The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 535: Expand (below)

You know, Apple still has more than 10 million units in China at the moment. If you include iPads, there are at least 15 million units in sales! In just one week, these stocks were sold out, and there were still a lot of orders in various stores!

When Jobs knew about this, he was speechless for a long time, but strangely, this thing caused a shock and sensation in the European and American chalk family that everyone could not tell! To quote a report saying: "That mysterious ancient country in the East, we can't understand their feelings, but only from this matter, we can see that when a large country with a population of 100 million people joins, it bursts out. What an amazing and trembling power! Chapter fifty-fifty-fifth chapter expansion (below), many years ago, this troubled country's national chalk defeated all the aggressors with their unity, but today they use Unity allows us to see, in this new century, the immense power contained in this ancient oriental country"

The comments are almost representative of the common ideas of the executives and managers of all the other countries in the world, and the envy of those corporate executives is that huge market. ;

The eyes of the CEOs of all companies in the world are red. Except for the Star Group, the eyes of the CEOs of all other companies are like rabbits. There is no way. All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred! Needless to say, especially in the mobile phone and computer industry, such an expensive product actually sold 10 million in seven days! With the turmoil of this matter, not counting the ipad, I am afraid that the sales of iphone in China will completely exceed 20 million, reaching sales of about 23 million! In other countries in the world, this number does not add up!

The directors of Apple’s board of directors almost laughed and crooked their mouths. Before Apple was acquired by Star Group, they were still quite uncomfortable, but now, they feel a little uncomfortable, and they finally feel like being a company. Behind there is Chapter 535 Expansion (Part 2) What kind of horror energy can erupt when supported by a country with a population of 100 million.

And this incident, they did not pay any price, and because of the impact of this incident, not only the sales of the Star Group have increased, almost all domestic product sales have shown an upward trend. Especially for the major foreign mobile phone brands, the sales volume almost became bleak almost immediately, there is no way to go with the enemy!

But the bleakness is bleak, but the CEOs of the major companies dare not say anything or publish any comments. In front of a people like the Minzu, it is better not to talk indiscriminately, otherwise, it is you who will find the death . The management of major companies is a pain, not just suffering, it is hard to tell!

But no matter how bitter it is, you can only break your teeth and swallow it in your belly. But everything in this time is not absolute, there are always some companies that think they are very bullish. When all the similar companies are silent, there is a company that is not at all lonely. This company is nothing other than Samsung! Samsung directly stated on its official website that the Star Group is completely using the hearts of the Chinese, advertising in disguise, and disguising its products for its products. The announcement is a post by the Star Group.

As soon as this announcement came out, the major TV stations immediately rebroadcast, and the major domestic websites on the Internet were immediately reposted. But almost at the same time that Samsung came out, the author who published that post directly contacted the local TV station for an interview. It was a man in his thirties.

When the man was interviewed, he came directly to the sentence: "The old man is the person who posted the message. I posted it in my own home seven days ago. The old man now has the announcement draft! And the registration ID, who don’t believe it? If you want to investigate me, see what I have to do with the Star Group? Since the TV station interviewed, I will not swear, but I want to curse people. This is a matter of our own country. Fart? Damn! I have bought Samsung products before, but in the future, whoever dares to buy Samsung products among my friends, we have no friends to do"

Because it was an on-site interview, the man’s words were almost directly spread across the network, and an angry frenzy immediately ignited on the entire network. The Star Group did nothing. Although Zhang Yang was also very hot, he dared not do anything. Everyone's emotions are a little too angry now. If the Starry Sky Group is ignited at this time, God knows what will happen. Zhang Yang doesn't want to cause any tragedy because of his own words. But from this matter, it can be seen that Xiaori Chaemoto's savvy, this matter, the most severely affected is not those foreign products, but the various companies of Xiaori Chaimoto, Sony, Sony Ericsson (Sony Ericsson ), Toshiba, Nikon, etc. The Japanese company has suffered the most, because there has been an outbreak of anti-Japanese products in the country before, and the products of the Star Group have conflicts with the products of the Japanese company, so these days The losses suffered by the company were the worst.

