the phone. Upon hearing this voice, Zhang Yang was a little stunned and couldn't help but touch his nose. It was General Li. Zhang Yang was a little touched by his phone call. General Li was really kind to them. People in their 80s, because Zhang Yang's affairs are almost four o'clock in the morning and there is no rest, and he is still beside the phone.

"Old General, I have returned to the city. I just got off the plane." Zhang Yang hurriedly replied.

"Okay, your kid is not stupid, knows how to run, tell me what is going on? Why are so many people asking for your news all at once? If not I let people take care of you Starry Sky Group, and you Two little bastards, I'm afraid I don't know about it." General Li Li ridiculed Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang was a little sweaty, no wonder the old general knew so quickly. It turned out that he had confessed, but think about it too, the old general really hurt Li Keqing, even if the old general did not take the initiative to speak, the people under him would send someone to protect Li Keqing , And Li Keqing now does not need human protection, so the necessary attention must be indispensable.

Lu Haitao used the relationship from the beginning. Someone started to investigate Zhang Yang. Obviously, the old general not only sent people to pay attention to all the news about Li Keqing, even Zhang Yang was also within the scope of protection, so Lu Haitao investigated Zhang Yang and the old general Someone reported immediately.

Now that he hadn't been able to hide it, Zhang Yang thought about it and simply told the old general one by one. Li Shufang is the daughter of General Li, and Li Keqing is the granddaughter of General Li. Although this matter is not disclosed to the public, the fact is the fact that no one can change it. Even if it is not disclosed, it is also General Li. Offspring.

"What you said is true?" General Li asked after listening to it with a very serious tone.

"It's true, I didn't tell a lie, there were other people present at the time, they can also testify to me." Zhang Yang said seriously.

"Damn, these little bastards! The country is just letting these little **** die, I don't believe it. Are they really lawless and nobody can cure them? Okay, don't worry about this kid. Just give it to me. I’d like to see who dares to move my grandson-in-law.” General Li said angrily.

"Wait, that old general, I want to take care of this matter by myself. When I can't handle it, you will never be too late. You see, Lu Haitao is acting there in the name of his father, you don't want me Just like him, relying on your identity is also arrogant? I think this matter will rely on my own strength to find a place to reason. I don’t believe there is no place in the country." Zhang Yang hurriedly stopped the old man.

If you let the old man out, this is really too much trouble. General Li has withdrawn from the political arena for many years. Although his influence is still terrifying, Zhang Yang does not want General Li to step into this kind of broken thing because of his own affairs.

"Well? Eh, your kid is confident, don't you know what the other party is?" General Li asked, curiously.

"Of course I know, if I don't know, I can come back so quickly, but you can rest assured, I believe I can handle this matter myself, and now we are a bit of identity and status, I don't believe there is no place to discuss Let's go. If he is going to make things bigger, I'm going to go directly to the court." Zhang Yang said with a grin.

Going to court Zhang Yang is not a joke. Perhaps many people think that Zhang Yang is a joke, but Zhang Yang dares to go to the court, and the court may not dare to accept it!

"Good boy! It seems that I read you right, but I forgot, you little guy is really not small, but Qing Qing is already the richest man in the world, haha, good, good, I forgot this, you The kid is right, I want to see how they want to get it?" Although General Li was almost eighty years old and almost ninety years old, but he wasn't very confused at all, and obviously it was obvious.

"Then rest for the old general, you can rest assured that this matter, just leave it to me." Zhang Yang was relieved when he heard General Li give up personally. After all, such a trivial matter would allow the old general to join in, which is really unreasonable. "Okay, then you kid don't care, pay attention to the little bastard, or I'll send you some guards over there? Someone from me is at They just don't dare to do anything. Hands on." General Li said after thinking for a while.

"This... don't need it." Zhang Yang thought for a moment.

"No, so, I'm not worried about not arranging individuals. I let Xiao Huang follow you these days, or just follow Ke Qing. If there is someone who is not open-eyed, I dare not do it. What's wrong?" General Li Li thought about it and said very simply.

"This... okay." Seeing the old general's determination, Zhang Yang did not refuse, and Huang Kexin followed him, so if the other party really affected any official power, Huang Kexin could block it.

After saying yes, the old general directly hung up the phone, and Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly. He suddenly remembered something. Last time when Huang Kexin went to the military division to gather troops around Song Zhaojun, he remembered that Huang Kexin once said and gave an order. It was directly issued by the Military Commission. Why did the people who knew the identity of Li Shufang and Li Keqing still seem to be almost absent, as if they were known by the senior members of the Military Commission. RO! ! ! ;




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