The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 664: Everyone to find fault (below)

On the publicity page of the International Foundation for Disabled Children, few people have clicked on such a page for a long time, but today it is like eating. The number of visits and clicks on the website are increasing madly. John Connor is an international The chairman of the Children with Disabilities Foundation, don’t get me wrong that he has nothing to do with the leaders of the future world in the Terminator. ;

John is a middle-aged man in his forties. He is not tall, about one meter and seven or so. As a European, this man is relatively short. But John didn't care about these things. What he cared about was how to help the disabled children all over the world. That was why he founded this foundation. In these years, millions of children have been helped by the Children with Disabilities Foundation.

Chapter 664 of the International Disabled People Comes to Find Differences (Part 2) The source of funds for UNICEF is similar to most foundations. They come from fundraising, fundraising and other means. Although John dare not guarantee his own fund It will be innocent from top to bottom, but at least he guarantees that if he knows, all the funds will be used to help those children who need help.

In today's situation, John is a little helpless. Of course, he can't know why this is happening. Even if he doesn't, someone will tell him. What makes John somewhat helpless is that it is actually a hacker. John is not proficient in computers. He can only say that he will use them. After all, people who don’t use computers in modern society seem to be blinded. Especially for people like John at work, the Internet is a window to understand the world.

John is neither good nor disgusted with these hackers, at least there is no intersection between the two parties, and no hacker will come to the Black Foundation type of website. Two billion US dollars, this figure is a huge number for the Foundation, and now the International Foundation for Disabled Children is like being put in the crater, waiting for the eruption of the volcano.

"There is a reporter interviewing outside the president." John 646: Everyone's deputy (Part 2) knocked on the door and walked in and said, "Let them get away. If you want to interview, you can donate tens of thousands of dollars. "" John shouted loudly. The deputy nodded helplessly, then turned around and walked out. John did not have any favors with these media reporters. Usually I want them to help publish some public welfare advertisements that promote the rescue of children, but few of these media have promised. If only a few agree, the time layout of the advertisements are all horny.

Now that they have news here, they all rushed over like sharks smelling blood, hoping to rush up to take their place to answer some questions. Looking at the time, John is still somewhat looking forward to the time that the hacker said. If someone really donated $2 billion to come in, no matter what the reason is, there are a lot of rescue plans originally planned. Implemented.

Two billion US dollars can at least allow tens of millions of disabled children around the world to find their way out and help them build their confidence in life. The time passed quickly, just ten minutes before the arrival time, the deputy who had just been rushed out of John stumbled into the office and shouted inconceivably: "John John, someone really donated, someone really Donated, the Swiss bank just called and said that someone in our account anonymously donated a full two billion US dollars!" "Wow," the water glass held in John's hand immediately fell on the table and fell to the side. The water dropped a table. Not to mention John's shock, I don't know how many people are paying attention to this matter at the moment, there are countless media standing at the door of the headquarters of the Disabled Children Foundation, and some people are staring at their websites. When the time is up, everyone does not know if someone donated, after all, Swiss banks cannot publish their users' deposit information.

Even if this account is a public welfare account, it is the same. When these reporters, including Zhang Yang, were very curious, a new thank you announcement suddenly appeared on the official homepage of the International Foundation for Disabled Children.

"Today, the Disabled Children’s Foundation received a donation of two billion dollars. Although some surprises and shocks, for whatever reason, I am here to represent all the staff of the Foundation and all the people in need around the world. Children with disabilities say thank you." "Wow..." When the announcement of the Children with Disabilities Foundation came out, although it was invisible, it was like a hot oil pan being poured into the world. After a glass of cold water, it rolled up in an instant, and countless people made a noise in front of the computer on various occasions, really donated? Did someone really donate?

But because the other party donated anonymously and donated directly through the Swiss bank, no one knew who the donation was, but these did not disturb the magical reporters. At the same time, all the people in the world National reporters seem to be standing on the same front line, and in various ways find out who contributed.

Did the US government really donate? Zhang Yang was completely shocked! He did not expect that Bush actually donated the money? But Zhang Yang is not stupid. Of course, he would not think that the US government would compromise. What a joke, no matter how it is, the government of a country cannot compromise with one person.

Therefore, after seeing the announcement issued by the International Foundation for Children with Disabilities, Zhang Yang had no other ideas. At this time, it was already more than 8 am in the United States. Zhang Yang quickly opened an important website of the US government. Zhang Yang wanted to see There is no latest news, and Zhang Yang dares to guarantee that if the US government is really afraid of starting with those systems that use McAfee products, then they will not take any action, but will find ways to contact themselves.

And if the US government has any other ideas, then there must be some small moves. These latest news are not difficult to find at all, and soon Zhang Yang finally found a message released by a White House spokesperson in an unremarkable position, on behalf of the US government, announced the termination of many cooperations with McAfee. To hold a press conference.

Seeing this news, Zhang Yang shook his head slightly. Sure enough, the US government is not a good match. In this way, his own threats will naturally not be put in the eyes of the other party, and there is a benefit to doing so. After the press conference, the people must be on the government’s side.

.. sd's position on McAfee is different, and a considerable part of it even stands on the side of gscsd.

