The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 471: Fengmanlou (below)

Chapter 471 Feng Man Lou (Part 2)

The content of the post is like this, but this post expresses everyone's voice, just like Microsoft used to be the pride of Americans. Starry Sky Group is the pride of all netizens, and now their own pride is trampled by others. Can everyone not be angry?

If only a small number of people are enough. However, the Internet users affected by the photon defense software and the Starry Sky Group and so on are not just tens of millions of millions of people. The people affected are calculated in billions. Of course, it is impossible for everyone to post to express their opinions, but also, everyone also underestimated the influence of the Starry Sky Group and underestimated the long-term repression of the mentality of the Chinese people. A world-class company suddenly stood up. For everyone to raise their eyebrows and breathe the influence of Chapter 471 Feng Man Lou (down)!

Although there are not hundreds of millions of people to post, but there are close to 10 million posts, and the number of followers is tens of millions! Such a horrible number can not only affect these "little things", it is no exaggeration to say that some major things can be affected.

That's why after seeing the Starry Sky Group, these people want to know that they will be sweating all over. This is the red ~ naked ~ naked Yangmou, just tell you. I’m here, what can you do, don’t you want to check? Ok, I’ll check it for you, but do these departments dare to check it now?

The answer is needless to say, because these things are all fictitious and some things are purely fabricated. If you really check them, then if the inspection is completed and there is no such thing, the things that will be caused will be even greater! Can faraway people not sweat? When they saw it, these usually very effective methods were exchanged for such a solution. The fist that was swung out was like hitting the cotton, and the softness didn't have any focus at all. The other party didn't accept the move at all.

"Good boy! Good means!" The same place, the same people, the difference is that this time they are summoned by the emergency, and after seeing this 471th chapter Feng Man Lou (down ) After the report, the Prime Minister couldn't help but praise. The old man next to him had the same expression. "Just now Paramount Pictures and Blizzard Entertainment have sent serious protests to our Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the big embassy in their respective countries. How to deal with this matter? Especially the anger of those netizens, how to calm down?" He smiled bitterly, and even looked away from him. He didn't expect this little guy to be so strong.

What I didn’t expect was that this little guy’s strategic vision was so outstanding.” The head of the trumpet suddenly felt very sad for those people. He spent so much thought and so many tricks, and he was caught by a little guy. Thousands were effortlessly resolved, and the ensuing counterattacks made them unbearable!

Just when the ‘No. 1’ commanded, he suddenly heard a quick knock on the door.

"Come in," said Li Gang, the commander of the trumpet. The middle-aged man came in, and was the chief secretary of the commander. "The three chiefs have just released the latest announcement from the Star Group." This mid-year report of a quick opening of the meeting.

"Oh? What did this kid say?" The Prime Minister asked curiously.

"This is the case. The main content of the Star Group's announcement is that you netizens should be restless. The star group's end, sitting right, will actively cooperate with relevant departments in investigation and evidence collection. Please netizens not to be impulsive and affect national law enforcement The relevant work of the department." The middle-aged man said the content of the announcement with a weird face.

The three old men froze for a moment, and the prime minister laughed directly: "This kid, ruthless enough!" The head of the trumpet also smiled bitterly. From their perspective, naturally they would not think that this announcement really helped these to the Star Group Those who wear small shoes calm down the incident, which is simply accumulating strength!

If the department that issued these announcements or the relevant personnel did not give the Star Group a statement... what kind of anger will these netizens explode by then? And now there is a key issue! If it is the Star Group that made the announcement first, but there is no substantial action, then this matter is easy to solve! But the problem is, that little guy is too ruthless, just do everything without saying a word, you should lose money, you should stop the operation and stop the operation, everything is up to you!

Is it just to issue another report on the results of the investigation now, saying that the announcement that Starry Group has no problem will solve the problem? is it possible? Because of a few announcements, Star Group lost hundreds of millions of dollars! That's hundreds of millions of dollars! Who will compensate for this loss? If there is no one! In other words, if the Star Group does not discuss an announcement, let alone the Star Group cannot get through, even some netizens can't get through!

All businessmen throughout the country can't get through it! This step will bind the Star Group to all business people! We wait for you to give an explanation. If there is no explanation, who will dare to do business in the country? Just thought a few people would directly cost our company hundreds of millions of dollars? Starry Group doesn't care about its wealth, but who can afford most ordinary companies?

