The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 498: Tough guy (3)

Lu Yuanxing received the information from Zhang Yang, but Zhang Yang couldn’t find out the specific actions. He has been monitoring the Internet, but it’s a pity that the domestic news supervision is obviously far worse than the European and American countries. If it is the European and American countries, what is the FBO? Major actions have long been reported, but now Zhang Yang knows nothing.

In China, Guo'an's ability to block news is not covered, but what makes Zhang Yang somewhat stunned is that on the fourth day of Lu Yuanxing's departure, Zhang Yang received a call from Lu Yuanxing again. This time, he actually asked Zhang Yang for help. They asked Zhao Fei in Zhangyang Company for their help.

"This... Could you tell me, why are you asking them to go?" Zhang Yang was a little speechless. Guoan was an elite in the past, didn't he need Zhao Fei to help the officer? Chapter 498 Tough Guys (3) And even if Zhao Fei is powerful, Zhang Yang really does not believe that other domestic special forces do not have such a skill as Zhao Fei.

"Here, I will tell you the truth. This thing should be Warwick’s, not enough. Warwick is one of the senior spies of the Taiwan Military Intelligence Bureau. He has undergone quite powerful anti-confessions, anti-psychological warfare training, and national security. The expert has no way to draw news from his mouth. The file you gave us caught some people, but according to the analysis of the staff, this is obviously not the most important person in it, and Zhao Fei among them There is a master for it." Lu Yuanxing also simply put Zhang Yang's "Answer" case directly.

Zhang Yang burst into sweat and his feelings were this matter. In fact, Zhang Yang wanted to say that it would not be over with the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty, but think about it, these ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty may not really work for these spies. "No problem, but I have a request. I have to follow them all the way. I have to bring them back." Zhang Yang thought and said.

Zhang Yang didn't want to be beaten in the end, and he was recruited by the state. "Okay, no problem. Let Ronaldinho take you to the airport. We will send you a special plane to pick you up." Lu Yuanxing readily agreed to Chapter 498 Tough Guys (3). After hanging up the electronic nose, Zhang Yang picked up the phone and called Zhao Fei. He conveyed the meaning above and asked them who was the best at it. Finally, the "Answer" case left Zhang Yang speechless and killed Zhang Yang without thinking. Yun Wei is the best at this thing.

Borrowing Mr. Chen for her secret, she had to say hello to Chen Xiaowei. Zhang Yang could only call Chen Xiaowei again. When he heard that Zhang Yang wanted to borrow Yun Wei for a few days, Chen Xiaowei immediately screamed: " I said Zhang Yang, you can do it, you don’t even need to add people to me, you still have to transfer people from me? No!", Chen Xiaowei refused directly.

"Uh... I said Mr. Chen, we went back in a day or two when we were the most... There are so many secretaries in the company, you will be finished when you second up temporarily... You are so reluctant... Between..." Zhang Yang said ambiguously at once.

"Who doesn't want to do it anymore, get out, get out of here." When Zhang Yang said this, Chen Xiaowei couldn't stand it anymore and quickly dropped the sentence and hung up the phone. Zhang Yang smiled triumphantly, and then gave Yun Wei a call. He would probably say something to Yun Wei, asking him if he had anything to bring.

"No, isn't it just a confession, just give me such a simple thing." Yun Wei smiled and promised to let Zhang Yang go directly to the company to pick him up. Driving a car, Zhang Yang went directly to the company to pick up Yunwei, and then greeted Raksha and went straight to the airport. They obviously had arranged people there.

"Is it difficult to confess to these people?" Zhang Yang asked curiously after starting the car.

"How to say, if you want to get something from these spies, you have to grab their hearts. In fact, to deal with these people, you just have to catch their psychology, and it is not so difficult to deal with them. Even the confession does not need a few words. Okay." Yun Wei said with a smile.

"Oh? It's so magical? But it is said that Guoan has already made a confession, which seems to have no effect." Zhang Yang continued to ask curiously.

