The fierce water rushed through Tang Xiaomi's body, and he was firmly pressed into Alfred's rough chest, the latter's swimming speed was very fast-beyond Tang Xiaomi's imagination. The sea water scoured his body violently at high speeds. If Tang Xiaomi tried to escape from Alfred's arms before, then he couldn't even open his eyes now.

The cheek line behind his ears began to show pain like a needle stick, followed by breathing difficulties.

This feeling was like falling into a vacuum, Tang Xiaomi didn't even have the energy to panic why Alfred did this.

His survival device also lit up warning lights at such terrible high speeds-after all, it was impossible for its designer to predict that one day its wearer would encounter what Tang Xiaomi would encounter.

He could feel his body as if being squeezed desperately by an invisible big hand, depriving him of the few oxygen, severe pain in his eardrums, and creaking ribs. After the life-sustaining device malfunctioned, the cruelty of the external environment blocked by high-tech gradually appeared in Tang Xiaomi's body.

[Warning·Pressure system intact rate 92%]

[Warning·The fresh water circulation system is damaged, and the filtration rate is 97%]

[Warning·Water in the central controller housing]

[Warning·Please leave the high-pressure environment as soon as possible]

The intelligent AI repeated it over and over again in vain in that jewelry-like pendant.

But Tang Xiaomi can no longer feel the outside world. His vision was dim, because the pressure of the sea water was squeezing his eyeballs, and a slowly beating light spot appeared on his retina.




In this extremely dangerous situation, Tang Xiaomi found a voice clearly showing his existence.

That was Alfred's heartbeat.

In this extremely painful, even the pain that made him want to die, he heard Alfred’s heartbeat very clearly—though in fact it was because his head was buried in Alfred’s arms. And Alfred is also in a state of intense exercise, even if he hears the heartbeat, it is understandable... Tang Xiaomi feels a little relieved because of the dull and powerful heartbeat.

【help me…】

He shouted hard, struggling.

Of course, he himself felt like he was already dancing, but in fact he just moved his fingers slightly on Alfred's chest.

Alfred lowered his head sharply. He immediately saw Tang Xiaomi's green face.

Then he stopped abruptly from his torpedo-fast advancing figure.


He shouted in horror and low voice.

Because of his strong inertia, Tang Xiaomi gave a "poof" and squirted blood out. His tail was like a rotten kelp and swayed in the sea for several times before he stopped. After that, his face suddenly became even worse than before. It's ugly.

"I... I... almost... can't help... breathing..."

Tang Xiaomi groaned in pain.

He firmly grasped his life-saving device, feeling that he was about to see heaven in a trance.

The message of the sweet blood that belongs to the freshwater mermaid quickly diffused in the sea.

Alfred's body trembled to an imperceptible degree. The open area of ​​his ear thorns became larger-he felt a small smell of blood, and the group of killer whales not far behind them was moving quickly towards them.

Of course, according to the terrifying speed of the Titan Mermaid, if Alfred wanted to leave, he could still throw away the group of killer whales.


"Your speed... so fast... mine... can't withstand... the impact of the current... my life-saving device..."

Tang Xiaomi was already on the verge of fainting.

Probably because of the dizziness, the terrible aura on Alfred's body became less obvious to Tang Xiaomi.

[I am fast? 】

Alfred was at a loss.

He had no idea that his speed would be so fast that it would affect the survival of other merfolk. Of course, basically, Titan merfolk would not swim with other merfolk.

He lowered his head and looked at Tang Xiaomi's life-sustaining device that kept calling the police between his fingers. For the first time, Yu Sheng felt the dilemma of worry.

He didn't know the meaning of the human language constantly emerging on the device, but the yellow light made him intuitively aware that Xiaomi's face like a dead fish belly might be related to this device.

In short, the situation is quite bad.

The tip of Alfred's tail flung lightly behind him, and he cautiously brought his face closer to the life-saving device.

And at this moment, there was no water pressure shock, and the self-maintenance system of that device started to activate.

[Reminder: The seawater filtration system has 39 seconds to return to normal]

[Reminder: The pressure balance system can be restarted in 46 seconds]

Tang Xiaomi immediately felt that his breathing became a little easier.

At this moment, Alfred was also tempted by the continuous flashing yellow light above the device. He stretched out his fingertips in wonder and gently touched the LCD panel that was constantly shaking to restore information.


