The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 491: Butterfly effect (2)

Chapter 491 The Butterfly Effect (2)

On the third floor of the hotel, everyone in the huge corridor was empty. The waiter took Zhang Yang to a door with four bodyguards, and then whispered, "Sir, the people inside are waiting for you.;"

After he finished speaking, he turned and left. Standing at the door, the GOD-like men didn't speak, and opened the box door directly behind him. Zhang Yang didn't even bother to open the door and walked in.

As soon as he walked in and looked at the few people inside, Zhang Yang was stunned. After choking for a while, Zhang Yang could not help but step back a few steps, and then looked up at the box outside and said weirdly, "I didn't go The wrong place?"

"Hehe..." There was a burst of light laughter immediately, and soon a hearty voice came out. Chapter 491 The Butterfly Effect (2) came out: "Mr. Zhang, please come in, if you went in the wrong place , My old guy is even in the wrong place."

After a long sweat, Zhang Yang quickly re-entered the room. "That, Prime Minister, you still call me my name, call me Mr. Zhang, it's awkward." Zhang Yang didn't expect the Prime Minister to appear in this ordinary hotel, no wonder There were bodyguards at the entrance of the hotel. Although there were not many people in the whole box, there were also many.

Sitting in the middle is the Prime Minister of the Republic, which is often seen on TV. Killing Zhang Yang did not expect the Prime Minister to appear here, but strangely, Zhang Yang really had no pressure. And on the right hand side of the prime minister is a man about twenty-four to four years old, and on the other side of the prime minister is a military admiral in his fifties with three gold stars on his shoulders, although Zhang Yang is nothing. Stress, but to be honest, he was still a bit guilty.

Zhang Yang couldn't figure out, what are these people doing here? Black Hawk sat at the door just like a child. "Haha, okay, let me call you Xiao Zhang, we are meeting for the first time, hello!" The prime minister laughed twice, then stood up and stretched out his hand to Zhang Yang. Chapter 91 Butterfly Effect (2) and the Prime Minister shook hands.

"Introduce to you, this is General Lu Yuanxing, deputy chief of staff of the General Staff! Responsible for all the work of the operations department of the intelligence department and the electronic confrontation department." The premier personally introduced the general to Zhang Yang. Surname Lu? Zhang Yang froze for a moment, but he still took the initiative to reach out and shook his hand with this land general. It seemed that he felt Zhang Yang's doubts. General Lu Yuanxing said with a smile: "General Li is the old superior of several of our old guys. ."

In a word, Zhang Yang directly puzzled him. Obviously, General Lu Yuanxing had nothing to do with the Lu family. However, Zhang Yang was still a little shocked. He finally understood why General Li had such a great influence. Several of us old guys, in a simple sentence, vaguely revealed a lot of content, can be a deputy chief of staff! The status of persons mentioned by a general in a republic is naturally similar.

"Hello, my name is Shangguan Shenxue, the subordinate electronic countermeasures department of the General Staff, Minister." The short hair sitting on the right side of the prime minister stood up and stretched out his hand with a smile. Zhang Yang also reached out and shook her.

"Come here, don't be restrained, just sit down." The prime minister smiled, then stretched out his hands and pressed, the people in the room sat down. After sitting down, Zhang Yang did not take the initiative to speak. This lineup is a little stronger. If it is just to solve a white matter, it is impossible for so many people to come. It is clear that the Prime Minister has other things to come when they come.

"We came to you today, mainly because there are a few things you want to discuss with Xiao Zhang." Finally, the Prime Minister spoke first. Zhang Yang didn't move, but just sat quietly and listened to the general ideal.

"The first thing is about Guo'an, and about Bai Su, and I apologize to you on behalf of the country." The Prime Minister said seriously.

Zhang Yang shook his head quickly and said, "The prime minister is serious." Zhang Yang didn't say much about the redundant words. Everyone knew it well.

"Haha, it seems that you still have an idea in your heart, so let me just pick out and say that arranging Bai Su to your company is the above opinion. This was originally intended to say hello to you. I will tell you directly, for the sake of the technical safety of Star Group, Xiao Wang, show him." The prime minister smiled heartily before speaking.

Hearing the Prime Minister’s words, the Black Eagle immediately took out a document from the briefcase that he carried with him, and then handed it directly to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang was undecided and reached out to take over the document handed over by the Black Eagle. There is a large line on the cover of the document: detailed information on domestic intelligence security in the last three months.