"This simple method is wrong. If I guess correctly, whether they are torture confessions or other methods, it is estimated that they are using modern methods. Hey, in this regard, I dare to say that no one is more frequent than us. People who are on the battlefield know more how to come. Modern methods can deal with ordinary people. If they are against professional spies, it is estimated that they have no effect. These people have undergone some anti-psychotic drug training. Those so-called Estimating them like psychedelics will not work." Yun Wei shook his head.

The two drove to the airport quickly. Zhang Yang and Yun Wei just entered the airport lobby, and a young man in plain clothes greeted him: "Is it Mr. Zhang?" This young man said respectfully to Zhang Yang, although it was Questions, but almost in a positive tone.

"It's me." Zhang Yang nodded.

"Come with me, the plane is already waiting outside." The young man now turned around and walked to another passage beside the airport. Zhang Yang and Yun Wei immediately followed, and after entering the airport from the special passageway, Zhang Yang saw a huge plane. "Khan, I thought it was just an ordinary transport plane or something. I didn't expect it to be a special plane, and it seemed to be the legendary Air Force One of China." Zhang Yang was speechless for a while. The country is not like the United States. There is no special so-called Air Force One.

Several of the special planes flying far away were leased by Air China’s Boeing 747, while in domestic short-haul aircraft, they took the Boeing 737 series under the Airbi Division, and the front of Zhang Yang was a family of Boeing painted with a large August 1 Peugeot. 737, and it should also be the aircraft of the Air Division, because there are no such aircraft in other air force establishments.

When walking to the boarding spiral ladder, a figure came down from the plane. Zhang Yang saw that this person was speechless for a while, and quickly walked over to shake his hand and said, "I said, why are you here?" No one else was actually Li Guotao. Zhang Yang did not expect Li Guotao to appear in such a place.

"Hey, I said, brother-in-law, how is my eldest uncle considered competent? Come here to pick you up personally, but this is the order under 〖Master〗, 〖Master〗 said, anyway, you are also the richest man in the world, always Can't let the Air Force's transport plane come to pick you up?" Li Guotao said with a grin.

Zhang Yang was speechless for a while. He and Li Guotao hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they didn't know what he was doing. Li Guotao turned his head and looked at Yun Wei responsibly. "He is an expert?" Zhang Yang nodded: "Yes, expert!", " Let's go, this matter is very urgent, but this time the Lu family was unlucky." Li Guotao whispered in Zhang Yang's ear. Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows and did not have an interface. The three quickly followed the escalator and waited for the special plane to be scrapped. There was still a gap between the US Air Force One and the TV. However, the overall decoration was almost the same. Although the interior decoration of the entire aircraft could not be talked about. Luxurious, but no worse than the private jets of ordinary rich people and left. The 737 is not as big as the 747, but it is not too small. The plane is so big to pick up two people. This face is really big. The plane entered the taxi track directly after the two people got on the plane. As the plane ascended, In the air, a few girls dressed in the Air Force came in and respectfully said to Zhang Yang: "Excuse me, what do the three gentlemen need? "

"Water is just fine. Others are not needed." Zhang Yangchong replied with a smile, these girls are soldiers" and estimated to be trained soldiers, they came to play the role of flight attendants on the plane, second In an emergency, these girls are estimated to be able to take up arms as bodyguards.

"Where are we going?" After the water came in, Zhang Yang asked, but as soon as he said something, he tapped his forehead and said, "Okay," I asked it in vain. It is estimated that this is a military secret. "Li Guotao smiled and didn't get entangled in this matter, but just said quickly: "You may not know it, it's bad luck for the Lu family to encounter you." "

"It's not convenient to say this, what do you mean? This time something Lujia people are entangled in?" Zhang Yang is not a fool. The matter between Lujia and Xingkong Group is over, although Lujia's vitality is badly hurt , But it has nothing to do with the bad luck. Since Li Guotao said it was unlucky, it is obvious that the people in the Lu family have a lot to do with this matter.

"You guessed it. Although the Lu family is not a direct participant, it is only used by others, but no matter whether it is used or directly involved, as long as such things are involved, there is no future. "Li Guotao nodded slightly and said, don't look at the state may be insufficient in some cases because of the various interests involved" but for this matter, there is simply no second treatment plan, it seems that Lu Xingmin also Unlucky enough, even if it is not as good as the Starry Sky Group, I am afraid that Lu Xingmin has no chance of progress because of this matter.

