The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts

Chapter 88: November 11 Sunny (below

    "Oh, sorry, this is Sirius' grandfather, doesn't he look mean, hahaha! Joie, please go ahead, our listeners are anxious." Lido laughed a few times, and only a little restrained in the cold hum of Phineas Nigellus Black.

    "I only dreamed about the post-war scene yesterday, probably because I watched it more carefully at the time. The others I only vaguely remember, Harry is a Horcrux, and Professor Snape likes it Harry's mother, Harry likes Autumn, Ron likes Hermione, that's all..." Zhu Yi honestly said everything she remembered, it sounded like...not much, haha, embarrassing...

    "Except for the Horcrux, which is useful, everything else is a mess!" Phineas Nigellus Black rebuked dissatisfiedly.

    "I read it as a romance novel, it's good to remember these!" Zhu Yi plausibly defended.

    If she knew that one day she would be reborn and transmigrated here, she must have read Jiamo’s writing a hundred times, and maybe she could be an almighty heroine! Look at now, even she revealed that she couldn't get a shocking response from ghosts and gods! Even mocked!

    "Ha, Dumbledore, this is your student?! Impolite! If when I was the headmaster..." Phineas Nigellus Black sighed. The mustache is about to blow.

    "Phineas, that's why you were unpopular." Dumbledore interrupted him, laughing, "I will never gag a student, they have Quan says what they want to say, and asks what they want."

    A round-faced witch applauded in the portrait, Phineas Nigellus Black pouted and said nothing.

    "Juey, I have a few questions to ask, if you remember, let me know, if not, forget it." Dumbledore smiled very kindly, "Three questions, the first One question, did we finally win?"

    "A tragic victory." Zhu Yi answered succinctly. Sacrificing so many people is definitely not a great victory.

    Dumbledore was obviously relieved, and then continued to ask: "Second question, you said Harry is a Horcrux, do you know what a Horcrux is?"

    "I don't know...I just remembered this phrase from the book 'Harry is the last Horcrux'." Jue heard Phineas Nigellus Black With a disgusting "呲" sound, he glared at him angrily. This old Blake is mean! Is Sirius really his grandson?

    Dumbledore used his wand to conjure a tapestry to directly cover the portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black, ignoring his roar, and said optimistically: "This sentence is very Important, I pointed out two key issues, one is that Harry is a Horcrux, and the other is that there are more than one Horcrux, which is very useful for the task I am currently doing! Thank you, Zhu Yi!"

    Juyi was a little embarrassed to be praised by him. Of course she knew that she was useless as a transmigrator... But the principal was praising her! Dumbledore praised her! Still a little proud...

    Fred looked at her little expression as if he saw a little lion trying to lift its tail, which made it a little funny. He had recovered from the staggering-sounding stories Jue told, that some Muggles believed in magic, and that rebirth wasn't so unbelievable for wizards.

    "The last question is more personal." Dumbledore asked with a curious baby expression, "What is my ending in the book?"

    "You sacrificed." Zhu Yi blurted out unabashedly, Fred clenched Zhu Yi's hand nervously. She glanced at Fred innocently. This is another famous scene that she rarely remembers. It must be said!

    Dumbledore was not surprised at all, he even said with a little relief: "Very good, it is better to sacrifice than to die of old age, hahaha!"

    "I remember that you were cursed by a ring, and then you died not long after." Zhu Yi could only think of so much, she reminded kindly, "So you must never touch any rings! If you hold out until the end, maybe you won't die so many people!"

    "Hahaha! You are right, I will pay attention to a dangerous ring!" Dumbledore is in a very good mood now, and he has been discussing things recently, with Zhu Yi's reminder Very nice inspiration! He looks at Jue now like a not-so-perfect but functional Christmas present!

    Juey wouldn't be happy if she knew Dumbledore's definition of her, but fortunately she didn't know anything, and she was still relieved that she poured out the secret in her heart in time!

    In the end, at Dumbledore's gracious invitation, Zhuy and Fred ate a lot of desserts and drank two cups of black tea before the guests and the host ended happily.

    After Fred walked out of the principal's room, he finally couldn't help asking Zhu Yi: "What if Dumbledore doesn't understand what you said just now? What if he is treated as an alien? "He actually broke into a cold sweat, but he has heard that many wizards in history who were regarded as aliens did not end well in the end.

      Is it really considered an outlier? She hadn't thought about it!

    Fred knew her very well and touched the top of her head helplessly. Forget it, your girlfriend has to be protected no matter how stupid she is.

    Dumbledore used his wand in the headmaster's room to extract today's memory and put it into the Pensieve, watching Zhu Yi's face floating up and down in the Pensieve, he sighed softly .

    "These memories are heavy for an adult. It's really hard for this little girl. She may also need a Pensieve."

    In fact, the principal is too concerned, some people don't need a Pensieve at all!

    Juey put down the big stone in her heart after finishing her words today, she believed very simply that Dumbledore could solve everything.

    While Fred was still worried about whether she would continue to have nightmares, she was already snoring in the afternoon class on the history of magic.

