The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts

Chapter 74: Rain on March 11 (below)

    Cedric finally plucked up the courage today to ask Qiu to go to Hogsmeade together. They had just finished visiting the Honeydukes candy store when they heard two Ravenclawians who had just come out of school. to Jue.

    "I know her, Ryan's sister, is she petrified too? Isn't it said that only half-bloods can be petrified?"

    "Perhaps because her father is an American wizard, the heir to the Chamber of Secrets does not recognize her pure-blood identity?"

    "It's terrible, the school won't be closed, will it?"

    Qiu pulled Cedric's sleeve nervously, and said with a look of horror: "Did they say that Zhu Yi was petrified?"

    Cedric's face also became very ugly, the candy he was holding was almost crushed by him, the history was different, and it was his good friend who was hurt!

    Qiu took out the candy in his hand and put it back in place, urging: "Let's go back and see! I want to go back and see how Zhu Yi is doing!"

    Cedric immediately took Qiu's hand and left, neither of them realized that this was actually the first time they held hands, but there was nothing unnatural about the two of them, as if they had long been used to it. kind of intimacy.

    When Qiuhou knew Houjue blushed, she didn't want to let go of that warm big hand.

    Cedric and Qiu almost trotted all the way back to the castle, they rushed into the ward panting and surprised Fumira.

    "Oh, Merlin! Why are you all so terrifying!" Fumira said, clutching her chest, she hadn't drank a single sip of this glass of water since she poured it, so here it is Several people scared her!

    Cedric was gasping for breath, and didn't forget to stroke Qiu's back. He looked at Hermione and Zhu Yi seriously and asked, "What's going on? How could they both be petrified together?"

    Fumira had no choice but to take a sip of water and explained it again in a succinct manner. She felt that she could now be a professional commentator.

    "Where's Fred?" Cedric didn't expect Fred to not be here, he was surprised. Cho was already wiping tears at Jue and Hermione.

    "Just two minutes before you came in, he and George went out to find help." Fumira and Qiu didn't know each other very well, but the little girl looked cute when she cried, she was more He glanced at it, and at the same time did not forget to answer the question.

    "Looking for help?" Cedric repeated incomprehensibly, "What kind of help?"

     Qiu noticed Fumira's gaze, she glanced timidly at the outstanding young lady who Zhu Yi always talked about, and said hello cautiously.

    Good boy! Fumira thought to herself. But Cedric's question made her a little irritable, and she didn't want to be asked all the time, she simply said it all in one clear breath: "Harry Potter saw a note in Hermione's hand with a pipe written on it, and then said that Go to Myrtle's bathroom and ask Fred and George to find and help the professor. That's it."

    "The pipe... Myrtle's bathroom..." Cedric's mind was running fast, and he wanted to understand everything in an instant, he looked at Hermione with admiration, and praised, "It's really worthy of A once-in-a-fifty-year-old genius!"

    "Qiu, you are waiting for me here, and I have to find a big man to help!" Cedric pressed on Qiu's shoulder and said happily, "This time the problem will be solved soon, I have to get him to help Harry ASAP!"

     Qiu's face was still dripping with tears, but she nodded very gently, she didn't say a word, her eyes were clear support.

    Cedric ran as fast as he could to the headmaster's room. He heard a faint sound when passing by the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's classroom, but he didn't have time to pay attention to this little episode , he just wanted to hurry up and bring this news to Dumbledore! Oh! If only there was a Muggle phone in the school!


    Dumbledore was about to write an order to the Weasley bosses today, and he was very interested in that lover's quill, and he was running out of caterpillar gummy. He was really hooked on the texture of that gummy candy, like a real bug, but it tasted completely different. He'd eaten real caterpillars with his sister once while joking, and the taste was, um—indescribable.

    If she was still around, she would love this too... Dumbledore changed the number of orders written down from 5 to 8.

    Suddenly a blue fire appeared in his fireplace, Professor Snape strode out of the fireplace, slapped Dumbledore's desk fiercely, and said viciously: "Go to the unlucky guy on the second floor. Girl's bathroom!"

    "What?" Dumbledore's order was overturned by the wind shot by Professor Snape, the old man quickly put away the order and asked in confusion. Isn't it a little sudden, going to the girls' bathroom?

    Professor Snape rolled his eyes, just as he was about to speak, a green fire burst out from the fireplace again, Sirius stumbled and fell out of the fireplace, and as soon as he came out, he went directly to Snape Professor Pu's feet.

    Professor Snape looked at this embarrassed big dog, the corners of his mouth twitched, such embarrassed opponent looked too pleasing to the eye.

