The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 246: in the north not in the south

"Liu Biao, the dog that guards the house..."

In Jingzhou, Mr. Shuijing was supported by Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong and walked out of the Prefect's Mansion, scolding angrily and angrily as he walked.

At the gate of the Prefect's Mansion, the soldiers guarding looked straight ahead in fright, as if they didn't hear anything.

Mr. Shuijing is a famous person in the world. Even if he scolds Liu Biao a few times, Liu Biao doesn't dare to do anything, but these gatekeepers are worse. When they hear someone scolding their lord, it is better to ignore them.

No matter, Mr. Shui Jing, who dares to take care, no matter, no matter what others scold the lord, this is what he wants to do, where is his loyalty.

With full of anger, Mr. Shuijing was helped back to Shuijing Villa by Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong.

"Kong Ming, Shi Yuan, do you think there are still princes who are truly loyal to the monarch and the great Han in this world..."

Mr. Shui Jing looked at Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong in dismay and asked.

Among the current princes, the strongest are Ling Tian, ​​Lu Bu, Yuan Shao, and the others. However, Mr. Shui Jing had already seen that whether Ling Tian or Yuan Shao had any loyalty to the Han family.

However, apart from these people, the Han clan members were nothing more than Liu Yan, Liu Biao, and Liu Yao from Yangzhou.

However, Liu Yan needless to say, this **** is the main culprit in the current situation, and Liu Biao is definitely useless. On Liu Yao's side, although he doesn't know the situation, Yangzhou is only a big place. Even if Liu Yao wants to make a move, he is afraid. The heart is more than enough.

Looking at it this way, it seems that this big man, this Kyushu Great Array, can't find anyone to repair it.

"Kong Ming, Shi Yuan, teacher is going to meet Yuan Shao..."

With a helpless sigh, Mr. Shui Jing spoke again.

When these words came out, Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong trembled at the same time.


The two looked at Mr. Shuijing and shouted with a trace of sadness.

They knew that Mr. Shui Jing was not a person who liked to ask for help, so he stayed in Jingzhou, but refused to hug Liu Biao's thigh.

However, he possessed supreme and extraordinary knowledge, but he refused to go out of the mountains and submit to any prince.

Now, he said he was going to see Yuan Shao, so why not beg Yuan Shao.

Those princes don't care about the legacy of Yanhuang, the fate of Shenzhou, but this old man does.

"Teacher, Shi Yuan and I will go to see Yuan Shao and Ling Tian respectively..."

Zhuge Liang gritted his teeth and said.

Similar to Mr. Shuijing, Zhuge Liang is not actually a person who likes to ask for help, let alone a lot of things. Although the world has begun to turmoil, however, Zhuge Liang does not have the slightest interest in going out on the basis of what he has learned in his life.

In the original history, Liu Bei invited him three times, but later generations only said that he was testing Liu Bei or taking Qiao.

But in fact, Zhuge Liang really didn't have the slightest idea of ​​going out.

According to later generations, the reason why Zhuge Liang joined Liu Bei was because Liu Bei was the master of Ming Dynasty, or because Liu Bei was weak at the time, so Zhuge Liang was able to show his ability.

These speculations are purely jokes. Speaking of his skills, Cao Cao revealed much earlier than Liu Bei. Even if Cao Cao's reputation is not good, Jiang Dong still has a family. From Sun Jian to Sun Ce, to Sun Quan, which one is not a hero, and in Sun Ce's time, Zhou Yu But haven't shown it yet.

As for being weak, that's even more of a joke. Except for the Yuan family, which one of the feudal lords was powerful when they started out?

As for Zhuge Liang's reputation, this is even more of a joke. You must know that when Liu Bei went to find him, the end of the Han Dynasty basically reached the time when the world was clearly defined. At the time of running away, apart from borrowing a Jingzhou, there was no fart.

Even when Liu ran to look for Zhuge Liang, there were only two Lius left in the southwest.

Under this circumstance, there was a slight accident that Liu Pao didn't arrive, and Zhuge Liang died of suffocation at home. With Zhuge Kongming's wisdom, if he really wants to make a name for himself, he can wait until then. You know, Pang Tongna, who is also called Wolongfengchu with him All over the world for a while.

With such a big name, he sent his resume all over the world, but hey, he didn't get reused.

In this case, those who wait too long are called idiots.

Of course, there is a lot to say, nothing more than one sentence. Zhuge Kongming is a man of residence. He loves learning and is smart, but he doesn't want to do things.

The Zhuge family is also a wealthy family, so they don't have to worry about eating and drinking. There is also a direct brother who is a high-ranking official in Jiangdong. If it's not enough, he can still go to seek refuge. In this case, it is natural to carry out the house to the end.

