The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 504: Starry sky law (middle)

Chapter 504 The Law of Starry Sky (Part 2)

Chapter 504 The Law of Starry Sky (Part 2)

In fact, no one can understand what Zhang Yang thinks, including countless foreign financial experts can not understand why this series of actions of the Star Group. ; For this reason, many American TV media have invited specialized financial experts to analyze this matter. This has never happened in the United States. These media in the United States have asked experts to analyze how many times consecutively because of a foreign company. First, although there is an Apple relationship, it is only part of the reason, more because the company of the mysterious ancient ancient country is too eye-catching, just like the ggle of the year.

"...Mr. Carlo, what do you think of the next action of Starry Star Law 504 (China) Kong Group? From the audience feedback and the feedback from some experts, most people are not optimistic This acquisition of Star Group." nn TV, the host asked a financial expert in his fifties.

"If it is analyzed according to common sense, I think I am not optimistic about the acquisition of Star Group, because the current stalls of Star Group are too large, even if these huge military companies are not acquired, the management of Star Group is in There is a high load state, and there are many things that need to be handled by the senior management of the Star Group. It has been seen from the several subsidiaries established by the Star Group, but now the Star Group has acquired such a large military industrial enterprise. In this way, the Star Group The entire management of the company will appear in a high load state, and a large number of people must be filled." The analyst called Carlo said seriously.

"Mr. Carlo, do you mean that the Star Group is likely to decline or collapse because of this acquisition?" the host asked immediately.

"No! Please pay attention to my previous wording, I mean, analyze according to common sense! But is Star Group a company that can be analyzed according to common sense? I'm afraid all people Chapter 504 Starry Sky Law (middle) is not Let’s say this, if someone can copy the second Star Group, I haven’t said it. As everyone expects, according to common sense analysis, Star Group is likely to decline or crash because of this matter. But will Chairman Li Keqing and President Chen Xiaowei, who can develop the Star Group to what they are now, see such an ending?"

"So... this is still an unknown number, maybe there is no follow-up plan for the Star Group. I want to say that there is a Moore's Law in the computer industry, which means that the computer performance we can buy with the same money is in every It will double every 18 months, if the Starry Group is successful again. Then I think, maybe we should set up a Starry Sky Law for the Starry Group. After all, no one can copy the Starry Group model." This analysis called Carlo The teacher said with a smile on his face.

nn, the analyst named Caro, made many American newspapers reprint on a large scale, and the term "Starry Sky Law" also entered the eyes of many people, although major companies have remained silent on this matter, including Apple. None of the companies included commented.

A reporter interviewed Jobs specifically, but Jobs just shrugged his shoulders easily and said, "I can't guess the idea of ​​the Eastern Goddess. Chairman Li Keqing is the best woman I have ever seen." The reporter's words were blocked.

"Hey, did you see that, Jobs said you are the best woman he has ever seen." Zhang Yang said with a smile that evoked Li Keqing's chin color fan.

There was a hint of blush on Li Keqing's face, and he whispered, "I didn't do anything. There is Sister Xiao Wei in the company. The big decisions are basically made by you. It has nothing to do with me. They just don't know the truth. Only."

"Ke Qing, you're wrong. You shouldn't deny your own grades. Ask Chen Xiaowei. What do you think of her? You can see your grades since this time. Although many decisions were made by me, I only set a general direction. Other decisions were discussed by the two of you. Chen Xiaowei told me a lot, and many things are basically yours. Decision." Zhang Yang looked at Li Keqing seriously.

"Yeah." Li Keqing blushed and nodded slightly without disproving. Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes and changed his mind to other places. Zhang Yang bought these companies for a purpose. After buying these firearms manufacturing companies, Starry Sky Even heavy industry is an arms company, and in order to expand the influence of the Star Group, the country will definitely find a way to build momentum for Star Heavy Industry. If Zhang Yang remembers correctly, in June of several years, there was a small-scale military in Russia. exhibition!

This military exhibition is not open to the public, but a secret military exhibition. The main participating countries are many countries with ambiguous relations with Russia, some allies of the former Soviet Union, and India and other countries. Of course, the Republic is also listed Among them, if Zhang Yang opens his mouth and wants to participate in this military exhibition, it must not be too difficult.

As long as Starry Heavy Industry participates, Zhang Yang will have the opportunity to go to Russia in a fair and decent way, then Zhao Fei and his group can sneak back to save those people in advance, and then sneak back through Starlight Heavy Industries' special plane! Otherwise, it would be troublesome to rescue the gang and return home. After all, Kyzyl is not bordered by the country, and it is difficult to return to the country across the border.

Although the main equipment of this military exhibition is air force equipment, only a small part of the army, and the Star Group has only a few firearms manufacturing plants, but there is a saying, for the sake of long-term knowledge, I don’t mind carrying the Star Group Get involved.

In the next half month, Zhang Yang paid close attention to the situation of Kyzyl. This is a small place. From the position given by the other party, from a satellite point of view, this is just a relatively independent big log cabin villa, and There are no abnormalities around, and more importantly, from an aerial point of view, the road in front of the villa on the outskirts of Kyzyl has been empty for at least a few weeks or even a month or two.

Has this group of guys been moved? After all, it is a secret how this server is spread to the country, and how these things exist in the server is a secret. I am afraid that no one except these parties will know. Every day let the starry sky monitor this wooden house, Zhang Yang is also a little speechless. Although it is said that there is an i address from the cracked data, Zhang Yang did not invade this i's computer or server.

