The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

527 Chapter 527, theatrical performance

Mu Yiren couldn't help but looked around the stage, but didn't see his third brother, probably waiting somewhere.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the National Day Art Show officially started with the speeches of the two hosts, a man and a woman.

The people around all looked excited, with excited and joyful faces, but the Muyi people's reaction seemed very calm.

These programs are quite characteristic of the times and have a sense of patriotism, but these programs are not unusual for Muyi people who live in post-modernity. There are also such nostalgic programs in post-modern schools. And there are various re-edited versions.

In short, in the Internet age of information explosion, there are all kinds of performances, which are completely beyond imagination. Even the cultural activities in schools are also varied and varied.

Compared with the programs of this era, there are many more elements and diversity, so the Muyi people watched very calmly, and it was difficult to arouse her excitement.

On the other hand, Jian Yan watched it with gusto and was fascinated. This was the first time she participated in such a grand cultural performance.

She didn't finish junior high school, so she dropped out of school and went home. Even when she was in junior high school in the town, she had never seen such a big scene.

So she watched very intently.

The people from Muyi didn't bother, knowing that it was not easy for Jian Yan to come to the provincial capital once, and it was probably rare for him to enjoy and watch the performances as easily as he is now.

The current Jianyan has more reactions that a girl of her age should have, and less worries and cautiousness.

Mu Yiren looked at the stage with a smile on his lips.

Happiness really requires contentment, because when you feel that you are unfortunate, there are actually many more unfortunate people than you, who are still struggling tenaciously on the edge of life.

So, never feel that you are the unluckiest person.

Mu Yiren, who has experienced life and death, feels extremely happy and even more satisfied at this moment. This kind of life is her lifelong wish.

Now, she only expects the love in her heart to appear on the stage soon, she misses him.

However, before her third brother expected it, that bastard Sun Zhenyu appeared first.

"Yi Ren, it's Sun Zhenyu~"

Focusing on Jian Yan who was watching the show, he suddenly saw someone he was familiar with on the stage, and excitedly grabbed Mu Yiren's hand.

Mu Yiren looked at Sun Zhenyu on the stage, and specially praised him, "Sun Zhenyu is very handsome in his outfit today, he looks like a prince."

For the sake of Sun Zhenyu's dedication, she should help him to say a few more words in front of Jian Yan.

However, today's Sun Zhenyu is indeed very serious. He is wearing a black tuxedo and looks very upright. Sitting in front of the piano at the moment, he seems to have suddenly changed his appearance. He looks very stable and mature.

"Next, please enjoy the piano performance "Dream Wedding" brought by student Sun Zhenyu from the Department of Physics."

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the audience.

Anyone who can play a musical instrument in this era is undoubtedly a talented person. After all, musical instruments are not something that ordinary families can afford.

Especially western musical instruments like the piano are even rarer. Being able to play the piano is equivalent to directly showing a status as a powerful person.

"Dream wedding?"

Jian Yan couldn't help murmuring when she heard the host's announcement.

Mu Yiren raised his brows slightly, he didn't expect that Sun Erhuo, who looked at the idler, would have such talent.

"Listen carefully, it's a very good piano piece."

As soon as Mu Yiren finished speaking, there was a melodious piano sound on the stage, and the whole venue fell silent in an instant.

At first there was a little discussion, but with Sun Zhenyu's smooth playing, gradually, the audience fell silent, as if everyone was immersed in the wonderful picture brought by the sound of the piano.

The people of Muyi are quite familiar with this piece of music. For a period of time, they often played some pure music piano pieces. However, has this piece of music existed in this era?

Mu Yiren shook her head slightly, it doesn't matter, anyway, the historical trajectory has changed a long time ago, and many things in this parallel world are different from the world she knows.

Why bother, let's listen to the music carefully!

Sun Zhenyu on the stage played very attentively, while the audience in the audience listened enthralled.

When the song was over, everyone applauded thunderously.

Mu Yiren wanted to turn to ask Jian Yan how he was feeling, but what he saw was Jian Yan's face covered with tears.

"What's the matter? Why are you still crying when you're fine?"

Mu Yiren hurriedly took out a handkerchief and handed it to Jianyan.

Jian Yan wiped away her tears embarrassingly, and said emotionally, "This song is really nice."

"So, are you crying while listening to piano music?"

Mu Yiren didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she didn't expect Jian Yan to be so sentimental, so it can only be said that there is a corner of her heart that is particularly soft.

Jian Yan said with a slightly hoarse voice, "Don't you think this song is very touching? Although I don't know what this song is expressing, I can feel some pictures from the sound. It was a bit sad, so I couldn't control my tears."

Mu Yiren smiled lightly, "That's right, you can hear the essence of this song."

"Yi Ren, do you know this song? Then do you know what this song is expressing?"

Jian Yan couldn't help asking, she suddenly wanted to know the story behind this piece of music, although she didn't know how to play those musical instruments, but she really liked this piece of music.

Unexpectedly, Sun Zhenyu really guessed it!

As expected, he fell in love with this piece of music as soon as he heard the sound of the piano.

Mu Yiren said slowly, "Well, this is a beautiful western fairy tale..."

The story is about an ordinary boy who fell in love with a girl at a glance in a magic school. The girl is as beautiful as an angel.

What he didn't expect was that the angelic girl whom he thought was left by God in the world turned out to be the princess of the Kingdom of Dreams, and he never thought that she and he would become friends.

However, he knew very clearly in his heart that he would never be able to just treat her as a friend, because, from the moment he saw her, he was doomed to never escape the fate of falling in love with her.

He knew that no matter how much he loved her, she would never be able to fall in love with an ordinary person.

This made him dare not tell her this love, and he could only bury it deep in his heart. He left the dream country sadly, and he was taken in by the teacher who taught him various skills while he was wandering outside.

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