The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 652: Self-inflicted

After attending the Joint Chiefs of Staff Bush meeting, Bush was a bit annoyed. Whether it was the CIA Director or Gates, Bush had to consider his own policy toward China. If it is overturned now, it means all the efforts he has made before It's all in vain, but now, what can the US say about doing this to China? Especially if you have the information in the opponent's hand, you can do nothing. ;

Bush shook his head slightly, thinking in a different way. If he is China's top leader, he cannot allow anyone who wants to get his own things to talk nonsense there while he has absolute bargaining advantages. If it was before, or if China did not have what the United States needed, even if it could not adopt any policy towards China, but by chapter 652, it must be self-reliant. You can use the name of the government to protest China regardless of world peace Development of arms hastily, but now it seems impossible. It can only be assumed that this matter has passed.

Moreover, the EU will probably default by then. Bush sighed. The power of red China is the last thing Bush and even the United States want to see, which is incompatible with the interests of the United States. But now it has to be done. The only good news is that no matter how difficult that country is to deal with, it will no longer be his president by then. All this will leave the next president with a headache.

Thinking of this, Bush also made up his mind and picked up the phone on the desk and called Gates. Some documents required him to sign the presidential decree, but now it seems that this presidential decree will not work. Although I don’t know whether it’s good or bad to hand over the F-22 technique, Bush knows in his heart that there is at least one F wreck in China’s hands. Although China’s scientific research strength is incomplete, Aircraft, but enough for them to launch a lot of key technologies.

Moreover, there are already a lot of technical reserves in many scientific research institutions in the United States, and the technology on the F office is not the latest. Connected to the phone of Chapter 652, the self-inflicted and inviolable Gates, Bush hadn't had time to give Gates an order. Gates spoke first: "Mr. President, I think you want to talk to the head of China Call a dedicated line? Make a statement about the announcement issued by McAfee?"

"Why? We didn't say anything. It was a private company. What does it have to do with our government?" Gates' words made Bush's face sullen immediately. Wasn't it clear that he was hitting his face? Didn’t he know that although McAfee’s official website didn’t say so, did he actually give the order?

"Mr. President, listen to me, this is the case..." Gates smiled bitterly, he knew that the phone wouldn't drop well, he was still hesitating whether to call Bush, who knew that the president would just call Come here, so Gates took the opportunity to speak out.

"Just when we held a joint meeting of chiefs of staff, McAfee's official website and even the entire company's servers were all hacked and the other party used a very violent hard disk virus injection method. It was also used to violently invade the server. But the other party's strength is very strong, and the viruses used are all new viruses that have never appeared before. At present, McAfee's destroyed servers, etc. have caused at least hundreds of thousands of dollars in direct losses, while indirect losses are still I don’t know.” Gates hurriedly told Bush the cause and effect of the matter.

Bush frowned: "What about the CIA and FBI technicians? What do they say?" McAfee did it because of Bush's order. If Bush doesn't care, the entire McAfee loss will probably be borne by the US government. Therefore, Bush also has to pay attention to this matter, especially if this matter is poked out, things will be very serious.

"At present, a part of the company has been mobilized to the Mike merger, but according to the reports of these technical personnel, the other party is obviously very powerful! And the other party obviously has very terrible hardware strength. It is not simply using broilers to attack. The other party uses It is at least a supercomputer-level server, and may even be compared with the Department of Defense Supercomputer Center." Gates said seriously.

"Wait, supercomputers comparable to the Department of Defense's Cyber ​​Security Center? Are you kidding? Are there such companies or individuals or even countries around the world? There are more than 500 acres of hardware facilities under the entire Department of Defense "Bush directly interrupted Gates and asked rhetorically."

Gates smiled bitterly: "Mr. President, not necessarily compared with us, but at least not too bad." Bush frowned: "Do you mean red China did? Only they changed last year Hardware equipment of the entire national defense network, and paid close to tens of billions of dollars for this."

Gates scolded Bush directly, but of course he did not dare to scold it in the face of Bush. However, as the Secretary of Defense, Gates had to patiently explain to Bush: "Mr. President, it cannot be China, after all. What did the previous announcement mean? Everyone can basically see what it means. If China is doing so at this time, isn’t it clear that the dirty water will be blocked on themselves? So no matter which In terms of consideration, China cannot do this."

"Then do you mean GSCSD?" Bush finally guessed what Gates wanted to say. "Yes! After a lot of staff analysis in this area, more than 90% of them may be GSCSD. After all, in today's world, such a thing can be done, and only GSCSD is capable of such a person! Only GSCSD has it. Such terrifying power! This is obviously GSCSD's revenge!" Gates said seriously.

"Isn't this good? Regardless of whether it is the revenge of the Chinese government, even if it is really GSCSD, but if the outside public opinion is slightly guided, the signs will not be transferred to GSCSD?" Bush did not understand Gates. What do you want to say!

