The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 685: The world needs news (on)

Just when the whole world was chaotic due to various hackers, suddenly an explosive news blew up some messy networks. ; The telecommunications server headquarters building in eastern Australia was hit by a violent explosion, and the entire Australian network was paralyzed.

Several submarine cables that mainly enter and leave Australia have also been completely paralyzed, but fortunately, the submarine cables deep in the ocean have not been damaged. Now the damage is only subgrade base stations. Basically, as long as the server and other maintenance are completed, they can be repaired. .

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the incident itself. Obviously this incident is a premeditated incident. Otherwise, how could such a large telecommunications server allocation switch room explode inexplicably? Zhang Yang watched Chapter 685 of the world on TV and broke the news (Part 1). He remained silent for a long time. Others did not know the reason, but could Zhang Yang not know? Just when he was tracking anudio, he tracked here, and then the entire telecommunications server exploded, and the network connection between the two parties was naturally broken, and Zhang Yang couldn't talk about tracking at all.

It can be said that in a short period of time, most of the entire network in Australia will be completely paralyzed. The domestic network is okay, and the connection with foreign countries is the most important.

The intensified hacker war also came to a standstill because of this sudden terrorist attack. Almost all hackers stopped their actions in their hands.

It was quiet on the Internet for a long time. Zhang Yang wondered whether to let this matter out completely. After thinking about it for a few moments in his mind, Zhang Yang decided in his heart that Zhang Yang was going to take all the secrets he got from "Via" The information was put on WikiLeaks to let the world know, but Zhang Yang suddenly realized a problem at this time.

That is, if he really publishes those things, perhaps the United States will fall into a state of chaos for a period of time, especially in the political situation, it is estimated that Bush will step down, and the US vice president will succeed the president. Chapter 685 The world needs to disclose The position of (above) is about one year away from the US election. The United States is unlikely to make major decisions. Some major decisions will be made after the new president takes office.

But now Zhang Yang is not going to do this. After having a decision in his mind, Zhang Yang quickly cleared all traces on his network, and then directly called the Star Group Technology Department. The phone was picked up by God. Zhang Yang explained to God that they came back and said to God: "The latest news was posted on the official website, saying that this incident was led by anudio. In order to stop others from tracking anudio. How to word you specifically Consult with the department manager. In addition, you will issue a new announcement, saying that I will represent the Starry Sky Group, and at the same time, the highest leadership of the Planetary Sky Group will issue a request to the United States."

"Uh?" God doesn't know what Zhang Yang is going to do. If God knows that God on the Internet knows, then God doesn't understand any of these commercial matters, but since Zhang Yang wants to send it, then they don't have any opinions. Just contact the department manager, and after pondering the words used, post the announcement directly on the Internet.

Because Star Group is the protagonist of today, many media are paying attention to this matter. When they saw what Star Group said, anudio launched this terrorist attack to escape the tracking of gocod, these media immediately exploded. Pan, once anudio has made a lot of surprising events, but did not expect this time to directly do something like a terrorist organization.

Media from all over the world immediately began to speak out about anudio. At this time, anudio naturally had no mood to take care of this matter, even if it did not dare to jump out. However, these media have also noticed the second announcement of Star Group. Will Zhang Yang formally initiate a visit to the US government on behalf of Star Group? What does it mean? However, this announcement is very simple, there is such a central idea from beginning to end, but no one knows the specific reason for starting the interview.

But most people have an unpredictable hunch in their hearts. This matter must have a lot to do with what happened tonight. These media have reported on this matter one after another. Zhang Yang has called Chen Xiaowei and asked her to formally apply to the US Embassy in China tomorrow morning.

At this time, the United States was in the daytime. Bush and they were also paying attention to this incident. When the Star Group server was not compromised by anudio, Bush was actually a little depressed, because Bush knew that if this was the case, Star Group’s business would definitely be Once again, after all, the Star Group is not an American company. The stronger the Star Group, the stronger the strength of that country.

But when the latest announcement issued by the Star Group came out, Bush was also a little stunned. What does this mean? Initiate a visit to the US government? It's not that Starry Sky Group doesn't have this qualification, let alone the chairman of a large group with a market value of trillions of dollars. Even the chairman of Apple's world's top 500 companies can see these if they officially visit some countries. The president of the country, the main seat of the country, the prime minister.

Bush immediately called all his staff like an oval office. "What does the Starry Sky Group mean?" Bush's staff is not very clear about this question. Even the director of the coa cannot know this temporary publicity. It’s a matter of decision.” But Mr. President, no matter what the other party is for, such a world’s largest group, a company chairman in the United States with a market value of more than 700 billion US dollars, we are afraid that we must respond positively, and The reception specifications should not be too low. "The Secretary of State is speaking.

Bush nodded: "These are not problems, after all, the negotiations between us and the Star Group have not been resolved, and some details have not been negotiated. What I want to know is the reason why Zhang Yang visited our country? You know, now "China" is in the middle of the night, no matter what decision a group makes, I am afraid it is impossible to issue such an announcement in the middle of the night? Obviously, the other party's decision is related to this incident."