    Looking at his girlfriend lying on the table with saliva hanging from the corner of her mouth, Fred had to admit that sometimes people with troll brains and dragon nerves really live happily.

    Juey's night attack on the boys' dormitory has spread throughout Gryffindor and is now continuing to spread to other houses.

    Ryan's face turned dark when he knew, but when Angelina told him that Zhu Yi was having a nightmare, he reluctantly expressed his understanding, alright alright, had a nightmare and went to find a boyfriend Seeking comfort is also a reasonable explanation.

    But some boys secretly expressed injustice, after all, they don't go to the girls' dormitory! Among them was Ron.

    "Hermione too! She often breaks into our dorm! What if I like to sleep naked?!" Ron complained loudly to Harry at the dining table.

    "Then you have nothing to see!" Ginny next to Hermione ruthlessly beat her brother.

    "Hahahaha!" Harry laughing with pumpkin juice spilled all over his hands, Ginny handed him a handkerchief, he naturally took it over and continued to laugh while wiping clothing.

    Ju Yi felt that there was a problem with the tacit understanding between the two, but now she was so upset by George and Li that she had no time to investigate.

    "The two of us slept in front of the fireplace in the lounge yesterday, and if it wasn't for enough blankets from the house-elves, we would definitely be sick!"

    "That's right, so it's okay for us to make some compensation?

    The two of them sang together in order to let Joey and Fred complete their magical history homework today.

    "Stop arguing, or the four of us will go out and fight after dinner! I'll give you all the homework you won for a week!" Throwing the bowl on the table, he simply suggested.

    George and Li glanced at each other, and guessed that the odds of winning were definitely not big. Although Zhu Yi was not very smart and slow, her fights had been tempered. So they chose to ignore Jue and continue to pester Fred.

    "You two are still not men?! You only talk about it, right?" Zhu Yi was very dissatisfied with these two babbling boys, and provocatively said, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

    Li Xian couldn't hold his breath anymore, he immediately responded in disregard of George's objection: "Fight, whoever is afraid! See you in the empty classroom at the end of the corridor on the right on the fourth floor after dinner!"

    "Refreshing!" Zhu Yi praised.

    George knew this was the outcome. When he and Li each lay on the ground with pustules on their faces, he sighed deeply in his heart. He heard Fumira say that Zhu Yi has recently started practicing the silent spell. Now he and Li can personally prove that this girl I have learned something... Look at this silent wasp spell!

      Speed ​​is gone.

    "Perfect, it's ready to be put into the market!" Zhu Yi squatted beside him and praised the efficacy of the medicine happily, and got the common eyes of George and Li.

    Hahaha! Feeling refreshed after a fight! Zhu Yi felt that there was nothing hard to live with her! She has already thrown the problem to the capable people. All she can do as a small character is to live her own life. If one day history cannot be changed, then she will live in the tapestry with Fred, and it will be no good. regrettable!

    If Dumbledore knew that he had such a high status in Zhu Yi's heart, he must not know whether to be honored or helpless.

    Juey and the four of them reached an extremely harmonious result after the fight, that is, they secretly went to the three brooms to buy some butter beer from the Gregory statue on the seventh floor secretly and went back to celebrate the new product success. (Lee: I didn't voluntarily...)

    When they clambered up to the seventh floor, they happened to meet Filch who came out of the corridor on the eighth floor. But the strange thing is that he didn't come to trouble today because it was almost curfew time, or he didn't look at the four of them at all, but went downstairs with a happy face holding his cat.

    The four of Zhu Yi naturally wouldn't deliberately provoke them. They stopped together on the side of the stairs on the seventh floor, and Filch passed by them and said, "Good evening."

    Li said with a look of horror: "Felch won't be imperiled, right? Did you hear it just now? He said good night to us instead of a little bastard?!"

    "Who wants to use Imperius Curse on one of his Squib keeper, you have nothing to do." George said with a look of disdain.

    Fred leaned on Jue's ear and said, "He came out of that hallway in the Room of Requirement, and you said he might have found what we hid and was waiting to settle the bill for us. Woolen cloth?"

    "Haha, I don't even remember where our things were hidden, how could he find it so quickly!" Zhu Yi laughed very easily.

    Fred pinched the tip of her nose helplessly, she was really defeated by her optimism!

    "What are you whispering about?" George and Li snickered.

    "Oh, I'm talking about the fact that you and Fumira didn't know where they came from today, and she lost her dress belt." Zhu Yi immediately replied with a smile.

    George's face flushed instantly, and under the gaze of his three companions, he stuttered and explained: "No, no, it was the branch of the beater willow that hung down! That tree will move, Throwing her belt over the treetops I can't reach! Really!"

    "Ha, this explanation is very believable!" Fred's expression definitely did not mean this!

    The author has something to say:

    As an incompetent and self-aware person, Jue chose to tell Dumbledore, the most powerful and trusted wizard in her mind, was the most appropriate way I could think of.

    She's a striker, but not a strategist

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