The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 642: Fox tail (4)

Chapter 642 The Fox Tail (4)

Chapter 642 The Fox Tail (4)

Looking at the series of questions that popped up on the screen, fl's expression immediately became quite weird. It took a long time for him to tremble to pick up the beer next to him and took a sip to calm his mood. Zhang Yang was not in a hurry. Anyway, Zhang Yang was already Turning on this guy's camera, he can see his movements and expressions, even if he doesn't say it, it's a big deal if Zhang Yang is replaced by another person.

Fl obviously knew that Zhang Yang could see himself, and after a long time he typed the words and said: "This... Could you tell me who you are?" Zhang Yang frowned, he didn't know what fl asked what this meant, generally come It is estimated that no such hacker will tell the other party about this kind of problem, fl himself is the fox tail (fourth) of Chapter 642 of the hacker, this kind of thing cannot be unknown.

"Why do you want to know who I am?" Zhang Yang thought for a while and then asked back. "Don't worry about this, if you don't tell me who you are, I would rather go to jail for a few years." fl thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said that jail is better than death, since the other party is asking about this Yes, it is obviously related to this matter, otherwise, it is impossible to ask such boring questions.

After a pause, a strange expression flashed on Zhang Yang's face before he typed the words and said, "Well, I can't change my name or sit and change my last name. I'm gd, I don't know if you have heard of it." Zhang Yang slowly Hit this sentence, I don't know if gd will vomit blood directly on the screen after seeing it.

Zhang Yang was too lazy to manage so much, anyway, gd is now an employee of his company, right? Is it okay to borrow his name? After Zhang Yang noticed that he had spoken, fl was obviously relieved. After thinking about it, without waiting for him to answer the question, Zhang Yang continued to type: "Well, actually I think you are thinking too much, I just want to understand this matter, pure curiosity, if I really If it is related to this matter, it seems that you know that the fox tail (four) in Chapter 642 will not be more than me? What should I ask you for? It is not good for me, if you don’t want to say, Then I will call the police."

"Nnn..." fl quickly hit a long list of n over, Zhang Yang's words made fl also figured out a lot, Zhang Yang said well, if the other party is really the protagonist on both sides of this matter, understand things naturally I know a lot more, and I really don't need to come here to ask myself.

"Great God, I will tell you right now? Great God, you're a little bit unreasonable." fl couldn't help complaining, and the name of gd in the hacker world is quite loud. Fl obviously had heard of gd's name and knew gd's strength, and he didn't doubt Zhang Yang's words too much.

Seeing that fl believed in himself, Zhang Yang immediately shook his head slightly. It seems that these technical people are clever, but these twists and turns are obviously far from those politicians. If it is Gates, Zhang Yang's words The other party will believe that there is a ghost.

"Actually, it's nothing. What I know is that i seems to have investigated the hackers who invaded the US satellite incident. Should God know this?" fl asked.

"Yes, that was the thing half a year ago? I heard that the military satellites in the US missile defense system were hacked, specifically who they haven't investigated yet." Zhang Yang didn't hesitate and directly hit what he knew After going up, this guy was a little smart and knew to test himself, but Zhang Yang could not tell him more.

"Well, this is it. I seem to have determined that the hacker is in Australia, and I heard some gossip. It seems to be said that it is a hacker organization, and it is very strong in Australia. I killed 17 agents for this. The other party’s The technical strength is quite strong, and I don’t know who it is.” fl said “honestly”.

"Nubi?" Zhang Yang tentatively typed a word in the past. When his letter appeared on the other party's screen, Zhang Yang sensitively noticed that fl's expression froze for a moment. Although he returned to normal soon, he still did not hide it. Zhang Yang's eyes, although the network used by Zhang Yang is delayed, but the ability to capture data with the help of starry sky is impossible to catch errors.

"This...I don't know, but it's very likely." fl hesitated before typing.

"Oh, that's what it is, but I know it all. If you don't tell me something I don't know, I don't mind calling the police." Zhang Yang thought about it and said it was rogue, nor was he the id he used anyway. Own, and this person has nothing to do with his own half-cent. He doesn't know who he is. Naturally, Zhang Yang doesn't mind threatening him.

" god, you can't be like this." fl said immediately with a sad face. Now the Australian police do not know his identity. If gd calls the police, the police will soon know his identity from his address. It’s easy to catch himself. After all, although he has some technology on the Internet, in reality, he is just an ordinary otaku.

"You know, this sentence is useless." Zhang Yang said casually, and said, while Zhang Yang directly connected the alarm system of the police station where he was through this guy's computer, all of which could be seen by fl. "Don't don't, I said it wasn't enough." FL said with cold sweat typing on the screen when Zhang Yang did so.

For hackers, anything can be discussed, but deprivation of liberty is undoubtedly the last thing that all hackers want to experience. The reason why they become hackers is for that kind of illusory freedom. The heavy pressure in reality is vented in the network, and Now let him go to jail for at least ten years, and may even be extradited to the United States, which is more uncomfortable than killing him, so fl compromised.