Zhang Yang hesitated. This document was obviously confidential, but after a short pause, Zhang Yang still opened it. Since the Prime Minister had taken it out, he must be able to see it inside, and others can’t see it. come out. The Prime Minister sitting on the side and General Lu Yuanxing looked at each other, and both nodded slightly invisiblely.

The documents are not all there. After reading, Zhang Yang's face was slightly ugly. After closing the document, Zhang Yang lowered his head and began to ponder.

The content in this document is very simple, but it makes Zhang Yang have to worry. The data here shows that in the past three months, the entry of agents in other countries has increased by 3% year-on-year. hundred!

After the investigation by Guoan, the purpose of these agents finally pointed to a target, Starry Sky Group! In particular, several departments such as cia and gscsd are even more active, and even the Russian KGB has trends. This is what Guoan has already discovered. I don’t know how much Guo’an hasn’t discovered yet. Zhang Yang understands what the prime minister said, for the safety of the starry sky.

All kinds of thoughts were quickly turned in Zhang Yang's mind. Although the security guards of the Star Group were all comrades of Zhao Fei and their people, these agents were elite agents of intelligence agencies of various countries. When the tigers were napping, Zhao Fei They are also not immortals, and it is impossible to do nothing at all.

"Starry Sky Group will unconditionally provide an excellent system to all technical departments of the Ministry of Defense, and can create a unified military system for China's defense network!" Zhang Yang suddenly raised his head and said seriously.

Zhang Yang’s words made the expressions of the Prime Minister and Admiral Lu Yuanxing immediately serious. All things in this world are not absolute. Star Group Zhang Yang cannot talk to the country, but it cannot be said that Star Group cannot cooperate with the country. It is impossible to make money, and there are some things, willing, willing! How good this word is, you can only get it if you have the chance!

Why are super companies such as Boeing, Tetra Boron, Microsoft, etc. standing up? There is no ghost behind the back of the US government. It is inevitable that a company grows to a certain extent. Now Zhang Yang will have to sacrifice something in exchange for something else.

"Are you sure?" General Lu Yuanxing couldn't help asking.

"Okay, the unified military system I'm talking about refers to the unified military system like the United States, which means that the network of all bases of our army, including fighter jets, naval ships, and even future individual soldier systems, etc. Can be directly connected to this system, the national military network will no longer be like now." Zhang Yang said lightly.

"Are you sure?" "Are you sure?" Two screams came, and the generals named Shangguan Shenxue and General Lu Yuanxing almost sat up directly from their seats. What are the biggest shortcomings of the informationization and modernization of the military of the Republic? What are the biggest constraints that affect the combat effectiveness of the Republican team? Not weaponry, not personnel! Instead, there is no unified military system!

Although the combat effectiveness of the individual soldiers of Lao Mei is not very good, why is its overall combat effectiveness so high? That is information! For example, what happened to a team under a base in the United States in the Middle East, when the information was transmitted to the United States Department of Defense of the Pentagon, and then a decision was made above, and then transmitted to the team at this base, the time it took was absolutely No more than half an hour!

Modern warfare is about information! The Republic is not a little behind in network construction. A unified military system like Lao Mei is not played by any country that wants to play. It can be said without exaggeration that there is no country in the world except Lao Mei. Have such a military system!

Although the Republic now has its own network within the military, these networks are more like how to say, more like a system for each military area, or a system for each service type, and then these systems are forcibly combined to form a military network~ The information feedback efficiency of such a network can be imagined, and the biggest problem with such a military network is the logic analysis capability of this system!

But is this a problem for Star Group? Even if the American military network does not have Adam’s excellent logical thinking library, the unified military network system in the United States is completely supported by US dollars. In other words, the logical thinking ability of this system is too far compared with Adam. At best, it is similar to one of Adam's subsystems, that is, the one currently used in the Star Group server, but behind this system is a huge hardware system support!

Although the software is almost inefficient, the military system built with such a horrible performance hardware system is that even Xu Xu must pay a huge price to successfully invade. Unfortunately, the Republic does not even have such a supercomputer system. Although the Republic is catching up in these areas, the gap between the two is too far. This is a fact and cannot be caught up in a short period of time.

Although the people are full of optimism, in the eyes of the prime ministers, of course, it is impossible to see the problems so superficially. ! ! ! ;




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