The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 243: come back to life

Wang Yue's feet softened, and his body was half-knelt on the city wall.

The torrential rain poured down, Wang Yue looked into the palace.

Luoyang, the capital of Han Dynasty, is one of the most majestic cities in the world today. There is a saying in later generations that all roads lead to Rome, but that was only because the mainstream at that time was Western society. In fact, Luoyang's status was not inferior to Rome in this period.

In Rome at this time, the Han people were called god-like people, and silk was the property of the gods.

As the imperial palace where the soul of the great Han resides, its majesty can be imagined. No matter how strong Wang Yue's swordsmanship is, he can only see an imperial city shrouded in rain.

"Where, where, where..."

A terrified look appeared in Wang Yue's eyes. He was the top swordsman, or simply the number one swordsman in the world today. In terms of swordsmanship alone, no one in this world could compare to him.

Because of this, Wang Yue strongly believed in his own intuition. The previous loss was clearly due to something happening, and in this palace, the only woman who could make him feel that loss was that woman.

At this time, the palace was so chaotic, if that woman made him feel a sense of loss, 100% of the time it was an accident.

Leaping down from the sky, Wang Yue frantically ran towards the depths of the inner palace. He didn't know where the woman was now, so he could only go towards that woman's palace.

The palace is extremely vast, but Wang Yue's speed is surprisingly fast, like a bolt of lightning, passing through the palaces in the blink of an eye.

At this time, if Lü Bu was here, he would be very surprised. If Wang Yue had such a speed at that time in Bingzhou, Lü Bu might not have been able to grab the head of the Khitan leader.

Soon, Wang Yue had already reached the depths of the palace, and when he was about to arrive at the palace where the woman was, a terrifying aura suddenly swept out of it.

This breath, like an invisible blade, instantly overturned countless eunuchs and palace maids to the ground along the way. If you look carefully, you can even see bloodstains between the waists and abdomens of the fallen eunuchs and palace maids.

There is no doubt that that invisible force is not really invisible, but has a sharp edge like a sharp blade.

Wang Yue raised one hand and slashed forward like a sharp sword.

Before the power to be played consumes the invisible power, people have already passed through it quickly.

That palace is that woman. Now, there is such a terrifying aura vibrating there. If that woman is inside, what a terrifying scene would it be...

Wang Yue didn't even dare to think about such a scene.

The figure passed by in the blink of an eye, and has already arrived in the palace. As far as the eye can see, it is Lu Bu who had fought before, and next to Lu Bu stood a man who looked like a fierce tiger, but it was not Lu Bu and the man who did it.

In the center of the palace square, two men were fighting.

One had a proud face and was wearing armor, while the other appeared to be a Taoist priest.

The martial artist's intuition made Wang Yue look at these first subconsciously, but then Wang Yue had no time to pay attention to them, and his eyes quickly searched on the ground.

At this moment, several masters in the square have noticed Wang Yue's arrival, and Lu Bu and Sun Jian even subconsciously began to guard against Wang Yue, but Wang Yue didn't care about it at all.

Looking around, Wang Yue saw a familiar figure in the corpse on the ground.

This is a woman in palace dress who seems to be dying.

This is also the woman in palace dress that was pushed to before.

She obviously avoided the sword of the dead man, probably because Ling Tian or the Taoist priest came just in time, but even if she avoided the knife, the shock of Ling Tian and the Taoist priest still caused her to be seriously injured.

"You are Zhang Jiao's apprentice brother, and you are here to help Zhang Jiao breathe out, that's why you took action against the royal family..."

During the fight, Ling Tian's icy voice sounded.

In essence, Ling Tian hasn't been here for long.

Ling Tian arrived when the woman in the palace dress was almost hacked to death by the dead warrior, but then the Taoist priest followed. At that time, Lu Bu and Sun Jian brought Liu Xie along with him. The Taoist priest did not hesitate to move towards Liu Xie and the woman in the palace suit shot.

It was this shot that caused the serious injury to the woman in the palace dress.

"The royal family of Liu Han has run out of gas, and you have gone against the sky, now leading to the birth of dragons in the world. Originally, the land of Shenzhou was sinking for up to four hundred years. Now, I am afraid that there will be a crisis of eternal decline. In order to avoid this crisis, the royal family of Liu Han Chinese people must not leave any of them..."

The indifferent voice slowly dissipated.

The Taoist priest who fought against Ling Tian still had the feeling of being floating, and there was not the slightest smell of fireworks when he shot.

