The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 144: 1 group of smart people

The victor will get what's given there.

This is obviously not what Ling Tian wants to see, so Ling Tian can only prevent the Earth Dragon Gang from winning.

It just so happens that both Murong Xian and Suo Gao have discussed with him how to destroy each other's strategies, and each of those strategies is extremely dangerous, in order to get rid of each other, almost all of them even get to the Thirteen Lian Fortress to gain some benefits All at all cost.

Then, maybe we can take advantage of this to weaken the Earth Dragon Gang, and then show weakness for the Thirteen Lian Fortresses, so that they can seize some of the Earth Dragon Gang's cities and territories.

In this way, if you think about it, more attention will be paid to Shisanlian Fortress.

As for his newly-appointed Hall Master, the impact will not be too great. At most, one or two of the seven cities in his possession will be lost. This is not a traumatic thing for Ling Tian.

Of course, since it is going to be weakened, it is natural for the stronger party to be weakened. Let Suo Gao take advantage of this incident in the Thirteen Linked Fortresses to kill Suo Gao and let Murong first gain the advantage in the battle within the Earth Dragon Gang.

In the end, let Murong take care of the killing of Suo Gao first, and he can completely keep a low profile.

In the few days after discussing the attack on the Thirteen Lian Fortress and knowing that the winner would be given from there, Ling Tian finally made a thorough decision on what he was going to do next, and after that, he did not hesitate at all. In response to the matter discussed by Murong Xian and Suo Gao, they set off together to conquer the Thirteenth Linked Fortress.

The team quickly moved along the northern border of the Great Zhou Empire. The Thirteenth Link City had a nice name, but in fact it was just an alliance of thirteen thieves in the mountains of the northern Great Zhou Empire.

There are grasslands to the north of the Great Zhou Empire, but one-third of the long borderline between the north of the Great Zhou Empire and the grasslands is densely covered with continuous mountain ranges. Those mountain ranges are erected intermittently from west to east. Extending to the endless ocean, it is like a giant dragon, with its curved body sometimes silent under the ground, and sometimes a few sections protrude from the ground.

"According to the information we have inquired, the thirteen leaders of the Thirteen Lian Fortress are now gathered at Wangduan Peak. In order to prevent them from running away, we need to divide our troops into three ways and block the Wangduan Peak leading to the outside. Three exits..."

In a hidden valley under the huge mountain range, Murong Xian looked at Suo Gao and Ling Tian indifferently.

The Earth Dragon Gang is indeed the largest gang in the north of the Great Zhou Empire. Although the Thirteenth Lian Fortress is newly rising, it is still far inferior to the Earth Dragon Gang.

At this time, when Murong Xian spoke like this, no one showed the slightest doubt that he wanted to swallow the Thirteen Lian Fortress in one bite.

However, even Suo Gao and Ling Tian knew that in this fight, the real opponents were definitely not the Thirteen Lian Fortresses and the Earth Dragon Gang, but Murong Xian and Suo Gao.

This situation is very similar to the attack on Goguryeo by the Sui Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty. The only difference is that Yang Guang and those aristocratic clans have no suppression, but they are just jealous of each other. Therefore, even if the face is not torn apart, the battle is almost heated up.

On the other hand, Murong Xian and Suo Gao were suppressed by the 'there', so their battle was more secretive.

"Each guardian brings two hall masters, Ling Tian is the strongest, and has a separate team. I will stay here in case there are fish that slip through the net in the Thirteen Lian Fortress, how?"

Murong said calmly that he was going to block the door and destroy the Thirteen Lian Fortress, and then Murong spoke again.

When these words came out, Master Suogao hesitated for a while and then nodded.

It seems that until now, both sides have restrained because of the conquest of Shisanlian Fortress, but, in fact, at this time, both sides have already started their own means.

This division of troops is the beginning of the battle, because at this time, both sides have secretly sent news to the Thirteenth Liancheng Walled City, and thoroughly analyzed any reactions that the Thirteenth Lian City Walled City will make.

These days, both Murong Xian and Suo Gao have been trying to win over Ling Tian, ​​and because of doubts about 'over there' and the object of sacrifice, Ling Tian has also exerted his acting skills to the extreme, whether it is Murong Xian here or Suo Gao's side , they all thought that Ling Tian had already leaned towards them.

Murong first regarded Ling Tian as one of his own. According to the plan, Ling Tian would not be with Suo Gao's team, but he would later let Ling Tian secretly catch up with Suo Gao's team. After Suo Gao was ambushed by the Thirteenth City Wall, If there are any survivors, kill them directly.

On Suo Gao’s side, Ling Tian was on the side of the hall master’s guardian, Murong Xian brought Ling Tian as a backup, but Ling Tian would be like them, when they secretly ambushed Murong Xian in the Thirteen Lian Fortress. Stand by and let Murong Xian be killed by the people of Shisanlian Fortress.

The team quickly separated, Ling Tian led Ding Jiu and the others along a passage first, and immediately began to divert after a while.

He made a choice to weaken the entire Earth Dragon Gang. At this time, Ling Tian naturally followed Murong Xian's plan first. In fact, according to Murong Xian's plan, as long as Ling Tian didn't do anything more like killing himself by himself Regarding the thirteen leaders of the Thirteen Liancheng Walled City, the Earth Dragon Gang will definitely be weakened.

It's just that he just started to change his Tian subconsciously activated his spiritual power to cover the surroundings because of the habit of fighting in the Tang Dynasty. Suddenly, the corner of his mouth twitched.

At this moment, under the Wangduan Peak, there are a lot of hidden auras hiding in the dark. Those should be the people from the Thirteenth Liancheng Walled City, because both Murong Xian and Suo Gao have given them to the Thirteenth Lian City Walled City. It's not surprising that these lurking spies do anything.

However, there was already an unfamiliar aura in the team of Murong Xian and Suo Gao at this time, which made Ling Tian rather speechless.

The gang leader, hall master, and guardian of the Dragon Gang here are more pitiful than Yang Guang and the aristocratic clan. Although Yang Guang and the clan clan used Goguryeo to borrow a knife to kill people, they also reported the news, but they still had to show their faces and did not directly pull the enemy's people to the door. Beside him, Murong Xian and Suo Gao didn't even plan to have any more face.

After the breath dispersed again, a large number of masters had begun to gather around a group of Suogao people. Among them, there were more than seven people in the Innate Realm. Although each of them was not as good as Suogao, the number of people in the Innate Realm was only after the division. That team was more than twice as many.

Besides, on the way they came, a team with six innate auras was slowly approaching.

This group of idiots have been made dumplings this time.

Ling Tian shook his head helplessly, but the expression on his face did not change at all.

Weakening the Earth Dragon Gang was exactly what he wanted. If the Thirteen Lian Fortresses destroyed the Earth Dragon Gang, he would simply leave. The gang was wiped out because of infighting. I won't doubt it any more, it definitely just happened to solve his siege.


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