Inside a café.

Mitsui and Yayoi Aida sat together, they were chatting like a normal little couple.

But they were all talking about their views on the county competition.

From individual skills to the overall strength of the team, one person has an endless dispute.

It seems that if you have a girlfriend with the same interests and hobbies, at least you don’t have to worry about having no topics to talk about on weekdays…

“You… Really just watched one game and analyzed the way to crack Xiangyang’s tactics? Yayoi Aida raised the thing she was most confused about at the moment.

“Not really…” Mitsui Shou hesitated, “The tactics they use are the ones I’ve used many times before, so they’re familiar with them.” ”

“Before?” Yayoi Aida’s big eyes narrowed, and he poked Mitsui Shou’s face with his finger, “You’re just a few months older than me, right?” It looks like years of basketball…”

Mitsui Shou grabbed Yayoi Aida’s little white hand and said with a smile: “I’ve been playing basketball since I first learned to walk, okay?” ”

“And I’ve been training with America for a while, what do you think?”

Yayoi Aida was shocked, “What? Why don’t you have this experience on 07 Perfect on your profile? ”

Mitsui Shou laughed dryly twice, to hell with it, he was talking about basketball training in his past life…

“No wonder you’re so powerful…” Yayoi Aida looked at Mitsui Shou’s eyes at this time, and became more and more adoring.

**, the United States, from the perspective of basketball, is an Asian first, a global first!

If Mitsui Shou had studied in these two countries, it would be reasonable to explain his current ability.

“My monograph should be about the same, right?” Mitsui looked down at Yayoi Aida’s notebook, which was already full of densely written words.

Yayoi Aida nodded, “The materials are all together, this time I deliberately helped you weaken the ability a little, anyway, according to the character of our editor-in-chief, he must have added oil and vinegar himself…”

Hearing this, Mitsui Shou looked at Yayoi Aida with bad intentions, “I almost forgot if you don’t mention it, your issue of “Weekly Basketball” can make us miserable in Xiangbei pit!” ”

Looking at Mitsui Shou’s feigned anger, Yayoi Aida stuck out his tongue apologetically.

Then, she took the initiative to lean towards Mitsui Shou, hugged Mitsui Shou’s shoulder with her hand and said: “It’s not that I didn’t expect it….. Who knew that our editor-in-chief would exaggerate and let Xiangbei occupy such a large space…”

Mitsui Shou snorted coldly, and directly pinched Yayoi Aida’s face, and Yayoi Aida, who knew that he was at a loss, did not fight back, and could only make a “woo-woo” sound in his mouth.

The two stayed in the coffee shop for a while and left, and the rest of the time, that is, the couple’s daily dates, watching movies, pressing the road and so on.

At this moment, Mitsui Shou’s oil was basically done.

However, when the two were about to return home, Mitsui Shou was never allowed to enter his “door”

According to Yayoi Aida’s idea, Mitsui Shou is her first boyfriend, and she doesn’t want to progress too fast…

Leaving Mitsui Shou alone and walking home. Sigh.

Shouldn’t Japanese girls be more OPEN… How is it your turn to slowly raid?


Time passed slowly, the county competition had been over for several days, and the Xiangbei basketball team was still training hard.

A month from now, the national tournament will be where there will be stronger opponents against them!

“It’s finally time for summer vacation…” Mitsui Shou checked the school’s holiday schedule, as long as they stayed at school for two more days, they could have up to two months off!

In order to have energy to attend classes on weekdays, Mitsui Shou’s training schedule is actually not too full.

After the holiday, he was finally able to let go and train!

These two months of summer vacation can undoubtedly raise all his abilities to a notch again!


Mitsui Shou was walking leisurely in the aisle of the teaching building when he suddenly heard someone call his name.

He turned his head and found that it was Takeshi Akagi and Twilight.

“Your expression… What happened?” Mitsui Shou noticed that they looked suffocated.

If this is not constipation, there should be something unspeakable…

“Mitsui, the final results are out.” Twilight said first.

“I know… It’s almost a holiday, isn’t it normal for the results to come out?. Mitsui said flatly.

“Alas… I didn’t mean that…” Twilight felt a little embarrassed, and turned his head to look at Takeshi Akagi beside him, “Akagi, you better tell him.” ”

“Hurry up… It’s like a matter of life and death…,” Mitsui said impatiently.

Takeshi Akagi took a deep breath and said, “The school has a rule that if you fail four subjects, you are not allowed to participate in the national competition. ”

“Well,” Mitsui recalled as a recollection, “it seems to be a bit of an impression…”

Mitsui Shou recalled the plot in the original book, after Xiangbei entered the national competition, their problem legion, four of the five starters directly had to make up the exam because they failed the exam…

Akagi and Twilight stopped me at this time, could it be that they too…

No, how could the two of them be good students fail four subjects.

So to speak…

Mitsui raised his hand, pointed to himself, and asked, “It’s me… I have four doors hanging up?”

Takeshi Akagi and Twilight didn’t speak, they just nodded their heads.

“It won’t be….. 320.”

Mitsui went straight to the teacher’s office to ask about his grades.

The result was just right, exactly hanging four doors!

This also means that if Mitsui Shou can’t make up the exam, he can only be absent when the Xiangbei basketball team participates in the national competition!

The soul of the team is absent, and this national competition is probably a trip to hell for Xiangbei…

“Why do I have to feel the fear of being dominated by Kake?” Mitsui felt a little toothache.

He wanted to intercede with the teacher in the office, so that he was also a great hero in Xiangbei, right?

The teacher’s expression in the office was pleasant, but he was still the same old way when he spoke.

The development of any basketball team is important, but personal studies cannot be relaxed, and so on.

But Mitsui Shou wanted to know how to get himself to participate in the national competition at this time, and he didn’t listen to what the teachers were saying.

After a battle of words, it is still two words… Retake the exam!

“This is special…”

Takeshi Akagi waited outside the office and found Mitsui Shou walking out with a dejected face.

“Mitsui, or go to my house today, I’ll help you with tutoring.” Takeshi Akagi suggested.

Mitsui Shou could only nod, with the help of a student like Takeshi Akagi, the effect would definitely be better.

“Oops, I also made an appointment with Koyayoi tonight…” Mitsui Shou abruptly. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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