The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 230: really stupid

On the grassland, a fast horse galloped quickly, and soon entered a caravan. Immediately, the flying pigeon took off and headed towards Bei'an.

On the grassland, the Khitan's 200,000 cavalry quickly turned around, while in the rest of the land, the 100,000 cavalry also began to change direction.

This period of the Han Dynasty was in full swing. No matter how much the family wanted to make a coincidental invasion, there were tribes that tended to be Han in the grasslands. Therefore, these tribes' coalition forces have not yet acted, and their dynamics have been placed in the north. In front of those frontier generals.

The aristocratic family knew about this kind of thing, and so did the tribes on the grasslands.

Therefore, the 300,000-strong army did not plan to successfully invade the south at the beginning, and the current change of direction seems to be just a routine operation.

However, the direction of the 200,000 Khitan iron cavalry was clearly surrounded by the 8,000 army led by Ling Tian. It seemed that this army had only one purpose, and that was to strangle Ling Tian's 8,000 people.

"Sure enough, Kurk was right. Those aristocratic families of Han people really played these tricks. Haha, two hundred thousand kills eight thousand. Are those aristocratic families stupid, thinking that our Khitans would do such a thing..."

On the grassland, the head of the Khitan people looked coldly at the distance on the grassland and sneered.

The information sent to him by the aristocratic family, Ling Tian brought 8,000 elites to attack his Khitan clan.

Unlike the Han people, the grassland people do not have a hometown. Wherever the tribe migrates, the grassland people’s clan land is. However, the grassland people care about the clan land no less than the Han people care about their hometown.

You must know that, except for the warriors who went on the expedition, the wife, children, parents, and even all their property of every grassland person are in the clan.

If the clan land is extinguished, then, if you have enough warriors, you can find a way to conquer another clan and re-establish a clan, but if there are not enough warriors, then you can only go to other clans. annexed.

Obviously, no one likes being annexed.

Therefore, in the eyes of the aristocratic family, after knowing that Ling Tian was going to attack the Khitan tribe, the Khitan's iron cavalry would definitely try their best to kill Ling Tian and the 8,000 army.

However, the aristocratic family obviously forgot that there were 200,000 cavalry in the Khitan, and the Khitan itself was a newly emerging tribe in the past ten years.

For this clan, no property or clan land is what they care about most. As long as there are 200,000 iron cavalry, and as long as they can grab enough things, then the clan land can be discarded at any time.

Of course, the grassland people also care about their families.

However, Kurk had already sent a letter to the head of the Khitan before dispatching the troops, and he moved all the families of the Khitan warriors first, leaving slaves and some old people who could no longer walk in the clan.

Regarding Kurk's proposal, the Khitan leader chose to agree without hesitation. Slaves are the most valuable property of the steppe people, but also the least valuable property, because slaves can go hunting at any time.

As for the elderly people, on the grasslands, when there is not enough food in the winter, there are countless old people who will walk into the wind and snow alone, and then die in the wind and snow, leaving more for the young people and the young people. To support the food for the winter, so sacrificing the old is not a big deal for the tribe.

"Three days, we only have three days at most. Kurk told me that if we can go west and reach the Hexi Corridor, let all the tribes there move, and then contain the Han forces, he will bring iron. The people of Le and Goguryeo have seized a breeding ground for us, but we only have three days at most. After three days, our whereabouts will be completely controlled by the Han people. If we have not completed the task by then, then we will wait for us. Just wiped out...

My clansmen, whether the Khitan can survive or not depends on whether we can complete this task and run for me..."

A low roar roared from the mouth of the head of the Khitan.

As a tribal leader who has only risen in the past ten years, this leader does not have any image of a leader. It looks more like a mountain king than a leader. However, in the same way, as a newly emerging tribe, the fighting power of the Khitans is now absolutely during the most prosperous period.

Following the leader's words, the 200,000 Khitan iron cavalry madly headed westward.

The 300,000 tribal coalition forces were created by the aristocratic family. However, the aristocratic family would never have imagined that Tiele and Goguryeo, who had risen in the past ten years, would secretly follow their plans.

