The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 484: This starry sky (1)

Chapter 484 The Starry Sky (1)

"Boss, I found a very interesting thing." Since Zhang Yang was named Starry Sky, Zhang Yang felt that the system of infecting bugs has become more humanized. Of course, this is also an illusion, because when the infected insects kidnapped the Adam system back, Zhang Yang seldom dared to use the voice function of the infected insect system. Now the entire Star Group has used subsystem services. Voice prompt, Zhang Yang will not be abrupt after using this again, so Zhang Yang does not have the voice function of the starry sky.

"What?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment, then asked strangely. Something fun? It can be described by a system as fun, what is it?

"It is a piece of Starry Sky (one) program in Chapter 484 of the hidden storage space on your server." Starry Sky quickly gave the answer, because all of Starry Sky's programs and databases have been copied to the supercomputer Zhang Yang simply connected it to the server in his home, so Zhang Yang also saves himself to do some programs, especially after there are more files in the computer, looking for something to use Starry Sky can turn it over than himself. It's much faster.

"Uh?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and he immediately knew what the starry sky was talking about, that is, the hidden program hidden in the server that Zhang Yang bought, that is, the painful disordered array, this Something Zhang Yang hasn't touched for a long time, there is no way, too, Zhang Yang doesn't know if he can crack it after spending decades.

"Well? Can you crack it?" Zhang Yang froze and asked immediately. It is impossible to judge the existence of starry sky with a common sense system.

"It's not complicated. I have just analyzed and calculated the operation method of this program. This operation method is quite efficient. After my calculation, if my internal structure data transmission operation method is improved to this method, then my volume At least reduce the percentage of the starry sky (1) at 7.6 in Chapter 484." The tone of the starry sky actually revealed a hint of excitement.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but patted his forehead, he couldn't help but want to spit the bastards, it is a waste of resources, the reason why the starry sky's tone can be humanized, because the gang is so stupid. An emotion database is added to the Adam system, that is to say, the starry sky will analyze the definition of human emotions, and then combine with the analysis and judgment of its current work to add a suitable emotional tone.

This function says to this doesn't have much effect at all, but the wasted computer performance is quite huge. Although the computing performance of the starry sky is very powerful, it can accurately analyze what kind of things and emotions can be used, but this kind of The analysis is not 100% accurate, sometimes it will make mistakes, and after making mistakes, far words will be very funny.

After all, it is a computer, not a real person. "I'm not talking about the problem of your structured data composition, I mean, can you crack this program, it has what I want in it." The stuff hidden in this server is the only one in the world, from It can be seen in the conversation between anubis and that, its appearance has destroyed a secret base worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

And more importantly, this thing was inadvertently obtained in the study of other experiments, which made Zhang Yang curious. There are too many things inadvertently made in history, and these things have undoubtedly changed the process of technological development. "Yes, although its program has strong protection measures, but I don't need to use forced cracking methods, as long as the cracks are calculated step by step through normal calculation methods, until the last crack is finally cracked." Starry sky gave the processing results.

The words of the starry sky made Zhang Yang light up immediately. I have to say that disorderly arrayed Zhang Yang's thinking, but the words of the starry sky suddenly reminded Zhang Yang. It seems that many people do not understand the starry sky, but to put it bluntly, you treat the starry sky as a publicity, and then let it play this game, because the game itself will run under the starry sky, so it is controlled in the starry sky When the game character "passes through", it will record all the data of the game.

It's like Zhang Yang cracking the first! The English letters recorded in the step are the same, the starry sky recording will be faster, and it will not ignore any place. There are also traps, if it is really played by one person, then it hurts because you don’t know what will happen.

But for the starry sky, this is too simple. Although it cannot be cracked forcibly, the code in the traps in these programs is definitely different from other places.

"You'll crack this thing for me right away." Zhang Yang almost immediately excitedly ordered after thinking that it was hardly difficult for the starry sky. Zhang Yang finally understands that he has overlooked the most important things, the starry sky is the biggest? * Tatar. ?br/>

You know, this job is that other companies' supercomputer systems are not competent. For example, Microsoft's supercomputer systems are not competent for this job, because although they can also record data, they cannot determine for themselves what degree of cracking is possible. What is executed is not executable.

With Zhang Yang giving orders, the Super Mary version was running directly on his computer screen. "How long will this crack take?" Zhang Yang asked curiously when he saw the villain on the screen tossing at a crazy speed.

"About 13 hours." The starry sky sounded quickly. "Well, if the crack is successful, contact me directly through the mobile phone." Zhang Yang thought for a while. Turn off the computer screen directly.

Zhang Yang still has something to do. Tomorrow is Labor Day, and it is also the day when the Immortal ‘series will be released worldwide. And Zhang Yang also counted the capacity of Apple. In a few months of preparation time, Apple has produced nearly 30 million iphone phones and ipad personal computers worldwide.

Among them, 20 million mobile phones and 10 million ipads. Now the main production capacity of the factory is on aphone mobile phones. Because the number of reservations on the official website has exceeded nearly 10 million, of which the paid has reached as high as 5 million units. This is just a lively thing. The more people who buy it, the more famous it is. There are more people.

The reason why Nokia was so famous in China in the last life is because of its good marketing strategy, and now Apple's fame can be said to be more crazy than the previous life because of the toss of the Star Group. According to the difference of paying users, there are only 20 million iphones in China. Although the domestic marketing is responsible for Apple's specialty stores, but in this regard, the Star Group naturally spares no effort.