If it is not handled well, it will be chilling! All the people who are concerned about the development of this matter have broken their glasses. At the same time, everyone also understands that the Starry Sky Group is completely okay, and not only the Starry Sky Group is okay, but this fist also directly hit back, which is like Jin Yong The Murong family's fight in the old man's novel is the same, and now I am afraid that the Lu family will be unlucky.

At the same time with the superb means of publicity, everyone smiled bitterly, watching the Starry Sky Group is like looking at a huge animal, why is the Starry Sky Group so cattle? Why is it so cruel! The reason is simple and rich! It's too rich, people play!

Take a look. Hundreds of millions of dollars are said to be lost, and for such a large loss, just throw it away! Rich money! Just after the auction, there are tens of billions of dollars in horror funds in hand, and hundreds of millions of dollars are lost! All it takes is this breath! it depends on you! The ball was kicked back at once, and it was anxious and ruthless. The goalkeeper of the Lu family was going to be completely tragic!

At this moment, the people applauding Zhang Yang don’t know how many people. GOD sitting in front of the computer is just as happy as he did, almost laughing. Although GOD can’t see Lu’s face, GOD can think of it, this will I'm afraid it's the same as constipation, right?

Almost half an hour after the announcement of the Starry Sky Group, Zhang Yang’s mobile phone was ringing like an alarm, and the calls were all unfamiliar numbers. Don’t think Zhang Yang knows what these phones are doing, it’s nothing but emotion Yes, it might even include some intimidation! Zhang Yang simply didn't answer, and turned off the phone directly! Zhang Yang didn't shut down, even Li Keqing's phone made her shut down.

Can't get through to Zhang Yang's phone. These people's calls can only be made to Chen Xiaowei. Chen Xiaowei is not a fool. At this moment, she also understands the reason for Zhang Yang's doing this. Although the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars is distressing, the one in my heart Refreshing, at this time Chen Xiaowei even felt calmer than eating ice cream in San Fu Tian! Cool from the inside to the outside!

Zhang Yang they shut down, Chen Xiaowei knows, but who let her be the president, she can't shut down, there is no way for anyone to temporarily work, this matter can only be resolved by her, and then the phone followed slowly, and met with pleading, Chen Xiaowei It was a period of cynicism and sarcasm, that is, without giving an opinion and encountering intimidation, Chen Xiaowei was too lazy to even hang up the phone.

The one that hangs up on this phone is cool Too many officials are accustomed to being high above the ground, so after seeing the Star Group doing this, these people actually came to intimidate, nothing more than how do you not cancel the announcement. These calls Zhang Yang made Chen Xiaowei record with a sneer, want to play tricks? Okay, how big a shock will these recordings make when they are released?

Zhang Yang has already explained to Chen Xiaoweizi, whoever encounters pleading and says to soften or the like, is a matter of public affairs! In particular, what the **** is wrong, it's even more official! You let us accept the inspection, yes, but if there is no inspection result, then sorry, we need an explanation.

The problems of all parties came to Guo Meizhi. These reactions made Guo Meizhi a little dumbfounded. She is not stupid. Now this situation is beyond her control, but now she can't contact her husband. In fact, it didn’t take long for Guo Meizhi to wait, and Lu Xingmin’s phone call came, and Lu Xingmin couldn’t even think of it, because the phone number of ‘No. 1’ had already reached his conference room directly.

Even the "confidential" meeting came out to solve the matter. When Lu Xingmin was in the Don't say, he really didn't know the development of the matter. When he came out, he heard his secretary quickly After explaining the course and development of the matter, Lu Xingmin gasped.

Of course he knows what the result will look like now, no wonder he is already alarmed, and if he does not solve this matter perfectly, even his progress may be affected. To know that Lu Xingmin is still young, just It is quite promising to be able to join one of the standing committees.

When considering that his future will be affected because of this, Lu Xingmin suddenly regretted it, no, quite regretted it.

But now I have no regrets. The question now is how to solve these problems. My wife used too much power to revenge her son. If one or two can pull people out to take up the post, but so many people... …. Pull out all? Then Lu Xingmin's strength will be completely gone, it is just a tree fainted, and who will follow him in the future?

Problem This is not the most critical issue. The most critical issue is that this matter has not been resolved yet! ! ! ! ;




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