Now this incident is nothing more than the acceleration of the death of the Lu family. As the saying goes, it is not that the enemy is not meeting, it seems quite reasonable. This incident was also indirect because of Zhang Yang's stabbing.

Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders: "You can live if you do evil, but you cannot live if you do evil!"

Li Guotao laughed twice, then said: "Hey, speaking, my brother-in-law, I admire you, do you know how high your current specifications are? Look at the outside." Li Guotao pointed and pointed out the window, Zhang Yang Some curiously looked out the window. Two silver-white fighter jets flew a short distance away.

Zhang Yang was also a little surprised. He really didn't expect that he not only sent the special plane where 〖Main〗 Xi usually sat to pick him up, but also there were fighters escorting outside. It seems that there are at least four **** fighters. "How? Is there a feeling of being the head of state?" Li Guotao asked, looking at Zhang Yang playfully.

Zhang Yang touched his nose: "Uh, no, I'm not a head of state, but it feels pretty cool. Haha." Zhang Yang also laughed twice, but what Zhang Yang didn't know was that it was really because Zhang Yang was going to follow It was only after he came to send out such a formation that perhaps Zhang Yang had not realized that his identity and influence were quite different now. However, Zhang Yang can probably guess, it is probably related to his identity.

The first is the identity of the world’s richest man. After all, if a world’s richest man dies unexpectedly, this is really a sensation. The second one is probably more about Zhang Yang who can write the entire defense military system, which is the most Pivotal. The staff of the technical department of Star Group is just that. Guo'an wants to investigate too simple, and the only technically powerful one is publicity, so there is no doubt who wrote this system.

Actually, what Zhang Yang didn’t know is that although 〖General〗 went back and reported Zhang Yang’s words to No. 1, in fact, the confidence in Zhang Yang above is not great. Can a system be written by one person? The entire windowo system was written by thousands of programmers at the time, and it was still a civilian system. Now Zhang Yang writes a military system that includes the entire national defense strategy. More importantly, Zhang Yang has not proposed it from the beginning to the end. The cooperation of the research institute has kept the people above at a loss, while retaining a lot of doubts.

However, with the lessons learned from the Star Group, the No. 1 Chief Executive did not totally deny it, but just issued the latest instructions. No matter whether the Star Group can be completed according to the contract, the policy for the Star Group remains unchanged. After all, even if the system is not completed, the country It is also impossible to allow these foreign spies to take away the technology of the Star Group.

The flight time of the special plane was not long. It was probably more than fifty minutes and landed directly on a military airport. What is here is completely invisible from the surrounding environment, but Li Guotao handed it to Zhang Yanghe when he left the plane. Yun Wei's two military coats, obviously it should be close to the north.

The whole base is surrounded by large the trees on the mountain remain green, the part on the top of the mountain is still covered with silver and white. The temperature outside is a bit low. Although it is in May, it is estimated here to be Not as old as it looks. Zhang Yang was wise and did not ask where it was. When he came out of the plane, Zhang Yang saw Lu Yuanxing standing underneath. Unexpectedly, this was actually Lu Yuanxing's personal grasp, but think about it, such a big thing, It is understandable that Lu Yuanxing personally took the horse.

Lu Yuanxing was surrounded by four generals, two lieutenant generals, and two major generals. In addition, there were a lot of school-level officers. Zhang Yang was a little speechless in this lineup. Seeing Zhang Yang coming down, Lu Yuanxing laughed twice and said, "How is it? The first special plane is good, right?"

"Uh, yes, yes, but some accidents did not expect me to actually be able to sit on Air Force One of China." Zhang Yang made a joke with a smile.

"Come here, let me introduce you..." Lu Yuanxing immediately pulled Zhang Yang to introduce him to the generals behind him. The generals were all about forty to fifty years old. Lu Yuanxing Ran The attitude made these generals a little horrified. ! ! ! ;




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