However, with every blow, a force moved towards the woman and Lu Bu on the ground, and Liu Xie, who was guarded by Sun Jian, swept away.

This Taoist priest did not forget to fight against the Liu Han royal family when he fought against Ling Tian.

"When the dragons were born, it wasn't because of the rainstorm that you caused..."

Ling Tian listened to the Taoist priest's words and said coldly.

The power of this Taoist priest is extremely strong, but Ling Tian's strength has improved a lot compared to when he first entered this world, and there is absolutely no problem in cleaning up this Taoist priest. Find out some information.

However, Ling Tian's words came out, and the Taoist priest hadn't responded. Suddenly, a mournful and roaring voice came out from Wang Yue's mouth.

On the ground, the woman who was dying had already closed her eyes in Wang Yue's arms.

A trace of indifferent breath fell on Wang Yue's body as the woman died.

This is an air of indifference, with nostalgia, vigilance, caution, gentleness and absoluteness...

Contradictory to the extreme, complex to the extreme, deeply in love but not afraid to love is unforgettable.

When this breath fell, Wang Yue's whole person seemed to change.

The originally dark long hair was slowly turning pale, and the originally fierce and unyielding Sword Intent gradually began to become dead silent.

Wang Yue, although a person is not dead yet, a heart is completely dead.

The invisible breath dissipated, Ling Tian raised his brows, and vigilance appeared on the faces of Lu Bu and Sun Jian. The two pulled Liu Xie back quickly, and the faint black began to permeate, extending along the ground, quickly reaching Ling Tianhe. On the priest's side.

Ling Tian's figure flickered, avoiding the darkness, while the Taoist priest swung his hands, and waves of energy fell towards the ground.

The terrifying agitation dissipated, and the corrosive power instantly corroded most of the white marble on the surrounding ground.


A horrified voice came out of the Taoist priest's mouth, and his figure retreated, looking at Ling Tian in the sky.

"You see clearly, this is the influence of the Liu Han royal family. As long as it is related to the Liu Han royal family, anyone will fall into a demon, and the more powerful a person is, the more terrifying they will become... You want to see the world change. Is it hell..."

With a stern roar, the Taoist priest finally broke through the dashing arrogance of the world.

However, Ling Tian didn't pay any attention to the Taoist priest's words, Ling Tian looked at Wang Yue.

At this time, Wang Yue's aura was definitely cold, and even Wang Yue seemed to have indeed become a devil, but Ling Tian could see that in Wang Yue's eyes full of murderous intentions and hideousness, there was a hint of murderous intent. Full of pain and nostalgia.

Devil, where is the devil.

If the woman in the palace dress hadn't died, Wang Yue would never become a demon, and even anyone who became a demon would be the target of Wang Yue's sword.

However, when the woman in the palace dress died, Wang Yue's life had no meaning to continue.

This was not caused by Wang Yue's desire to enter the devil, nor was it caused by the Liu Han royal family. It was simply because the Taoist priest forced Wang Yue to enter the devil.

"What is the sky, what is the will of the gods... That rainstorm is like the will of the gods, but, shouldn't people submit to the gods..."

Ling Tian looked at the Taoist priest coldly.

Having experienced several worlds, Ling Tian has long since believed in God's will, but the relationship between Wang Yue and the woman in the palace dress reminded him of Nie Xiaoqian and him. If he were in Wang Yue's position, he would probably go crazy too. .

God's will, even if there is, it is not invincible.

"She's not dead yet..."

Ling Tian's figure swayed, and he was already at Wang Yue's side.

The indifferent voice made Wang Yue's body tremble as he looked sideways with blood-red eyes.

"Fengxian, help me block that Taoist priest, Wentai, protect Your Majesty..."

An indifferent voice sounded, not far away, Lu Bu strode out, the halberd danced a fire in his hand, vaguely, there seemed to be the sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling.

"Come on, since a certain family got this baby, they haven't had a good fight yet, don't let a certain family down..."

The halberd was fixed in his hand, and Lu Bu held it and pointed at the Taoist priest.

This halberd was obtained from the treasure house of the palace only after Lu Bu arrived in Luoyang. It is said that it was the companion creature of the unparalleled halberd that Emperor Guangwu ordered specially for the most famous craftsman of the Han Dynasty to build for the Snow King in his later years.

