The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 558: Back hand (5)

Chapter 558 The Back Hand (5)

Chapter 558 The Back Hand (5)

In the fourth stage of the competition, many people actually guessed, it is the competition between countries! Commonly known as the national team, the Star Cup will not set a threshold, that is to say, as long as your country is willing, you can take the team to participate, but the difference is that the only requirement for the national team is that the national sports department officially recognizes the filing department as the national team . ;

The difference is that there are no prizes in the national team competition, only the symbolic gold, silver and bronze medals with the international trend, but this is not the most crazy, the most crazy is the latter one, Star Group will Invested in negotiations with the Republic of Maldives, intending to purchase a large number of unmanned islands in the Maldives, and build them into the 558th chapter (five) paradise in the field of e-sports. A separate square will be established on the island. After the e-sports competition, Star Group will send people to build a permanent crystal tower, which will be carved with everyone and every country that left honor on the road of e-sports.

Although this kind of stuff means earning gimmicks, but in any case, people are willing to spend this money to earn this gimmick, and many people eat this set, what can you do? With the announcement of the Star Group, the Star Group immediately announced that the Star Cup will be in the preparatory phase for about half a year, and will officially start on January 1 next year.

At the same time, there are a lot of requirements for the establishment of the club and the registration of members in the rules behind the announcement. Unlike the simple announcement a few days ago, this announcement is quite long because it contains all the details of the entire Star Cup Details.

To this end, the Star Group has opened an official website for the Star Cup. The official website will publish all rules in this regard, as well as the list of applications and so on. After releasing this announcement, Zhang Yang knew that he estimated to be busy soon, because the manpower needed for the entire Star Cup is definitely not a small number of Chapter 558 followers (5).

After letting the little fat man send out the announcement, Zhang Yang went home. He needs to talk to Bai Su. After all, Zhang Yang doesn't have time to deal with this matter. If Bai Su is willing, it would be better.

What surprised Zhang Yang was that when he returned home, Bai Su was not there. Li Shufang said she was out. Until after lunch at home, Zhang Yang was about to take a nap, Zhang Yang’s cell phone rang, Zhang Yang picked up the phone and looked at it. The person who called was not Bai Su, but a person who had not been in contact for a long time, Jiu Cheng Boss. Zhang Yang answered the phone with some curiosity, Zhu Jun said with a smile: "Zhang Zhang is good, but I came to see Zhang Zhang you came through the back door."

Zhang Yang also smiled, which Zhu Jun was interesting, but Zhang Yang asked a bit strangely: "Zhu Zhu, what back door are you taking here? It seems that our two companies have no place to cooperate."

"Of course, how do you see one of our World of Warcraft joining the Star Cup competition?" Zhu Jun asked quickly. World of Warcraft? Zhang Yang froze for a moment, can this thing be added to the e-sports project? Warcraft is possible, but that is to be discussed with Blizzard. Besides, even in the game of World of Warcraft, the worldwide use rights are in Blizzard's hands, right?

But what does the game of World of Warcraft say in Jiucheng's hands... Domestic game update speed can't keep up with foreign countries! How does this compete? "There are some online games that can be joined, but the game of World of Warcraft is too big... How should this game be played?" Zhang Yang asked with some curiosity. He wanted to know what Zhu Jun really meant.

"This is also very simple. World of Warcraft is now one of the most balanced games in the world. Should President Zhang agree?" Zhu Jun asked with a smile.

"Well, I agree." There is no opinion about this publicity. With the current technology, there is no game that achieves absolute balance, but only relative balance. World Warcraft is very prominent on this point. Undoubtedly, Blizzard's reputation does not need to be promoted by others. Blizzard's products, which must be high-quality products, are also accumulated in time. They are not bragging.

"Then I think we can take out the battlefield system in World of Warcraft alone as a game. When the time comes to play according to the team, isn't it more exciting and beautiful? The team's game is the best, but it is in There are some difficulties in the live broadcast." Zhu Jun said his thoughts.

"Theoretically, it is not a problem, but there is one of the most critical things, I am afraid you have overlooked it? That is because this matter should be negotiated between us and Blizzard. After all, the source code of the game is still in Blizzard's hands. Yes, I want to extract the battlefield system separately, and at the same time make sure that the data of the game is not accidental. This should require Blizzard's technology." Zhang Yang has no opinion on this, and no one has done this thing in his previous life. I want to see if I can make this happen.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t do it. Anyway, e-sports now has good enough stand-alone games to serve as portals, Warcraft, and so on. These are all popular games around the world and have enough fans. "This is of course, but I'm just giving an opinion, but if this matter is feasible, I think the Star Group can allow us 90% to set up a club of their own?" Zhu Jun tentatively asked.

Zhang Yang frowned slightly and set up a club. Which company established Zhang Yang could not help each other, but if Jiucheng was established, then obviously, Jiucheng still has an advantage, at least they have World of Warcraft technology in their hands, after all, now Some theories above the game are still very important.

And Jiucheng also has another advantage, that is, they have sufficient resources. They represent World of Warcraft in China. Once the idea he puts forward can be established, there should be a lot of classic battles born in the game server every day, right? If Jiucheng collects these materials, tactics, etc., the team they set up is naturally quite impactful.

"Of course, no one in the Starry Sky Group will set up a club, as long as it is registered in the Starry Sky Group, but it must be fair and just." Zhang Yang said directly.

"Of course this is for sure, then... shall I go and talk to Mr. Mike?" Zhu Jun asked. "Let me talk about it. I think this matter is more convenient." Zhang Yang thought about it, Zhu Jun is nothing more than one of the many agency companies in the world. His persuasiveness is naturally not as convincing as that of the Star Group.

