The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 605: Only more YD (below)

Just after Chen Xiaowei introduced the services of Starry Security Company to the reporters of various countries on the top, Zhang Yang quickly pulled the virus out of the starry white list through his mobile phone, and soon Starry directly Killed.

After Zhang Yang finished all this, it happened that Chen Xiaowei had finished speaking. When he saw that Chen Xiaowei was about to announce the end of the press conference, Zhang Yang quickly waved his hand. Chen Xiaowei paused and immediately said: "This, please ask our technical department Director Zhang Yang Zhang, he still has something to announce."

Zhang Yang quickly walked up to the podium, then stood in front of the microphone and said happily: "Tell everyone that there is good news. Just when I was off the stage, I got the latest news. The technology department of Star Group has found the kill. Chapter 605 of this disease only has a more YD (lower) poison method, and soon the relevant special killing software will be made. You can download the relevant special killing software on the official website of the Star Group to kill your computer. Is there this virus?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang paused, and then continued: " a world-class responsible company, I think governments of all countries should give us an outstanding contribution award to the Star Group! Ha... Of course, this is just an open Just a joke! Our contribution is not intended to be rewarded, but in order to be more responsible, Starry Sky Network Security can provide governments with relevant network security service suggestions for free."

With a bang, the person in front of the TV did not know how many feet stumbled and fell directly to the ground. After climbing up, these people looked at the Zhang Yang in the TV with black lines. In their eyes, Zhang Yang was no longer a complete animal, but was completely upgraded to one! Especially in the heads of intelligence agencies of various countries, Zhang Yang is even more popular! It's a big one!

Is there something you want to reward? dry! These officials all made the same action in front of their TV sets, and directly gestured to Zhang Yang with a middle finger. After Chapter 605, there is only more YD (Part 2), they will have no time to continue to care about this matter, because they will soon need to report to their superiors, that is, the presidents of various countries. The details of the matter.

If the only one of these people has no relevant actions, and some people who can’t laugh or cry are probably the ministers of the Ministry of National Security and the heads of the military commissions, in fact, it’s not just those military commissioners who are watching the press conference. The commander-in-chief and the generals of these military commissions are watching the press conference of Star Group.

When they saw Zhang Yang's last words, the No. 1 chief couldn't help but "chuck" with a chuckle. "This bastard, this is to give us these old guys* to play naked with them, just to promote his company, really because he wanted to come up." After laughing, the No. 1 chief could not help laughing and scolding. A sentence.

"Haha...Chairman, we are still good. I'm thinking now. The President of the United States and the Secretary of Defense don't know how it feels to see this press conference. Haha..." Admiral Zhang couldn't help but say "haha" with a smile The other old generals were happy when they heard it, and thought about it. Sure enough, I wasn’t the least faceless. After all, Starry Sky Group had cooperation with the Republic on the Internet. Everyone knows that, so I have enough here. Explain that at least ordinary people don’t think much, but estimates of presidents from other countries are uncomfortable.

The old generals couldn't help but laughed when they thought about the faces of the president's pig liver. The starry sky system has its own alarm. When Zhang Yang returned to the company after the press conference, the guys in the technical department had run out proudly. There was no way for Zhangyang to just let the starry sky kill the virus when Zhang Yang just set it up. Afterwards, the detailed process and analysis results were sent to this group of guys in the technical department. If they knew the mutation law and could not write a special kill, they should buy two pounds of cotton and hit the wall.

"I said, do I have to release them?" GOD said quickly as he looked at the data intercepted by Zhang Yang. "Of course, why not let go?" Zhang Yang asked GOD with a glance.

"Uh... aren't you afraid of the CIA rebound?" GOD choked, holding in his hand some Asian mobile communication service providers that had been hacked and some records.

However, these companies are all companies that have related contracts with the Starry Sky Group. As for other companies, although Zhang Yang also has them in his hands, there is no good excuse for Zhang Yang. He can only hold back. In fact, these records are very simple, made by the hackers hired by the FBI and CIA. They tried to find hackers who invaded the satellite. In order to clarify their relationship, the CIA and FBI can only hire these gray-identity hackers. However, although the technology of these hackers is not bad, it is still very easy to find the clues to find the starry sky. Especially the data captured by the starry sky does not need to wither. As long as it can prove that the springboard used by these hackers is under the jurisdiction of the CIA and FBI Some departments have four computers.

