The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 268: dragon choice

The prehistoric land, its territory does not know how vast it is.

At this time, after the great catastrophe of the dragon and the phoenix, although the foundation of the earth has been damaged, the two lich clans have not yet fought to the death, and the emperor Jun, Donghuang, and the twelve ancestor witches have not exploded. relatively complete.

Ling Tian set out from the foot of Buzhou Mountain with hundreds of thousands of people, maintaining a rigorous formation along the way, but he was still attacked by countless strange monsters from all directions.

In this prehistoric period, even the beasts without intelligence are powerful and terrifying, and they will be at the level of extinction in future generations.

It's just that the human race has just received the blessing of the formation, and the appearance of those world-destroying beasts is just to add some meat to the race that has never appeared in the recipe.

Along the way, Ling Tian has seen a lot of strange beasts, the quantity and quality of which are far more shocking than the ancient strange beasts in the so-called emperor's plan in a movie in his first life.

However, in this era, such beasts don't even need human experts to take action, just ordinary human beings are easily taken down by killing them in a formation.

This made Ling Tian have to sigh about the influence of the environment of heaven and earth on the human race.

Ling Tian believed that in future generations, those beasts would possess terrifying power, enough to pose a great danger to humans with hot weapons, but in later generations, the bodies of the human race would no longer be able to be as strong as they are now. of toughness.

People are the darlings of heaven and earth, but people are not destined to walk the same path as heaven and earth.

Ling Tian secretly sighed in his heart, it's just that these philosophical questions have been gone for countless thousands of years by the human race, and many wise men have never found the answer.

After walking for about two or three years, Ling Tian brought hundreds of thousands of people to the East Sea.

"Supreme, we can visit the Dragon Clan of the Lower East China Sea..."

Arriving at the East Seashore, a human race expert approached Ling Tian and spoke.

These human race masters are also the first generation of human race. Although they look young, in fact, all of them have lived for countless years.

At this time, he came to talk to Ling Tian because he was worried that Ling Tian was young and arrogant and looked down on the dragon clan who had withdrawn from the position of the hegemon of the world.

"Naturally, I want to visit my neighbors. The dragon family lives in the sea and has an innate advantage in controlling water. Although our human race can also call the wind and call the rain, in the future, the human race will continue, and there must be weak and weak. When the strong need to protect the entire human race, We need the help of dragons who are born with the ability to control water..."

Ling Tian turned his head and glanced at the human race expert.

He said this only because in the mythology of later generations, the dragon race is the one who walks the clouds and spreads the rain.

However, the Human Race expert listened to Ling Tian's words, but he didn't know what he had misunderstood. His eyes suddenly lit up, and the Human Race expert stood up and walked towards Ling Tian with great respect.

"I firmly believe that under the leadership of the Supreme, the Dragon Clan will definitely become the vassal of my Human Clan..."

The unswerving words sounded, Ling Tian was stunned for a moment, and immediately knew that the human race master had misunderstood him.

In this prehistoric era, it is not just another way of saying that the dragons will help the human race to spread the clouds and rain for no reason.

It's just that a misunderstanding is a misunderstanding. Ling Tian didn't explain anything deliberately. He smiled faintly and began to instruct many human race experts to settle the human race. Visiting the dragon race is to go, but, you must first settle the human race before going. visit.

At this time, Ling Tian did not know that under the East China Sea, in the Dragon Palace, someone rushed to visit the Dragon Clan one step ahead of him.

The Dragon Palace, located at the bottom of the ocean, seems to be built on the bottom of the ocean, but it actually belongs to a different space.

After all, the dragon and the phoenix used to be the masters of heaven and earth. Even if they quit the position of the overlord of heaven and earth, the background of the dragon family is not comparable to that of any other race. This underwater dragon palace is completely made of some kind of strange material in the early days of the prehistoric period.

This kind of material is born with the property of being able to form its own space, so the Dragon Palace seems to be connected with the sea water. However, in fact, the sea water just slides past the Dragon Palace, and it is not in the same space as the Dragon Palace.

"This is a good place. If it weren't for the two masters who still need my advice, I would like to come here to drink and have fun with the old brothers every day..."

In the Dragon Palace, a handsome man in dragon scale armor sat opposite the Dragon King of the East China Sea, holding a wine glass and smiling.

The sea water, which was not in the same space as Dragon Palace, slid past the man, and the waves rippled very naturally. It looked quite beautiful. Others only thought that this was the special effect of the Dragon Palace, or that the man was deliberately playing.