"Mr. President, if you don't want the battery technology in the Chinese hand, I will immediately send someone to arrange the direction of domestic public opinion." Gates was too lazy to explain, and said his words directly. As soon as Gates’s words were spoken, Bush couldn’t help but scold him, and it took a long time for Bush to calm down his tone and said to Gates: “Okay, I know, Secretary Gates, this is the case, let’s Let the CIA and FBI do their best to solve this matter. For now, let's ignore it. In addition, you greet the media and let them not arbitrarily make some comments. At least don't talk nonsense before we get the key technology? "

"Well, I know, the negotiation with the Star Group?" Gates moved to a key place. "You take the documents, I signed the presidential decree, and I will give you the full responsibility for this matter." Bush gave some impatient explanation, and then hung up the phone directly.

During the conversation between Bush and Gates, Zhang Yang had already participated in the military commission meeting. In fact, this meeting was mainly to announce some of the recent military commission's foreign policies and decisions. The most important thing is to discuss the next unprecedented large-scale exercise. Say this is the first such large-scale exercise since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and Zhang Yang's mission has also been confirmed on the exercise. Zhang Yang is responsible for the blue side, which is the so-called imaginary enemy.

The Pangu military system handed over to the country will also be used by the blue side, while the red side still executes orders at all levels in accordance with the original military system. The blue party is equipped with the latest communication system, and the modified tanks, etc., but at the beginning of the exercise, Zhang Yang does not need to participate. The blue party’s main command still has to be handed in. It is not yet decided which general will be carried out by the combat staff of the staff.

What Zhang Yang has to do is to discover the shortcomings in the middle of the exercise in the early and middle stages of the exercise...Of course, it is mainly the discovery of the use of the new system of the Pangu system. This is from World War II? Address JiaoShu?br/>

Especially if the Republic wants to catch up, this world cannot give you decades. If it takes decades, even if it catches up, who knows how happy the international environment was at that time? Therefore, the CMC will achieve its goal through this costly exercise. What is the fastest way to get familiar with a weapon? war! There is no second method, and now it is peace? * Tsukazu  Disaster Famine Güü  菹袄 襹 饩 饧 撑 Aluminum forgiveness?

Actually, the exercise has been prepared for a long time. After obtaining the system delivered by Zhang Yang, after a short period of use, it was found that even if a new type of military system is used, the actual combat is not much improved, not that the system is not It is the ideological problems of commanders and combatants at all levels. Their ideas have been confined to the original system. The new type of system used suddenly and suddenly, and there is no such concept in the brain for a while.

This is what the exercises are to do, and what Zhang Yang is to do is to change all the ideas of the huge staff group in the General Staff, so this time almost all the blue commanders are post Qin operations. Staff, in addition to some major commanding officers, because only young people can accept new things fast enough, and the future of the Republic also needs these people to support them.

The duration of the exercise will last for about two months, that is, from a week later to the end of October, the total cost of the exercise will reach tens of billions..." This is still because of many ammunition because of the standard, etc. , By the way, help destroy a lot of weapons and ammunition that have been produced for 20 to 30 years.

The best way to destroy these ammunition is naturally to use them all! Can also save a batch of destruction costs.

As for the current status of McAfee, Zhang Yang certainly knows it, and it is him... Can Zhang Yang not know the current status of McAfee? Zhang Yang’s instructions to Starry Sky are also very simple, that is, as long as McAfee’s official website and the entire company’s system are in normal use, then Starry Sky will directly use brute force to crack the firewall, etc., directly invade McAfee’s official website, and plant non-propagating lines. Destruction of hardware viruses.

Are you willing to be used as a gun? Okay, let's chant then? After explaining similar things and paying attention for more than ten hours, Zhang Yang saw that the starry sky was handled well, and he didn't care anymore. During these ten hours, McAfee shut down the server three times, one of which lasted more than three hours, but each time it was the same problem. As long as they just resumed the use of the server, the other party's attack was almost followed by Since then, the entire website and system have been attacked instantly.

All previous suspects that GSCSD has been arrested, or someone like a national government has quickly disappeared silently, and some hackers who regard GSCSD as an idol, in fact more than 80% of hackers are in gloat, the biggest hackers The enemy... The first is the police, and the second is naturally these security companies, and now that McAfee is being so fooled, these hackers are not happy.

Although no one made an announcement, everyone knew that the madman who had disappeared for nearly two years was back, and he told everyone in this't... It's okay to find yourself happy, there is a saying that is good, it is especially possible to live in sin, but not in self.

This sentence is the true portrayal of McAfee now! This is just the beginning. Although Zhang Yang asked Starry to throw viruses that damage the hardware in McAfee's servers, to put it bluntly, the damage caused by this is actually very limited. The main reason is very simple, that is, the server rooms of these large security companies. The hardware has protection measures, as long as the voltage or the like exceeds the dangerous level, the power supply and the like will be turned off, and the virus is nothing more than to destroy the hardware through these means. The personal computer does not have protection measures, it is easy to accident, but these large companies The server is not easy to be damaged.

The reason why Zhang Yang did this is actually brewing a more evil idea. This time Zhang Yang failed to prepare so easily. Anyway, Starry Sky’s current ability to capture broilers around the world, plus the starry sky system’s ability to deal with these broilers Defense, people who want to track down the starry sky are almost impossible, not to mention that if there is such a person, when reaching a certain level of danger, the starry sky will use the ultimate means, so it can be traced to the Starry Sky Group. , It can be said that there is no, which is why Zhang Yang rest assured to let Starry Sky do it! ! ! ! ;




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