Over the next half month, the entire domestic media was in a state of enthusiasm. Almost every channel hired many experts to conduct various analyses of recent events, including CCTV. If it was in the past, news such as the reorganization of military industrial enterprises, etc., will definitely not let the media report, even if it is reported, I am afraid that it is a pass, which is like now, almost every day, countless channels are reporting Star Heavy Industry Bit by bit reorganization.

More than 70 small companies are undergoing reorganization. This is not a small project. In fact, such a reorganization is quite possible in the first half of the year. For half a month, it was just that the Star Group had a tight schedule. Zhang Yang put the entire group in a state of efficient operation.

Moreover, the work of the State Council was coordinated by the State Council’s working group. During the negotiation, Star Group had already greeted the State Council to help Star Heavy Industries complete the asset reorganization. In the process of reorganization, there was no tolerance for favoritism. The phenomenon, like the kind of people who walk through the back door, will be dismissed! In order to screen personnel, the Star Group conducted a large-scale assessment directly in more than 70 companies. For those who failed the assessment, the Star Group bought out the seniority in accordance with the standards of the original state-owned enterprises.

Although this will cost a lot of money, but this money must be spent, who is the Star Group? Anyone who knows the situation understands that some time ago a standing committee member had to walk behind the scenes because of the Starry Sky Group, so no one dared to play tricks in the process of asset reorganization.

In fact, the assessment work is not difficult. There are many similar companies in the China Ordnance Equipment Group, that is, the Southern Weapons Group and the companies purchased by Zhang Yang. The technical personnel of these companies can be directly transferred to the assessment personnel to see who they are. It's a mess, and who are the real workers.

At the same time as the assessment, some factories not far away directly began large-scale relocation. More than 70 companies spread all over the country, which is very unfavorable for management. In the past, these companies belonged to the state, with all levels of government auxiliary management, but now they are affiliated. With the Star Group, if these companies are spread all over the country, it will be very difficult for the entire senior management to grasp the situation of the branches of Star Heavy Industries.

Although relocation will cost a part of the money, the money is also a must-have. If the employees of these companies are willing to follow the company's factory for relocation, the company will provide certain subsidies and help solve the problems such as accommodation. If they are not willing to follow the company's factory for relocation, like those who were dismissed, they will buy it at once. Broken seniority.

The Star Group’s actions did not use any tricks at all, all were carried out in accordance with national regulations, and there were media reports. Although some people who are thinking carefully want it, they can’t make trouble at all. When have you seen such a company that is fully implemented in accordance with national regulations? In addition, all actions of the company are based on relevant laws. If you have any objections, I’m sorry. If you want to sue, just sue. For the purpose of asset reorganization, Star Group directly hired the three largest law firms in China. All lawyers.

Some of the Starry Group have lawyers inking with you, and with the efficient reorganization of Starry Heavy Industry, people who pay attention to media reports at all times have all given thumbs up to the Starry Group. Domestic companies that can be so impeccable are basically No! And this series of actions alone cost the Star Group nearly eight billion yuan!

The large-scale relocation work has been thoroughly planned. Four large-scale industrial zones covering an area of ​​tens of square kilometers are set up in the country. The four large-scale industrial zones are located in Shenyang, Shijiazhuang, Xi'an, and Lanzhou. On the outskirts of the four provincial capital cities, the land is directly allocated by the state, and the original land of these companies naturally belongs to the state.

When the time entered early June, the whole reorganization work was basically coming to an end except for relocation. After the reorganization of the entire Starry Heavy Industry, the total number of employees was 67,465. The president of Starry Heavy Industry was Luo Tianshu, There are four vice presidents. Each vice president is assigned a large industrial area. The headquarters of Star Heavy Industries is temporarily located in Shenyang. After the Star Group’s Star Park is completed in the future, it will be relocated to the city.

The relocation work of the entire group will continue until August, but after entering June, Zhang Yang has burst into laughter. Apple’s first month’s ine sales have been counted, and ine is in the first place. Monthly global sales reached 15 million units, while id sales were slightly inferior, but also reached more than 4 million units.

The total sales of 20 million units have allowed Apple to obtain a gross profit of more than 10 billion US dollars. The outside world does not know what the net profit is, but Zhang Yang knows that this 10 billion US dollars has a net profit of more than 6 billion US dollars! This is still because of the high cost caused by the early advertising and various application sales, and although the sales are not so terrifying in the next few months, the cost will definitely decline.

And with the sales of some of Apple’s other products, only in May, exceeded Apple’s profit by more than half of last year! Of the more than 6 billion yuan, there is the average of the Starry Sky Group. Of course, there cannot be so many dividends. After all, there is something to continue to invest in, but even if there is 2 billion US dollars, this is quite remarkable.

This is a month! And because of the stimulus from Apple’s financial report in May, Apple’s stock has once again started to climb. Although the speed of the climb is not as terrible as before, it is not far from the $300 mark. And now Apple is getting closer and closer to the world's most valuable company!

This result made Zhang Yang feel a little excited. Zhang Yang did not expect him to let Apple set foot on this peak more than five years in advance, and the starry sky group that followed was a bumper harvest. If ine was not handed over to Apple, cooperation with other companies may not reach this height.

With the release of Apple's five-month financial statements, Li Keqing was once again on the cover of Time Magazine's weekly magazine. This is the fourth time this year. Zhang Yang was a bit speechless when he saw this result. Jobs was completely tragic. If it were not for Li Keqing, it is estimated that these cover characters would be Jobs in the future. RO! ! ! ;




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