
It’s like a truck rampage! Liug Run Fruit Launch to the Limit! With the stolen pieces of iron on Zefa’s body! Although Liuge’s figure is small, his strength is unbelievable!

Sometimes, speed is weight!

All the beasts that stood in the way of Liuge were easily knocked away! Even a strong tiger and leopard can hardly stop Liuge for even a second!

It took less than a minute! Liug killed Smogg’s side!

“If you can’t do it, retreat to the back! I’ll block it. “A military body punch out! An attacking jackal was directly broken in the neck, and fell to the ground with a wail.


Although he had a lot of opinions about Liuge before, in the face of Liuge’s rescue at this time, the freshmen said that it was false if they were not moved, and they answered awkwardly, and the remaining two freshmen with some physical strength ran behind Liuge.

For a while, in addition to Liug, the only ones who could still maintain their physical strength and barely fight were Smog, Tina, and Hune!

“It’s not a way to go on like this, you can’t kill enough!” After kicking a panther, Smog yelled at Liug, “Find a way to rush out!” ”

“Stop dreaming, I just rushed in from outside, and now the whole island is full of beasts! Unless it’s to leave the island, there’s no safe place! ”

“If you want to save your life, you have to support it until dawn!” Zefa said that these beasts only appear at night! Originally, I didn’t understand why Zefa came here to train us physically, but now I completely understand! ”

After Liug returned to kill a beast that was trying to leap over his attack on the wounded behind him, he said to Smog in a cold voice.

I have to say that Zefa’s move is really very ruthless! Intense combat is one of the most physically demanding sports! And this island has endless beast attacks! If you want to survive, you can only fight non-stop to protect yourself, and a dozen is a night! In this way, the potential is constantly being squeezed! In less than three days, the physical strength of Liu Ge and the others will inevitably rise a lot!

Provided that Liug they will survive ….

“Damn it!”

When the freshmen heard Liuge’s words, they couldn’t help but itch their teeth with hatred for Zefa, this is not a joke! If you don’t get it right, it’s really dead.

But there is no way, the beasts will not reason with you, no matter what the mentality, the beasts are always afraid of death! It’s inexhaustible.

The freshmen rotated batch after batch! However, Liug and Smog are the absolute main forces, any one of them retreats halfway, and the remaining one can hardly take care of the people resting behind them! So Liug and Smog can only grit their teeth and insist, killing to the end, Smog has even turned white in his eyes, and his consciousness has long been semi-faint! It’s all about your physical instincts to fight.

Liug was also uncomfortable, he had been practicing meditation for three whole years, and his willpower was much stronger than Smogg! Even if you want to faint, it is a luxury, and you can only constantly experience all kinds of overwhelmed moans from your body! Every punch is a heart-piercing soreness!

I don’t know how long this feeling lasted! Just when Liug felt that he was about to collapse, suddenly, a gray light suddenly lit up from the edge of the distant sky!

In an instant, all the beasts stopped moving one after another, and the endless group of beasts immediately retreated like a tide, and in a blink of an eye, they scattered clean…

Glancing up at the sun in the sky, Liuge knew that the first day was finally passed safely…

At this time, at his feet, the corpses of the beasts were already piled up three feet high!!

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