“1 point! Call it a day! Winner, Liug! ”

The teacher duly stepped forward and announced the winner.

Looking at this familiar scene, Liuge thought about it, or slowly put the knife back, he was not Gu Yina’s arrogant little girl, but he was not in the mood to mock the defeated general.

“This kid is like a wild boar.”

However, although Liuge did not speak, Gu Yina, who did not know when she walked in, could not see it.

“Hey, Guina!” Koshiro felt that it was a little too much and wanted to stop Guina’s poisonous tongue.

However, Gu Yina didn’t pay any attention to the meaning, just stared at Solon with contempt, and said coldly: “Obviously a layman, but you still want to play the second knife flow, you are ten years early.” ”

Solon’s eyes widened angrily, but helplessly he was stabbed by Liuge and lost all his strength, and he couldn’t do it if he wanted to stand up, so he could only grit his teeth and clench the bamboo knife in his hand, staring at Guina who fell into the well with hatred.

“How? In that case, do you want to compete with me again? Gu Yina said lightly defiantly.

Solon suddenly ran out of words.

Although he is very unconvinced by a girl, but he doesn’t even have the strength to stand up now, how can he have another fight with Gu Yina?

He also understood that the Yixin Dojo was not like the Frost Moon Village where he was, and the strong people here were like clouds, not a place where he could be powerful.

“Abominable! Losing is losing! ”

Although he was very unwilling, he glanced at Liuge, who was standing with a sword, and Solon said loudly.

“Very crisp, good, then…” Koshiro suddenly appreciated Solon even more.

“Ah! I’ll join you, any comments?! Solon looked arrogant.

“No…” Koshiro nodded with a smile, not taking Solon as rude.

Seeing that the matter was over, Liuge casually put the bamboo knife back into the bamboo basket, turned around and planned to leave…

“I will practice desperately and desperately! Then sooner or later, one day, it will definitely defeat you! At this moment, Solon gritted his teeth, not knowing where the strength came from, knelt up, staring at Liug with a firm tone!

Liug glanced back at him, thought about it, and planned to give him a little encouragement.

However, before Liuge could speak, Gu Yina looked disdainful: “You defeat me first!” Just with you like this, there is no need for Liug to shoot at all! ”

“What do you say?!! Solon immediately exploded.

Seeing this, the corners of Liuge’s mouth twitched slightly, thinking to himself, with Solon’s small strong spirit, challenging two thousand annoyances in a year can also annoy Liuge to death, he has no interest in abusing rookies.

Since Gu Yina took the initiative to take the hatred for him, he couldn’t ask for it.

Therefore, Liuge only paused slightly, and left the dojo without looking back.

From beginning to end, Liuger did not say a word to Solon…


The next day…

Solon worships Koshiro like a plot, and immediately challenges Guina!

He can’t beat Liug, but it doesn’t mean that he will convince a girl!

Of course, the result is naturally miserable by Gu Yina, and Gu Yina in this life because of the transcendent goal of Liuge, is training harder than the original, and the strength is much stronger than the original, the original Gu Yina has the strength to kill Solon in one hit, and now it is even more important!

And Solon, who was killed by two people in a single blow one after another, obviously suffered a huge blow in his heart! But Solon is not the kind of person who will collapse after failure, and the two mountains of Liug and Guyina are pressed on top of Solon’s head, but Solon ignites the fire of struggle!

So, then Solon began a crazy training that was not even inferior to Liug!

Teeth biting boulders, splitting swords to exhaustion, running wildly with people on their backs, etc., etc., amazed all the trainees.

Then, after training, it’s time and time again…

He did not go to directly challenge Liuge, because Liuge’s strength was recognized as the strongest in the Issin Dokan! Second only to Koshiro.

He challenged Gu Yina, and if even Gu Yina couldn’t defeat it, it would be even more impossible to challenge Liuge!

At this point, Solon began the road of repeated defeats in the Isshin Dojo…

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