And the combined army of Tiele and Goguryeo was at least about 600,000.

There are a total of 900,000 troops. Even if they belong to a dozen or so forces, the largest 800,000 people belong to the three forces, but the pressure it can bring to the big man will definitely not be light.

Most importantly, no one in the big man thought of the real purpose of the 900,000 prairie army.

In fact, apart from the three tribes of Khitan, Tiele and Goguryeo, the other participating grassland tribes did not know what their real purpose was.

In the eyes of most steppe cavalrymen, the reason why they went south is only because the water flow on the steppe has decreased, so that they can only go south to loot, otherwise the tribe will disappear.

Their only idea was to grab a wave before the big man reacted, and then flee to the depths of the grassland. Then, they can live as long as they can. If they really can't survive, they will find a chance to grab another wave. .

If one day he is caught by a big man, he can only be killed by the neck.

In the grassland, Ling Tian took the 8,000-strong army and headed towards the Qidan clan according to the information provided by the Nie Xiaoqian caravan.

It's true that Nie Xiaoqian and Ling Tian's plan was to clean up the 200,000 Khitan army. However, with 8,000 to 200,000, Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian were not lunatics. Clan land, and then when the Khitan people came back to help, they gathered around the point to help.

However, no matter what Ling Tian did, he never thought that the Khitan would come out like that.

In other words, Ling Tian did not expect that the family would continue to communicate with the Khitan secretly.

The 8,000-strong army quickly arrived at the Khitan's clan land. Then, before Ling Tian could play any tricks, the Khitan's clan land fell directly.

The old, weak, sick and disabled, plus a lot of slaves, actually didn't have to fight this battle.

But looking at the surrendered Khitan land, Ling Tian's heart sank abruptly.

Nie Xiaoqian spent more than ten years destroying some of the alien races in the original history of the Five Husbands in China, but the butterfly effect also led to the birth of new and powerful alien races.

"Send someone to report back and tell Nie Xiaoqian to enter Bei'an, take over the city defense, and hold on for me under any circumstances..."

Ling Tian's irritable roar sounded.

Obviously, the Khitan people's clan has already been cleaned up, so their actions are obviously in the Khitan people's calculations, so what will happen to Bei'an, I am extremely afraid.

The war horse was galloping, and the person who reported the news had already left. Ling Tian quickly pulled the old man from the Khitan tribe to start the interrogation.

However, these old people don't know anything.

It's not that you are stubborn, but you really don't know.

These old people who knew from the beginning that they were being used as bait were already ready to die, so they simply made the bait like that, ignoring any plans of the Khitan people.

This directly gave Ling Tian a head shot.

No information, no direction.

During this trip to the grassland, Ling Tian seemed to be headless flies.

Then, on the third day, a letter from the south was sent. The Xu family mobilized the power of the family to send it quickly. In the letter, Ling Tian and his men and horses rushed to the Hexi Corridor immediately.

It borders the two states of Dahan. Now, 200,000 Khitan cavalrymen have passed by, and it seems that they want to provoke all the foreign races there to follow them south. The great battle of Wu Beizheng.

Such a war would be disastrous for Dahan.

At this time, the Central Plains had already been mourning because of the disappearance of the water source. If there was another war like this, then the empire would really be on the verge of collapse.

And this kind of collapse is not a good thing for all the families of the big Han now.

Don't think that the aristocratic family likes to fight. At least, the aristocratic family in this period does not like such a war to destroy the country.

These aristocratic families that have been passed down for thousands of years have recorded how many aristocratic families disappeared in the war in the late Qin and early Han Dynasties. For the war of annihilation, the strength of those families is far from enough.

These noble families of the Han Dynasty really began to not care about any wars, and even liked it after the Yellow Turban Uprising, the Han Dynasty’s general power and the decentralization of local governments.


Han Dang followed Ling Tian's side, looked at the letter sent by Xu Feng and said.

This famous general of later generations has not yet grown up at this time, and he still does not know how to make the clearest choice, but he has already vaguely felt that it may not be a good thing to follow the instructions in Xu Feng's letter.

"If it were you, would you go to the Hexi Corridor under the current circumstances..."