However, at this time, facing Mr. Shuijing's pain, Zhuge Liang chose not to stay home.

"Yes, teacher, let's take a trip with Kong Ming, Yuan Shao, Ling Tian, ​​etc. we can all go for a trip..."

Pang Tong's eyes revealed a bright light.

In today's world, the two forces that are most likely to be unified are nothing more than Ling Tian's side and Yuan Shao's side.

The former has won most of the world, Bingzhou, Yizhou, Youzhou, Jiangdong, and the fierce generals are like clouds.

Today's chaos is the doomsday for ordinary people, but it is a prosperous world for the capable.

In such a troubled world, although birth is still important, people who have not been born have a greater chance than usual.

Luoyang, just when Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong were about to be born, the middle-aged scholar stood in front of Ling Tian.

Ling Tian's guard pointed the front of his spear, and the sharp cold light was directed at the middle-aged scribe. However, facing the sharp edge aimed at him, the middle-aged scribe was not at all afraid.

"The Great Array of Kyushu will be unsealed, and there will be real dragons born from alien races. I don't know whether General Ling's ambition is to be a prince for a while, or to preserve his reputation for eternity..."

The scribe looked at Ling Tian indifferently and said.

The Great Array of Kyushu...

Ling Tian was stunned for a moment, then suddenly thought of the strange aura he felt a few days ago.

After Luoyang was settled down, Ling Tian had already calmed down. Although the will of God that the Taoist priests said made him feel prickly, Nie Xiaoqian's farming skills, as well as many things in his own memory, as well as the people around him now. The strength made him not feel that he would lose.

What is God's will, unless Liu Xiu's meteorite can be turned into a natural disaster of doomsday, otherwise, with his current strength, he can definitely sweep the world one by one and continue the glory of the Han nationality.

However, a few days ago, an invisible wave appeared, which cast a shadow over Ling Tian's heart.

The fluctuation itself was nothing, but Ling Tian didn't know why he always felt that something bad had happened.

Now, the scribe's words made Ling Tian immediately feel that his worries were not unreasonable.

The Kyushu Great Array, Ling Tian didn't know what it was, but, from the name alone, he could tell that this was by no means an ordinary thing. Nine times out of ten, it was some kind of formation that guarded the land of Kyushu.

"In ancient times, when demons were chaotic, the human race came out and the world was peaceful. Of course, the human race was weak and the world was vast. In order to strengthen the human race, ensure that the human race was born with a king from generation to generation, bless the human race. , to set up the Great Array of Kyushu, and accept the dragon veins of the world in the territory of Shenzhou...

Under the great formation of Kyushu, the aftertaste of the dragon veins can leave Shenzhou, however, when the dragon veins leave Shenzhou, the dragon qi is exhausted, and only the Jiao qi can be obtained, and the dragon qi can no longer be obtained..."

The scribe looked at Ling Tian and said slowly.

Following the scribe's words, Ling Tian's brows furrowed.

He probably understood what the scribe said. He had experienced the ancient world several times, and he was very clear about the meaning of dragon energy. It represented the king, the emperor's aura.

That is to say, Dayu, the last human king of the renunciation system, the founder of the family world, created a formation that bound all the luck in this world that could make people emperors in the land of Shenzhou.

Theoretically, even if there is a rise of alien races outside of Shenzhou, if you die, you will be a prince.

Jiuding, the Great Ding of Kyushu...

Dragon veins, dragon energy...

Ling Tian exhaled slightly, the scribe let him know that the water in this world is also unfathomable.

Dayu, this is definitely not the Dayu of normal history, or even the Dayu of the three kingdoms who have shown their strength in the world.

What a terrifying thing this is, what a terrifying existence that Dayu can do such a thing.

And what's even more terrifying is that he really did it.

Even if we put the current time into normal history, and leave Egypt aside, ancient Egypt was destroyed long ago. Now the so-called four empires are really centralized, and the only one with the highest throne is the big Han family.

In addition, even Rome, which has been blown away by Westerners for thousands of years, is now a city-state system.

Jinkou Yuyan said that there is no such thing as a king's land in the world, and there is no king and ministers on the coast of the land. The emperor who has this kind of power and status, now only the emperor of the Han Dynasty has, uh, only the emperor of the Han Dynasty who did not have the world before the chaos have.

"Dare to ask Mr.'s name..."

Ling got off his horse, pushed aside the spears of the guards, and immediately clenched his fists towards the scribe.

These scribes must have the knowledge of Jingtianweidi, and, judging from their demeanor and the way they came to talk to Lingtian, there is no doubt that this is someone who wants to help Lingtian, or want to save the world.

