Dongyi is located on the bank of the East China Sea.

This is not the land of barbarians. Fuxi, the ancestor of the human race, was born here. However, apart from Fuxi, this is also the ancestral land of Chiyou.

In ancient times, the Yellow Emperor's battle against Chiyou could actually be regarded as a war between the Central Plains and the Dongyi.

In that battle, although the Yellow Emperor won and the center of the human race was determined to be in the Central Plains, Dongyi was never truly subdued by the Central Plains from the beginning to the end, and at most was compressed into a living space.

Up to now, I don't know the past tens of thousands of years.

There are even many people in the court and opposition who have begun to publicly declare that they want to coexist peacefully with Dongyi, and treat Dongyi as a country comparable to big merchants.

This made Di Xin want to laugh even when he was angry.

If Dongyi is really a civilization, then, as a civilization, Dongyi definitely wants to be the co-lord of the world and be the king of the human race.

And if Dongyi is not civilized, then the voices of the court and opposition are even more ridiculous.

Of course, whether it is ridiculous or not, Di Xin's attitude towards Dongyi is actually very simple, that is, he has never looked down on it at all.

As far as this period is concerned, the strength of Yin and Shang was unparalleled in the world, not to mention Dongyi, even with the addition of the North Sea and the South, they could swept across it, but Di Xin knew very well that the enemy of Da Shang was never the alien races around. , let alone the princes who have already given birth to ambitions in the country.

The powerful enemies of Dashang were never even humans.

The ruler of heaven and earth, the overlord of heaven and earth, the origin of the overlord of heaven and earth can only be replaced by other overlords of heaven and earth, and the overlord of heaven and earth replaces his own king, which has never been seen since the creation of the world.

A human emperor who can be changed at will, human king, is that still human emperor, human king?

The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, as far as the human race itself is concerned, are naturally supreme, but for those gods and Buddhas, are the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors really supreme? I'm afraid not necessarily.

Human race, since the day the Supreme Lingtian disappeared, the title of the overlord of that day has become a joke.

"What, I can gain something..."

As he rode his horse to the top of the first peak of the East China Sea, Di Xin looked at the rough sea in the distance and spoke in a deep voice. Beside him was Zhang Kui, the coach who dominated the East China Sea army.

During this period, the Yin Shang, famous generals came forth in large numbers, Huang Feihu, Li Jing, Deng Jiugong... There were fierce people everywhere, and Wen Zhong was even more accommodating, but those were not Di Xin's confidants. For many of Di Xin's practices, Wen Zhong, etc. It's all admonishment.

Although it is said that speaking out and admonishing can be regarded as the actions of loyal ministers, Di Xin knows that it means that the thoughts of those people are not the same as his.

If one day encounters a collision of ideas, those people may not be loyal to him.

On the other hand, Zhang Kui and a group of civil and military people with little reputation, but it was Di Xin who said what they listened to.

Among these people, Zhang Kui has the highest civil and military literacy.

The reason why Di Xin attacked Dongyi seven or eight times before and after, and lasted for more than ten years, is the biggest reason is that the land of Dongyi was originally the place where Ling Tian, ​​the legendary human race supreme, brought the human race to build the city and start farming. where.

If there is still a place in this world where some traces of Lingtian, the supreme human being can be found, then it must be the land of Dongyi.

It just so happened that Di Xin found some records from the Great Desolation in the past twenty years of his expedition to the North and South. Back then, when the supreme human being Ling Tian disappeared, a meteorite from outside the sky fell into the sky and then disappeared by the East China Sea.

Although, it was later recorded that there were saints who landed after that, investigated the East China Sea, and directly migrated the human race out of the East China Sea. Only after the Lich War and the shattering of the Great Wilderness did the human race migrate back to the tribe that failed the battle.

But Di Xin still wanted to give it a try, to see if he could find some traces of the supreme human race by the East China Sea.

Time has passed for so long that the human race has almost completely forgotten that the human race once had a supreme being, and the human race used to be able to dominate the world like the two lich races.

Di Xin was very afraid. After he died, no human race in this world would remember that the human race was the overlord of the world, the masters of this world, not any pets kept in captivity.

Not long ago, someone had persuaded him to hold the throne of the emperor, saying that he was ordered by heaven.