But the shrewdness of Xiaori Chaumoto didn’t even speak at all, just like the Ninja Turtles of their national chalk family, they simply endured, and the sales were bleak, and they were bleak. Anyway, this thing will always pass, but if they jump out Because of the hatred between the two national chalk families in the last century, I am afraid they will pour blood enzymes.

Xiaori Chaemoto is savvy, but the stick is not savvy at all. In fact, Zhang Yang is also a little speechless. He doesn’t know why Samsung thinks that they jumped out at this time to attack the reputation of the Starry Sky Group?

The 80 billion RMB invested by Starry Sky Group in the early stage means that it can last for one year. Therefore, the cost of Starry Sky Technology School will not be less than 55 billion at least every year! In other words, the Starry Sky Group will spend at least US$10 billion every year to continue this task.

Even if the Starry Group is making money and then horrifying, this expenditure will shock everyone! You know, although the current market value of Star Group is very large, it is almost close to 500 billion US dollars. Even if it is calculated according to 500 billion US dollars, the entire Star Group will be sold to maintain this school for 50 years!

As the Star Group’s financial statements come out, everyone will count. Such a simple number problem will be calculated by everyone. Although the Star Group’s growth is terrifying, everyone knows a problem, that is, how much will the Star Group’s annual profit be in the future? According to Walmart, which ranks first in the world’s top 500 every year, its operating income is about 400 billion US dollars per year, but its profit will never reach 100 billion. No company in the world can pull out the net profit of 1,000. One hundred million U.S. dollars.

In other words, what kind of feelings does Starry Sky Group use at least one-tenth of its own profits to serve ordinary people every year? After various profits on the Internet, a post posted on the Star Group's official website forum began to be artificially pinned.

Because the section on the starry sky technical school has been set up, everything that has nothing to do with the starry sky technical school issue will be blocked. This post is posted on other sections of the star group official website forum.

The title and content of the post is very simple, only one sentence: "Starry Sky Group is doing things for all of us, so what can ordinary people like us do?"

This is the title of the post, and the content of the post is that after the author enumerates the arithmetic problem, he directly asks a question: "In any country in the world, has any company done such a thing? No! But the starry sky The group has done it. As a Chinese, I am proud of the Starry Group! I can’t help much with other things, but I can buy Starry Group products! Since the Starry Group dares to make more than one-tenth of its income every year Doing things for us ordinary people, why can’t I take out 1% of my stuff every year to buy products, anyway, I buy products from other companies as well. I still buy products from Star Group, but I can still buy products from Star Group. Contribute to ourselves! Let’s go buy apples! Don’t forget, Apple is also made by us now! In addition, when the filming of "Superman Returns" is finished, everyone will go to the cinema to support!"

The post of this appeal was originally just an appeal of ordinary people, but it resonated with everyone. Almost in a week, the reply volume of this post reached 30 million! At the same time, Apple's iPhone stocks in all domestic stores are almost sold out in just two days! This is true even for iPad!

You know, Apple still has more than 10 million units in China at the moment. If you include iPads, there are at least 15 million units in sales! In just one week, these stocks were sold out, and there were still a lot of orders in various stores!

When Steve Jobs knew about this, it was speechless for a long time, but strangely enough, this thing caused a shock and sensation in Europe and the United States that no one can say! To quote a report saying: "That mysterious ancient country in the East, we can't understand their feelings, but only from this matter, we can see how powerful it is when a big country with a population of 1.4 billion unites and erupts. Amazing and trembling! More than fifty years ago, this troubled country used their solidarity to defeat all invaders, but today they used solidarity to show us that in this new century, this ancient oriental country contains Great power!"

The comments represent the common ideas of corporate executives and state managers in almost all other countries in the world, and those corporate executives envy the huge market.

