Su Qingying knew this middle-aged man!

In fact, when she just heard the voice of the call, Su Qingying vaguely felt that the other party's voice was a little familiar, but there were too many people with similar voices. More importantly, Su Qingying listened to the conversation between the two, and could hear that Ji Feng was really threatening the other party. He mentioned murder and arson. So Su Qingying didn't dare to think that the other party was the one he knew!

That person's impression of Su Qingying was not bad.

Unexpectedly, it was him.

Yao Honglin. Forty-six hair, chairman of Jinhai Rutong Trading and Investment Company, chairman of Jinhai Meifu Decoration Company.

And the former paper net worth is 700 million!

In the whole of Jinhai, his net worth is not low, but his status in the Jinhai business circle is also the same.

Because personal wealth and assets are two different things, if Yao Guangfu's own business is only counted, then his net worth is several hundred million. The reason why his paper wealth is more than one billion is because he holds 10% of Jinfu Group. Share L Although most of these shares have been mortgaged by him, he has lost a lot of money for his business, but as long as he is not bankrupt and liquidated, he is still one of the main individual shareholders of Jinfu Group. Top ten individual shareholders.

Su Qingying knew him naturally.

The relationship between Yao Honglin and Jinfu Group is very complicated. He started out in the jade business. Later, he co-founded "Meiyuan Jewelry Group". It is the second largest shareholder of Meiyuan Jewelry, and Chaiyuan Jewelry used to be Jinfu Group's biggest competitor in East China in the early years, but its development is far less than that of Jinfu Group.

Fourteen years ago, Jinfu Group, which was quickly protecting Zhang, exchanged part of its cash and part of its equity. Wholly-owned acquisition of "Meiyuan Jewelry". At that time, Yao Honglin, the second largest shareholder of Meiyuan Jewelry, got 10% of the shares of Jinfu Group.

Since then, Jinfu Group has had financing expansion. It has also undergone listing financing. This has further reduced Yao Honglin's shareholding ratio.

The number of shares held remained unchanged, but the proportion decreased and finally reduced to the current 5%. After joining Jinfu Jewelry for more than ten years, Yao Honglin also held a series of important positions. However, with the increasing size of Jinfu Group, Yao Honglin’s personal ability The problem of inadequacy is also exposed.

Not only that, but in recent years, his heart is no longer in the Jinfu Group, and his participation in the company's operations has become less and less, and his position in the company is only a nominal.

The main reason is that Yao Honglin not only got 10 shares, but also some cash when he had other businesses when Meiyuan Jewelry was acquired.

He just relied on that money, and he did other bullshit, and he did it.

It may be because his other businesses are getting bigger and bigger, and his shares are nothing in Jinfu Group. The ability is not enough _ the right to speak is gradually born. It made him not in the mood to participate more in the Jinfu Group.

Su Qingying also knew that after Yao Honglin shifted the focus of his work to his other businesses, he also mortgaged the shares of Jinfu Group he held many times in exchange for funds. for the expansion of his other businesses.

As a result, it rashly expanded and smashed it. Lost a lot of money.

Yao Honglin's overall impression is that of a middle-aged wealthy businessman who has ideas, real courage, but lacks ability, and who likes to be his boss half-heartedly.

This "average ability" is of course compared to those who have great ability, Yao Honglin's ability is not good enough. Still have to dump ordinary people dozens of streets.

Su Qingying and Yao Honglin looked at each other.

The atmosphere was a little stagnant.

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