The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 662: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

She had no desire to talk to Zhang Zhongjian.

After Fusu chatted with Zhang Zhongjian for a while, he gave birth to Zhang Zhongjian.

Fusu assigned Zhang Zhongjian the identity of one of his secret guards, who usually only obeyed his orders.

His status is similar to that of Sikong Zhaixing and Zhang Han. He only accepts orders from himself, hides in the dark, and becomes his own shadow.

Fusu gave birth to Zhang Zhongjian, and then continued to summon him.

This time, Liu Tao actually summoned Tea Saint Lu Yu in his hands.

Fusu was confused at that time.

Tea Sage - Lu Yu, oh my god, are you trying to give me the rhythm of strange people and strangers?

Fusu was also drunk in his heart.

But speaking of it, Lu Yu is definitely a legend. Being able to be "canonized" is nothing more than an ordinary person.

The word "holy" is not something that can be called just by casual people.

Lu Yu, courtesy name Hongjian, was found by Zen Master Zhiji, the abbot of Longgai Temple, on the shore of the local West Lake during the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty. Lu Yu was only three years old at that time.

Ji Gong obtained the "Jian" hexagram from "Yi": "Hongjian is in Lu, and his feathers can be used as rituals", so he named "Lu Yu" with "Hongjian" as the character.

This is also the origin of Lu Yu's name.

As for why Lu Yu was raised as an infant and abandoned at the age of three, this is an eternal mystery of Lu Yu's life experience.

Because Longgai Temple is in Jingling, Lu Yu was named Jinglingzi and also called "Chashan Censor".

When Lu Yu was in his twenties, he met Master Jiao Ran, who was in his forties, and they became "a close friend."

Lu Yu was a famous tea expert in the Tang Dynasty. He was known as the "Tea Immortal", revered as the "Tea Saint" and worshiped as the "Tea God".

One immortal, one saint, one god.

From here we can also see Lu Yu's status.

Lu Yu was fond of tea all his life and was good at tea ceremony. He wrote the world's first tea monograph - "The Classic of Tea", which made him famous all over the world.

It can be said that Lu Yu's life is like the floating and whirling tea leaves. Although they float all the way, they finally get the good fruits like the fragrance of tea.

Moreover, Yan Zhenqing, Huangfu Ran, Liu Changqing, Meng Jiao, Zhang Zhihe and other famous talents in the Tang Dynasty all had relationships with Lu Yu.

Talking about poetry and Taoism, drinking tea and talking about tea, gave Lu Yu a deeper understanding of tea culture, and integrated his insights from Confucianism and Buddhism into the creation of The Book of Tea.

Lu Yu was also good at writing poems. He had a strong interest in tea, carried out long-term investigations and research, was familiar with tea tree cultivation, breeding and processing technology, and was good at tea tasting.

In the early years of the Tang Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty, Lu Yu lived in seclusion in various places in the south of the Yangtze River and wrote three volumes of the "Tea Classic", which became the world's first tea book.

It can be said that Lu Yu opened an era of tea and made outstanding contributions to the development of the world tea industry.

It can be said that Lu Yu became a saint and left many legends to future generations.

The first legend is the legend of his life experience.

The second legend is about Lu Yu's search for tea water.

According to rumors, Lu Yu followed the refugees from Guanzhong southward and traveled throughout the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River Basin. He investigated and collected a large amount of first-hand tea production information, and accumulated rich experience in tasting springs and water, and wrote "Shuipin". One article, but it is a pity that it has been lost.

However, Zhang Youxin, a scholar of the same generation, once listed in detail a list of twenty types of water including rivers, wells, springs and snow water that Lu Yu had rated in his "Jiancha Shui Ji".

The water curtain water of Kangwang Valley in Lushan ranks first, the stone spring water of Huishan Temple in Wuxi ranks second, and the stone spring water of Lanxi in Qizhou ranks third.

Zhonglingquan in the center of the Yangtze River is listed as the seventh grade. have

Zhang Youxin also recorded a true story: Li Jiqing, the governor of the state, met Lu Yu who was inspecting the tea ceremony on the bank of the Yangtze River, and invited him to go on the same boat. Li Jiqing heard that the Nanling water in the center of the nearby Yangtze River was excellent for making tea, so he ordered his soldiers to go in small boats to fetch water.

Unexpectedly, the soldier spilled half of a bottle of water on the way and secretly scooped up water from the river bank to replenish it.

Lu Yu took a scoop and took a sip, and immediately pointed out, "This is water from the river near the bank, not Nanling water."

Li Jiqing ordered his soldiers to fetch water again. After Lu Yu tasted it, he smiled and said, "This is the water from the south of the center of the river."

The soldier who was fetching water had no choice but to surrender, knelt down in front of Lu Yu, and told the truth. Lu Yu's fame then spread to miraculous proportions.

Zhao Li, who served as the governor of Quzhou in the Tang Dynasty, had a close relationship with Lu Yu. He said in "Yin Hua Lu": "Lu Yu was addicted to tea and invented the method of making tea." Up to now, in the tea house, the pottery image of him is placed among the tin utensils, which means that it is suitable for Ashikaga tea. ’”

Chapter 896 The most treacherous official in the Southern Song Dynasty—Qin Hui

In addition, Lu Yu also left many legends, so I won’t describe them one by one.

Liu Tao obviously knew about Lu Yu's existence. His eyes were shining when he looked at the summoning card in his hand.

When she relaxes, her favorite thing is to drink tea.

But when I came to Qin Shi Mingyue, it seemed that besides wine, I just had boiled water.

Of course there is tea, but Liu Tao doesn't know how to describe that kind of tea.

It's like someone who is used to drinking Maojian is suddenly asked to soak edamame and drink it.

Yes, that's what it feels like.

It's a bit bitter and has no real tea taste.

So after seeing Lu Yu summoned, Liu Tao was even more excited than Fusu.

She seemed to see herself drinking tea instead of wine in the future.

China is a cultural country.

The culture of tea drinking is extensive and profound, but as the times progress, more and more things are being wasted.

Many essences have been abandoned, among which tea culture is one of them.

Liu Tao hopes to enjoy the real tea drinking culture in the world of Qin Shi Mingyue.

Liu Tao once read the "Tea Classic" in his spare time and also knew something about the "Tea Classic".

The "Tea Classic" written by Lu Yu has three volumes and ten chapters, with a total of more than 7,000 words. Like the "Tao Te Ching", every word is full of value.

The Tao Te Ching is a grand ceremony of Taoism, while the Tea Classic is the bible of the tea ceremony.

The "Tea Classic" is divided into: Volume 1, the origin of 1, utensils of 2, and making of 3; Volume 2, utensils of 4; Volume 3, cooking of 5, drinking of 6, matters of 7, coming out of 8, and making of 9. Briefly, ten pictures.

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