The eyes of the CEOs of all companies in the world are red. Except for the Star Group, the eyes of the CEOs of all other companies are like rabbits. There is no way. All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred! Needless to say, especially in the mobile phone and computer industry, such an expensive product actually sold 10 million in seven days! With the turmoil of this matter, not counting the ipad, I am afraid that the sales of iphone in China will completely exceed 20 million, reaching sales of about 23 million! In other countries in the world, this number does not add up!

The various directors of Apple’s board of directors almost laughed and crooked their mouths. Before Apple was acquired by Star Group, they were still quite uncomfortable, but now, they feel a little uncomfortable. They finally feel that when a company has What kind of terror energy can erupt when a country with a population of 1.4 billion supports it.

And this incident, they did not pay any price, and because of the impact of this incident, not only the sales of the Starry Sky Group has increased, but almost all domestically produced products have shown an upward trend. Especially for the major foreign mobile phone brands, the sales almost immediately became bleak, there is no way, peers are the enemy!

But the bleakness turned into bleakness, but the bosses of the chief executives dared not say anything, nor dared to make any comments. In front of such a common sense of the people, it is better not to talk indiscriminately, otherwise, you will find death It’s you. The management of the major public companies is called a bitter, not just bitter, but simply bitter!

But no matter how bitter it is, you can only break your teeth and swallow it in your belly. But everything in this time is not absolute. There are always some public officials who think they are very bullish. When all the similar enterprises are quiet, there is a public company who is not at all lonely. This public company is nothing other than Samsung! Samsung directly stated on its official website that the Starry Sky Group is completely using the hearts of the Chinese, advertising in disguise, and doing business for its products in disguise. The announcement was a post by the Starry Sky Group itself.

As soon as this announcement came out, the major TV stations immediately rebroadcast, and the major domestic websites on the Internet were immediately reposted. But almost at the same time that Samsung came out, the author who published that post directly contacted the local TV station for an interview. It was a man in his thirties.

When the man was interviewed, he came directly to the sentence: "The old man is the person who posted the message. I posted it in my own home seven days ago. The old man now has the announcement draft! And the registration ID, who don’t believe it? If you want, check it yourself and check me to see what I have to do with the Starry Sky Group? Since the TV interview, I will not speak swearing, but I want to curse people, this is our own country's business , I’m going to shut you up with a **** son? Damn it! I’ve bought Samsung products before, but in the future, whoever dares to buy Samsung’s products among my friends, we can’t even do it!”

Because it was an on-site interview, the man’s words were almost directly spread across the network, and an angry frenzy immediately ignited on the entire network. The Starry Sky Cluster did nothing. Although Zhang Yang was also hot, he dared not do anything. Now everyone's emotions are a little too angry. If the starry sky group is ignited at this time, God knows what will happen. Zhang Yang does not want to cause any tragedy because of his own words.

But from this matter, it can be seen that Little Japan is savvy. It is not those foreign products that suffer the most from this matter, but the various Japanese public companies, Sony, Sony Ericsson (Sony Ericsson), Toshiba, Nikon, and other Japanese companies have suffered the most, because there has been an outbreak of Japanese products in the country before, and the products of the Star Group have conflicts with the products of the Japanese company, so The losses suffered by these Japanese public companies are the most But the shrewd little Japan did not speak at all, just like the ninja turtles of their country, they just endured and the sales were dismal It is bleak, anyway, this matter will always pass, but if they jump out, because of the hatred between the two countries in the last century, I am afraid they will pour blood enzymes.

Little Japan is savvy, but Bangzizi is not savvy at all. In fact, Zhang Yang is also a little speechless. He doesn’t know why Samsung thinks they jumped out at this time to fight the prestige of the Starry Sky Group?

Do you say this is not Sв? If you want to crack down, you can still come in with 10 billion? If you dare to throw it, why don't you jump out and admit it?

"How do I think that Samsung's top executives are a bunch of silly people whose heads are squeezed by the door?" Chen Xiaowei and some of their girls are also speechless. To be honest, although they are angry, they are more angry, but more of them are speechless. You said that a usually smart company is because of this matter, the market that has been struggling in China for many years may be affected. ! ! ! ;




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