The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 748: 1 enemy is a paper tiger (8)

I guessed the beginning, but I didn’t guess the ending. This classic sentence from the Westward Journey of Hong Kong movie is now used to describe the mood of Noda Yoshihiko. However, I haven’t thought about killing Noda Yoshihiko. Breeding, it would be better for me to be better than myself, I will not make you feel better, I would rather lose money than let you lose more!

Is Star Group’s loss large? Of course big! Although 『Japanese』Book is only an island country, Starry Sky Group’s market in 『Japanese』Book has about 150 to 200 billion RMB per year! Now Zhang Yang directly announces the launch of the entire Japanese market, which includes the previous investment of the Star Group and so on. ; But the only advantage is that the real estate bought by the Star Group actually made some money.

No. Chapter 474: All the enemies are paper tigers (8). This part of the money is completely incomparable with the loss, but it is close to 300 billion rmb, and the loss of more than 70 billion US dollars is completely lost for Zhang Yang. As a result, at least relative to the Japanese government, the loss of the Star Group is far below the Japanese government, but this does not affect the current situation between the two countries, but the only possibility is because of the economy In an extremely turbulent situation, coupled with Noda Yoshihiko's wrong policies, the current domestic support rate of the Japanese cabinet is declining.

It is even possible to change the prime minister again. For the Japanese who changed several prime ministers in a few years, this is not good news. A national leader, changing one will mean a turbulence in the government, which is not what Great news. But Noda Yoshihiko has no good solution unless he can find a reasonable way to vent the anger of the people.

There is only one possibility for this method right now, that is, [Japanese] had the Diaoyu Islands! As long as 〖Japan〗 had the Diaoyu Islands in hand, this loss would be entirely acceptable. Anyway, the two governments have already reached this point, and the bigger point is nothing. After hesitating again and again, Noda Yoshihiko and 『Chapter 748 All Enemies Are Paper Tigers (Eight) Day』 After several generals discussed, 〖Japan〗 the government announced publicly that it wanted to sell Diaoyu Island!

This news is like a bombshell that directly stunned people all over the world. Even the US government was speechless for a while. In the case of severe economic damage, you are still going to provoke China at this time. ? Isn’t this what death is? Perhaps many people cannot understand the American idea, but this is not surprising. It is not the time and space where Zhang Yang’s last life was. There is probably only one aircraft carrier, the Wagrian, among the Chinese players in his previous life.

But now, the Wagrian is already a training ship in Star Military University! 〖China〗The Chinese Navy already has four super aircraft carriers with a displacement of over 100,000 tons! The strength of these four aircraft carriers can be said to directly close the gap between the original navy of the Chinese navy and the Japanese navy, and far beyond! This is not yet another technical reserve.

For example, China’s air force is far superior to that of its predecessors. China’s previous generation [China] has always lagged behind the international average in large aircraft projects, but now, because it has a full set of f22 fighter data, plus Star Group’s own Super superiority, the engine will no longer be the biggest obstacle restricting domestic power.

When the core of the aircraft is resolved, the remaining large aircraft projects will follow. The Air Police 3000 is already in production, and there are two Hawkeye high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft that no one else knows about! These are not the most important, the most important thing is the production of j-20 and Adevelop, and the production of j14 and j15 are far beyond the performance of the previous life!

J-20 is a heavy fourth-generation fighter similar to f-22! The j-14 can be said to be an improved version of the j-10, which mainly improves the engine performance and radar performance on a large scale. With the heavy fighters such as f-22 and j-20, it is mainly a multi-functional fighter that snatches air control. Differently, j-14 can be said to be a strong type of strong attack against the ground. Of course, it is not that j-14 can not be air combat, but it can be said to be a multi-purpose light fighter, and j -20, f-22 is a heavy fighter!

