The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2659 of the Three Kingdoms

Sun Hao,: "Qin Guo Sutang Zhao Guo. It officially laid the status of the northern hegemony. Next, it will inevitably accelerate the south of the south, with the whole Southern power to resist the northern Qin. Han Wei, Zhao Guo, who is swallowed in the seven countries of the Great Han, will also fall under the horseshoe of Wang Qin State.

As a result. The situation in the north and south confrontation is basically formed.

Swallows left, Chuxi.

Although these two countries are not as good as Qin and Han. However, Yan Guo's grand maternity will inevitably inevitably inevitably ignore this strategic resource after sweeping the entire Zhao Guo.

And the Chu's soldiers have sufficient, and the Chinese is more in the English. It is also the obstacle to the south of Taihahan.

Liu Wei smiled slightly: "Zhi District Chu State, He Founded, etc., I will know the true meaning of Qiang Han, etc.," "" "" Delo, Chen, etc., the two people are looking at the eyes, arched Everything is doing everything. "General, Linyi City arrived. "The accompanying cavalry reminds a field, finally recovered, and the light came back. He looked at the ancient city of the majestic vicissitudes of life, and he was very happy.

This majestic city is originally the first time, the first of the Spring and Autumn, and the brilliant is brilliant. Citing countless princes.

Today's Linyi City. The city has long withdrawn from Taiqi national flag, and the Tai Han army flag of a blazing is in the air, hunting.

The flag is embroidered two golden dragons, and the Zhang tooth Dance is like the next moment.

The field looked at that wipe and reddish, as if I saw a round of blazing days when I hang.

Such as dayday.

Only this word can describe Liu Wei's vocality at this time.

If you want to face this year, you will have some inexplicable Chongjing, and the whole crown is born, and you will laugh. "Prepare to enter the city to see Han Emperor. ■ The first more stable update in the early morning. The book friend is a river. Ask for a look, the ticket, evaluation ticket support. Flypoint remind you: reading three things

The second thousand five hundred and sixty chapters are so holy, do you have a gentleman? !


The saddle riding side of the Single Single is right.

At this time, the night is in the beginning of the Chinese light, and the smoke is glorious.

In the city, the city is hung, and the city is hung. It is more crowded next to the wide official road outside the city gate.

"It's really fortunate today, I can see Han Huang Yiang!"

"His Majesty entered the mainstay. There is no impunity in the autumn, the Taihan Tianchao. The teacher of the king is worth it!"

"I don't know who is that I am called to come out of the city."

"I heard that it is the discussion of the scene of the people to talk about the scene of the people.

Compared to Qi Yu's not a mixed day. Liu Wei is obviously the Ming Lord who is inductive, suddenly, and there is a unique and sinous footsteps.

Hanwu pawn iron armor, holding Chang Ge, in front of the people, the people, the eyes, the eyes of the people, revered. However, it is retracted on both sides.

"Han Emperor". "

At all of the people, Liu Wei debut.

He wear twelve crown on his head. Iributing the robe of the purple dragon robe and the sunset stars. When I can't say that the Wei Yi is deep enough to raise their hands, they are honored, such as the Tianstro, overlooking the human space.

"Han Huang Wu Shou Lixue is five years old years old L"

I don't know who I started to call us. Such as the thunderous ear field is shocking.

From Liu Wei, it is only an enemy before and after it is.

Now the whole Linyi heart is clearly stood in Liu Wu, this side is shout, respectful!

How is this doing? Is it incredible?

Liu Hao and the light flipped, and finally fell on the field, and the two expectations lost the past.

Fond Single Secondary Wuli Intelligence Political Possibility 4! Stunt, Name: Field has a list of people, with a righteousness of the soldiers

All fields underground, might, force +.

In the case of being lost or passive defense, it will increase the extraction of the power! Stunt fire array: Faisheng's success rate at the time of birth, +% enemy array is subjected to extra increase in morale from frankness


The famous name will be flying.



The big Qi Dang, removing the defeat in Wu Ji's hand, and only the field is only in Liu Wei.

"Not a field. I will see the Han Emperor ~~!"

The field rolling saddle fell next to the roadside. Before you came. He received a personal book of Sun Hao.

The so-called sense of knowledge is a Qi Ziqi Wang, which is not a collar of Qi. Naturally, I can't stand if the Tai Chief is going to ask for a chaos. Only choose the wave! Treatment of Taihan.

"See the Han Emperor,"

The cavalry who followed the Fa Ling back to the patriarch also rolling the saddle and fell to the road.

"All are all right."

Liu Wei smiled and said: "The generals of the field are too long in the fifteen of the ink. Today, see the world. It is not a field of the field. He is in the field. Yan Dan must set the rustic rain of Mo City. If Yan Guo is crazy, the city is crazy, Liu Wu can't sit so so quickly.

From this fish, Liu Wei has more good feelings for the field.

"Not Wang Yan. It can only be trapped by Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun Wei, is a big battle."

Tian Single Holding: "The emperor is in the face of the emperor, and the meteor of the elasticity is the real hero." There are many people in the city to report Liu Hao and the ground. " And ride into the city.

I have been preparing for the banquet in the Qi Kang Palace.

To participate in the banquet, Zhang Liang Sun is, and Qi Qi Wang and Qi State. After Qi Yun, did not be investigated by Liu Wei. Now renamed Qi Gong invited to participate in the banquet, it is still a heavy smile. Nowadays, the Wang changed the tip of the wind, and the world is unpredictable. Qi Qi Wang is rich in the face will be the call of power, and the results do not know how. "Han Emperor is driving"

Everyone heard that the official news was sent to the back of the spirit, and many people saw Liu Yulong to walk into the temple. The group of ministers fell to the first day, called in Qi, "Han Huang Wanshou is five long lives" "" all got it. "

Liu Hao plays the swing to indicate that the people get up.

After the opening of the field, the Temple of the Roop, all the familiar faces in the hall were just not seeing Zoujo.

I heard that the city broke the day, Zouji was awkward.

The sound of beautiful silk bamboo is in the temple, and the wine is three patrols. The atmosphere is very enthusiastic.

By the leader of Qi Xi, the words of the old people in Qi Dynasty. Liu Wu left ear into the right ear and put down the wine glass and said: "


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