The scene instantly became extremely embarrassing.

Liuge was stunned to look at the sudden appearance of Nokigao, and his brain went blank!

Then, an indescribable embarrassment made Liuge subconsciously protect his private parts, and yelled at Noki in a fit of anger: “Get out!” ”

Nuo Qigao nodded aggrievedly, put his clothes on the ground, turned and ran out….

It wasn’t until Nokigao’s footsteps completely disappeared in his ears that Liuge breathed a heavy sigh of relief and collapsed in the bathtub…

After regaining his senses, Liuge’s mind couldn’t help but think of Nokigao’s aggrievance just now.

“Oops, and I didn’t control my emotions.” Patting his head, Liuge somewhat regretted his excessive tone, and had no interest in continuing to soak, hurriedly wiped the water stains on his body, and changed into a change of clothes brought by Nokigao…

The dinner that day was very strange, Belmer nervously said interesting things in the orange field, and laughed happily from time to time, while Liug and Nokigao just lowered their heads to eat without saying a word.

During this time, Bermel also asked about Liuge’s blacksmith shop, and Liuge just coped with it absentmindedly, and his mind was full of the embarrassing scene just now….

“Ah~, if only I could drill into the cracks in the ground.” Looking at the gap between the wooden floors under his feet, Liu Ge thought to himself.


The next day….

Liuge got up as usual, but unexpectedly ran into Nokigao, who never got up early.

Fortunately, after a night, the embarrassment in Liuge’s heart had almost dissipated, and when he saw Nokigao, he couldn’t help but smile and nod to her, which was regarded as a hello.


But what Liuge didn’t expect was that Nokigao flicked his hair, snorted coldly, and ignored it and ran to the kitchen to help Bermel pack up the vegetables….

A little puzzled touched the back of the head, Liuge did not want to guess the mind of a little girl, simply ate breakfast neatly, teased Nami who was still in the cradle, and then came to the blacksmith shop of old Noka…

As soon as he entered the smithy, Liuge saw that the whetstone that Old Norka used to smash him yesterday had been returned to its original place, and at the moment, Liug couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, it seemed that the anger was also time-limited….

“Hurry up and add charcoal when you come! Today’s workload is much greater than yesterday’s, be prepared. At this moment, Old Norka also found Liug’s figure and spoke.

Liuger snorted, carefully lifted a bucket of fire carbon, walked to Noka, and found that the other party had no intention of attacking, and then he was relieved…

To say that the theft skill is against the sky, but the various side effects after this failure are too bad! I’m a thief, not a meat! Why add an irritating attribute to theft!?

Sighing, Liug shook his head, threw out the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind, and concentrated on starting the next day’s blacksmith life….

Adding charcoal fire, pulling bellows, boring and tired, but Liuge can clearly feel the increase in his physical strength and endurance! This feeling of pain and pleasure is the biggest reason for Liug to persevere….

And old Norka really did not lie to him, there were very many people who came to the blacksmith shop today! It was all made of various agricultural tools, and after eavesdropping on the chatter of the guests, Liuge suddenly understood that it was close to the autumn harvest season at this time….

Of course, what really made Liuge care was the cross dagger in the box, for some reason, the dagger gave Liuge a very familiar feeling, but for a moment I couldn’t remember where I had seen it.

Time gradually passed under Liug’s constant conjectures…

At the end of the day’s work, Liuge looked at Old Noka again and found that Old Noka’s favorability had unknowingly reached 90 points…

Without saying a word, Liuge calculated heavily, and after deceiving Old Noka’s attention, he reached out and touched Old Noka!

“Ding! You stole metal identification! ”

In an instant, countless pieces of knowledge appeared in Liuge’s mind…


PS: An accident happened! Chapter 5 is going to be past the wee hours of the morning, Sauri….

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