Anyway, Apple will be our own company sooner or later, and there is another thing tomorrow, that is the wedding of Zhao Fei and Luo Tianshu, but both of them have decided not to do so in a big way, just invite a few familiar friends for a meal It's done. The press conference of Star Group and Apple will be held at the night of the ‘No.’.

This time is exactly the morning of the European and American countries, and it is considered to be the time to meet the global simultaneous sale. The difference is that although it is a global simultaneous sale, because of the different time zones, the country must be sold more than ten hours ahead of other countries. When the news was announced on the official website of the Star Group, Chinese users were almost crazy. .

When did the products of European and American companies take the lead in China? In fact, domestic consumers are very satisfied, all you want is a face, right? The protection of domestic companies by the domestic economic system has led these European and American companies to enter the country at least a few months later than half a year or even half a year.

Now those consumers who are actually ahead of the country immediately feel refreshed and in a good mood. Naturally, they spend money unconsciously and generously. Not to mention, the Starry Sky Group not only gave the people a sigh of relief, but also a few sighs! At this point, we have to buy a mobile phone when we bite our teeth, right? Expensive is a bit expensive, but for this tone value.

The domestic iPhone consumer market accounted for almost 60% of Apple’s worldwide sales in the previous life. Although it was said that there was a psychology of comparison, etc., many of the users still did not choose iPhone. These users are not incapable of buying. One is that it is unnecessary, and the other is that there are still many users who buy domestic brands with the idea of ​​supporting national industries.

And there are not many such people. Although many people may be very disappointed with domestic products, they still support national enterprises. The publicity of the previous life is one of them, although many companies have repeatedly hurt the hearts of these consumers. , But in any case, they are doing their part for this country, many people have scolded their country on the Internet, how is it, how is it, how is it not good, but if there is a foreigner who dares To say bad things about your own country, those who scold the most fiercely are definitely the first to rush up.

They swear because they are sad or because they are disappointed, but those who never say anything, those who are numb, are the ones who care least about these things. This kind of psychology is easy to understand. Everyone has gone to school, everyone has such a heart. Every day you scold your alma mater 10,000 times, but you are not allowed to scold it again.

To make the most direct analogy, you look for people who often scold the government about the Internet. How do you choose him if you are asked to change your nationality? Most of these people will refuse. And the stars who praise how good the government is on TV every day... How many did not change their nationality?

Of course, everything is not absolute, but now the situation has changed a lot. At least a lot of people changed their minds when they bought iPhones. First of all, I bought iPhones to support the national industry. I didn’t look at Apple’s 4%. Are the 15th shares already owned by Starry Sky Group? And with the emergence of the Forbes World Rich List, everyone also discovered the presence of Tan Yudie and Li Keqing.

Because Forbes magazine is behind the rankings, it has an overview of everyone's assets, and the asset overview of Tan Yudie and Li Zaixuan is undoubtedly their identity as Apple shareholders.

And the shareholding ratio is also described later. Before the negotiation with the Star Group, Apple held a shareholders meeting, which will notify all shareholders, so many people sold themselves in the stock market because they did not like this negotiation. Of shares. And these shares were basically received by two girls in their hands, so when? * Also  Tomb of good generation to write a midge  Magpie Nanlu   Huang cut  Magpie Nanlu Yu election?

Tan Yudie and Li Yuxuan’s working companies are also very good. The two people’s shareholding ratio is exactly 6%, plus the Starry Sky Group’s 45% share, who is Apple’s share, everyone Actually, I knew everything. It's just because the shareholders of the Star Group's shares exercise the power in Jobs' hands, and many Americans who can't think of it use this as a comfort.

But most people in China have long known that Apple is basically a Chinese company. Buying a company from their own country, and the product is still a world-famous product. This is even less burdensome. You don’t have to choose between supporting state-owned products or foreign products. Too.

The reason why many people do not buy domestic products is not because they do not want to support national enterprises, but because these national enterprises are too painful. Many companies have no conscience to seize the psychology of ordinary consumers, arbitrarily make a gadget, and make money on the banner of national products. Who will be willing to support domestic production in the long run?

Now there is finally a domestic product that doesn't have to worry about quality. Everyone's support naturally has no burden. Although it is said that it is the first sale of iphone on May 1, judging from the feedback from all over the country, in the last few days of the month, there are a large number of customers in various Apple stores every day asking whether they can buy it, even Some users have directly left the funds for the purchase. "Book in Five million Xianbi mobile phones are scattered in large and small cities across the country, and even a splash can't float. When May 1st On Labor Day, most companies have statutory holidays, and a large number of people gather in front of the Apple stores in various stores on the street, and many stores have long queues.

Even the promotion is free. Many products will be greatly advertised when they are on the market. The specialty store will invite some people to set up a stand to sing and publicize, but now this is not necessary at all! The jealous eyes of the chief executives of the major mobile phone companies concerned about this matter have turned red, but they have no choice. All the technical patents are in the hands of Apple, or the Star Group, and they want to develop such mobile phones. It is necessary to wait for the iPhone to be listed, and then purchase a system to study it, so as to continue to develop in accordance with others' systems.

So although these mobile phone manufacturers are interested in competing..., they are completely weak. They have no products, and their competition is worse. However, this is the case. In the past few days on May 1, most of the world's well-known mobile phone manufacturers are playing May 1 promotion activities and hitting price tags, but the effect of this move... has little effect. ! ! ! ;




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