Of course, the human race is the darling of heaven and earth. It sounds like it is nothing to admit that it is ordered by heaven and be the son of heaven, but Di Xin knows that the heaven that those people are talking about is not the heaven of heaven and earth, but the gods and Buddhas who represent the way of heaven. Refers to those powerhouses in the sky.

"I haven't found anything related to the Supreme for the time being, but my subordinates noticed that there are some strange things on Dongyi's side..."

Zhang Kui shook his head helplessly.

Zhang Kui was actually dubious about the matter of Ling Tian, ​​the supreme being of the human race. He himself didn't believe it, but when Di Xin believed it, he followed suit.

And because he believed it, he was looking for everything related to the supreme human race, Lingtian, very seriously.

"The land of Dongyi is originally the bank of the East China Sea. Theoretically, the resources here should not exceed those of the Central Plains. However, the various resources here far exceed those of the Central Plains. I found one by one, in this land of Dongyi, these resources seem to be growing continuously..."

Zhang Kui spoke slowly, and as he spoke, his eyes also showed a look of surprise.

Resources, these are consumables, and even people of this era understand the truth, and now, the resources in the land of Dongyi are not only not consumables, but are still growing, which is surprising.


Di Xin's eyes lit up, and he asked in a deep voice.

The resources are in the whole sheet.

This kind of weirdness is indeed beyond people's expectations.

"My minister, I have found the source of the growth of the resources, it's just... it's a **** stone..."

Zhang Kui hesitated, gritted his teeth and said.

Scarlet stone, this doesn't sound like a decent thing, but Zhang Kui knows better than anyone how much Di Xin cares about the supreme affairs of the human race, so he doesn't dare to hide it.

"Don't tell me sooner, lead the way to see..."

Di Xin turned his horse's head abruptly. He had just arrived in the land of Dongyi. He wanted to take a look at the East China Sea and feel the life of the human race on the banks of the East China Sea, but when he heard that Zhang Kui had found something strange, where would he still be? Take care of these.

The blood-colored stone, the supreme being of the ancient human race...

These are the things that Di Xin really cares about.

When Di Xin made a decision, Zhang Kui naturally did not dare to object. At the moment, this big businessman led Di Xin quickly towards the big business camp.

It has been nearly ten years since Yin Shang attacked Dongyi. In this land of Dongyi, Yin Shang already had a city of his own, and even the size of this city was no worse than that of the city in the Central Plains. go.

However, such a city is filled with people from the military.

Di Xin followed Zhang Kui into the city, and soon saw the **** stone that Zhang Kui mentioned in an open space in the city.

No need to look at this blood-colored stone to give people a very strange feeling, and Di Xin was able to see that the earth around the blood-colored stone was slowly changing.

The color of metal, the color of jade...

All kinds of strange colors kept appearing around the stone.

Those ordinary earthy grounds seem to be turning into all kinds of metals and beautiful jade.

Di Xin looked at the blood-colored stone and took a step slowly. Suddenly, he seemed to feel something. Di Xin only felt that the blood-colored stone had some kind of feeling with him.

Then, in Zhang Kui, the four generals of the Demon Family and other Yin Shang generals were stunned, and Di Xin slowly knelt down on one knee in front of the blood-colored stone.

Di Xin did not respect ghosts and gods. Except for sacrificing ancestors and kneeling to his parents in his early years, Di Xin had never knelt down to any existence. This was known to all officials of Yin and Shang. Kui waited for Haoxuan and did not immediately take out the blade to break the stone.

In the eyes of Zhang Kui and others, it means that Di Xin has fallen into evil and has fallen into a demon.

Otherwise, with Di Xin's personality, how could he kneel before a stone.

However, just when Zhang Kui and the others were about to move, suddenly, they had strange sensations at the same time.

It felt as if there was a spiritual force pulling the power in their bodies, and then, their respective powers began to spin continuously with that spiritual force, and in the blink of an eye, they increased to a great realm.

"Supreme Divine Soul..."

A horrified exclamation spit out from Zhang Kui's mouth.

According to legend, Ling Tian, ​​the supreme being of the ancient human race, possessed a kind of divine soul. He once brought the entire human race to a great level with hundreds of thousands of people at one time. Later, when he conquered the dragon race, he even used this divine soul to command the dragon race to resist. A full-scale attack by the demon clan.

Later, he took the dragons and the humans to smash the two lich clans, and only then did the status of the ancient human race be confirmed.

