Professor Sirius never disappoints! All the students were smiling when they came out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, and everyone decided to jointly sign a blood letter and beg Professor Sirius to become a tenured professor!

    "He didn't give the written test paper!" Hermione was mad, she rubbed her face into her messy hair and screamed, "How can there be no test paper in the exam! I I've memorized all the books! How can I not take the test!"

      Fred hugged him and kissed him hard.

    "Ouch—" Ron vomited, and Fred flew out a card and knocked it on the forehead.

    "How can you continue to play?!" Hermione found that no one was paying attention to her, and she became even more anxious. She rushed over and took Ron's card away and threw out one. Gifford Oletown killed Joey's Hengis neatly, and scolded Ron and George loudly, "I won't this win! Haven't you all read the deeds of these characters?! Ole Don't you know that Don is a very famous giant killer?!"

    "Who would remember the characters on these cards so clearly!" Ron retorted unconvinced.

    "Oldun is also one of the chocolate frog card characters, you have four of his cards you forgot?! No wonder you can't remember Nick Lemay at all!" Hermione was rude countered back.

    Ron was blocked and couldn't say a word, holding his chest and suffocating.

    "Oh, Hermione, you're so hot today!" George laughed.

    "This is your invention, can't you remember the characters on these cards?! It's ridiculous that the inventor can still lose!" Hermione began to attack indiscriminately.

    George raised his hands to admit defeat. He had always thought that the girl was assigned to the wrong house, but now it seems that the Sorting Hat is very wise!

    Juey and Fred were very well-behaved and kept silent. The two heads together "eat" and snickered like two squirrels who took advantage. But then after Hermione beat them both in one go, the two big squirrels couldn't laugh anymore.

    "You are really scary!" Zhu Yi sighed from the bottom of his heart, and Hermione raised her chest proudly.

    The school year in Gryffindor ended in the excitement of Hermione killing all opponents by herself. Finally, Fred and George warmly invited her to be the spokesperson of Crazy Poker, and Hermione shyly accepted. , and later, after the crackling became popular all over the country, she also became one of the chocolate frog card characters because of this.

    Juey asked Fred and George to find a carriage as soon as she got on the return train, and she would go later.

    "Aren't you with us?" Fred reluctantly wrapped his arms around her waist and rubbed his head on top of hers.

    Zhu Yi's scalp was numb when he rubbed against it, she pushed him unnaturally, and said coquettishly, "Angelina was picked up by her parents last night, without her by her side, Ryan will definitely follow me. I'll find a car that is almost full and squeeze, and when he sees that he can't squeeze any more, he'll definitely go somewhere else, and then I'll find you!"

    Fred knew that Joey was telling the truth, and what Ryan was most afraid of now was Angelina. As a very qualified wingman, Angelina has to play and entangle with Ryan almost every week. As a result, as long as Angelina is there now, Ryan will never appear within 500 meters. Fred and Joey maintain their normal couple activities with Angelina's Repellent.

    "Well, then you're not allowed to go to Anlix's, nor to Norn in Ravenclaw! Oh, and not to Shafiq in Slytherin! "These guys are his rivals in love, they hang around in front of Zhu Yi all day long, and don't take him seriously at all!

    "Who are the first two? And am I crazy to go back to Shafik's crazy place? Did your brain get water the last time you fell into the lake?!" Raised his hand and shook Fred's head to see if there was any sound of water.


    "Oh, I forgot to mention that there is also a Hufflepuff Ragson!" Fred wanted to go after Jue and add another forbidden list, but he couldn't stand it anymore George grabbed it.

    "Please, do you want your dragon nerve girlfriend to know that these boys are chasing her?" George is really speechless, his brother lost his IQ in love!

    Fred patted his head suddenly, and lost his voice: "Oh, you're right, then I'm going to tell Zhu Yi that I forgot a few names I just said!"

    George dragged Fred away without saying a word. Forget it, the tacit understanding between the two of them at this time may have dropped to a negative value!

    In fact, Zhu Yi didn't care about those unfamiliar names and that one name that was annoying to hear. She quickly found the best car, and there were four people in it, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Sirius. Perfect!

    Juey squeezed in, sat next to Hermione, and said with a smile, "Da Hei, why are you crowding the train again?"

    "I'm going to send my godson back to the Dursleys, by the way to express my gratitude to that family." Sirius said with a gloomy smile.

    "Oh, then you must transform in front of them! I'm sure they will find it very exciting!" Zhu Yi excitedly came up with a good idea.

    Sirius tapped her with his finger in the air, and praised: "You understand me!"

    "You can't, the Ministry of Magic will trouble you, after all, you are not a qualified Animagus!" Hermione reminded solemnly.

    "Oh, the Ministry of Magic won't bother me." Sirius smiled arrogantly, "After all, I'm Fudge's good friend."

    "By the way, tell me how you made Fudge look at you differently, has he never suspected that you were an undercover agent sent by Dumbledore?" Zhu Yi asked with interest.

     Sirius was refreshed when he heard this question, he immediately leaned out and bragged about his great achievements in the Ministry of Magic in the curious eyes of the four students.

    "I went to his office several times and suggested that some facilities in the Ministry of Magic are really old, including how can there be no dragon leather sofa in the minister's office, and then directly sent 8 in the name of sponsoring the renovation of the Ministry of Magic Wanjin Galleon. At this time, Fudge is less vigilant about me, but there is an old lady next to him who looks like a man, what is Umbridge's annoying person, and she still tempts me from time to time." Sirius slapped his lips when he said this, and Zhu Yi immediately handed him a popcorn pop in front of Harry.