"Don't dare to be a general's gift, a certain, Yingchuan, Xi Zhong, and the character Zhicai..."

The scribe clasped his fists and gave Ling Tian a very polite return.

And when he heard the scribe's reply, Ling Tian's eyes widened, Xi Zhicai.

The Three Kingdoms are known as strategists such as rain, poisonous Jia Xu, ghost Guo Jia, wisdom almost demon Zhuge Liang, and the rest are Li Ru, Xun Yu, Xun You, Sima Yi, Pang Tong, Ju Shou, Tian Feng, Lu Su... The great talents also left their own stories in the legends of later generations.

However, Xi Zhicai's reputation may not be as good as those of the advisors in front of him, but Ling Tian dares to say that he is by no means inferior to anyone in front of him, or even stronger than any of them.

Of course, the rest of the advisors also showed their means, but Xi Zhicai can be said to have assisted Cao Cao to truly defeat the foundation of Cao Wei in later generations.

When Cao Pi proclaimed the emperor, he once said by chance that he would not be an emperor unless he was talented in drama. It can be seen that if Cao Cao did not have a talent for drama in the early days, he would not be able to resist Cao Wei's later foundation.

In the Three Kingdoms, Xi Zhicai was first recommended by Xun Yu to Cao Cao. After his death, Cao Cao felt that no one could discuss the world with him, so Xun Yu recommended Guo Jia again.

It can only be seen that even in Xun Yu, Guo Jia is only a substitute for Xi Zhicai. If Xi Zhicai hadn't died, Cao Cao would not need Guo Jia.

In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Guo Jia was recommended to Cao Cao by Xi Zhicai himself. It was Cao Cao who cried when Xi Zhicai was dying. That said, Guo Fengxiao can do it.

Even Ling Tian would not dare to ignore such a holy-seeking-level existence.

"Please, sir, tell me more about the current situation of the Kyushu Grand Array and how to remedy it..."

Ling Tian gave Xi Zhicai another salute.

This time, Xi Zhicai turned sideways to avoid it.

"Xi Zhicai originally came to find the lord, but now that he has been found, how can he still be arrogant, and also ask the lord not to be too polite, Xi Zhicai naturally knows everything about the Kyushu Grand Array without saying anything..."

Xi Zhicai avoided Ling Tian's big gift and continued to speak.

"A few days ago, Xi Zhicai felt the turbulence of the Kyushu Great Array, so he calculated that most of the Kyushu Great Array in the southwest had been solved, and at that time, Liu Yan seemed to have gone to the edge of the ancient Dian Kingdom's territory. Obviously, That formation should be explained by Liu Yan...

Liu Yan unraveled the Kyushu Great Array, probably because he wanted to absorb the escaping Jiao Qi, and then make the Jiao Qi turn into Dragon Qi, so as to achieve great achievements, but unfortunately, Liu Yan did not know that it was easy to untie the Kyushu Great Array. It is extremely difficult to seal it again..."

Xi Zhicai spoke calmly and slowly.

Ling Tian frowned when he heard Xi Zhicai's words, even Xi Zhicai said it was difficult, and it would not be easy to restore that formation.

"And today is the only one who can unravel the battle. However, apart from Liu Yan, there are still clans such as Liu Yu, Liu Yao, and Liu Biao in the Liu Han royal family who are qualified to unravel the battle. Therefore, simply restoring or defending is impossible to ensure the integrity of the formation, let alone, and today has come to the turbulent time of heaven, even if the formation is kept, the world will still be in chaos, so, it is better Ignore that formation..."

Xi Zhicai watched Ling Tian listen to him carefully, and his expression became more serious.

Adviser, I am not afraid that the person who assists is incompetent, but I am afraid that the person who assists will ignore his own words. When encountering such a person, no matter how strong a strategist can do anything.

"Sir, we don't care about that formation, let's settle the world first, and then change the formation from the one that can be solved by the Liu Han royal family to another one..."

Seeing Xi Zhi only stop, Ling Tianxia's conscious interface.

"The world naturally wants to be taken, but it is not so simple to change the formation. Therefore, the real goal of the lord is not in the Central Plains, but in the north, the lord knows how the Kyushu Great Array fell on Liu Han's head, because Han Wu chased North, laying down millions of territories in the northern and western regions...

The Great Array of Kyushu blesses Kyushu, and only those who have made great contributions to Kyushu can be recognized by the Great Array of Kyushu. Therefore, the lord should expand the territory for the descendants of Yan and Huang, and achieve a record even greater than that of Han Wu... And when the lord swept In the grasslands, after the expansion of the land, the army will go south, and at that time, who can stop the lord in the Central Plains in civil strife..."

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