The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2669 of the Three Kingdoms

"It is no wonder that Taibo can cross Wu Qi training in the three countries in such a short period of time.

It is absolutely not losing that Wei Wei is so soldiers, even if it is facing the peak of Qin Jun, there is a two-one battle. "

Li Mu has the name of God of War in Zhao **, only to see the military commander of the Hanwu, can see the power of the martial arts.

Liu Wei said: "Taking the Qin army Battle of the Qin army in the military. What is the general?"

Li Po is actually, "The two silents are just between the bobbirds only the soldiers do not have the situation. The actual use of the soldiers will also see that the two wars will temporarily dispatch the winning and negative." "Qin State has a white. The best of the hundred battles. Have a heroism of all the people. "

Liu Hao smiled: "If there is a general, the Royal Han army is too Qin, even if there is a hundred and five tiger wolves, what is it afraid?"

Li Muyi couldn't help but sigh. "Li Mu defeated the army will take a monk Han Emperor, willing to drive to Qin Qin!


"Congratulations to the main high-rise and soothing of the main and the main and the land, the current loyalty is in the current loyalty, and the payment of the host will continue to work hard."

Tip, if the host has failed to achieve promise, Li Mu disappointed too loyalty will decrease.

"Good! Good !!"

Liu Wei said that three good words were hearty, as if I had a ice watermelon.

In fact, Li Mu has made decisions when he made a choice of white and not coming to the big man.

In order to give the people, they are all galloped, and the security guards.

Meal new A

Since Zhao Guo can't accommodate him, Li Mu, Liu Wei, since he is so ambitious, the martial art, Li Mu, is convinced.

"Congratulations, I will get one member."

Zhuge Liang gently shakes the goose 's hand.

The Taihan Chief Career has a respectful and light of the legend of this hair.

This day Li Mu worshiped the general of the dynasty.

Liu Hao swallowed the task schedule of Qi Qi Dragon, the task schedule of the dragon, the second half of the Yumen cave opened the two world two worlds to reach a wonderful connection, and the emperor Liu Zhan sent the five dragons of the five dragons. Beginning to enter the world of Tung Qin. The five tigers are strong into the world!

This is equivalent to shortening the time of the rise of the dynasty.

The state-owned famous Liangchen, Wei Zhizhou, finally established, such as the general situation in the iron bucket, is also stable, such as the situation in Taishan, Liu Wei is a rare and uncomfortable.

Take the Huanglong Battleship Boiling on the Sanhai, Changfeng Han Taili is a hunting.

Liu Wei and Wu, Li Mu, Jing Jing

Zhuge Liang and others are sitting on the sea breeze on the ship.

"Your Majesty, with Zhang Liang Hanfei's wisdom, governing the land of the Three Kingdoms Naturally, the two people can be included in Shangsai."

At this time, Zhuge Liang has stated a beard. Gently shake your goose feathers flutter. There is a sense of chic.

Ghost Guo Jia is also nodded, "Your Majesty, the month is like a knife." The minister did not think that there was a day to work with Han Di Zhang Liang. "

Cross history

This is the most incredible thing.

For Wang Gui Jia, Zhuge Liang, Zhang Liang and Han Fei and others are the legend of living in history books.

Liu Wei smiled calmly: "Feng Xiao, Kong Ming has one day, you will find that the month will not be so many ethical air transport will reproduce the eternal tenth brilliance to the time. Saints "

"The Holy Queen sweeps the ** sweeps, the five bodies of the five bodies, the four people, the people, the people, the people, the people,"

Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang two people to create a miracle. It is a hot tribute to the lungs and the heat of life.

This time it opened this time. After the Dynasty came, the Chinese political system of the Qin World slowly integrated into the Taihan Dynasty. However, the ability of Han, Wei, Qi Sanyu, but it is good, and there is no more people who really get a place in the Taihan dynasty. Like the Qi State old dynasty, the aristocracy is high, and the life is much more than the person.

It is also that Han Dai, Zhang Liang, and white are also non-Wu Qi, Li Mu, Wei Wuji and others can be very good.

The old minister who is insufficient, I want to say in the dynasty of the dynasty, "Your Majesty, the political department is integrated with the original system of the big man, which is the main army system." Wu Qi Zheng is sitting and asked. In the Daqin World Army System, the Warring States Period, Liu Hao also established a legion system, and the leadership of the Legion level will be divided into three thousand people and the three thousand people.

This 130,000 elite is a young and strong tower! There is a loss after each battle. It will get the corresponding supplementation and then dramatically in the external work of the Dragon to practice the potential of the duo-demonstration. The war is very powerful enough to be two battles with the big Han Tiger. Destroy the city, such as the probe. The third is more stable and updated to ask for book friends to subscribe, ask for more than tickets, and evaluation ticket support.

Feilu reminds you: three things to study

The second thousand five hundred seventy-one chapter Li Si is in the Han! I want to flatten the sky!

The Tai Han Dynasty was a buffer period for a period of time after the Three Kingdoms made a three-day, and then the three countries. The first is to clear the three countries and clear the interior.

Then, it is necessary to integrate the death of the Three Kingdoms, and these Qingzhuang is contained in the military system of the Taihan Dynasty.

The Spring Noodle Country has fallen, and the blood of prisoners of war is simple and rough in order to not waste nervous food strategic resources.

Crossing Tai Han Range has deal with the alien. Liu Wei rarely has a habit of caraking.

And cross the three countries. Take the resource heritage of the Three Kingdoms. After receiving the farmer, it was even more enveloped by the grain, and there was a harvest addition. Wannan military food is not a problem.

"The intention is based on Hanwu as the first or deficiency."

Liu Wei, Liu Wei, also thought about it. He is vague, and it is a long-term. The Han Dynasty is absolutely the battle of the dynasty. It is better to scrap the Tai Han Tiger's class camp into the scale of the Hanwu Stroke to the five or five people. The battlefield is the dispute between Qin and Han, and the battlefoot of the Hanwu Strokes and the Battle of Tai Qin Wear the army. "

Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang and others will nod to nod.

At this time, I have to make the main community in the Taihang, and the iron blood of the tiger camp is eligible to the Hanwu Square. It is conducive to the command dispatching Wu Qihu and when the essence is a flash: "Cairing will not let your Majesty disappointed ! "

Wu Qi pro-hand brought the Hanwu, which is naturally the benevolent, not letting the Hanwu commander Liu Zhen nodded. Continue: "What is the view of the preparation of the Golden Legion?"

Guo Jia, said: "Putting the main community in the main community in the main community in the main community in the main community, the total number of three countries, the total number of soldiers," people

"The whole edits can be finally available, from Wu Qi General command to dispatch." "30,000 dragon scales, the ride, the ride of the army, there is still a snow, the wolf thunder is 50,000. Baijiajun fifteen left The four thousand warfares are all built into Tiger Camp, Li Mu, Li Pharma et al., Is a moment. Union, the army will be a flat mountain ")

Among the army of the Taihan Dynasty, the Too Snow Wolf ride with the Raytaro, and the Dragon Scales were the most elite seconds of Wu Qi training.

In addition, the Baijiajun and Tiger Camp can be counted as a regular force. The Military Conference of Shengling Junyi listened to this Dynasty core could not help but secretly.

The five-year-old army has subverted the entire South Korea, and is known as the fight with Qin Qin, but in Taihang. But only a secondary legion. kiss

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