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Since you have created an opportunity to get to know each other, you must take advantage of the victory and pursue!

Although you won’t directly become boyfriend and girlfriend with each other, at least you must have a good relationship!

At the very least, isn’t it good to have such a big dango to see and fill your eyes?

The dango has already arrived in the bowl, but I don’t know when it will appear under the snow?

But after all, the other party is still abroad at this time, even if Hachiman has the ability to go abroad, but the sea of people is vast, how to find the other party?

…… Under the belated snow…

How can I get along with a dog?

Hachiman, the sinister guy, did just that, he bought a bag of the best dog food, stuffed his clothes in, put them on for a whole night, and then put them on the next morning and started his morning run.

If it is a person, it is impossible to smell what smells on this dress, but dogs are different, dogs’ sense of smell is ~ super developed!

Under such circumstances, the next day, when Hachiman was running in the morning in this dress, he finally got his wish and attracted Sabré!

Then Hachiman used this to achieve the purpose of knowing himself and Yuhihama!

It can only be said… It’s really scheming!

However, it is worth mentioning that Hachiman was also chased by many dogs on the way to and from home!

This can also be regarded as his retribution!

“Next time… It’s time to get the contact information of Danzi! Hachiman swore his decision.

On the other side, Yubihama was holding his own Sabré on the way home, and he couldn’t help but think of Hachiman, don’t think about it, Yubihama would not like Hachiman because of this, it was simply impossible, how could he like each other so simply?

“That guy, although his eyes are a little strange, but he is still a good person unexpectedly, don’t you say? Sabré? Yubihama asked as he smiled at his own Sabré.


Sabre looked at Yubihama with a dumbfounded expression, not knowing what the other party was talking about, but he liked the smell of Hachiman, it was the taste of high-grade dog food! He hadn’t tasted it at all, if only he had the opportunity to taste it!

“What a stupid dog!” Yubihama looked at the cute Sabre and couldn’t help but say helplessly, and then after returning to his home, he changed his clothes and went to school!


Hachiman appears inside the school as usual, and when he arrives, he discovers that Vinet has arrived!

“Morning! Vinet! Hachiman smiled and greeted Vinet.

“Ahhh… Early! Hachiman! Wei was also surprised by a greeting from Hachiman, and then couldn’t help but widen her eyes and look at Hachiman.

She felt that today’s Hachiman was super strange!

“What’s wrong? Why look at me? “Vinai” Hachiman looked at Vinet curiously, not understanding why she kept staring at herself.

“Ah! No, Hachiman, did something good happen to you? Vinet couldn’t help but ask, although it was not obvious, but Vinet, who knew Hachiman, could see Hachiman’s smile.

“yes! Good mood today! Hachiman nodded.

At this time, the strongest salted fish Wang Jia Baili also dragged his salted fish-like body and walked to the seat.

“Morning! Jiabaili! After seeing Jia Baili, Hachiman first gave Jia Baili a hello.

“Ah! Early! Jia Baili nodded like a salted fish, then sat down in his place, and then continued his way to the table.

“Jia Baili, let me tell you! Hachiman, he just now…” Vinet couldn’t help but say to Jia Baili.

“Hey, hey, hey! Am I a little happier? Want to say this about me? Hachiman looked at this scene and couldn’t help but say helplessly.

“It can only be said… That’s so weird! Vinet couldn’t help but say, she had never seen Hachiman like this.

“What’s so strange about this, Hachiman is also a man, men always have such strange two days a month, they don’t need to care at all!” Jia Baili didn’t pay attention to it at all.


After Hachiman heard this, he couldn’t help but look at Jia Baili with dead eyes.


After hearing this, Vinet couldn’t help but feel helpless.

And just like that, Hachiman spent the day and returned home!

Looking at the bag of high-grade dog food that was opened in the room, it had also lost its effect, after all, Hachiman had already known Yubihama at this time, so there was no need for Sabré, and since Sabré was not needed, then dog food was naturally not needed.

“It’s a pity to throw it away, or give it to Sabré tomorrow, right? After all, there are no dogs in the house at all! Hachiman couldn’t help but think to himself, “But speaking of dogs, my cat… When will it appear? It shouldn’t be long! ”

Early the next morning!

Hachiman started his morning jog with that bag of dog food!


Still at that intersection, Hachiman met Yubihama, who was pulling Sabrae for a morning run as always.

“Good morning, Yuhihama!”

“Good morning, Biqi Valley!”

Hachiman and Yubihama both greeted each other at the same time.


At this time, after getting closer, Sabre smelled the smell of high-grade dog food and couldn’t help but bark.

“Are you buying something?” Yubihama looked curiously at what Hachiman was carrying, wondering what exactly was that would make Sabré react like this.

“This one! It’s a bag of dog food! Hachiman explained, “Because this is left by relatives after they came, but my family doesn’t have a dog, so I can’t use it at all, didn’t you see Yubihama and you have Sabre?” In that case, I think it’s better to give the dog food to Sabré! ”

“Woof! (Okay!) Good! )”

“Dog food?” Yubihama was surprised, she didn’t expect it to be this thing, she thought that Hachiman was going to buy something.

“Yes, take it!” Hachiman nodded.

“How can this be?” Yubihama immediately shook his head and said, knowing that they had just met, how could they just accept each other’s things like this? Even dog food is the same!

New book for collection, and welcome everyone to support my previous novels “Pirate: Shining Road” and “One Piece: Justice Ding”_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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