Compared to the j-10 and its improved models, the improved models of the j-14 series mainly strengthen the engine. The j-10 does not have supersonic cruising capability and can only carry out short supersonic flights, but the j-14 can achieve Supersonic cruising ability! And the radar is also more powerful.

j-15 is the naval version of j-14, which is the carrier aircraft above the aircraft carrier! And the combat radius of these fighters is close to about 1500 kilometers, so under the infinitely increased military strength of the air navy, no one knows the next battle between the Japanese and the Chinese.

On the second day after the news came out in 『Japan』, Starry Heavy Industry publicly released news. Starry Heavy Industry has developed a new type of electromagnetic missile that can be used to block off and attack the enemy’s electromagnetic signals, etc.! The external reaction to this news was mixed, mainly because the announcement of Starry Heavy Industry was vague, because the electromagnetic pulse bombs had already existed, and literally, it seems that the electromagnetic missile of Starry Heavy Industry is similar to the previous electromagnetic pulse bombs?

Although Starry Heavy Industry didn't explain it, Zhang Yang still knew that the gap between the two was too big. First of all, this new type of missile is very gentle. It is not as powerful as an electromagnetic pulse bomb and can be destroyed. All things similar to electronic components and so on.

This electromagnetic pulse missile will only form a strong magnetic field within a few hours, shield all radar signals within the magnetic field, etc. In other words, if the bomb explodes, your equipment will not be damaged, but temporarily Can not be used, such as radar, etc., all will be completely useless.

But after leaving this area, these devices can be used. Some people may say that since the enemy's is no longer available, your own can't be used. Isn't everyone half a catty? It’s half a catty. But if a satellite flies over the two shipyards in the Bohai Bay, it will be found that the two warships with a displacement of about 40,000 tons sailed directly into the sea under the cover of night, and then quickly disappeared into the depths of the ocean.

These two battleships are full of modern science fiction style, it can be said that it is definitely an epoch-making design! Although its overall design concept seems completely different from that of modern warships, these two warships can also be said to be two test ships! But these two test ships also paid a high price of nearly 3 billion US dollars!

This is still the reason why many key factors are sold by the Star Group at a cost price! If someone sees them on the sea, they will find that these two battleships are very similar to the battleships at the end of World War I and the beginning of World War II! In other words, is it like World War I or World War II?

Zhang Yang is not a bb party, but it is undeniable that modern naval warfare is far inferior to World War I and World War II?  shallow catfish called Mu Yuan  饬 剬剿艺貿貿⒏Fiat falcon blow mold ∑ 涫嫡 Rebellion 攸貙谙蔙諙 Straw Zinc Pure Chun Hui ⒋ 笈诘耐Good huizuo?br/>

However, the technology of these two battleships is far from World War II? * 記木藿⒋ 笈篳堳员 Rao badger G> turbulent   钋 to see the annoyance to stir the salary ⅲ  stop  sacred ⒒  pier to stir the salary ⒗ this With a main gun of 06mml50, three triple mounts, a 50x caliber main gun, a range of 30° elevation angle can reach 33.33 kilometers! The maximum range can reach close to 40 kilometers!

But these two battleships named Kunlun and Tianshan by Zhang Yang, their main guns are no longer conventional artillery! It is the latest technology of Starry Sky Group, pulse electromagnetic gun! Small pulse electromagnetic guns are added to the four aircraft carriers for air defense. This large electromagnetic gun is easier to build!

The main guns of the two battleships are not many, only two triple guns with 6 356 mm calibers! But it has 12 22mm secondary guns! Not to mention the power of the secondary gun, under the acceleration of the electromagnetic pulse, the initial velocity of the six main guns reached a horrible 4 km/sec! The powerful kinetic energy gives it far more than the army electromagnetic gun that once shined in the Sino-Indian War! The range of the six main guns reached a terror distance of up to 150 kilometers! In other words, it takes about 40 seconds to fly from the cannonball to the fall!

