“No problem! Liug is a very measured navy, he knows the measure. ”

The Tao that Sengoku didn’t care.

In the few meetings between him and Liuge, Liuge’s composure, far beyond his peers, left a very deep impression on Sengoku, and he believed that Liuge would handle Draco’s attack perfectly.

Yes… He believes.


Kingdom of Goya…..

Autluk High Town:

Under the guidance of the butler, Liug and Dusty were able to enter this very magnificent luxury house, and compared with the high town of Otluk, the Belmer house was like a straw house made of mud, and it could not be called a residence at all.

However, compared to the empty and huge luxurious aristocratic mansion, Liug still prefers Belmel’s home, because there is something called family affection there, and here…

Frowning, Liuge stopped thinking in his mind, because in front of him, a brown-haired imp with a very false smile and a very treacherous appearance appeared in his sight.

“Brigadier General Liug, my father has been waiting for you for a long time.” The brown-haired imp said to Liug with a fake smile.

Dusty instinctively disgusted, but Liuger was in front of her, and she forcibly did not show any unusual color.

In his previous life, he had long been accustomed to people’s fake smiles and masks, and he could bear it for the brown-haired imp, the future king of the Goya Kingdom— Staley.

Nodding, Liug motioned for Staley to lead the way.

Staley quickly made a series of standard ceremonial gestures, and in his mind, the nobles always liked and praised his impeccable and cumbersome movements.

It is a pity that Liuge is not an aristocrat, and his teasing does not mean anything in Liuge’s eyes.

Therefore, Staley waited for a long time, and did not wait for Liug’s praise.

“What’s wrong, don’t you lead the way?” Raising an eyebrow, Liuge said playfully.

“Oh, okay, I’ll show you the way right away…” Finding that he hated Staley, who played the cow, but did not show any dissatisfaction on his face, he quickly led Liuge upstairs.

Along the way, Staley tried his best to make friends with Liug, making Liug annoyed, but he also saw Staley’s various methods, you know how old is Staley this year? At such an age, he knows how to draw relationships, no wonder he was called a genius by Otluk III! He can even be above Saab, who is the sister-in-law of the Otluk family, as an adopted son!

Fortunately, this stretch of distance was not far, and soon Liuger was in the middle of the restaurant.

Seeing Liug, Otluk III came over with his wife and a blonde imp about the same age as Liug, and introduced Liug with a very honored and polite expression.

“This is my wife ..” He first pointed to the beautiful woman next to him, and then pointed to Staley and the blonde imp: “This is my adopted son Staley, and my son Saab, let you laugh, compared to Staley, Saab’s body has no aristocratic connotation to speak of, it is indeed an oversight in our education..”

“Oh? So Saab is the eldest son of the Otluk family? Liuger smiled slightly and asked knowingly.

“Ahaha.. The brigadier general smiled, but for us in the Otluk family, Staley is clearly a more suitable successor. Otluk III smiled awkwardly, and then said such things in front of Saab.

However, Saab also disdained the noble status of the Otluk family, and when he heard this, he was only a little chilled that his biological father actually said such words, but he didn’t think too much about it.

“Father, you’ve passed the prize.” Staley looked shy.

Dusty couldn’t help but close her eyes, a little disgusted.

Liug smiled uncaringly, in fact, he ignored Staley at all, but looked directly at Saab and said: “Saab may not be suitable to be a nobleman, but maybe he may become a warrior, how?” Do you want to join the Navy? With your talent, it is only a matter of time before you become an admiral. ”

As soon as these words came out, not only the Otluk family, but even Dusty was stunned.

To be honest, there’s really nothing outstanding about Saab’s looks! And in every way, Saab doesn’t look like it looks promising.

But such a little ghost, Liug actually recruited him into the navy and praised his talent in battle?!

Are you kidding..

Even Otluk III blushed a little, in his mind, his son was just a stubborn waste! At most, it’s a good fighter! Where did the warrior talent come from? Eighty percent of the young commodore only praised his identity, but the skills of this commodore praised were so bad that it made him not only uncomfortable, but like sarcasm.

But then, Saab’s words almost scared the soul of Otluk III out!

“Nope! I’m going to be a pirate! A free pirate! We agreed on it. Under the gaze of everyone, Saab seriously said such a sentence…

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