"Well, I said, in fact, I don’t know much secret information... I don’t know much about this high-tech company, but we chose this company because their background is quite strong, it is said that there is The official background is that no one dares to find their troubles anyway, so our server is set up here. If we want to do something, there is no better way for the Internet police to chase it. But... I have something here, God You can see, in a hidden folder under my d drive, this is the path." fl gritted his teeth and thought about typing a series of codes directly on the screen.

When you look at these codes, you will know that this is a hidden folder method, which is naturally different from the hidden folder method that comes with the system. If there is no other party's guide to crack, you want to get the content inside with the ability of the starry sky It takes at least two days to force crack! And it is still the case that the other party has not set any trigger trap.

Thinking about it, Zhang Yang did not hesitate, quickly put his firewall on the Australian broiler, and let the starry sky monitor all the processes of this system. Zhang Yang then dragged his hidden folder according to the method given by fl Came out.

The folder is not very large, only about a few hundred mb in size, Zhang Yang directly copied this folder into his broiler, and then copied a super virus into it, which made Starry Sky scan the copied things again and confirm. There are only some documents in it, and there are no Trojans and viruses. Zhang Yang said to fl: "Thanks, let me see, I will flash first, rest assured, I will not call the police, as far as you live This place is the house you rented. You should change the place. If you don’t want me to be in a bad mood, call the police directly."

After talking about Zhang Yang, he directly withdrew. After seeing Zhang Yang disappear, fl immediately unplugged his network cable quickly, and then quickly started checking his own computer. Although Zhang Yang can’t see the action of fl, he can guess it, but the virus that Zhang Yang copied into it is not that simple, and it is not so easy to remove it, unless the hard disk is deeply formatted and normal formatted. No, it is a virus that resides on the hard disk. Ordinary formatting cannot kill it at all, and with its hidden ability, Zhang Yang believes that fl cannot be found.

Erase all traces of yourself, get back the folder given by fl, and then open the folder, just opened Zhang Yang and couldn't help but say: "Good guy! This kid has some skills." Inside this folder The thing was obviously obtained illegally by FL. Although Zhang Yang didn't know where this guy got it from, but Zhang Yang could see that he didn't even change the names of these files.

"Pathfinder investigation report" "Johnny Jefferson data" "nubi and gd relationship analysis report" and so on, basically all the documents are almost similar, at first glance is the analysis report obtained from the intelligence department, Zhang Yang Scanned it roughly, then clicked on a few files named after pathfinding operations, or other operations.

After opening, Zhang Yang's eyes narrowed instantly. Upon looking at the report form in the data, Zhang Yang immediately determined that these materials were definitely obtained from i. It is estimated that i was in the Australian branch. It is not difficult to get the information from the i branch office, and some of the information should come from the Australian police's operation report after cooperating with i.

Zhang Yang looked at the time of these reports, which basically happened within this half year, but at the bottom of the folder, Zhang Yang found something that is not the latest news. Looking at the time, the source of this news should be about 02 years. Something happened. The naming of this file made Zhang Yang narrow his eyes slightly, which is interesting.

BHP Billiton Mining Company's internal purchase order, this is the name of this file, Zhang Yang does not know whether the name was modified by fl, or it was originally the name. After opening, there is a pure English purchase list, the purchase order is very large, Zhang Yang directly let Starry Sky translated the entire purchase order, and naturally, with the ability of Starry Sky, no translation errors will occur.

When the starry sky was translated, Zhang Yang immediately began to browse, and the entire document could not see any source. This is a simple purchase order, but from the address on the purchase order and some annotations, etc., you can see that it is definitely BHP Billiton's purchase order.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that many things in this purchase order are the latest technology in the world! To be honest, Zhang Yang didn't see any relationship with the mining companies in the procurement of these materials! For example, some supercomputer components purchased from IBM, what are these things used by a mining company? Even if you have an official website, or your own database or the like, just use a server. There is no supercomputer at all.

Moreover, many materials have nothing to do with mineral development. More importantly, the delivery address can be seen from the back. These items are delivered to a large iron ore mine in the Australian outback! well! very powerful! Finally got a bit of what I want.

Zhang Yang did not expect that his unintentional planting and framing would actually lead directly to what he wanted. This purchase order is not an open purchase order. It can be seen from the purchase order. This should be a secret. Yes, I don’t know who sent the purchase order, there is also a name at the bottom, which is the name in an action report that Zhang Yang saw! The document also marked the masked names that some things need to use when filing with the customs and other relevant departments, as well as the freighters that are transported, and there is also the name of a shipping company, the Mediterranean Shipping Company! Referred to as m, m was established in 1970 and is currently the second largest shipping company in the world with a business network all over the world.

Zhang Yang didn't understand this. Let Starry check the world's famous shipping companies. Er, what surprised Zhang Yang was that the world's number one multi-purpose special vessel and other shipping companies actually belong to China, COSCO Group. The Mediterranean Shipping Company is the second-ranked company. Zhang Yang swept the two companies a little. COSCO Group Zhang Yang has never heard of it in his life, so I don’t know when the development history of COSCO Group in his last life will become the world’s largest. It was in this life for a shipping company of China. Zhang Yang looked at it. The development of COSCO Group is inseparable from the Star Group.

Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Yang threw this aside first, carefully looked at the information of the Mediterranean Shipping Company, and by the way, retrieved the information of Johnny Jefferson. RO! ! ! ;




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