Silver Halberd Tai Sui's halberd is silver-white. However, when the craftsman forged it, a stubborn stone was born and turned into the halberd in Lu Bu's hand.

Dark and shiny, if the silver halberd Tai Sui's halberd is as holy as a snow-capped mountain, then this halberd is as cold as hell.

Senhan, ferocious, hell...

This is the biggest impression of this halberd, and in the records of the palace's treasury, since this halberd was created, the Snow King didn't like it and never used it, and none of the other generals could control it.

From the generation of King Xue Tian, ​​once a general who uses a halberd chooses this halberd, he will be unlucky at best, or die at worst. In the end, no one dares to use this halberd anymore.

And when Lu Bu saw this halberd in the imperial treasury, his first reaction was as if he had met a fateful partner.

At this moment, with the halberd in hand, Lu Bu felt a strange feeling.

Lu Bu could feel that this halberd was eager for a fight and a strong opponent.

Outside Hulao Pass, although it is a miraculous miracle, in terms of military force, neither Ling Tian nor Lu Bu has ever encountered a master.

Millions of people, even if there are masters like Zhang Fei, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou in the coalition, when millions of people collapse, these masters **** their masters to escape, how can they be so easy to meet.


The Taoist priest glanced at Lu Bu coldly. There were many dragons everywhere, and naturally there were many dangers, but at this time, Lu Bu was by no means one of the dragons, and the Taoist priest did not think that Lu Bu was qualified to fight against him.

Although it was said that the Taoist priests did not think Ling Tian was qualified before, the appearance of Ling Tian was an accident, and the Taoist priests did not believe that there could be more accidents.

The fingers trembled rapidly, and the ten fingers had turned into traces in the blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, the inexplicable energy began to spread, and then like a spinning blade, it quickly cut across Lu Bu.

The sword lights began to spread out in the rotation, one, two... until ten million...

And as the sword light swept across, the Taoist figure disappeared even more strangely, and like a shadow, it followed the sword light in the sky towards Lu Bu quickly.

Skill, this is the pinnacle of skill...

For the fierce generals, this kind of single-handed skills is always what they lack most, but, looking at the Taoist priest's methods coldly, Lu Bu's face showed a rebellious look.

"Gorgeous, killing people, one halberd is enough, why so much fancy, come, eat a halberd from a certain family..."

The arm trembled, the halberd shot up into the sky, and then fell madly. Senhan turned into a black smoke that filled the sky, sweeping like a black whirlwind.

"General Sun, Lu Qing's family's weapons are terrifying..."

In the distance, Liu Xie looked at Lu Bu's eyes with a hint of dread that flashed in his eyes, and then said indifferently.

"By the way, the halberd that Feng Xian found in the palace treasury is called the Ghost and God Fangtian Halberd. It is said to be a peerless fierce soldier that no one can use for more than two hundred years. In today's world, I am afraid that only Feng Xian can do it. use……"

Sun Jian may be wary, but at this time he never thought of defending Liu Xie, but he didn't see the fleeting fear in Liu Xie's eyes, so he spoke with pride.

Lv Bu and Taoist priests fought Liu Xie was jealous, Sun Jian was proud, and at this time it had nothing to do with Ling Tian.

Squatting on the ground, Ling Tian looked at the woman in the palace dress carefully, and his energy condensed, and then Ling Tian quickly stabbed the woman in the palace dress with his fingers.

Previously, the strength of the Taoist priest's attack had indeed damaged the internal organs of the woman in the palace suit, or in other words, it had destroyed the internal organs of the woman. Strictly speaking, the vitality of the woman had completely dissipated.

But, fortunately, Lingtian has recovered a lot of strength these days, especially the world's vitality and cultivation rules, which have made Lingtian's longevity formula and some extended martial arts greatly restored.

At this moment, every time Ling Tian tapped his finger, a burst of vitality disappeared into the woman's body.

After dozens of strokes, most of the woman's destroyed internal organs had recovered. Ling Tian raised his fingers again, and then volleyed down and landed on the woman's heart. The strong vitality pierced into the woman's heart. Suddenly, the woman's chest and abdomen rose and fell violently, like a drowning person gasping for breath.

"your Highness……"

Wang Yue's body trembled, and he was already half-kneeling, looking at the woman in palace attire who was breathing again.

"Protect her, dodge, this riot, it's time to end..."

Ling Tian regained the vitality of the woman, stood up and patted Wang Yue on the shoulder and opened his mouth.

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