However, in the depths of the smiling eyes of the Dragon King sitting opposite this man, there was a slight flicker of horror.

The Dragon Clan, since countless years ago and the Phoenix Clan lost their position as the overlords of heaven and earth together, they came to the water and became the gods in charge of water. Countless years have passed, the Dragon Clan's water control and the Phoenix Clan's fire control have become the same. some kind of instinct.

The current dragon race naturally possesses the ability to control water since birth, and even among the dragon race, natural water spirits appear every once in a while.

The water spirit is the source of the water in the world. Even if all the water in the whole flood disappears, as long as the water spirit is there, then enough water can be born out of thin air to meet the needs of the entire flood world, and this kind of existence, the dragon race will meet every once in a while. There are only one or two births, which shows how exaggerated the dragon race has become for water control.

But, just like that, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was also jealous of the man opposite him.

Because he could see what kind of water-controlling ability the rippling sea water around the man represented.

It wasn't intentional, it was a natural reaction when the sea sensed the man's aura, just as the water spirit would be excited when it felt the presence of the water spirit.

And although this man is not a water spirit, his cultivation in water control has already made him qualified enough to attract water spirits. This qualification is a display of pure power, even if the four dragon kings of the dragon family are far away beyond the limit.

"Brother Xian is joking, how can the defeated people like me be as handsome as the demon emperor in command of the heavenly court, and brother Xian, as the first strategist under the demon emperor, stands above the sky, how can we, the defeated people, be able to meet each other Than……"

The Dragon King laughed.

He had already heard of the two most powerful water control people in the world today, Gong Gong of the Wu clan and Ji Meng of the demon clan.

Both of them seem to have some relationship with the dragon clan. One has a dragon body and the other has a dragon head. However, one's dragon body came from the inheritance of Pangu, while the other was derived from the evil made by the dragon clan.

However, neither of them are members of the Dragon Clan.

Therefore, in the past, the Dragon King of the East China Sea never really felt that the water control skills of these two people could be compared with that of the dragon family.

But now, the Dragon King of the East China Sea knew that he was wrong.

The discovery of this mistake also made the Dragon King of the East China Sea more aware of the strength of the Demon Race Heavenly Court. You must know that although Ji Meng is the so-called Demon Commander and the first person under Emperor Jun and Donghuang, Kunpeng is not mentioned above the Demon Race Heavenly Court. The status is still above Jimeng, and there are eight such existences as Jimeng alone.

This Nima is a terrifying number. Even if the other eight demon handsomes are a little bit underwhelming, they are definitely the existence that the dragon clan can't afford to provoke.

Therefore, at this time, no matter what Ji Meng came to the Dragon Palace to do or want, the Dragon King of the East China Sea decided to satisfy it as much as possible.

"Brother Xian is a busy person. I can't compare to my elder brother. I have nothing to do, but I don't know why I came to my Dragon Palace..."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at Ji Meng and slowly opened his mouth with a smile.

When he spoke, the Dragon King of the East China Sea stared at Ji Meng, for fear that Ji Meng would spit out words that he could not accept.

"Speaking of which, there is really something to trouble old brother, it is like this, old brother should know that Lord Di Jun, one of the second emperors of the demon clan, has ten children, and these ten children have never left the heavenly court since childhood, so it is too much. I'm a little spoiled, but they are the princes of the demon clan after all, and whoever will take over the throne of my demon clan in the future, Lord Di Jun means to let them live alone for a while..."

Ji Meng spoke slowly, and with his words, beads of sweat slowly poured out of the forehead of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Nima's, the demon emperor's ten sons are going to come out and live alone, and why did Ji Meng come to find his dragon king directly? Could it be that he wanted his dragon palace.

After the Dragon Clan lost their position as the hegemon of heaven and earth, that's all they have left. If the Dragon Palace is lost, the Dragon Clan will not be finished, but if they don't agree, will the Dragon Clan be able to withstand the anger of the Monster Clan?

For a time, the Dragon King's entire dragon was not very good, and he was in a dilemma.

Fortunately, Ji Meng's voice continued to sound at this time.

"Master Jun, the emperor of the demon clan, thinks Tanggu by the East China Sea is a good place, and it should be very suitable for the ten princes of the demon clan to rest..."

Indifferent words, but the Dragon King seems to have come back to life, and before Ji Meng has finished speaking, he has already applauded and responded.