Of course, in the mouths of countless well-trained experts, it's all nonsense from the human race, a hundred-day dream, and random YY.

However, Di Xin believed this, so Zhang Kui and others also believed it. So, feeling the spiritual power escaping from the blood-colored stone, Zhang Kui and others immediately recalled the legend about the supreme human spirit, Lingtian.

"Your Majesty, if this stone is related to the Supreme Being, it must never be known..."

After Zhang Kui exclaimed, he spoke in a deep voice.

The Supreme Human Race has been denied for countless years in the past. Whether it is Zhang Kui, Di Xin, or the king of countless generations of human races, they are not stupid. They may not believe in the existence of Human Race Supreme, but more because of the environment. .

Then, if the clue of the Supreme Human Race appears now, what will be waiting for the Human Race, or in other words, what will be waiting for Di Xin.

Not to mention those powerful beings in the sky, even the human race itself, does everyone want to see a Supreme appear.

"You said, was the Supreme Being's disappearance sealed back then..."

Di Xin looked at Zhang Kui and spoke slowly.

When these words came out, Zhang Kuiben's already incomparably serious expression suddenly became more solemn.

"Four generals of the magic family, block this place, everyone who has come into contact with this blood-colored stone will be killed..."

Zhang Kui's low voice sounded, and a terrifying murderous intention emerged from Zhang Kui's eyes.

Di Xin's words clearly understood Zhang Kui. If the stone emanated from the stone just now was really the soul of the Supreme Being, and the Supreme Human Race was also sealed back then, then I am afraid that the Supreme Human Race is in this blood-colored stone.

Bloody, bloody... Back then, the Supreme Human Race was said to be the apprentice of the ancestor of Ming He, who controlled the 12th grade blood lotus, so this **** color doesn't seem strange.

Styx turned into Naihe, the blood lotus itself was born in the sea of ​​​​Xura blood, so naturally it can't give people a holy breath, and the weirdness makes sense.

In those days, the existence of the Human Race Supreme was able to be sealed. According to the legendary strength of the Human Race Supreme, even if it was a little exaggerated, only those who became saints had the ability to seal the Human Race Supreme without leaving a trace.

And thinking of saints, the only thing Zhang Kui can do is kill everyone who knows about it.

Just kidding, in the current human race, anyone with a little power is the grandson of the sage. If Di Xin goes up against the sage, there is no need to fight, and most of the generals in the court will rebel immediately.

Di Xin listened to Zhang Kui's words with a look of pain in his eyes, but did not stop him.

As an emperor, Di Xin knew that this matter could not be stopped, because the matter of the blood-colored stone really could not be leaked.

Human race, overlord of heaven and earth, king of people, ridiculous...

Di Xin showed a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth, then looked at Zhang Kui.

"You said, if I want to save the Supreme, what should I do..."

A helpless voice spit out from Di Xin's mouth. The supreme being of the human race has been found. However, the seal of the saint can be undone again.

"Or, let Kong..."

Zhang Kui thought for a while, but he just spit out a surname and shook his head. Although that guy is strong and loyal to Yin Shang, he is not a human race after all. Back then, the supreme human race greatly improved the dragon The relationship between the dragon and the phoenix, even after so many years, the guy's feeling for the supreme is definitely not much better.

"Faith, maybe you can try faith..."

After a moment of silence, Zhang Kui suddenly spoke.

In a word, Di Xin's eyes lit up.

Now is not a prehistoric time, the matter of belief has long been known to everyone, and even a lot of people have already known about the matter of believing in a god.

Even Western religions have begun to use belief in conferred gods on a large scale because their resources are too poor. After all, it is extremely difficult to cultivate some great powers with Western resources. It is better to believe in conferred gods, even if there are side effects. , but better than simplicity.

"We can make a military flag in the shape of the Supreme Being sealed, and then, with the whole army's contribution to faith, see if we can help the Supreme..."

Zhang Kui spoke again.

This time, Di Xin's eyes completely lit up.

Especially when you think about it carefully, the reason why the **** stone was able to disperse the soul just now was not because he was full of faith in the Supreme when he knelt down.

"You can try, do it..."

Di Xin's face showed joy, he waved his hand towards Zhang Kui, and then bowed down to the blood-colored stone reverently.

At this time, Di Xin didn't know that when he was happy, the whole world, no, it should be the whole power that could represent the world began to target Yin Shang.

: . :

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