Two days after the tea ceremony, peace visited the Count Stewart family.

It was unusual to invite that many people to the Mansion because it was a familiar and generous family but did not actively participate in the noble society.

I managed to get my mother to handle the tea party, and the three brothers are taking care of the silk in Emma's hut.

"Silkworm... should I change the type of food?

Emma murmured as she watched the big larvae before wearing the cocoon.

"What is Emma going to do now?

He listens as he puts one large larvae in a compartment separated by Georg.

"Hmm, would it be nice if you could color the cocoons with bait? Don't you think?

Difficulties in the process of coloring palace silk yarns. Because Palace water is not suitable for dyeing, water is bought from other territories and dyed, but a large amount of water is needed, making water and transportation expensive.

"Emma seems to have the idea of changing this rather than improving the dye.

Georg smiles bitterly. My sister's memory of her previous life made it easier to communicate, but her love for insects continues.

"Instead of that, Georg Niisama... seems to be communicating with Miss Marina.

William grudges as he weighs the big larvae.

"No, no... I just returned the letter because it came. Not to mention Miss Marina."

"Oniisama is so hot. William... her hobbies are creepy.

"Why am I the only one who's terrible!

William mourns.

"You know, you remember how Miss Marina looked!

"Yes, it was a lovely Lolita.

I don't know that Emma's contempt will stop.

"...! No! Those pink hair eyes are too rare and that perfect vertical roll hairstyle!


Vertical roll?

"If she had been reincarnated into the world of maiden games... she would be a villain in the future!

Certainly a reincarnated reading, the vertical roll was a good hairstyle for a villain... But...

"Isn't she different because she was a good kid?

I agree with Brother Georg.

"Well... anyway, you don't know why you're reborn as a family, and you don't have any knowledge to help you, right?

After all, House Stewart is definitely cheaper than House Tanaka.

"If you don't know what's going to happen, there's only one thing you can do."

That's how I think about the food formula. I think Emma is happy because she has the same hobbies and work.

It is luxurious to have the means and talent to do what you like as clearly as you do now.

"Besides... did you find Niisama Georg's cat?

"Ah... that's the problem."

The Tanaka family loves cats very much, but there are few animal species in this world.

It was eliminated due to the presence of monsters.

The animals that can be seen are like horses that have long been kept as human means of transportation and dogs that work as hunter hounds, and insects have evolved independently to protect themselves from monsters.

"I know you're here... but the price is high..."

Cats have also been kept for a long time, but it seems that cat infectious diseases were prevalent about 100 years ago and the number of individuals dropped dramatically.

Pets are considered luxurious, and cats are regarded as the apex due to the small number of people.

However, the Tanaka family loves cats so much.

And I wanted to give Leonardo, the first cat lover of the Tanaka family, his birthday next month.

I want a cat no matter what.

Let's go through that fufufu day again.

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