The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 556: Back hand (3)

"That's good, that line, I won't trouble you with this matter. I will deal with other things myself." Zhang Yang nodded. Zhang Yang still found someone to deal with this matter. Chen Xiaowei is indeed now Too busy. I spend most of my time on the plane every day. Zhang Yang can't bear it sometimes. If he can find talent, it's better to replace him.

But speaking of it... It seems that there is still someone in his hand who can take care of this matter. Bai Su’s injury has been completely cured. Although Zhang Yang has never seen Bai Su anymore... er, chest, but Zhang Yang accidentally listened to Li Shufang. I said with emotion that the wound was really not good news for the girl.

However, Bai Su seems to be fine now, and there is another person who has egg pain that can also use it. Fang Shaoyun Chapter 556 Backhand (3)! Speaking of which, Fang Shaoyun is now so painful. It seems that after the group of people in the Starry Sky Group was pulled by Zhang Yang to start the company, there is no chance to go back to S to go to class. You said that if Zhang Yang and Li Keqing dare to go back S big, it is estimated that the entire S metropolis will be rioted.

Li Nimo said that Tsinghua is dying of the two people, let alone their alma mater S is big, although... er, well, Zhang Yang admitted that he had taken classes in S in his life, er, two hands are almost the same Can count it. And Fang Shaoyun, who basically has a very good relationship with Zhang Yang and Li Keqing, appears in the S University every day and is almost entangled by countless people. Fang Shaoyun now rents a house outside and fools with Li Yuxuan, and he can’t even go to school.

"Well, all right, then you can do it yourself. I don't care about the rest. Regarding money, I will let people directly hit your bank card." Anyway, this company is to publicize their family's money. It is no different from personal money. Anyway, when it comes to dividends, they have a few shares of this share, and the rest is enough.

After coming out of Chen Xiaowei's office, Zhang Yang took the elevator directly to the technical department. Now the Star Group's technical department is also divided into two parts. The first chapter 556 of the back hand (3) is now maintained in the group. This part of the normal operation of the server, and the other part is part of doing research and development for the company's various software. These two parts are in two floors, but the atmosphere of the entire Star Group's technical department is still very active, and there is no strictness on both sides. The boundaries.

Entering the technical department, it happened that they were all there. When they saw Zhang Yang coming in, the little fat man immediately stood up from his position and said quickly, "Boss, you are here." Zhang Yang nodded, not knowing when the technology was This group of guys like to call themselves the boss, er, this really does not mean Zhang Yang, they were originally called directors, and later called a little awkward, after all, Zhang Yang’s true identity and the strength of computer technology are there These guys always felt awkward to call the director honestly, and later called the boss instead.

This title is also not very accurate. After all, Li Keqing is the chairman of the company. Although Zhang Yang can also be said to be the boss of the company, the little fat guys and their guys are called Li Keqing. They finally changed to the boss. Although this has a rogue atmosphere, it still has a good atmosphere. It doesn't matter if it is called Zhang Yang.

"By the way, please send me an announcement. The announcement is written like this." Zhang Yang smiled and said to a group of people in the technical department. The little fat man choked for a while before saying, "Boss, I said it's easy for you to misunderstand." Zhang Yang nodded, of course: "I'm misunderstood, or who will do our advertising for us?" what?"

Zhang Yang doesn't want to go to the media to promote himself, because the efficiency of the promotion is too low, and the best propaganda effect in this world will always be rumors! It’s awesome, that’s why those celebrities clearly know that gossip has an impact on their reputation, and they still enjoy it, hype!

Zhang Yang also wanted to learn from others' hype, but they are noisy gossip. Zhang Yang can't engage in gossip, so he can only copy other things, like this. Although the official website of Star Group is a company's official website, not the portal websites, it is very formal news, but the visit rate of the official website of Star Group is really not low.

It was not long before Zhang Yang let the little fat man release this new announcement, an explosive news broke directly in Europe, or the world. Hype hype, Zhang Yang cannot naturally tell his purpose at the beginning, then hype, but the news released by Zhang Yang is very simple, the words inside are also very simple, there is no profound philosophy, everyone can understand .

