The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 670: Japanese egg is broken (4)

Tokyo Electric Power Company, founded in 1951, is a large power company in Japan that integrates power generation, transmission, and distribution. It can be seen from the name of Tokyo Electric Power Company. Its power grid mainly covers Tokyo and the surrounding 8 The prefectures accounted for nearly one-sixth of Japan's electricity supply share.

It is Japan’s highest-income power company and the world’s largest private nuclear power supplier. A few years later, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which was affected by the major earthquake and tsunami, was under the company’s name. Fukushima No. 1 and No. 2 nuclear power plants are the main nuclear power plants of Tokyo Electric Power Company, and these two nuclear power plants are also responsible for the distribution of electricity throughout Tokyo.

Japan’s use of the Internet is not under the United States, but unlike the United States, the Japanese do not like to put eggs in Chapter 670 Japanese Egg Broken (four) baskets, such as the network of nuclear power plants The system is not only the most advanced in Japan, but its entire network is almost independent of the Japanese civil network. It can be said that if someone wants to invade the network of a nuclear power plant, it is almost impossible.

But there are only things you can’t think about in this world, and things that humans can’t do, like a nuclear power plant’s network is independent, but it’s not possible to be completely independent, because it also needs to be connected to the entire power grid. The power distribution equipment and so on are all controlled by the computer, but these computer systems have many countermeasures. As long as there is a problem, they will automatically be converted into a set of circuit control systems, that is, as long as the computer thinks the system In the event of an invasion, the system will be run directly to ensure that the nuclear power plant will not have any accidents.

The so-called disconnection control system refers to this system can be said to be a one-time use. When it completely starts operation, in addition to using special control buttons to stop it in reality, it will automatically close the operation according to the system settings A good program operates, no one's control has any effect. Such countermeasures have been used on many major systems. I am afraid that there is a broken Japanese egg in Chapter 670 (4), or a network failure caused by a computer virus, etc., causing a huge disaster. .

After all, something like a nuclear power plant is not trivial if something goes wrong. It affects not only Japan, but even Japan’s neighboring countries. Mayer Shiro is not an employee of TEPCO, but he is closely related to TEPCO because he is one of the network security engineers responsible for the entire Tokyo power distribution system! There are about twenty network security experts in their entire group, and their annual salary is more than one million dollars.

The night shift is the most difficult, but today is not difficult for Mayer Saburo, or for their entire technical department, because there is lively time to watch during this time, gacad has made such a dynamic on the Internet Don’t look at Japan wearing a pair of pants with the United States. At least it seems to the outside world that in fact, in Japan, Mayer Shiro, these Japanese people have no good feelings for the Yankees.

If it were not for the United States to drop two atomic bombs over Japan, Japan’s world status would definitely be higher than today, and even Japan might have established an East Asian co-prosperity circle. Meyer Saburo is not a militarist. In fact, it seems that their technology is not very good for war, but this does not prevent him from having any good feelings for the Yankees! At least from the Japanese perspective, this is the case. Those **** Yankees still occupy the Yokosuka base!

No country likes to have the aviation formation of other countries parked at the core of its own country! **** it! Meiye Shiro looked at the report on the TV, and it felt like the sky was falling. Oh my God, why did you turn to Japan at night when you were in the United States when you just went to work tonight? The palace and the Yasukuni Shrine where the emperor lived were actually attacked by terrorists?

Looking at the burning picture on TV, Meiye Sanlang and his companions didn't know how much they yelled. Did those **** SDFs grow up eating shit? Actually, the terrorists could get the individual strategic missiles to blow up these two places, God! These **** terrorists!

After listening to the host's words, Meiye Sanlang once again scolded him in his mouth, and his pupils shrank slightly. "Huh?" Mayer Saburo vigorously rubbed his eyes. Was he just dazzled himself? Just when Mayer Saburo clearly saw a warning sign pop up in the lower right corner of his computer screen, but the blinking kung fu disappeared. Is it wrong?

Mayer Saburo froze for a moment, but in a serious and responsible manner, Mayer Saburo immediately shouted: "Matsui Jun! Check the system immediately, I just seem to see the alarm of the system." Another three in a suit The man in his tens froze for a moment, and immediately said, "Hi."

At the same time that Meiye Sanlang and his colleagues were beginning to check the system, Zhang Yang looked at the intrusion record on the computer screen with some dumbfoundedness. Zhang Yang was speechless. It seems that there is still a gap between the human and the computer in some aspects. Big enough, for example, if Zhang Yanglai is in charge, although he may let these escape, it is definitely not as simple as it is currently.