But the 40-second flight is a terrible distance of 150 kilometers! Even missiles are not so fast! This speed is quite equivalent, to know the speed of the first universe, that is to say, the speed that can get rid of gravity is only 7.9 kilometers per second!

At a horrible shell speed of nearly 4 kilometers per second, no modern armor can resist such a horrible speed! The powerful penetrating power will be the enemy of any modern warship! Zhang Yang let the starry sky calculate that at such a terrible speed, a shell is flying close to 100 kilometers and hits an aircraft carrier. Take the most advanced Beijing-class aircraft carrier. If it is an armor-piercing projectile, it hits the flight deck from the air. At this speed, the entire aircraft carrier can be directly broken down!

Even if it is not as good as the gunpowder shells, it can only expand the results, but the punctured hole is also a huge damage to the aircraft carrier. More importantly, such a terrifying speed and the size of the shells make the air defense missile or the Vulcan defense system, etc. Waiting for its defense effect is extremely poor!

Even more powerful is that the launch speed of the electromagnetic gun is much faster than that of the battleship's artillery! Although it is impossible to say that modern naval warfare can make the enemy's warship group close to 200 nautical miles, but don't forget, the electromagnetic missile just developed by the Star Group! That missile was specially designed to cooperate with these two battleships! Since everyone is blind, you can't play without the radar hair, but the two battleships can be different.

Cannonballs do not need radar guidance like missiles, as long as they can confirm the position of the enemy with the help of sky satellites, etc. Under modern powerful computer simulation calculations, the fire control system is simply an artifact. The fire control system made by a pure computer hits The enemy is not a miracle at all. In 40 seconds, even if you drive to 30 knots, how far can you run? Not to mention, the computer will calculate the advance.

And these two battleships used nuclear power for the first time, and it was also a controllable fusion power group! This allowed the power generation of the two warships to barely reach the standard for the use of electromagnetic guns. Even so, the six main guns could not achieve the effect of firing at full attack rate, and they could maintain up to three main guns to fire shells at full speed!

The ultra-long range of the electromagnetic gun gave these two battleships a new vitality in the new era, and in order to avoid them becoming a complete waste, Zhang Yang also installed missile launchers on these two battleships! Anyway, for modern technology, after loading nuclear power, aside a lot of gas boilers, etc., the displacement of 43,200 tons is simply too big!

Even if it proves that such battleships are still outdated in naval battles, at least they can be used as a large missile destroyer! Although the missile destroyer with a displacement of 43200 tons is somewhat extravagant. In fact, Zhang Yang had another idea because of the creation of these two battleships. At the same time that this new electromagnetic missile was produced, the electromagnetic missiles that the Star Group secretly studied to defend against nuclear bombs were also successfully studied.

In order to prevent the future large-scale launch of electromagnetic pulse bombs, especially nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs, in the United States and other countries, this battleship is used to guarantee the bottom! In the case that no one has satellites, etc., World War II? Is it a light artillery that cuts off the nephew?

What the Star Group announced suddenly made 〖Japanese〗 be But because the investigation could not find anything, the Japanese government gradually relaxed its vigilance, but with 〖日〗 In response to this news, the battle group of aircraft carrier Beijing in the Indian Ocean has officially begun to return home quickly! At the same time, the defense mission of the South China Sea will also be handed over to several missile destroyers, and the Tianjin will also begin to go north!

This means that near the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea, the four aircraft carrier battle groups of China will begin to gather! At the time of [China]’s response, Noda Yoshihiko was still making this effort. The effort he made was also very simple, that is, trying to contact Manmohan. The eccentric attitude of India gave Noda Yoshihiko an ominous hunch, But he couldn't give up on this, because in Noda's view, India is a natural ally of Japan.

It's just that Manmohan may not think so now. In the past two years, India's economy and the improvement of Indian people's living standards are obvious! This is something that India has not developed for many years! Therefore, Manmohan was more firm in his determination to sign an agreement with China in the first place! As for the Japanese book, let it die! ! ! ! ;




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