The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 672: The consequences of detonation (Part 1)

"Ah..." Bush sat in his office and listened to the report of the CIA. Although the report reported a loss, Bush's expression was very relaxed. In Tokyo, such a big thing happened to the media and the public At last, Sight turned away from McAfee's affairs. Of course, Bush was relaxed. Otherwise, McAfee's affairs will continue to frustrate. Bush estimates that he will not be far from stepping down.

Seeing that it will not be long before next year's election, if he is ousted from office at such a short time before the election, I am afraid that Bush will become the most humiliating president in American history. Fortunately,〗 〖The incident happened, and attracted the attention of the media. "Is it related to gacad?" Bush asked the most critical question.

〖Japanese〗This incident happened very abruptly, even the consequences of the detonation of Bush Chapter 672 (Part 1) were stunned when I got the news for the first time. This is the first time. No matter in which country it is the first blow, and the Imperial Palace and the spiritual symbol of Japan are destroyed. This is not a trivial matter.

The Royal Palace is okay to say, but the Yasukuni Shrine’s stuff is, to put it bluntly, the world has opinions on the Yasukuni Shrine, and there is only one country with the largest opinion, but Bush knows that this cannot be state-granted, but Bush knows that it is not state-granted, It does not mean that you will say this when you announce it to the outside world. You know what you know, but what you say when you guide the people depends on the results of the discussions among the staff.

But at the point of negotiating with China, Bush shook his head slightly. It is impossible for the United States to stand up. It is a pity. Bush felt a little sorry if he wanted to get the Star Group's battery technology recently. This kind of thing can be well publicized, and at least some political benefits can be obtained.

"I can't confirm it for the time being, but it shouldn't matter. Gacad doesn't lack money, and it's impossible to expose his identity for some cultural relics. Public Robert made a very simple conclusion, the consequences of the detonation of Chapter 672 (Part 1) CAD There is no shortage of money, Robert actually does not know, but can guess, people like gacad technology may lack money? It’s not good to say, just before the United States Government donated to the International Foundation for Disabled Children Two billion U.S. dollars, if you transfer to an account according to gacad's designation, there is sufficient time and possibility to transfer this money with gacad's technology, and they have no way to trace it.

And with the strength of gacad, it is not difficult to invade the banking system to get some money for yourself, so this kind of thing should not be done by gacad. "Well, that's good. Closely monitor everything in the country. What did you say to Intel?" Bush nodded, whether it is gacad or not, as long as gacad does not come to the United States to make trouble, Bush will thank God. "Uh, Intel terminated the negotiations with McAfee, because Intel does not know what attitude gacad is now. If gacad is really tossing here once at Intel, they can’t afford to toss this way, although Intel’s official website is only used to release new Products are used, but if Intel’s network and their supercomputers are attacked, the loss is not a little bit more than McAfee." Robert hesitated and told Bush the latest news.

"Damn! These businessmen, they aren't afraid that gatel is selling CPUs and making money on computer hardware. No matter how powerful gacad is, it's impossible to hack their supercomputers if I remember correctly..."

"Intel's supercomputers have enough anti-hacking measures!" Bush's face was green. What does the Intel supercomputer do, Bush certainly knows.

It is used by Intel's CPU research laboratory for simulation calculations. Although the supercomputer usually maintains a network connection, but because it is afraid of hackers intruding and stealing Intel's top-secret data, the supercomputer maintains a network connection with the outside world, but it With the top protection measures in the United States, and you can interrupt the network connection with the world at any time, even if you interrupt the network connection without any loss.

As for servers such as Intel's official website, let alone a black month, what is the loss to Intel for the black year? If you release new products, you can directly find major advertising companies and media, and the website server is also independent. Even if gacad is black, there is no confidential information at all. Obviously Intel is doing this from the United States. Zheng Yunfu only needs more chips!

For a long time, Bush vented and said: "You go to Powell, and he will let him negotiate with Intel. He can make a decision on my behalf, but the bargain for Intel will increase by up to a percentage on our bottom line. Thirty, let him consider for himself." Robert immediately stood up and said, "I know."

After reconnecting with the fangs, Zhang Yang didn’t have time to listen to them telling their stories. fangs are not stupid. They can’t leave Tokyo at all now, let alone leave Japan, want to leave Tokyo or It’s 〖Japanese〗, only relying on this mysterious C, so after a short discussion, the fangs gritted their teeth and agreed to obey Zhang Yang’s arrangement, after which Zhang Yang told Anthony the contact details of these people and gave it to them. Anthony went to arrange.

It's not surprising that they have this choice to spread their fangs. Although they don't know what they are fighting, they are better than they were caught by the Japanese government. So Zhang Yang didn’t have any pressure at all. After finishing the 〖Japanese〗 books, Zhang Yang looked at the time and it was almost dawn. He smiled bitterly and felt a little sleepy. Zhang Yang thought about it, he didn’t care about things in the United States. , Directly let Xingkong lift all the protective measures of the study and went back to the room to sleep.

"Fangfang, this C, do you mean Chinese people in China?" When Zhang Yang left, they also began to discuss the fangs. "I don't know, but there should be no malice towards us, otherwise, it would be impossible for us to escape the pursuit of the police [Yanzun] and Yazaku." Fang shook his head slightly.

"Why did he help us? Why should we help us? I don't believe that there are good people in this world. If you have no other explanation, then there is only one possibility. They have seen these relics in our hands. "Another man" "Click," Shen Sheng said after loading the Desert Eagle in his hand.

"What about that? How did we come to the "Japanese" book? Didn't we come to the "Japanese" book for this matter? We have already reported the revenge of the newspaper, and we just thought about this matter Disgusting Disgusting〗 〖Benzheng Reel House only, escape is fortune telling us, if you can’t escape, I’d rather ruin these things than leaving〗 〖Benzheng Reel House." Fang looked at him lightly At first glance, he said not too salty.