A crisp sound came from the part where the tip of his nail was in contact with the LCD panel—and on the surface of the LCD panel, a crack could clearly be seen slitting the entire screen.

The life-sustaining device that had been flashing yellow light suddenly turned into a black iron mass.


Alfred whispered. (?.?.??)

In the restless and surging water, Alfred and Tang Xiaomi's bodies fell into a petrified state at the same time.

Tang Xiaomi was stunned as he watched the life-saving device he relied on was poked a hole by a certain prince. In that short moment, almost even his soul was about to vomit.

This **** aristocratic fish really wants to kill me—the above is the barrage that Tang Xiaomi’s classmate flew past in his head at that moment.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the only part of the life-sustaining device that has completely lost its function is the LCD screen. Several other key components are still working hard, allowing Tang Xiaomi to maintain his fragile life in the deep sea.

Tang Xiaomi just wanted to speak, but a small fish got out of it from nowhere, and hit his front teeth with a "chih".

Immediately afterwards, a large group of panic-stricken fish came crackling and roaring in panic, and then after feeling Alfred’s breath, the fish could only flee to both sides, after bypassing Alfred, towards the sea. Escaped deeper.

Behind them, you could already faintly hear the extremely noisy shouts from the killer whales. They sounded like a knife-like high-frequency scream, as if they could be heard by those sounds. Deep scratches were cut on the soft skin of the freshwater mermaid, and the direction of the water became sharp and frantic, and from that direction, a small school of fish began to be driven over.

"Bah, baah—"

Tang Xiaomi covered his lips, raised his head in pain, and glanced at the direction of those fleeing fishes. He frowned and muttered in confusion.

"what is that?"

Something dangerous is approaching, even if it is dull as Tang Xiaomi has already noticed this.

Alfred blinked silently, and he stared at Tang Xiaomi again.

"It's... a panda."

Alfred said dryly.

He thought back to the mermaid lingua franca for the description of the round, black-and-white creatures like killer whales.

Alfred was called this word in his mind...

Then he firmly hugged the freshwater mermaid with an expression of "Are you kidding me?" and dived straight to the bottom of the sea. This is a small barren seafloor, covered with sand and gravel and some low-level sea anemones.

Alfred swept away the rougher rocks with his tail, cleared out a small piece of soft sand, and then placed Tang Xiaomi on it. Then, he shook his head.

His hair began to swell like a living creature, and a few small fish poked their heads out of the gap in the hair with sleepy eyes, and then slid back into Alfred's hair.

His hair now looks like a clump of malnourished seaweed. After that, his tail twisted around, entangled Xiaomi's fragile body in circles.

… Tang Xiaomi was still in a daze and unable to breathe, so when he felt that he was being surrounded by something rough and cold, he didn’t even react until Alfred fell down. Then, using his body as a barrier to block over his body, he shook slightly.


Alfred pressed his lips and said.

His huge body was completely pressed down.

If there are invisible eyes above the two of them, looking down at them from top to bottom, then what you can see will be a clump of seaweed, with tiny corals and barnacles scattered on the surface, as well as conch and hermit crabs. Rocks that are rustling.

The amazing breath on Alfred seemed to be in the devil's bottle.

He became lifeless and calm, as if he had been on this small seabed for hundreds of millions of years.

And Tang Xiaomi was hidden under his body, it looked like a small fish avoiding natural enemies, it was so logical and ordinary.

Less than ten seconds after Alfred finished his disguise, in the shadows, the sea was beaten by some huge and large number of creatures into a broken and turbulent stream of water rushing over them...

Tang Xiaomi's eyes suddenly widened.

A few luminous jellyfish were treated like leather **** by those "creatures", and they patted between their tails, exuding bursts of trembling fluorescence due to stimulation.

But it was with the weak light that Tang Xiaomi was able to see through the gaps in Alfred's hair the creatures that could make Alfred look like a big enemy.

The killer whales kept screaming, their surroundings kept tumbling and playing, the body of a shark passed between them, the abdomen was chewed out a big hole, but they ate it clean. There is no desire, but just playing around with the corpse as a toy.

The horror of the scene before him completely exceeded Tang Xiaomi's knowledge.

He could hardly say anything. ()?

Killer Whale-

His only knowledge of this creature is the ocean performance in the Ocean Park.

