The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 131: Jingyan Palace, Temple of War God

"Since Li Shude took out this thing, he must invite extremely strong people. If we go to Luoyang as he wishes, we will fall into his plan..."

Pei Ji is obviously a person who understands speaking skills very well.

From the anger at the beginning to the words of exhortation at this meeting, it was all to let Ling Tian know that Li Yuan was cunning and ruthless, so that Ling Tian would not step into Li Yuan's conspiracy.

But at this time, neither Ling Tian nor Zhu Yuyan had time to pay attention to Pei Ji's purpose. Both of them were attracted by the piece of paper in Pei Ji's hand, because there were a few words clearly written on the piece of paper, God of War. Catalog one.

Pei Ji is also a martial artist, and her martial arts are even better, but after all, Pei Ji's martial arts have not reached the point of touching the boundaries of human beings and immortals.

Even Pei Ji knows about the Four Great Books and the Shattered Void, but in Pei Ji's heart, these are far less important than Jiangshan Sheji.

Ling Tian's wrist trembled, and the paper in Pei Ji's hand immediately reached Ling Tian's hand.

Unfolding it, and only glanced at it, Ling Tian suddenly felt a suffocating depression.

His hands were mercilessly combined, Ling Tian took a few deep breaths, and a trace of doubt appeared in his eyes. According to the book of Shattered Void, when Chuan Ying entered the Temple of War, it seemed that there was no danger in watching this God of War catalogue, even Chuan Ying. The eagle entered the epiphany mode. For more than ten consecutive days, the water and rice did not enter. Just relying on the profound meaning in the God of War catalogue to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth was enough to make up for its own consumption.

In this way, the God of War Catalogue should not be a martial arts technique that would make people mad like the Cihang Sword Canon, so why does it give him such a depressed feeling now.

"The host acquires the inheritance of mysterious power, the host can..."

Fortunately, the prompt sound of the system sounded in time, Ling Tian hesitated for a while, and then chose to consume the first picture of the God of War catalogue.

All kinds of profound meanings scattered in his mind, but, as those profound meanings scattered, Ling Tian's brows wrinkled.

The God of War Catalogue, this is martial arts, but it is not martial arts.

The first picture was comprehended with the consumption of luck, Ling Tian vaguely felt that he seemed to have acquired a certain landmark, and his spiritual power could vaguely sense that there was a terrifying shackle somewhere in this world.

That was the manifestation of the shackles he felt when he touched the Broken Realm.

Or, that's where the War God Temple of Jingyan Palace is located.

More than that, Ling Tian felt a few breaths that were far inferior to the shackles, but very similar. Two of them were not far apart, both in the direction of Luoyang.

Evil Emperor Sherry? NCM?

Ling Tian felt a mysterious and mysterious feeling in his heart, and he could vaguely judge that those two things were the Evil Emperor's relic and He's jade.

And these two things gave Ling Tian a peculiar feeling. He vaguely felt that holding these two things, he seemed to be able to open something, and he seemed to be able to gain something.

The specifics are unknown. The changes that a God of War catalogue can bring to him are limited after all. These perceptions are already the pinnacle of what Ling Tian can do now. However, Ling Tian can be sure that no matter whether it is the Evil Emperor Relic or He's jade, there will be no difference. Limit the number, time, and intensity of his use of Tianzi's Fury.

"Let Song Que bring the team back. Next, let's go to Luoyang and solve all the problems at once..."

With his eyes open, Ling Tian opened his mouth slowly.

Pei Ji sighed helplessly and stepped back. He was a warrior, but he was also a courtier. After Ling Tian made a decision, Pei Ji would not say anything more, and would only do his best to ensure that Ling Tian's wishes were implemented and that he would do his best. Do your best to prevent things from going bad because of Ling Tian's wishes.

"God of War..."

Zhu Yuyan was relatively more of a martial artist. When Pei Ji retired, Zhu Yuyan looked at Ling Tian with irrepressible curiosity.

God of War Catalogue, which warrior who has the hope of reaching the Broken Realm is not curious.

"Can't say, can't say..."

However, Ling Tian slowly shook his head and folded the piece of paper on his own, without any intention of showing Zhu Yuyan a glance, but after putting away the piece of paper, Ling Tian pointed at Zhu Yuyan in Zhu Yuyan's disappointed look. eyebrows.

A trace of the aura belonging to the God of War catalog flashed into Zhu Yuyan's mind. In an instant, Zhu Yuyan's body trembled violently, and sweat like a stream of water fell from Zhu Yuyan's body.

"Okay, so scary... In the face of this power, we are like the lowest prisoners facing the prison head..."

After a long time, Zhu Yuyan opened her eyes and uttered a word with a hint of trembling.

Ling Tian didn't reply to Zhu Yuyan's words. The God of War Catalogue, Jingyan Palace, and God of War Palace. At this moment, Ling Tian felt a little bit of a cage, but it was not anyone who was imprisoned, but this world.

With Ling Tian's current cultivation and realm, he was naturally unable to explore such miraculous things as imprisoning the world. Two or three days later, Song Que returned with a team formed by Ling Tian that could integrate with his son of the emperor and specialize in exterminating aristocratic clans. , a group of people then moved towards Luoyang.

All the way to the north, refugees from the north began to come to the south, and Ling Tian instructed the men and horses under his command to start promoting the fact that he did his best to fight the Turks.

Since he established his forces and began to conquer the world, although his luck has also improved, the extent of the improvement has not kept pace with his destruction of the Nan Lanling Xiao family, not to mention that compared with the time of Goguryeo, Ling Tian has gained a lot. Magical techniques, but they are only comprehended at the Even the God of War catalogue was only comprehended after repairing, and did not dare to improve.

Now that he has not yet improved the longevity formula, other powers will naturally not waste luck.

So, facing the good opportunity right now, Ling Tian had no plans to let it go.

The Turks went south, and only he went north. This is definitely a very shocking thing. This matter itself can bring a lot of fame, and the Turks are not comparable to Goguryeo. If they can fight the Turks, Ling Tian can be sure. Your luck will explode immediately.

Ten days later, Ling Tian brought a group of people under his command to the top of a mountain not far from Luoyang City amid the rapid growth of luck every day.

Standing here, Ling Tian can more clearly feel the aura of the Evil Emperor's relic and He's jade. The aura of these two treasures is really similar to the aura of the shackles. Ling Tian doesn't even need to touch them, standing here close to the two treasures. Everywhere can feel that they can use its power to enhance the power of the emperor's anger.

"let's go……"

Carefully feeling the location of the two treasures, Ling Tian said coldly. At this time, Luoyang had hundreds of thousands of Turkic troops, and there were thousands of tens of thousands of top experts. possible to deal with.

However, if he obtains the Evil Emperor's relic or He's jade, perhaps Tianziwu can show his terrifying power again, creating a legendary record like Liu Xiu's defeat of Wang Mang's 400,000-strong army in the first battle.

"he came……"

In Luoyang City, at the same time, in the Li residence, a man dressed as a Taoist opened his eyes and looked at Li Yuan in front of him and said.

"Trouble the heavenly master..."

Li Yuan clasped his fists.


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