"... the day before yesterday, the chairman of Star Group watched a football match in Europe. After watching it, the chairman was very interested in football matches. After returning, the chairman immediately spoke and prepared to invest $10 billion in private investment Enter into sports, and thus contribute to the peace of the world. World sports will be one of the biggest bridges to promote peace for mankind." This is the announcement that Zhang Yang made the fat man. Of course, the name still has to be Borrowing from Li Keqing’s name, you should know that no matter whether you are at home or abroad, publicizing his own reputation, uh... nobody really knows.

The little fat man looked at this announcement a little bit embarrassed, Zhang Yang naturally told his group of people in the technical department his purpose, and now the announcement is not in line with Zhang Yang’s purpose, okay, even if there is a place That’s right in this announcement. The chairman is planning to invest 10 billion dollars to invest in sports projects, deliberately mentioned why the chairman is watching football games?

Besides, if the little fat man remembers correctly, it looks like the goddess of the entire Star Group, Chairman Li Keqing has not been abroad recently, okay? Not to mention Europe, that is, several Asian countries have never been to it.

Looking at the flamboyant publicity there, the little fat man was sweating a lot, and the guys in the technical department always said that they were indecent. What did you see this time is really indecent? Thinking of this, the little fat man couldn't help but stabbed another person around him with his elbow, and whispered, "See, our boss is real!"

The colleague next to him nodded in sympathy, how to look at Zhang Yang's triumphant expression, how obscure, just don't know if the reporters from the European gang of media waited a few days later to know if the truth of the matter would rush to China to bring Zhang Yang The urge to get rid of. No matter what these reporters look like in a few days, these reporters are now a little crazy. The major European sports newspapers have broadcast the news after receiving the news in the shortest time.

With the broadcast of a media, this news has almost radiated the entire Europe at the speed of light, and then the whole world. In fact, as long as an individual sees this news, I am afraid that the first reaction is that the chairman of the Starry Sky Group may want to Acquired a football club, just as Abu bought Chelsea that year. The Blues have been in the Premier League, making the entire Premier League chaotic. The entire football market has caused a round of inflation due to the emergence of Abu.

Abu is rich, but now...Frankly speaking, the world will count those invisible riches, who dares to be richer than Li Keqing? Note that it is about private assets. Those family wealth is rich, but if it is their own private assets, which one is Li Keqing and rich?

Perhaps those who used to become the richest man in the world for $40 to 50 billion were not the richest man in the world, but now Li Keqing is definitely the richest man in the world in terms of private property. A person's assets are more than the fiscal revenue of the whole year of China......

So after the Star Group’s official website released this news, everyone in the European clubs felt that they were in danger. After all, the international economic situation is still pretty good, so the major clubs have no plans to sell their clubs, but They believe that...if someone swipes a large amount of dollars to find the door, I am afraid that many shareholders cannot refuse the dollar.

Who doesn't know that Starry Sky Group has money? Although it is the Star Group, what is the difference between mentioning the Star Group and Li Keqing's private property? So no matter what time it is in these European media, many sports newspapers have reported this explosive news, at least for them it is an explosive news.

Ten billion dollars, especially when the owner of a club is the richest man in the world, and when the richest man in the world is horrible, are there any players in the entire European transfer market that they cannot buy? So many media used a very helpless tone when reporting on this matter, even more helpless than when Abu bought Chelsea. Abu was a loser.

But no matter how you lose, you can't compare with the Starry Sky At least for now, don't you see? When people do charity, the shot is 10 billion US dollars. If you want to buy a football club, it is 10 billion US dollars? You know, now the most valuable club in Europe, Manchester United, is only more than two billion euros, and it is less than half of the dollars made by others!

Real Madrid's market value is almost the same as that of Manchester United, only slightly lower than Manchester United. As long as others are willing, does that mean that they can buy Real Madrid and pack a Manchester United? Not to mention the question of whether those shareholders will sell, and they will spend hundreds of millions of dollars on it. I am afraid no one will refuse that big one?

This news has caused a sensation all over the world. There is no way. Starry Sky Group is too rich now. Such a rich company wants to buy a European football club, even if the purchased club is not a giant. Under the circumstances, this club may also have a great impact on the current situation of the entire European club?

What do the media most want to see? It's news! Just over an hour after Zhang Yang issued this announcement, almost all countries in Europe spread the news. There is no way that football has a huge influence in Europe. ! ! ! ;




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