The Tale Of A Golem Master

Chapter 13 - Author's Note

Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know.

After I release my next chapter in a bit, I will take a break to write more chapters of this fanfiction, and another one I plan on writing. I'll start releasing again after the new year starts.

So in about two weeks, although it might be earlier than that depending on how much I have written by that time.

Also, If anyone has any suggestions of anime's, novels, manga, or anything else that I should write a fanfiction for, feel free to let me know.

Spoiler: The one I plan on writing a fanfiction of along with this one is The death mage doesn't want a fourth time.

Feel free to let me know your thoughts on what I should add to this fanfiction as well.

Also, let me know who your favorite golem/player is.

Thanks for reading, I'll come back with more soon!.

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