Hey, let them go depressed! Other information was captured by Zhang Yang from the perspective of a third party. The US satellite military network was only infected by the virus.

The source of the virus infection in these materials has been led by Zhang Yang to all parts of the world, mainly in Asia and Australia. The virus was created by Zhang Yang himself. It is naturally not difficult to find a false source of infection to find information.

"Okay." GOD shrugged his shoulders, Zhang Yang didn't care, he naturally didn't care anyway, anyway, people outside did not know that the famous GOD was working in the Star Group's technical department, he naturally had no pressure. This is the last piece of information. Zhang Yang, who has successively published hundreds of analysis reports on the official website, etc. Although these things can't be understood by ordinary people, other security companies can understand them. Some People who understand technology can understand it.

And the media will naturally find someone who understands what these files mean. Just when GOD opens the interface and prepares to transfer these documents to the official website, a person in the technical department suddenly cried out strangely: "Head Son, phone." Zhang Yang looked back and asked him strangely, "Who's phone?"

"Uh... it's from the US Secretary of Defense." The man from the technical department said with a weird face covering his microphone. As soon as his words were spoken, there was an eerie silence in the entire technical department. Zhang Yang froze for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and immediately said with a smile: "These things are waiting to be passed on. Let me see what our dear Minister Gates wants to say."

Zhang Yang smiled strangely, then walked to the phone and answered the phone: "Hello Minister Gates." "Uh, hello Mr. Zhang." Gates choked and almost scolded his heart on the spot. , But fortunately, he held back. "Did Mr. Gates have anything to do with me? Do I need Star Group to provide technical support?" Zhang Yang smiled with pride, deliberately speaking about it.

Zhang Yang has almost guessed the purpose of Gates making this call again now, it is very simple! It's nothing but the face of the US government! The United States is not like a domestic country, the words of the American people are enough to let the government step down! Therefore, the President of the United States has to consider the public's views on this matter. If these things in Zhang Yang's hand are released, I am afraid that the CIA and the entire US Department of Defense will have to lose face.

the reason? Without him, although these things in Zhang Yang's hand cannot prove that the hacker is controlled by the US government, it can prove another thing, that is, in this global computer virus crisis, the US network was actually hacked and Computer virus infection is the most serious! Isn't this an indirect proof of the incompetence of the US Department of Defense and intelligence services, and wasting the taxpayer's money?

Don’t think that this kind of analysis is impossible, the American media dare to say anything, and the presidential scandal dare to throw it directly at you, and despise that an intelligence department or the Ministry of Defense counts again. So after seeing that Star Group's official website has not thrown out everything, Gates' purpose of making this call is self-evident.

However, Zhang Yang cannot naturally go directly to this matter, he wants to change the subject! Yes, change the subject! "Uh...this...the technical strength of the Starry Group is undoubted, but we have just found a way to deal with this virus, so we don't need it in this respect." Gates choked, and finally took a light shot. Zhang Yang flattered, and then politely refused.

He didn't want to do it No way, who let Zhang Yang have the handle of the US government, Gates had to wipe his president, or say it in vain. "Uh, so, is there anything else for Mr. Gates?" Zhang Yang immediately asked with a pure face, "don't know" the purpose of Gates at all.

"'s like this, Mr. Zhang, I won't turn the corner. Just now I received the analysis report from the following person, and I know that... that Starry Sky Group has some technical things in the hand... more affects the United States. The image of the government, so we also want to ask Mr. Zhang for help. Anyway, the virus killing has been studied. Can these things be handed over?" Gates is uncomfortable! He wanted to yell at his tie, but the old man wouldn't do it, and finally Gates could hold it back.

Zhang Yang almost laughed out and forced his smile. Zhang Yang said in a slightly distorted tone: "This...Of course, our Star Group is a friend of the US government. This little busy still needs help. Cooperation between us should be It would be very pleasant." Star Group currently has little cooperation with the US government. Zhang Yang said that the underlying meaning is to tell Gates that brother is asking for benefits, bribing me, bribing me, how can I relax? ! ! ! ;




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