     Sirius secretly said bad luck, got up from the ground, scratched his hair and said anxiously: "I heard that Zhu Yi was petrified?"

    "Your news is quite well-informed, bitch." Professor Snape said coldly.

    "I'm the school administrator! I'm your boss!" Sirius puffed out his chest proudly, then turned his face to Dumbledore and said, "I didn't even dare to tell Linda, so Zhu What happened to Yi?"

    "She's petrified, but the mandrake will recover when it matures, right, Severus?" Dumbledore finally hid the order and asked.

    "If you talk more nonsense, Mandrakes will never be enough." Professor Snape stood there with his arms crossed and said coolly, "Perhaps the principal and Mr. I don't care about being unemployed."

    "So?" Dumbledore and Sirius asked obediently at the same time, mature Gryffindors have the ability to bend and stretch.

    "Second floor, the unlucky girl, the bathroom!" Professor Snape gnashed his teeth and roared almost all of them.

    Dumbledore and Sirius waited for his words and started to run. The wind brought by the two blew Professor Snape's black hair and slowly fell, Professor Snape deeply With a sigh, he reached out and pressed his head.

    "Fox, keep up!"

    The phoenix on the shelf also flapped its wings and followed, and lifted the hair that Professor Snape had just pressed up again...

    Gryffindor people are as annoying as Gryffindor phoenixes! Professor Snape thought angrily.


    Cedric had just arrived at the stone lion in the principal's office, and before he could say the password, two people rushed down the spiral staircase and knocked him all the way.

    "Hey! Cedric! Why are you here, I'm so sorry, get up by yourself, we have important things!" Sirius had no consciousness of the perpetrator, just shouted Keep running.

    "Headmaster! Harry went to Myrtle's bathroom on the second floor! The entrance to the secret room is there!" Cedric shouted loudly, sitting on the ground, "This should be the most important!"

    Dumbledore and Sirius stopped at the same time, looking at Cedric with surprise.

    "Oh dear, we're going there now, let's go first!" Dumbledore said with a smile, and called Fox directly to let Sirius and him catch Phoenix's The tail flew away.

    "How do you know..." Cedric murmured dumbfoundedly as he looked at Yifeng and the two who had disappeared.

    "Because of a letter from an idiot." An indifferent voice came from the stairs, Cedric looked up, and it was Professor Snape who was looking down at him. looks like you're the one who reported the message...Cedric didn't dare to say what was on his mind at the moment.

    Cedric got up and ran to Myrtle's bathroom under Professor Snape's cold gaze, when he saw Fred and George grabbing Professor Lockhart's dumbfounded standing In a dark hole that was about to close.

    "Where's the principal? Why are you here?" Cedric asked, leaning against the wall as he ran out of breath.


    Cedric was dizzy by her twisted hair, carefully bypassed her and got close to Fred and said, "Didn't you come with me?"


    "The Principal knows a lot of languages." Cedric's breath was calm now, and he was relieved to learn that Dumbledore had entered.


    Apart from Harry and Ron, none of the students knew what was going on in the back room. Fred and the others were horrified when they finally saw Phoenix coming out with a bunch of people in the bathroom, because Harry and Ron were covered in blood, but Sirius stopped them from trying to find a stretcher.


    Harry and Ron squatted on the ground together and vomited as soon as their feet touched the ground.

    "Oh, they may be a little dizzy." Dumbledore explained to Fred and the others' puzzled eyes.

    Well, it doesn't look too bad. Fred and George threw Lockhart aside and slapped Harry and Ron on the backs respectively, well, they've never done anything so gentle, so maybe it's a little harder. Harry and Ron had just vomited acid water, but now they're spitting up blood.

    "Principal? Is it..." Cedric couldn't wait to speak.

    Dumbledore raised a hand and interrupted Cedric, he said lightly: "It was Voldemort who released the Basilisk, I didn't catch him last year, I didn't expect him The basilisk was dead, but Voldemort ran away when Sirius and I arrived."

    Ron desperately avoided George's "caresses" and interjected: "The mysterious man has turned into a little snake! I see it!"

    "Okay, but Hogwarts is so big, even the Forbidden Forest has countless identical little snakes, we can't find him before he runs out. What's more, we don't I don't know where the other end of the secret room is." Sirius really showed his side as a mature wizard at this moment, and he usually makes people think that he is a naughty student!

     Dumbledore nodded, he was helpless, but Sirius was telling the truth.

    He knew in his heart that someone in the school must help Voldemort, but he didn't say it, he would give that person another chance, he thought that must be what Severus wanted of.

    The author has something to say:

    So these three chapters are actually a large group portrait, so can you guess how the secret room was opened this time? Hahahahahaha!

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