Tang Xiaomi used to work as a volunteer in Ocean Park for a period of time, in charge of cooperating with human counselors and dolphins, beluga whales and killer whales in rehearsing shows. In his mind, killer whales are fat heads and fat brains, super smart and cute creatures.

Not to mention threatening other creatures, the group of killer whales can't even bite a ball-they are at most dissatisfied that they eat frozen fish for dinner, so they deliberately vomit the food out to block the filter holes in the pool.

And the same black and white body, the same smart teamwork, on the group of fun-seeking killer whales above Tang Xiaomi, there is only the bloodthirsty and cruelty that can not be ignored.

"Reader" clearly stated that only human beings would torture and kill other animals for pleasure...

Why, why is he facing such a terrible scene now!

Tang Xiaomi shivered in the disguise that Alfred had constructed for him, shocked and frightened, his brain was blank, and he felt that his feelings had been severely hurt щ(゜ロ゜щ).

The breath left by the mouthful of blood that Tang Xiaomi spit out before strongly attracted the group of killer whales.

They linger here, and sometimes they will touch each other—and then start a battle that is endless, without any measure.

Soon, the blood of the killer whale and the blood of other creatures dyed this small piece of sea a stench red.

Tang Xiaomi's face pressed against Alfred's chest tightly.

As if breathing, one could smell the peculiar Titan mermaid on Alfred's body, as fresh as seaweed that had been dried and crushed.

In terms of the scent of mermaid, the scent of Titan mermaid is actually quite slight.

Tang Xiaomi shrugged his nose.

After arriving in the salt water area, he discovered that the smell of saltwater mermaid was much heavier than that of freshwater mermaid. You know, because they live with humans for a long time, the freshwater mermaid has noticed the fishy smell of its mucus a long time ago that can cause trouble to humans. Therefore, deodorant products are quite popular in freshwater mermaid, just like toothpaste and toothbrushes. It is a product that needs to be used every day.

However, in the salt water area, no salt water mermaid has an idea of ​​its own smell. Just like Roy, Tang Xiaomi feels that he is full of the rich smell of oysters and egg yolks, but Tang Xiaomi can bet that if he tells Roy this way, Roy will only wonder "smell? Does my body smell?" .

In short, Tang Xiaomi has to admit that he is quite lucky. You must know that he and Alfred are lying together in the present position. If Alfred is a mermaid with a very strong smell, Tang Xiaomi is probably being killed. The whale was completely smoked before it was killed.

Let’s give Tang Xiaomi a compliment—he really didn’t know that the fresh breath he smelled from Alfred was actually secreted from a special gland in this Titan mermaid. The smell of fish attractant.

Under the interruption of the killer whales, Tang Xiaomi did not notice that Alfred's image in his mind was still so terrifying and terrifying before, but now, he clearly posted him so close, but he didn't have it in his heart. Feeling scared, there is still more energy to analyze Alfred's smell problem in his heart.

He seems to have become the first male freshwater mermaid to be confused by His Royal Highness Prince Alfred with a fish attractant.

Tang Xiaomi couldn't help but twitch his tail slightly—this action was made completely unconsciously. But what surprised him was that when he twitched the tip of his tail, he could always hear Alfred's heartbeat, beating more abnormally.


Tang Xiaomi's body is somewhat stiff.

Wait a minute...I think too much, right?

Tang Xiaomi said to herself in shock.

He couldn't help but move his tail again—

The "rock" on the bottom of the sea trembled at a very subtle frequency.

This time Tang Xiaomi was really...shocked by his own discovery.

He raised his head slightly, and Alfred's stern face could be clearly seen from this angle.

That face was so perfect and handsome, but it didn't have any expression. Alfred felt like a machine carved from ice to other fish. Even handsome, it was inorganic.

But now, Tang Xiaomi felt as if he had inadvertently peeped into some secret qualities under Alfred's facial paralyzed face.

This huge Titan mermaid would have his heart beating faster because he was afraid of itching?

Tang Xiaomi's body gradually became a little relaxed. The humanity that Alfred revealed made him feel that the other party was not so terrible.

[Of course, he still thinks this local tyrant fish is extremely weird]

The killer whales did not notice the strangeness of this "stone" on the bottom of the sea. They turned their bodies, and in vain, after searching for a circle of **** prey before fruitless, they began to dive quickly and collectively to take a breath.

It was only at this time that Alfred relaxed a little, and stretched out the tail of the whole "ecological circle". Very useful.

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