"I know our purpose, but for this matter we planned for a full three years. At the end, it was cheaper for others. I can’t be reconciled. Besides, if we can’t run away, even if these things are destroyed, I will admit it. , But what if we leave the Japanese book with this C, and then the other party comes to eat black? What should we do if we kill us, and then take away the thing?" The man proposed a new possibility.

"Well, what you said is very reasonable. It's possible that I don't believe that the other party is just good intentions." Fang nodded. No matter who encountered this, they would doubt it, but now they have no choice. "However, we have no choice but to do so. Follow the other person to leave the Japanese book. We may die, but stay here, we will definitely die." Fang cracked his mouth and shook his head slightly.

"Okay." The man shrugged his shoulders and said nothing, because the fangs said the truth. "The cockroaches who carried out the demolition operation did not know whether they had escaped." fangya smiled bitterly.

"It should be no problem, cockroaches are much less threatening than us. After all, they are still some distance away from the Royal Palace and the Jinguo Shrine. They should have no problem, just don’t know if they can rush us before this C takes us away from here. Come back." The widow hesitated and said.

"What does this C say? I have a hunch that the other party should not have come to the artifacts in our hands." The middle-aged man sitting in the corner carefully wiping a special dagger in his hand suddenly said.

"Ghost, your insight is very careful, you talk about it."

The eyes of fangs and others immediately cast their eyes. "The reason is very simple, although these things in our hands seem to be of great value, but there is a premise that it can be traded, it is simply big, if no one buys this thing, they are nothing more than a few It’s just a hundred years old, and it’s worthless.” The middle-aged man, called a ghost, said lightly.

"Uh?, Tuya and others choked, and Ghost smiled and smiled. "You don't think that we are in trouble now in Tokyo. Does anyone dare to take these things? Even collectors in the Middle East dare not accept them. Don’t look at 〖Japanese〗 It seems that it is just a world economic power, but after all it is a country, and when we steal these cultural relics, don’t forget what we did at the same time, but we also blasted the Japanese Palace at the same time With the Yasukuni Shrine, this is equivalent to declaring war on the 〖Japanese〗 Honzheng Lun Mansion. If anyone dares to buy it, I don’t have to say it..."

"You say that too." Widows and others thought that it was the same reason. No matter who the relics fell into, it must be hidden for at least ten years before it was possible to shoot. This is not simply a theft. If they just stole the museum, some famous underworld forces or the chiefs of the Middle East are likely to dare to buy it, but they also bombed the Japanese Imperial Palace and the Yasukuni Shrine at the same time, which is different in nature.

This stuff is a hot potato in everyone's hands, and anyone who takes over will be dead. 〖Japanese〗 Ben Zhengluo probably doesn't mind killing agents to kill these people. This is not just a cultural relic. As soon as the middle-aged man's voice fell, fangfang's cell phone suddenly rang. Looking at the number on the phone that did not even have a caller ID, fangfang immediately gave a gesture to everyone before answering the call.

Zhang Yang got out of bed at about ten o'clock the next morning. After getting up, Zhang Yang quickly rushed into the bathroom to wash up, and then went to the living room to turn on the TV. The news on the TV was still a report on last night.

"〖日〗Benzheng Regency has made a statement on the terrorist attack last night at 8 a.m.,[Japanese]Benzheng Regency will recover the stolen cultural relics at all costs. The main messenger behind the scenes who will hunt down this matter at any cost, the Prime Minister of Japan used a strictly worded diplomatic order this morning. The diplomatic order stated that this was a declaration of war against the Japanese version * naked. 〗During the attacks on the Imperial Palace and the Yasukuni Shrine, the attack caused a total of 5 deaths at the Imperial Palace and the Yasukuni Shrine, and a heavy price for the wounded."

"In addition, according to incomplete statistics, the current power system in Tokyo is still unrecoverable. According to what we learned from Tokyo Electric Power Company, a hacker helped this group of terrorists attack the distribution network of Tokyo Electric Power Company last night. According to the Tokyo Police According to the incomplete statistics of the Visual Studio and the Japan Self-Defense Force, this incident has caused a direct loss of at least 350 billion yen, equivalent to 4.5 billion US dollars! and an indirect loss of at least trillion yen, while Tokyo Stock Exchange The market is temporarily closed for various reasons. The US New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, etc., the yen exchange rate fell sharply...〖Japanese〗The economy may be subject to large-scale turbulence because of this incident...Currently〗 The Japanese Metropolitan Police Department has received some information on terrorists, but according to the information we have learned from the international department present, the Japanese government has not yet captured and killed any terrorists."

"Pouting," Zhang Yang, who took a sip of milk, finally couldn't help but spout the milk in his mouth. Of course, Zhang Yang was not because of the news in the news, but because of the hostess who broadcasted this woman. The host didn't know what was the cause, and obviously wanted to laugh, but this kind of thing was very serious after all. She didn't dare to laugh, so the expression was a little weird, but the smile at the corner of her mouth could not be covered.

Of course, there were a lot of things caused by the sudden power outage last night. According to the news just now, at least hundreds of people died. In the humanitarian spirit, you should not laugh, but to be honest, there are a few in China. Will individuals sympathize in a humanitarian spirit? Even if some people say that Zhang Yang is cold-blooded, it is nothing. Anyway, Zhang Yang has no sympathy, and those who die are civilians.

The non-my family must have different hearts. This sentence is not just for fun. This sentence actually represents the mentality of everyone. Most people actually treat others’ experiences with gloating, except for that. People have a close relationship with him! ! ! ;




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