Although simple... but the damage caused to Tokyo... I am afraid it is not small, but these are related to their own farts! Zhang Yang shook his head slightly. As for the casualties of ordinary people, Zhang Yang completely threw his head behind him. He is not a saint. There is no absolute right or wrong in this world. Japan even changed the textbook TM. Lao Tzu considered your loss. bird?

Zhang Yang lightly looked at the YES and NO that popped up on the screen and directly hit YES, when Zhang Yang pressed the option. The sound of the starry sky rang in the room almost at the same time: "Now, you change the headlights to high beams. After twenty seconds, I will turn off all the lights in your neighborhood. After the lights turn off, follow me Prompt sound, directly turn the steering wheel of the vehicle to the left and die, and drift directly to the reverse lane. When I say that it starts drifting, you start. Otherwise, don’t blame me for the destruction of the car."

"Wait? What does it mean to turn off all the lights?" The voice of the young man named Widow in the communication channel was stunned for a moment and immediately asked, from the beginning, he didn't believe the stranger who broke into the channel, until now The widow's admiration for this person can already be described by five-body cast. At least the widow has rarely appeared in the hacker circle, but he also knows that his technical strength is not bad.

Except for some great gods who think he is inferior, the rest of the hackers think he is among the top three, but today the widow knows what it means to be a hacker. The other party is not just quietly entering his The system even controls the systems of most communication companies in Tokyo, and also breaks its own communication frequency.

What’s more important is the opponent’s horrible overall view. What kind of strength does it take to take care of so many things at the same time? At least the widow thinks he can’t do so much. Just now he’s monitoring the map and the camera. 'S hands are messy, and now it's done in the other party, everything is in order.

Even the other party has time to calculate the speed of the fangs they drive, and the speed of the traffic on the car. By controlling the speed of the fangs, their performance on the road is perfect. The three off-road vehicles in the back are no longer like C. At first they just bit their fangs in their vehicles, but they still had time to get rid of them, and now what they lack most is time.

"Do you want to control the street lights and turn off the street lights through the city control system?" The widow immediately asked excitedly. The control system of the entire city was not so easy to control. The control system of the entire city was divided into countless subsystems. All the subsystems are controlled in the hand, which is definitely a task that makes the scalp numb and collapses.

"Don't be so troublesome. Be prepared, you will lose the light in ten seconds, ten, ninety-eight..." With the sound of the starry sky, the communication channel has become very quiet, leaving only the rapid breath of communication sound. At the moment, the widow sitting in the van is thinking so hard and not thinking about it, so what do you do?

The fangs of the driver's spirit are all concentrated together, and he doesn't know how to describe the person who broke into their system now.

If he had to let him describe it, a madman, one! Fangya feels that his long-term mercenary career has made him bloodthirsty enough, but he did not expect this person to be...a downright, you have seen a person who can work as a computer and calculate all the things in the lane. Traffic flow, and the speed of these cars, and control the speed of the fangs, let him cover the brakes and drift?

Today, what he does is crazy enough, but Fangfang feels that since this madman appeared in their system, he feels that what he has done before is nothing. For example, just now, they were driving on a high-speed road with a fence in the middle. The traffic on this road was very heavy. The other party told him that there was a junction 300 meters ahead that could drift directly into the retrograde lane, causing fangs be ready.

Drifting around is not difficult, but drifting into a retrograde lane on such a highway... isn’t it death? Especially the other party told him that as long as he was reminded to drift, he would do the same! There is no hesitation at all. The hesitation is that the car was killed and killed. Just now, the high-speed road in front is a turn. The fangs driving against the middle fence can't see where the gap in the middle fence is.

When the other party's prompt came from fangs still clenched their teeth and directly hit the steering wheel. With the harsh rubbing sound, the body drifted to the left side fence. When the speed and angle of the car drifted past, Fangya discovered that there was only a gap of less than four meters wide in the middle of the highway, and his car just floated out of the gap in the stunned eyes of everyone. And after drifting to the opposite lane of the opposite direction, Fangfang directly geared up with the fastest speed of his life, and stepped on the brakes to quickly increase the speed of the car, because the car in the retrograde lane did not know that there will be more cars on the road suddenly. The car, he is slower, the car behind will hit directly.

When the sound of the brakes and crashes came behind, Fangfang was sweating and found that he had just passed through the gap while there was a small hollow in the middle of the opposite lane, and he just had to slow it down a bit. Two seconds later, the car behind would knock down his body directly.

Although he did not get rid of the other party that time, it also made the other party spend a lot of effort to catch up again, the most important thing was to disrupt the other party's layout. And now, actually have to do it again? And looking at the situation in front, the fangs are cold sweat, because the front is actually TMD is the largest two-way tunnel in Tokyo! ! ! ! ;




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