But in any case, this kind of policy will not be opposed by this group of people. Besides, such a serious security breach has occurred in McAfee. It is normal for the US government to terminate its cooperation with McAfee. Even Zhang Yang can imagine that before this announcement was issued, before the press conference was held, I am afraid that several important systems have already begun to upgrade and maintain, replace firewalls and other measures.

McAfee was just abandoned. Zhang Yang hasn't figured out what to do next for the US government, so he didn't go to Black McAfee's official website, just to keep them in operation. However, this news can't be concealed by most investors. When this news appeared, after the US stock market opened, the McAfee stock that had almost fallen to the bottom was sold again, and all this was more thorough and simple. The entire stock exchange, Some are just about sell orders for McAfee stock without any orders.

Obviously, McAfee's stock has reached the point where it is today, and the entire company is not far from bankruptcy, not even the people connected to the disk. Zhang Yang naturally knew the news, just when Zhang Yang had just recovered from the stock market information, suddenly the "Ding Dong" crisp information prompt sounded, it was the prompt from the starry sky, Zhang Yang froze for a moment , Immediately brought up the latest news of Starry Sky.

It was a na piece intercepted by the starry sky. Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and then quickly opened the email. When he saw the content in the na piece, Zhang Yang couldn't help but sneered. Nima's, it turned out to be like this! As soon as he read the content of this email, Zhang Yang immediately understood the reason why the US government did this. Although she didn't say anything, Na Yang could guess.

This email was sent by Intel to the president of McAfee, because all the servers of McAfee are under the monitoring of the starry sky. Although the entire server is not controlled by the starry sky, almost all the information passing through the server must be filtered by the starry sky. "It will only be sent to the server once, because after Zhang Yang entered the command to the starry sky, although he suspended this command after he came home, he did not cancel it.

So all the senior executives of the entire McAfee, including the company's external mail, are under the starry sky's focus. What's more, this mail was actually released through the iPhone's Nagware system. The content of the email is actually very simple, it is a notice about the specific time and place of the negotiation between the two parties. There is no content of the negotiation, but the two parties who saw this piece and they want to start the negotiation, Zhang Yang guessed.

Intel wants to buy McAfee! Zhang Yang took care of his memory. If he remembered correctly, McAfee was indeed acquired by Intel in his previous life, but it’s not a letter. It was two years later, and now Intel wants to acquire McAfee. Undoubtedly it is The second reason for the US government is to achieve their long-term goal of acquiring McAfee, a security company with strong technical strength.

Although McAfee has done something like this, after all, McAfee’s strength is still very strong, and because it is the director behind the US government, Zhang Yang can even guess that when Intel bought McAfee, the price will not be reduced. Too low, after all, Bush needs to give McAfee these big shareholders an explanation.

Looking at intel, Zhang Yang sneered, shit, fortunately, his peers are friends, now because of the strong rise of the Star Group, intel has no advantage in global CPU, even if it has a larger share than Star Computer, But it will not exceed 10%, that is to say, the gap between the two sides is within 10%. Star Computer’s market share in cpu, OPgpu and other aspects is now about 47%. Intel accounted for only 51%, and the remaining 2% was divided by other companies.

Especially in terms of personal computer CPUs, there are no companies in the world competing with these two companies. Because Zhang Yang’s early release led to the development of CPUs that far exceeded the speed of his previous life and even exceeded Moore’s Law, so now the world The performance of the computer is about three years apart from that of Zhang Yang’s memory.

Since Lao Tzu's group was already a competitor with you, Lao Tzu had tossed and worked for a long time, and the last benefit was actually intel. Why? Saying nothing about Zhang Yang will not allow Intel to take advantage of this benefit for no reason, but Zhang Yang also knows that this matter is definitely related to the US government. If it is not directed by the US government, Intel will definitely not intervene at this time. After all, After a period of time, without taking too long, a week, or even a few days, McAfee is bound to apply for bankruptcy. If it is shot again, the funds for the huā fee will be much smaller than it is now.

Zhang Yang wouldn't care so much, Nima. Although you donated money, I didn't let you instruct Intel to buy McAfee. Zhang Yang wanted to see if Intel would dare to buy McAfee.

Just when Zhang Yang was ready to do his Suddenly, several major media in the United States released a new news at the same time. The title of the message was very simple. Symantec’s vice president announced to the media today that the intentional acquisition is facing bankruptcy. McAfee state.

The news was like having wings, and it was circulated on the Internet almost in the blink of an eye. If Zhang Yang didn't get the email between Intel and McAfee, I might believe it. The news of Symantec's acquisition of McAfee immediately triggered various comments on the Internet. Most people are amazed by the courage that Symantec dared to jump out. After all, McAfee is a lesson. Symantec is not afraid of gscsd to engage them once in this matter?

How big is the gap between McAfee and Symantec? These netizens don't think there is a world difference. Looking at the latest news reported by this media, Zhang Yang's mind suddenly did not know why, and suddenly a ray of light appeared. "Hey....After the thought in my mind came out, Zhang Yang thought about its possibilities carefully, and couldn't help but give a smug smile. I am afraid that if a third person hears it, he will be shocked. The laughter is too frivolous!!!!!!;




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