"We have no way of knowing this unless the other party is willing to give the reason." Director Robert also smiled bitterly. Who knows what happened to this kind of thing, and coa will not be able to get such news for the first time. Is there anyone in the Star Group Coa? Have! But it is impossible to access high-level secrets. As long as it is not a fool, it is impossible to know that the intelligence agencies of China cannot fail to guard against it.

And what is Starry Sky Security doing, and who is inside, Roberts, they know very well. "Mr. President, I think it is imperative that we should respond first and let a White House spokesperson hold a press conference. Although we have not received the other party’s application for the time being, but considering the current time of China, So I think it’s better for us to make a response first.” The Secretary of State next to me wanted to remind.

"Well, okay, you will arrange this matter. In addition, Mr. Gates, you will make other arrangements first. Since the other party’s emergency visit is so obvious, there are obviously important things, no matter what, we must pay attention to it. Get up, you have to prepare for security issues. Zhang Yang cannot have any problems in the United States. Coa and Fbo are responsible for this matter." Bush said seriously.

If it is Zhang Yang’s private flight to 〖China〗, although fbo will secretly protect, the protection force will not be too tight. After all, it is private. Even if something goes wrong, the US government cannot be blamed, but now Everyone said about the future of the fair and forthright, if something happens on their own territory, then the US government will become a joke around the world.

A White House spokesperson soon convened a brief press conference, saying that he had not received diplomatic applications from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the time being, but the US government welcomed Star Group’s visit and investment. As the largest group in the world, such a large investment force will be welcomed by any country. The United States also needs investment, of course, because American companies are very strong globally, so few companies will choose to invest in the United States, unless this aspect is not available in the United States, which is unfortunate. In the hands of the Star Group, there is something that the US government does not have.

At 8 a.m. the next day, Star Group formally submitted an application to the US Embassy in 〖China〗. After that, although it was already evening, the White House responded as quickly as possible, and the first Time passed the application of Star Group.

It's the afternoon of the day. Zhang Yang's special plane took off from Om International Airport and flew straight to Los Angeles, USA, and then transferred to Washington.

Starry Sky Group made such a major decision before the heat of the night last night passed. You must know that this is something that Starry Sky Group has never had since its establishment. No matter in which country Star Sky Group starts its own business, director Chang has never held talks with leaders of this country.

In fact, this is the result of Zhang Yang’s deliberate thoughts. It doesn’t have to be open to the public to get the US government to do it. In that case, it’s not good for everyone, and the old and the United States may not necessarily eat that set. If the matter is true, then the US government will immediately realize the seriousness of the matter and take it seriously.

After all, the Star Group is not a small company. Its assets in the United States alone exceed the market value of 700 billion US dollars. Apple and other companies are all in the United States. The market value of the Facebook website under the name of the Star Group is already close to 100 billion US dollars. By the way, this influence among the American people is already terrifying, and the Star Group has shared a lot of jobs for the United States.

When the plane entered Hawaii, the US Air Force in Hawaii sent a fighter unit to **** Zhang Yang’s special plane. Looking at the American fighters escorted outside, Li Keqing and Chen Xiaowei both expressed some emotions: "I did not expect this to be on TV. We can also enjoy the scenes we can see...

"..............., I said you are not okay, aren't you just **** fighters? In the future, if you are willing, our group will raise fighters by themselves, haha, let our own fighters escort." Zhang Yang said proudly.

"You can pull it down, do you think the country will let our group buy fighters? Isn't that you?" Chen Xiaowei rolled his eyes.

"Can't I think about it? Can we still buy it? Isn't Starry Heavy Industries able to produce j20 now?" Zhang Yang said with a smile. Now the test model of j20 is already in production, and the engine is using Xingkong Group delivered Chengfei's Xingmo series engines.

The aircraft quickly landed at the military airport in Hawaii under the leadership of the navigator. The aircraft was originally planned to land in Los Angeles. After consideration, it was decided to land in Hawaii, and it was transferred from the civilian airport to the US air force base. Here After refueling, the plane will fly directly to Washington.

During the time when Zhang Yang’s plane was still in the sky, the American media carried out large-scale reports on this matter. Although these media did not know why the Star Group came to the United States, most of the media reports were positive. After all, most of the assets of Star Group are in the United States, and the companies acquired by Star Group are basically American companies.

You haven’t forgotten that the acquisition contract between Star Group and McAfee has not been signed And since last night’s incident, gocod disappeared directly, without any statement, nor Attacks continue on the Star Group system.

The flight time is good, because it is a special plane, plus there are rooms and beds on the plane, so when the plane lands at Washington Airport, it is best to publicize their mental state. At nine o'clock in the morning, the plane was about to land on the runway. When the plane was stable, looking at the guard of honor, the red carpet, and the welcome ceremony, etc., the expression on Zhang Yang's face was a little weird. The treatment of the head of state.

As soon as I walked down from the plane, the reporters outside were excited. When I looked at the lineup of the Star Group, these reporters knew that there must be something important. You didn’t look at the chairman of the Star Group, and the wife of the chairman, the former director. Chang, and the current president of the Star Group, followed by many vice presidents?

Following Bush's review of the US honor guard, the long convoy quickly drove out of the airport, but none of these reporters noticed that Zhang Yang and Bush were in the same car while riding in the special car. ! ! ! ;




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