The Strongest Male God System

Chapter 311: Turn around

Chapter 311

"How do you talk to it?" Hu Meixuan's eyes were surprised.

Zhou Yang smiled and said, "You step back."

After speaking, he slowly stood up straight in the water and walked towards the hard ground.


Da Snake clearly heard the sound, and stared closely at Zhou Yang's direction, his body arched slightly, as if he would attack in the next moment.

Hu Meixuan was extremely nervous.

But in this kind of semi-closed space, she didn't dare to shout for fear of attracting the attention of the snake, so she could only cover her mouth and looked at Zhou Yang with great worry.

"Hey... calm!" Zhou Yang slowly stretched out a hand, sending out a brain wave.

The snake itself is an animal with no intelligence.

But once the body size reaches a certain level, it will undergo a qualitative change.

Zhou Yang is also betting.

The snake's body was slightly stiff.

Zhou Yang shook his fist gently, useful!

He can communicate with it.

Zhou Yang continued to stretch his hand, getting closer and closer to the snake's head.

Hu Meixuan's breathing became more and more rapid.

Regardless of whether the snake is poisonous or not, it is not difficult to kill Zhou Yang and himself due to its size.

The hand finally touched the head of the snake.

The snake shrank slightly.

Hu Meixuan's heart also shrank.

"Good..." Zhou Yang said softly.

Then he bypassed the big snake and directly faced the old box.

The box seemed to have been immersed in sea water for hundreds of years, and the surface was extremely oxidized. A layer of green rust plus dry seaweed, and even small oysters attached to the lock.

"I'm going to open the box." Zhou Yang said.

Another thought was sent in my mind.

The snake just shook his head without overreacting.

Hu Meixuan was stunned.

She couldn't help but think of the spectacular scene of Zhou Yang standing on the back of a whale.

He... can really communicate with animals!

Zhou Yang instantly became mysterious in her heart.

Once a woman becomes interested in a man, it is the beginning of the fall.

What's more, Hu Meixuan believed in what the master said.

Now that Zhou Yang is so powerful, Hu Meixuan has let go of her nervousness.

Since he is destined to be his woman, and since he is destined to help me get the treasure, trust him completely.

So Hu Meixuan bravely stood up from the water and moved forward along the route that Zhou Yang had taken.

Da Snake's head turned to Hu Meixuan, and suddenly rushed forward one meter.

Hu Meixuan was startled, slipped her feet, and returned to the sea with an exclamation.

Zhou Yang immediately turned around and touched the snake's head and said, "Don't be like this, she is my partner!"

The snake shook his head, stepped back one meter, his body coiled into a ball, looking like he was flying.

Zhou Yang turned around and said to Hu Meixuan, "Move lightly, don't disturb it anymore!"

Three minutes later, Hu Meixuan finally "moved" to Zhou Yang's side.

The big snake is like an honest watchdog, coiled around the box, spitting its core from time to time.

Hu Meixuan was so excited that she stretched out her hand to open the box lid.

"Wait!" Zhou Yang grabbed her wrist, picked up an old oyster from the hard ground, aimed at the keyhole of the box and threw it over.

"Boom!" The box made a sudden explosion and a puff of white smoke came out.

The big snake's huge body shrank and returned to normal.

Zhou Yang and Hu Meixuan were shocked.

The box had burst open, and the lid was thrown out several meters away, exposing the bottom of the box.

After waiting for a minute, nothing else happened, and the two people slowly approached.

However, Hu Meixuan was disappointed in the end.

At the bottom of the box there is only a dilapidated scroll.

From the outside, it should be made of cowhide. A translucent rope tied it up at the waist.

Zhou Yang reached out and took the scroll in his hand, and touched the transparent rope.

"It looks like a tendon of some kind of large animal." Zhou Yang threw the scroll to Hu Meixuan without hesitation.

Hu Meixuan said with a helpless look: "It seems that my father made a mistake...There are no treasures here."

"In fact, it is already very pleasant..." Zhou Yang smiled, "Disappointment is the normal state of life."

