Chapter 77 Surgery

   "Have you found the whereabouts of Orochimaru?"

   In the darkness, the phantom bodies of Akatsuki's members stood on the fingers of the outsider golem.

   "That guy is very cunning, and most of the information about him is false."

The    corner shook his head, there were people who deliberately used false information to claim credit, and his ashes were raised by him.

   "That's it..."

   Payne's voice was calm: "There is no need to rush to kill him, but it's just an Orochimaru. On weekdays, the members of the organization should pay more attention, and the current priority is to continue to accumulate strength.

   In addition, Itachi, the organization will give you a satisfactory answer on this matter. "


   Uchiha Itachi nodded, and Payne had spoken. Of course he could only "um", but he was a little absent-minded at this time.

  The news from the village said that Sasuke was still going to school, but Orochimaru said...Sasuke was kidnapped from the village...

   To be honest, Itachi doesn’t really want to believe this kind of thing. Konoha is a big ninja village, and the only Uchiha in the village, how could he be kidnapped when he says he is kidnapped?

   Besides, the three generations before leaving had promised themselves that they would take good care of Sasuke.

  But, Orochimaru's original expression didn't seem to be fake, which caused a lingering anxiety in his heart.

   He really wanted to go back to the village to verify, but in the Xiao organization, he couldn't find any reason to go back.

   Capture Nine Tails?

   Akatsuki's plan has not yet reached that stage.

   There are many talents in Konoha Village, should I go and recruit some members for the organization?

   Not to mention a Konoha betrayal who just ran away here, he returned to Konoha in such a hurry, he was about to say "I'm a ghost" to Payne directly.

  At the beginning of the third generation, they let Itachi Lai Xiao organization as a spy, and wanted to use him to grasp the information of this organization.

   But Itachi kept an eye on it, and didn't say any key information, because Konoha turned his face and didn't recognize anyone, so he could still have a place to go.


   Uchiha Itachi told himself that he had to be calm and ask the three generations to see how the other party responded.

  Itachi's mood was complicated, and Payne or Nagato was also very uncomfortable.

Originally, Xiao organized a lot of talents, but as soon as Itachi came, a Loquat Shizang was hacked to death by his own beheading sword in order to protect him, and an Orochimaru coveted his power and defected, and directly asked Xiao to reduce the number of two people, and the official members even Ten tail fingers are not even standing.

   As for the unfortunate **** who was blown to death by Jiaodu not long ago, Payne is a little used to it, Jiaodu's teammates have always been a consumable.

   Now the top priority - the organization should bring in another wave of new recruits to fill the vacancies.

   The guy who calls himself Madara says he will bring a trusted member who can make him a team with Itachi Uchiha.

   In addition, Payne also has some suitable talents in his heart that he can fight for.


   "Uchiha Itachi sent a message asking about Sasuke being kidnapped."

  In the dark room, only three generations of Hokage and Danzo were sitting opposite each other. The smoke was billowing, and Danzo was forced to smoke the second-hand smoke of Hizani Sarutobi.

   Sarutobi Hizuzan pressed down the pipe in his mouth, staring at Danzo with sharp eyes: "I want to know who leaked the rumors."

  Tanzo closed his eyes calmly, and didn't care about the oppressive gaze of Rijian. The two of them played together from childhood to adulthood, how could he still be scared by this?

   He probably guessed in his heart that it was the guy Orochimaru who leaked the news to Itachi. Although Orochimaru defected, the other party still kept a lot of eyeliner in Konoha.

   After he sensed some rumors and "forced" him to ask himself, he also "had no choice" to exchange this information for some resources.

  Orochimaru promised not to leak it easily, and then the news leaked...

   But this kind of thing, it's his fault, but he can't admit it.

   Facts aside, isn't there anything wrong with the Japanese cut?

   "The only insiders are you, me, Kakashi, and the Anbu disguised as Sasuke."

   Danzo casually analyzed and said: "You are Hokage, you will not take the lead in doing things that endanger the village, and it is even more impossible for me, after all, you also know my love for the village.

   And that Anbu was also under our surveillance at all times, and did not do anything out of the ordinary. "

   Danzo suddenly opened his eyes: "The result is already obvious, the leaker is Hatake Kakashi who is active outside the village!"

  I'm sorry Kakashi, you are a necessary sacrifice for me to become Hokage.

   Danzo muttered in his heart.

   "Kakashi's love for the village is no less than you and me..."

   After a pause, Sarutobi Hizan corrected: "No less than me!

  So, I believe he would not do such a thing. "

   "Do you believe you can count?"

   Danzo asked rhetorically, "Perhaps he has always held a grudge against the village because of his father?

  Rizhan, are you sure he doesn't hold any grudge against the village? "


   Sarutobi Hizan was silent: "This kind of thing has a very small chance of happening."

   "You can't let go of it when you're small."

   Danzo's eyes narrowed: "Kakashi should be taken back to the village for interrogation immediately, and it should be guarded at the same time."

   took a heavy puff of cigarette, and the eyes of the third generation were gloomy: "So, did you send the two teams out to do that kind of thing?"

   "That's right."

   Danzo knew that this kind of thing could not be hidden: "One team is responsible for capturing Kakashi, and the other team is responsible for assassinating Uchiha Itachi when necessary!

  You can see that, that guy has never been with us from beginning to end. Now that he has joined a dangerous organization like Akatsuki and has a lot of information in the village, he has become a big problem in the village. "

   "Faced with this kind of executioner who can raise a butcher's knife against his fellow clan, I have to think about the worst, don't I?"

   Danzo asked rhetorically.

   "Then have you ever thought that if the assassination fails, it will completely push Itachi to the opposite of us."

   Sarutobi Hizan stared at Danzo: "Having those eyes, you know how powerful it is.

  Don't think that if you can take off Shisui's one eye, you can also kill Uchiha Itachi, you are just breaking the rules with the shackles in their hearts.

   And now, you want to take the shackles off them with your own hands.

   A Uchiha with a kaleidoscope and no scruples, if he wants to take revenge on the village, do you know what that means?

   The arrogance in your heart will drag the village to the abyss of destruction sooner or later, which is why the teacher didn't choose you back then..."


   Danzo interrupted with an angry voice: "Don't mention the teacher again, I will prove that I am not weaker than you.

   A powerful ninja like Sensei will die, just a Uchiha Itachi, as long as the old man does a little trick..."

   "Hope you're right."

   Sarutobi Hizanagi glanced at Danzo and disappeared into the dim room.


   In the spotless operating room, Xiang Xian stared at the ceiling in a daze, the two people beside her were arguing.

   "It's an eye-opener for me to be short-sighted for a vortex clan with such a huge life force."

   The sullen voice of Orochimaru, who has a weak breath, made Xiang Rin a little scared, but soon, Brother Yu's voice calmed the fear in her heart.

   "One is replaced with a writing wheel eye, and the other is replaced with a white eye, are you sure there will be no rejection?"

  Uchiha Yu pondered: "If it is the Uzumaki family, it is not impossible."

   "Go to sleep and wake up your world will be clear."

  Uchiha Yu put anesthesia on Xiang Rin, watched her slowly close her eyes, and added in her heart: Of course, it is possible that she will not be able to wake up.

   Through her experiments, Yu should be able to collect many important references for the combination of the body of a fairy and the eyes of a fairy.

   (end of this chapter)

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