The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 596: System (3)

"〖Main〗 Xi' just made an encrypted phone call from the Star Group and said that our system has been basically debugged..." The No. 1 chief is sitting on the sofa watching TV, and the No. 1 chief's first secretary comes over and speaks in person Whispered. ;

"Oh? So fast? You call Wu Liang 〖Main〗 They come over now." Chief No. 1 thought for a moment, then raised his head to explain.

After hearing that Chen Xiaowei said that the Star Computer Company had basically completed the production of the national order, Zhang Yang decided to take out the military system. If the entire system is to be thoroughly studied, it will take at least a year or more to allow the troops to It is estimated that the overall formation of combat power and changes in the current fighting style will be extended. However, if we want to make a profit in the Middle East, it is naturally impossible to rely on the Star Group only for the system of Chapter 596 (3).

After Zhang Yang dialed the phone to the surface, an echo was heard soon. The related system handover work does not need to be done by Zhang Yang. Anyway, the entire system has basically been written, all the source code, and the system system All of the combination parts will be handed over to the Computer Research Institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences to be responsible for their installation and debugging. After all, although the entire military system was written by Zhang Yang, it is naturally impossible for Zhang Yang to set these core permissions.

After huā spent two weeks to transfer these entire systems, the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of China held a press conference for the outside world. This new conference is very abrupt, because there is nothing special in the world at present. It's almost the end of the year. What is the Ministry of National Defense holding a press conference for?

However, with the rapid rise of the Republic's international status, the Ministry of Defense press conference was crowded with hundreds of journalists who hurried over. Appearing on the main table is the Minister of National Defense of the Republic, Admiral Liang! "Reporters, please abide by the rules of the venue. This is a press conference. Minister Liang will not answer any questions. Thank you all..." Before the start of the system of the Chapter 596 of the press conference (3), the host would quickly The booklet lists the theme of this press conference.

After the host put down the microphone, the minister rolled to the front of the microphone, took out the speech in his hand, and looked at the reporters in the circle below like a torch, and then said in a deep voice: Increased military spending plan, and Z12 military budget."

As soon as Minister Liang’s remarks were opened, the reporters were upset. The national defense white papers and military expenditures of each country were almost announced at the beginning of each year. The Republic is naturally no exception, but the Republic is not yet in 2007. What does it mean to throw out the general budget?

But in any case, the impact of this incident is tremendous. The reporters of major media newspapers vigorously stared at the face of Minister Liang on the stage, preparing the recording pen, notebook, etc. in his hand. Finished. Zhang Yang was also watching this press conference in front of the TV. Some people informed Zhang Yang at this press conference, but the detailed content did not specifically tell Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang didn't know what the above decision meant.

"First of all, in the past year, the United States, France, Japan and other countries have increased their national military cybersecurity defense budgets, and the Republic has not invested in relevant aspects. For this reason, the Republic and Star Group have In terms of military system security, a network security investment contract with an amount of 76.5 billion Kapeng was signed! The Republican Party and related subordinate bases, the Navy, Air Force and the Army will purchase QMT Yikopeng servers, computers and other related products from the Star Group !

Moreover, the cyber security department of the Star Group and the national cyber security department are jointly responsible for the maintenance of the military system. As the form of cybersecurity in the world becomes more and more important, and the impact of cyberspace on people’s lives is becoming more and more important, the Republic of China will separate the cybersecurity budget from the military budget next year, which will be increased next year. The investment cost in this respect is 70 billion Peng!

At the same time, in order to upgrade the equipment of the Republic's overall military information warfare and electronic warfare, the military budget next year will be estimated at 470 billion RMB. : About 60 billion US dollars! "With Minister Liang's words, there was a burst of exclamation from the silent reporter below.

The military budget of a country with such a large republic in the world is quite low, such as last year. The fresh military budget is about 20 billion U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to Z 400 million! But this year, the military budget of the Republic has directly doubled! And it’s not just that. It’s important to know that the military budget of the former Republic included the budget cost of military cybersecurity: but now this part of the cost has been separated out separately. In other words, if all these costs are calculated, This year, the Republican military budget will increase by another 70 billion! With so much money, how many servers do you have to buy? Because it was stated in advance that today’s press conference was just an announcement and would not answer any questions, after the announcement of the entire plan, Minister Liang left in a hurry.

After a few minutes of stunned reporters, Li Liao sent this major news directly back to his country. This fried Zhang Yang almost spouted out the tea in his mouth. Because of the Star Group, the increase in the central fiscal revenue in the D year was quite scary, even though the Ministry of Finance has not yet calculated the relevant figures, but I am afraid that the tax paid by the Star Group this year will be close to 100 billion.