Ling Tian looked at Han Dang. The Khitan people went to the Hexi Corridor, and it seemed that there was no problem. After all, there were also a lot of alien races in the Hexi Corridor. If the Khitan people could unite with those alien races, it would really be enough to pose a fatal threat to the big Han.

However, at most it is a threat. There is no other reason why the Han Dynasty can become the name of the later generations of Chinese , Compared with the strength of the Huaxia people, even if the big man is divided into three, the big man is still the first in the world.

There are 200,000 people in the Khitan, even if you add all the alien races in the Hexi Corridor, and put together a million-dollar coalition, the big man will definitely be able to destroy them. The only difference is how much to pay.

Therefore, the Khitan people may not be able to achieve anything when they arrive at the Hexi Corridor.

"I won't, but, to be honest, I don't know where I'm going..."

Han Dang spoke very honestly.

It seems that the current Khitan really can only go to the Hexi Corridor. After all, there is still a chance to go there.

"If the Khitans are not only the Khitans, but also Tiele and Goguryeo..."

Ling Tian spoke again.

Others don't know the relationship between the Khitan, Goguryeo, and Tiele, but the intelligence line that Nie Xiaoqian has built over ten years has made Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian extremely aware of how closely the three tribes are related.

"Khitan, Tiele, Goguryeo... Commander, we must ask the imperial court for help..."

Han Dang's expression changed slightly.

As an old man who has followed Nie Xiaoqian for more than ten years, Han Dang knows better than anyone what the situation of these three clans is. These are new clans that emerged after Nie Xiaoqian smashed the old clans such as the Xianbei. However, precisely because they are very new, Therefore, they are equally strong, just like the new Beastmaster who just replaced the old Beastmaster in the jungle.

Tough, stout, and, ferocious, even more domineering.

"We must go back to Bei'an..."

After the sentence fell, Han Dang said again.

Tiele and Goguryeo are each stronger than the Khitan, and the two tribes can at least piece together 600,000 iron cavalry.

This number is completely enough to destroy Bei'an.

An old man like Han Dang would never want to see Bei'an destroyed, let alone see Nie Xiaoqian in danger.

"If we can't go back, if we go back, we really lose..."

However, Ling Tian shook his head slightly. At this time, Han Dang had lost his mind. After all, this famous general of the later generations has not had enough experience. Therefore, facing the current predicament and lost his mind, Ling Tian is extremely calm.

The experience of several copies made Ling Tian's mind extremely clear.

Now they must not return to help Bei'an, otherwise, they will change the position between them and the Khitan in the plan, Tiele and Goguryeo will become the supporters, and they will become the prey to the door.

"Let's go to Tiele and Goguryeo's clan Maybe their clan land has also been arranged, but we will definitely be able to find where their real clan land is, and Bei'an... I believe Xiaoqian can defend it. Bei'an, at least, can hold out for a while..."

Ling Tian hesitated for a while, then spoke fiercely.

Going back to Bei'an now would definitely not work. Being surrounded by people for help would be courting death. Then, all they could do was besiege Wei and save Zhao.

However, even the Khitan made a false set of clan land to wait for them. Are Goguryeo and Tiele already prepared?

"Captain, the letter from the shopkeeper..."

Just as Ling Tian spoke ruthlessly, a deep shout rang out in the distance, with a hint of excitement and excitement, Nie Xiaoqian has indeed done a lot in the past ten years, so even if the matter of the Khitan tribe makes her The morale of the 8,000-strong army was greatly demoralized, but the arrival of Nie Xiaoqian's letter immediately restored most of the morale.

However, at this time, in Bei'an, Xu Feng was standing beside Nie Xiaoqian on the city wall with an ugly face.

Outside the city of Bei'an, the densely packed cavalry covered the entire grassland. Although the cavalry was not good at attacking the city, hundreds of thousands of cavalry could turn into hundreds of thousands of infantry with a casual horse. In this era, how could any city dare to say absolutely? Can't stop.

The aristocratic family wanted to slaughter so many villages, towns and cities in the south, but which aristocratic family would think that their family was among the slaughtered people.

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