Zhu Jun’s proposal is very heartening. After all, the racial professions in World of Warcraft and so on will make this competition more ornamental than other games, but the only technical difficulty is also quite difficult. Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes for a long time, and obviously wanted to use World of Warcraft to contact Blizzard. Now Star Group and Blizzard also have cooperation in this area. It is naturally not difficult to contact Blizzard.

However, Zhang Yang was not prepared to contact Blizzard directly. After a moment of contemplation, Zhang Yang picked up his mobile phone and started to find the phone of the person who had not been in contact for a long time. The time is now in the afternoon, and Europe should also be in the morning, and that person should have already gone to work.

The phone was quickly connected. After receiving the call, Zhang Yang immediately smiled and said: "Mr. Fortu good morning." "Will you?" Fortu's tone was surprised, and apparently did not hear Zhang Yang. who is it. Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and he didn't change his phone again. Fortu should have his own number.

"You are the founder of the Starry Sky Group, Mr. Zhang Yang Zhang?" After a pause there, he continued to ask. Zhang Yang immediately smiled and said, "It is me. It seems that Mr. Fortu has not forgotten me."

After a brief silence, Fortu continued with a mouthful of exclamation: "Mr. Zhang, you are too polite. How could I forget you, the magical Chinese, you don’t know, I sometimes I doubt if you are an illegitimate child of God. If I remember correctly, when I knew you, it seemed that you were only a middle school student, and there was nothing else, but this is less than a year, and the wealth you have created It far surpasses the Vivendi Group, an ancient business empire with a history of more than 100 years. Your ability really admires me."

Zhang Yang was a little stunned, but he didn't expect that Fortu came up with a flat fart. Zhang Yang was fainted by his shot. After choking for a while, Zhang Yang immediately smiled and said: "Mr. Fortu won the prize, I am just lucky. . But I came to Mr. Fortu this time to help."

"Help?" Fortu froze for a moment, and apparently didn't quite understand what Zhang Yang meant. "I think Mr. Fortu should know the recent development of Star Group." Zhang Yang said with a confident smile. I’m afraid there is no company in the world that doesn’t pay attention to the Starry Sky Group. A company like this can’t be low-key at all. Everyone in the world will put you under a magnifying glass to observe carefully. If you can play low-key, then only Ghost.

"Of course. But I still don't quite understand what you mean by Mr. Zhang." Fortu continued with some doubts. "This is the case, I heard that the financial situation of the Fortu Group is not good." Zhang Yang thought about it, and did not continue to bend around, but directly cut into the theme. Vivendi Group can be said to be the largest company in France. The pride of the entire French. And after entering 2004, this ancient business empire close to 200 years old, it seems to be in a predicament, debt-ridden and struggling.

Therefore, Zhang Yang thought of this method to find Fortu. Zhang Yang did not want to cooperate with Blizzard. There are too many games with Blizzard. This is not cost-effective. It is better to buy it! Blizzard didn't have much money anyway. "This... I don't quite understand what you mean by Mr. Zhang. I admit that the Star Group has enough cash. Does the Star Group want to invest in the Vivendi Group?" Fortu is only an executive president, and he can't speak in this regard. Which shareholders are willing to sell the shares they receive are not under his control.

There are too many shareholders of Vivendi, and it is impossible to obtain a controlling stake, so Voltu is not afraid that Star Group will acquire Vivendi just like other companies, which is simply not realistic. "It's like this, because I don't think the money in my hands has room to spend, so I want to change the way of investment. I don't know if the Star Group provides loans to the Vivendi Group, will the Vivendi Group accept it?" Zhang Yang smirked. Said.

Vivendi Group can now become a diversified super multinational group with many industries. It is no longer the original single industry company. "Mr. Zhang, do you want to buy Blizzard?" Fortu suddenly said a word and directly stated Zhang Yang's purpose.

Zhang Yang was a little surprised, but did not expect that Fortu responded so quickly. After a pause, Zhang Yang nodded readily: "Yes, I want to buy Blizzard." After the accident, Zhang Yang thought about it carefully, Fortu It’s not difficult to guess the news. Thanks to Zhang Yang’s crazy hype over the past two days. The entire European media is talking about the Star Group. Fortu knows that the Star Group’s move is not a big deal.

At this time, the Star Group found Vivendi. As long as the person with a little mind might think of the bottom card in his hand, there is no other, only one company can let Star Group take it, or that it can let At present, Starry Sky Group is looking forward to, that is Blizzard!

"I need to convene a board meeting to discuss this." Fortu did not refuse.

"Yes, if possible, I hope Mr. Fortu will not circulate the news, and it is better to give me an answer as soon as possible." Zhang Yang nodded.

After hanging up the Zhang Yang touched his chin. In fact, don’t look at the Star Group’s money, but with so much investment, the Star Group’s money is not enough. If Vivendi suddenly opens his mouth If there are too many loans, this is probably a big problem. Vivendi’s current financial situation is not good. In fact, Zhang Yang is not willing to invest money in it. But from another point of view, the acquisition of Blizzard is not too loss-making. As long as the Star Cup can operate, the Star Group's annual income is too large.

The reputation alone is enough for the Star Group to enjoy, not to mention the development of the electronics industry, when the influence of the entire industry is getting bigger and bigger, then the cost of television broadcasting, advertising, etc. is a huge Income.

At that time, these inputs are basically a small number. It will be known by looking at the benefits generated by the European football league. Although the Star Group does not expect e-sports to reach that point, but it can reach that half, and Zhang Yang can earn enough. Too. What's more, as long as you are famous, even if you can maintain a balance of payments, Zhang Yang doesn't care much about making money.

"Xingkong helped me collect information about Vivendi Group. RO!!!!!!;




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