"Hey, I don't need you to coax me..." Hu Meixuan lowered her head and opened the scroll, then her mouth slowly widened.

Zhou Yang saw that her expression was abnormal, so he leaned over and took a look, and was stunned.

After the scroll was unrolled, it was a broken map, except that the left half of the map was rolled at the innermost point, so Zhou Yang didn't notice it either.

"This is... Europe?" Hu Meixuan turned the lights to the brightest.

Although the map is broken, the lines are very clear.

The written text is swash, looks like Latin, and is very beautiful.

Neither Hu Meixuan nor Zhou Yang knew each other.

But this does not affect their judgment.

The two looked at each other and said at the same time: "Treasure map!"

That's right, on the map, there are six specially marked locations with a simple treasure chest graphic next to it, and at the same time, there are many strange symbols at the location of the treasure, which look like reminders.

"Is this... Roger's treasure?" Zhou Yang said a cold joke.

"Don't talk nonsense..." Hu Meixuan said, but there was hope again in her heart.

As a professional art collector and a pirate with a family history, Hu Meixuan could not resist the impact of this kind of map.

"Is it really a treasure map?" Hu Meixuan's sight was full of fighting spirit, "I'm going to figure it out... Zhou Yang, come with me!"

"Now I completely believe in my father's friend. Without you, I would definitely not get this picture today."

"You have judgment and special power. I have experience. We are a match made in heaven."

Hu Meixuan took Zhou Yang's hand and said: "Find the treasure, I will share it with you!"

"Let's be a pirate couple, okay?" Hu Meixuan's eyes were already looking forward to the grace of crossing the sea with Zhou Yang.

At this moment, Zhou Yang suddenly felt that she was a little cute.

Don't hurt people, just ask for money... Maybe Hu Meixuan in the eyes of others is an out-and-out pirate.

But now it seems that she is just a girl full of adventurous spirit and unlimited fantasy about the future.

Even if she was not the daughter of a pirate, she might wander around the world with a backpack, looking for things that stimulate her nerves.

"Don't think about those things first, go out now, don't you feel a little bored?" Zhou Yang suddenly reminded.

"Lack of oxygen!" Hu Meixuan also reacted.

"Go!" Zhou Yang stuffed the map into her waterproof bag, then dragged her into the water again.

At this time, Hu Meixuan suddenly pointed to the big white snake and said, "Isn't it going? There is nothing left to guard."

Zhou Yang sent out a thought.

The serpent didn't respond, but tightened up, seeming to guard here.

"Let's go, its mission has been completed, and it will die soon." Zhou Yang received an obscure thought that came from the white snake.

He squeezed his right hand, and in the palm of his hand was a white snake scale, which was the largest piece on the white neck.

Hu Meixuan glared, put her arms around Zhou Yang's neck and said greasyly: "Zhou Yang, it's time to help me hold my breath!"

"Take you!" Zhou Yang sighed helplessly.

Please, keeping the kissing posture is just to ensure breathing. It has nothing to do with personal feelings. As a result, Hu Meixuan's different expression creates an ambiguous atmosphere.

The two of them hugged each other tightly, swayed gently on their four legs, and dived out along the dark waterway.

The breath flows between the two.

Compared to when they came in, there was a little more relaxation between the two and a little less defense.

Hu Meixuan's hand loosened Zhou Yang's neck and hugged his waist.

And Zhou Yang's head was also tilted to ensure that the gap between his lips would not leak air.

The two of them are like a pair of big fishes playing in the water, moving forward and rolling... their lips pressed tighter.

After a long period of darkness, they finally swam out of the channel and floated to the surface.


The two exhaled at the same time.

"Do you like me?" Hu Meixuan asked, staring at Zhou Yang's eyes.

"There is...a little bit." Zhou Yang said.

"I succeeded!" Hu Meixuan cheered and hugged Zhou Yang tightly.

Suddenly, Hu Meixuan's body became stiff.

On the shore, there were three men looking at them coldly.

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