"Tanggu is a good place, absolutely a good place, wise brother, don't worry, although my elder brother has no family background, he must help the princes of the demon clan to arrange the place properly. In this way, my elder brother still has some innate fire spirits here. , I took it out to help the princes of the demon clan to add some nutrients to the hibiscus tree..."

The Dragon King said quickly.

After the sentence fell, Ji Meng's expression remained unchanged, with a grateful smile on his face, holding the wine glass towards the Dragon King and smiling.

He could naturally see the change in the Dragon King's mind, but he was not surprised at all. Now the demon clan was originally the king in the sky, and even, in Ji Meng's heart, the earth should belong to the demon clan, and the witch clan would sooner or later be defeated.

Therefore, even if the Dragon King took out the Fire Spirit Essence, which is a non-renewable resource similar to the Innate Spirit Treasures, Ji Meng would not be moved at all.

"By the East China Sea, the situation is unpredictable. I heard that there are some people who are restless and guarded, and they are not primitive people. I want to come to the East China Sea and teach them what it means to be unpredictable and what is called a flood..."

Ji Meng quietly waited for the Dragon King to finish all the words and spoke slowly again.

In a word, the look on the Dragon King's already relaxed expression was a sudden stagnation.

Even if he had already been hiding in the depths of the sea, regardless of whether the world was dominated by the demon clan or occupied by the witch clan, the Dragon King still knew about the new darling of the human race.

That is Empress Nuwa, the key to enlightenment.

One race gave out two holy places, and even the two supreme holy places, Primitive and Tongtian, are also related to the human race. This has to be said to be terrifying, and such a terrifying existence, the dragon race is not really isolated from the world, where could it not be? knowledge.

Now, the meaning of Ji Meng's words is clearly to pull the dragons to deal with the humans.

This is a bit scary for the Dragon King.

That is a human race, and it is looked after by at least four saints. One saint himself claims to be the leader of the human sect, and the other is the human race of the mother of the human race. When dealing with such a race, not to mention that they are the darlings of heaven and earth, they will be hated by heaven and earth. Just four Who dares to say that he doesn't care about the anger of the saint.

The two lich clans are fighting against the human clan. That is to compete for the master of heaven and earth. The saints may not dare to intervene, but the dragons are involved. Haha, the saints may press down with one finger.

"Is the Dragon King afraid, afraid of the human race, but the human race is backed by saints, so it's not surprising to be afraid, but the dragon king is afraid that I have misunderstood what I mean, I didn't let the dragon king deal with the human race, I just felt that by the East China Sea , after all, it is impossible for the situation to be calm..."

Ji Meng looked at the Dragon King indifferently, his eyes slightly cold and he said.

The Dragon King is afraid, he can understand, after all, that is the new darling of heaven and earth, a human race with four saints behind it, but understanding is understanding, Ji Meng feels uncomfortable.

After all, the appearance of the human race is the same as that of the two lich races in the is to replace the previous masters of heaven and earth, the lich replaced the dragon and the phoenix, the human race replaced the lich, as a member of the demon race, and it is the top How could the demon Ji Meng like to see the identity of the human race being feared by the creatures in the wild land.

The cold words spit out from Ji Meng's mouth, and beads of sweat poured out of the Dragon King's forehead again.

He only thought of the saint before, but he forgot the danger in front of him. The saint is scary, but the saint is very powerful, and, following the way of heaven, he may not be able to do anything in person, but the demon race is different.

Among the demon clan, they have everything, but they do not have the power of a saint.

Once the demon clan is angry, they are afraid that they will immediately kill them. At that time, no saint is worthless, and the only thing waiting for the dragon clan is to perish.

On the banks of the East China Sea, wind and rain are indeed not uncommon, and sometimes torrential rain is also common.

The Dragon King kept telling himself in his heart, and then slowly raised his head to look at Ji Meng.

"Don't worry, brother, the situation by the East China Sea can't be counted on the head of the Dragon Clan, what's more, the ten princes of my Monster Clan are still in Tanggu by the East China Sea, how, my Monster Clan will not let the East China Sea. something big..."

Ji Meng saw at a glance that the Dragon King had already taken over, and then looked at the Dragon King with a faint smile and said.

The human race must not flourish, otherwise, the two lich clans will definitely be the same as the dragon and phoenix back then, and they will eventually withdraw from the position of rulers of heaven and earth together, making it cheaper for the human race.

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