It is said that our system has been basically debugged..." The No. 1 chief is sitting on the sofa watching TV, and the No. 1 chief's first secretary comes over and whispers in person.

"Oh? So fast? You call Wu Liang 〖Main〗 They come over now." Chief No. 1 thought for a moment, then raised his head to explain.

Hearing that Chen Xiaowei said that the Star Computer Company had basically completed the production of the country's orders, Zhang Yang decided to take out the military system. If the entire system is to be thoroughly studied, it will take at least a year or more, and let the words be Our system has been basically debugged..." The No. 1 chief is sitting on the sofa watching TV, and the No. 1 chief's first secretary comes over and whispers in person.

"Oh? So fast? You call Wu Liang 〖Main〗 They come over now." Chief No. 1 thought for a moment, then raised his head to explain.

Hearing that Chen Xiaowei said that the Star Computer Company had basically completed the production of the country's orders, Zhang Yang decided to take out the military system. If the entire system is to be thoroughly studied, it will take at least a year or more to let the starry sky The group is not only paying taxes for its own company, but the taxation spurred by Star Group’s various domestic investments is also a terrifying figure, so it is estimated that this is so rich. But Zhang Yang still didn't quite understand. Where did their courage come from on the top one this time?

You must know that entering the Centuries is different from the middle of the Centuries. Now, if you increase the defense budget casually, you must take into account the reactions of all countries in the world. But this time it is clear that the Republic did not consider these issues at all. Instead, it directly threw out its own defense budget. As for your reaction, what did you do well? Anyway, our military spending has increased. Fact.

And this excuse... Zhang Yang almost spit out blood, who came up with the idea? Last year, when the network security environment was tense, the entire country has increased hundreds of billions of Pengpeng’s investment in network security. These military expenses are set up under the name of cyber security, but the ghosts only know what they are doing. Anyway, Zhang Yang does not know.

Looking at the ride, playing excuses, conspiracy of these things, it is only as good as the top level of the country, that is, the US President knows whether an ugly blood will be sprayed out. A considerable part of Minister Gang's speech was the same as the reason for the United States to find an excuse to increase its military budget.

Now he is being reintroduced by the original immigrants. At that time, the Republic did not protest, but he did not know how the United States reacted this time. But no matter what the reaction of the United States is, the increase in military spending is certain. And if Zhang Yang is right, there are definitely some secret budgets, and the increased budget is really not a little bit.

On the second day of the press conference held by the Ministry of National Defense, the European and American media broke out completely. Although the officials of the European and American countries have not yet issued any statements, the private burial threat theory has also run out of business. Especially the large-scale increase in military spending, this is not a little bit of an increase: soon, a White House spokesperson issued a public statement, but unlike Zhang Yang’s thinking, the US government is very euphemistic and very tactful. Concern about increasing military spending in the country, and hope that the Republic will not cause turmoil in the Asia-Pacific region, etc. At the same time, the US government directly announced the second news, sending an aircraft carrier formation of the Pacific Fleet to Guam.

"What's the situation like this?" Yiyu Dierao looked back and asked Zhang Yang with interest. Zhang Yang fell his shoulders straight: "How do I know, but it's just a skinny situation, no big deal: "You don't know? "Zhaoyu Die gave Zhang Yang a curious look. "Nonsense, how can I know this and things I am not a national leader..." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes.

I really don’t know how this As for how it was decided above, Zhang Yang would have no difficulty if he wanted to inquire, but Zhang Yang really didn’t want to get involved in these things, although he is still hanging A general's identity, but that identity, Zhang Yang really has a headache. Now the Star Group has too much influence in the country. Sometimes Zhang Yang feels that he is a bit too much, but things have become like this, it is impossible for Zhang Yang to now Can the Star Group be dissolved?

So now Zhang Yang tries to avoid his company's participation in any official affairs, as long as he does not participate in it, even if someone wants to take action against himself, he must give evidence. Rubo thin ice. "By the way, my dad asked me to ask you, if you have time, go and see him." Tan Yu Die Lan Chen added a sentence on his shoulder. "I know, if there is time, I will go, but I Now, there’s time, you don’t know.” Zhang Yang smiled. In fact, Zhang Yang did not have time. He now has a lot of time, that is, Zhang Yang did not know what to say when he saw Lao Hu.

Tan Zhenglin's attitude towards Zhang Yang is getting more and more strange. Anyway, Zhang Yang doesn't know what he is thinking. Zhao Yudie just wanted to say something, her cell phone rang suddenly, Tan Yudie picked up the phone and talked inside twice, her face changed. ! ! ! ;




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