    Sirius gave Zhu Yi another admiring look, and continued, "Then I told her the gossip you told me about Dumbledore and Green. The two or three love stories that DeVo had to say, hahaha, guess what! She was fascinated! She kept asking me if it was true, and what else did they have to follow up on. I took the opportunity to say, I think Dumbledore's The story is true, I can't accept a leader with a first-generation Dark Lord boyfriend. They really accepted me at this time, Jue, and it's all your credit."

    "Haha, it's nothing, it's just gossip, it's good to help you. Who else do you need? Professor McGonagall? Professor Snape? I have a lot!" He waved his hand proudly and said generously.


    Zhu Yi just wanted to say, but found that something was not good, she asked hesitantly: "Are you sure you want to know?"

    "Of course!" Sirius answered firmly.

    "But one of the protagonists is you!" Zhu Yi reminded kindly.

    "Uh... ugh-" Sireska paused, then retched desperately, shouting, "Don't tell me! Did you hear me!"

    Juey laughed, and the Harry trio listened in a foggy way, with their faces confused.

    At this time, Ryan really appeared at the door of the carriage. After he greeted Sirius politely, he glanced at the crowded carriage and said to Zhu Yi, "Would you like to go to my carriage and take a seat? Yes? It's quite crowded here." He was satisfied that there was no Fred here, but he was also a little distressed that his sister was squeezed so much that her entire buttocks were not full.

    "No, I'm fine here." Zhu Yi immediately refused.

    Ryan was satisfied as long as she made sure she wasn't hanging out with Fred, and he said goodbye politely to Sirius and the Harry trio before taking their carriages The door closed softly and left.

    "Actually Ryan is pretty good." Ron said truthfully, "At least he won't take you away directly. A life with five brothers is something you can't imagine."

    "Ha! I used to have three sisters, and that life is unimaginable for you!" Sirius responded casually, and then said to Zhu Yi, "By the way, I put that story Tell Dumbledore too!"

    "Which story?" Joey took the chocolate frog Harry handed over, opened the box, took out the card at random and threw it on Ron's lap, biting off the frog's head.

    "It's his love story with Grindelwald!" Sirius said with a smile.

    "Powkekekekeke-" Zhu Yi was almost stuck by the frog's head, she grabbed Hermione's drink before rushing the head into her stomach, and said in horror, "You Didn't mention me? Surely not, did you?"

    "Oh, of course I mentioned that this is a masterpiece by the lovely Jue Forrest!" Sirius blinked his eyes very reservedly and said with a smile.

    "You want to kill me!" Zhu Yi really wants to strangle this old bastard! If it wasn't for the fear that the scene would be too **** and scaring the three children, she would definitely give him a left hook and a right hook, and the person who provokes me is in danger!

    "Don't get excited, don't get excited!" Sirius laughed to reassure her, "Dumbledore is not angry at all, and he is so excited that I tell you that you can send it to the Daily Prophet. "Submit a manuscript, it will definitely become popular!"

    Ju Yi doesn't believe his nonsense at all, she just wants to screw the former professor's head off.

    "Hey, this card is Nick Lemay again!" Ron, who had been looking at the card completely ignoring that Joey and Sirius were about to pinch, suddenly said, "If I had Seeing this card, I will be able to guess the magic stone faster!"

    "Ron, I prefer to believe that you would only say 'Hey, I have five of these cards, keep them for you, Harry!'" Harry continued, because He had already received many duplicate cards like this, all from Ron.

    "What Philosopher's Stone?" Jue keenly grasped this special new word.

    The trio made eye contact with each other. Finally, Harry as the representative explained in detail how they discovered the Philosopher's Stone, and what exciting levels the professors set up. Fortunately, no accident happened. Dumbledore returned the Philosopher's Stone to Nick Lemay and more.

    "We told Fred, because he was very interested in the Mirror of Erised in the last level, why didn't he tell you?" Harry asked dryly.

    Zhu Yi's face slowly darkened, and without saying a word, he opened the door of the carriage heavily and left.

    "Hey, is she mad?" Harry asked the others with some unease.

    "It's alright, it's normal for couples to quarrel!" Sirius smiled and comforted, he really wanted to follow him, yes, just follow!

    Fred was still waiting for his girlfriend in the car. George tried to close the car door several times and was stopped.

    "What if she can't see me for a while!" Fred insisted.

    Just when Fred had decided to go out to find someone by himself, Zhu Yi rushed in, grabbed Fred by the collar and pressed him on the seat, kneeling on one leg Squeezing his legs, he roared viciously: "Why didn't you tell me about the Mirror of Erised! You secretly looked at it by yourself, didn't you! I also want to make sure what is in my hand in the mirror? A year's trophy! You selfish bastard!"

    Fred was stunned by her aura, Mirror of Erised? The magical mirror appeared in Fred's mind, his gaze moved down, and saw Zhu Yi's short skirt pressing down on his tender white thighs, the last Zhu Yi he saw in the mirror seemed to overlap with the current Zhu Yi. come together...

    A stream of heat rushed down from the top of his head…

    "Ah! Fred! Your nosebleed is coming out! Cover up!"

    The author has something to say:

    So, do you still want to watch the sideshow of what Fred saw in the mirror this time? Hahahaha!

    In addition, can the children who like this article collect the lovely author? Star Eyes ~ The author will be cute!

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