On this night, Liuge stayed in front of the old Noka’s tomb all night, saying two words from time to time, until the sun rose slightly the next day, Liuge bowed to the old Noka’s tombstone, and then returned to Bermel’s house.

After a long absence, Liug found that Bermel had woken up somehow, and was busy sewing and mending clothes.

“Didn’t I make a lot of money? This kind of old clothes will not be needed in the future. Seeing this, Liuge couldn’t help but speak.

“How is that the same? No matter how much money you make, you can’t squander it at will. Bermel shook his head with a smile, and then asked, “Do you still want to leave?” ”

“Not in the near future, I’m a little tired over the years, take this opportunity to relax.” With that said, Liuger began to help prepare breakfast.

For him, not sleeping for two days a day has no feeling at all, and often meditating and honing not only the state of mind, but also the spiritual power and soul!

While busy, while chatting with Bermel about the interesting anecdotes experienced in the past three years, before I knew it, the sky was completely lit up, and Nokigao and Nami also woke up one after another…

With these two little girls’ Belmel family, there was finally laughter, Nami and Nokiko are very active little girls, there is no shadow of the dragon, they smile innocently and brightly…

And Liuge is different, he is a sullen type of person, no matter how active he is in his heart, he is not good at communicating with people on the face, and he is destined to be a stuffy gourd.

But this did not prevent Liuge from enjoying this joyful feeling, and in a blur, Liuger seemed to hear a knock on the door outside the house….

“Knock?” Frowning, Liuger sat up from the couch and looked in the direction of the door.

At this time, Bermel had already gone to open the door, and I saw that as the door opened, a figure that was taller than Bermel was in Ying Ruliug’s eyes!

But what really made Liuge care was the coat on the tall figure! The bag hung it on his shoulder, and there was a gold thread printed on the two epaulettes, which turned out to be a rear admiral of the naval headquarters!

And Belmel, who was in the navy, apparently recognized the identity of the person! Directly stunned in place….

Heaven and earth! The supreme officer Belmer had seen before was nothing more than a naval colonel! And also a colonel of the Tokai branch! When it comes to grades, the top is equal to the major of the headquarters! Where has you seen such a top officer as a major general ?!

Even the two little ghosts of Nami and Nokigao couldn’t help but stop, although they didn’t know what this justice coat meant, but the identity and huge height of the other party’s navy made the two little guys dare not make a fuss anymore.

I have to say that the prestige of the Navy in Cocoa West Village is still very high…

“Excuse me, is this Liug’s home?” While Bermel froze, the rear admiral outside the door spoke.

“Yes! It’s Liug’s home ..” Asked by the rear admiral, Bermel subconsciously stood upright, and then reacted immediately, and quickly said embarrassedly.

“If yes, it would be great.” When the rear admiral heard Bermel’s words, he smiled and said to Bermel: “Is Liuge here?” I have something to talk to him about…”

“What is the rear admiral looking for me? I don’t seem to have committed a crime. Seeing this, Liuge helplessly pushed away Belmel, who was standing restlessly at the door, and walked over.

Rear Admiral, is it powerful? Anyway, in Liug’s memory, except for Smogg, all the lieutenant generals are cannon fodder….

And even Smogg, in the two years after the start of the plot, jumped three levels in a row and became a lieutenant general.

However, the lethality of this rank is really a bit great for Bermel, after all, he used to be a naval non-commissioned officer, and when he saw the boss of his superior, he naturally felt pressure.

“Hehe, didn’t you invite me in and have a seat? Standing outside the door and talking is tiring. The major general said with a smile.

“Huh.” Liuge also smiled faintly, and then made a gesture of invitation.

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